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Three Computer Lab lesson ideas:
1. Use Kid Pix 4 (or 3D).
1 Cor 13 has some visual possibilities.
Create illustrations for each verse. Kid Pix has many built in sound effects which you can use to give your poem pages sound effects, such as "Noisy Gong."
2. Use Cal & Marty's Scripture Memory Game CD.
Have the students "edit in" the verses to the passage. Then have the game scramble the words. Add comments and 3 question quiz to each.
3. Use Let's Talk CD.
Students create onscreen talking character who gives voice to the passages. Work on rethinking some of the visual images in the scripture (this help them remember the original words and wrestle with their meaning --because they should select new images/words which convey Paul's original meaning).
<>< Neil
2020 Update: Neil has donated several of his Sunday Software programs to be
downloaded free-of-charge by our supporting members. They include Cal and Marty's Scripture Memory Game and Let's Talk, both listed above. Learn more and get the software.
Computer or Art Workshop
1) Class works together to create/illustrate a "Love Is..., Love Is Not..." booklet.
I Cor 13 makes several love is and love is not statements. Read scripture and list the is and is not statements. Students work individually or in pairs to create a page in the book using one of the statements. They illustrate the phrase they choose.
This could be a computer workshop or an art workshop. More elaborate art methods could be used but a basic marker or crayon pictures would also work.
2) "Stick Stickley" art/computer drawing idea:
Either on paper using strips of thin colored vinyl tape, or using the "line" drawing tool in Kid Pix 4 (or 3D), students create 'stick people' acting out the "Love is/is not" ideas.
One advantage of course of doing this work on computer is that each student gets a copy of the whole book to take home.
Teach children the famous old CELTIC HYMN: "Though I May Speak"
Game Ideas
Work on sequencing the various images, verses in the passage. It's scripture that's a bit of a laundry-list. Work on memorizing it. (1 Cor 13 is arguable one of "those" passages young people should be very familiar with).
Create a series of small games which your class rotates through every 5-10 minutes. If they get done with their individual game, TIME them to see how fast they can do it a second time. (kids like that).
Possible Games:
1. Put the pictures in order.
Pictures are prepared in advance, one per verse.
2. Create a timed relay game.
At each station in the relay students must 'do something' that represents a phrase in the passage. Example: clang a cymbal, put faith/hope/love in the correct order.
I would love to hear your ideas for making a "memorable action" relay activity for each of the verses in 1 Cor 13 !
3. Game Show Quiz
1 Cor 13 has a lot of details in it. Have students "complete the phrase" or "explain the phrase".
Other Game Ideas....
Give each student a set of index cards with the numbers of the verses written on them. One card for verse 1, a second card for verse 2, and so on. Give each student their Bible.
(Prior to class) Take each verse and create a "situation statement" for it. Then read the situation statement aloud to the class and have students raise a card to vote on which Verse they think the situation is about.
Example: "I'm a big contributor at church, but I'm not known as a loving person." Which verse in 1 Cor 13 do you think best describes/matches this problem?
Part of your lesson here is in the discussion/debate.
<>< Neil
Art Workshop for Corinthians 13
- Chart paper and marker
- Heart pattern copied on pink, red and white paper
- Scissors
- Votive jars (one per child)
- Pink, red and white tissue paper
- Glue
- Copies of the memory verse
Ask the children to name some character traits they would expect a Christian to have. List their responses on the chart paper. (If love is not given as an answer, suggest it). Ask the children which of the character traits is the most important (love). Read I Corinthians 13:2&3. These verses tell us that faith and service have little meaning if love is absent.
1. Show the children the two projects they will be working on. Tell the children that these are meant to be gifts given to someone else, to show and share God’s love.
2. Explain how to make each project. Divide the children into two groups. Assist the children in completing their projects as per the directions below:
a. Paper heart
i. Choose two colors.
ii. Fold each paper in half and cut on the solid lines.
iii. Weave the two papers together to form a heart.
iv. Place a copy of the Bible verse and some candy inside the heart.
b. Votive jars
i. Each person should have a jar and tissue paper.
ii. Tear the tissue paper into quarter size pieces.
iii. Use a brush to apply glue to the outside of the jar.
iv. Place the tissue paper on the jar.
v. Brush small amounts of glue on top of the tissue paper if needed.
vi. Let dry. Place a small candle and the Bible verse inside the jar.
Journal Questions:
Write or draw more ways in which you can show love to others today.
Pray! Ask the children for prayer requests. Ask God to show us how we can love others.
(The heart pattern that is mentioned is simply a heart with one side on the fold of the paper. The heart has lines drawn from the bottom up to 3/4 of the heart. By cutting on the lines of two hearts, you can now weave them together to form a heart shaped basket.)
I Corinthians 13
Science Idea
- Bibles
- Index cards
- Variety of spices – cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger
- Perfume
- Tape recorder and blank tape
- Rough and soft objects – sandpaper, cotton balls, fleece, etc.
- Variety of snack items
- Old magazines
Ask the children to list their fives senses. Ask the children to imagine what it would be like to live without one of those senses. Tell the children that they will be exploring the characteristics of love, as described in I Corinthians 13, with their five senses.
- Tell the children to find I Corinthians 13:4 – 7. Have an older student read. Tell the children to listen for characteristics of love as the Scripture is read.
- Ask the children what characteristics of love they heard. List each characteristic on an index card (4-patient, kind, not envious, not proud, not boastful, 5-not rude, not self-seeking, not easily angered, 6-rejoices in truth, 7-protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres).
- Go on a ‘tour’ of I Corinthians 13:4 – 7 with your senses! Display the objects and have the children work as a team to match the item with a characteristic of love. Some items may have more than one characteristic matched with them, and the children may need to do some work (record a message on the tape, cut pictures from the magazine) to complete their ideas. There are no right or wrong answers!
- Once the children are satisfied with their choices, have them explain why they chose certain objects to match a characteristic of love.
Journal Questions:
What object will help you remember what love is?
Pray! Ask the children for prayer requests. Thank God for showing us love, so that we might love others.
Love Bears
I am hideous at games and only marginal with art, but something with "Love Bears" comes to mind. (Verse 7 - Love bears all things, etc)
Maybe make 3 bears - Faith, Hope and Love - the Love bear would be larger than the other two, because it is the "greatest".
Or maybe a board game with situations, and small bears for markers. Players would move forward for showing a loving action, backward if they did not.
quote:Originally posted by Music Lady:
Just an observation about Cor 13: When I was raising my kids, I made sure there was a copy of Cor 13 framed and in a visible place in our home. I also encouraged them to memorize it. This scripture is one they can still say as adults. So perhaps someone can come up with an art project suitable for framing.
That's a great idea.
Any of our Art folks want to suggest how to do this?
<>< Neil
Game Ideas:
- Take a piece of tag board or posterboard. Write out the verse on the tag or poster board and cut out in jigsaw sections (about 8 pieces).
- Hide the jigsaw pieces around the room. The students work together to find the pieces and put the "verse puzzle" together.
- I wrote the verse on an index card and gave them to the students after the "puzzle" was put together.
- Reflection questions: Content - How is the verse go with our story? Collaborative - How did your team work together to put the puzzle together?
How about a version of the old 'Gong Show'? I know that I'm dating myself but I'm sure some of you must remember it. It could be combined with a talent show, both adult and kids doing silly things, rotten things, secular stuff. The rest of the kids could 'gong' or cheer based on the scripture.
Makes stuffed bears for 'love bears all things'. Love the bear could have his name on a shirt. Alternately this could be done as a group Banner or wall hanging with the 3 bears mentioned above.
Draw a picture or design on heavy cardboard with crayon. Use a toothpick to scrap off some of the crayon in a pattern, small hearts or crosses works well. Add scripture printed of the computer if desired. Frame.
Music Machine
I recall a curriculum/musical called Music Machine that is fairly old, but it deals with Fruit of the Spirit. That might fit in really well with 1 Cor. 13; patient, kind, etc.
I expect if you want to go with some of the fruit of the spirit connections there are probably lots of resources.
Have fun.
Jan Snell
Other ideas moved here to consolidate ...
Lisa M.
Posted January 25, 2005 01:02 PM
...How about making an art collage of clippings that show love? Be specific in looking for images that show "patient" "kind" or make an anti-love collage of things that show arrogant, boastful rude (Super Bowl Sunday is coming up -- no shortage of clippings )
Pastor Beth
Posted January 25, 2005 06:27 PM
How about a drama workshop? Have students act out patient, kind, boastful, rude, etc. You could take polaroid pictures of each and make a poster to hang in the workshop.
Posted January 25, 2005 09:59 PM
- Learn a portion of the passage in sign language.
- Have the children decide what movements or gestures go with the passage. Read the passage slowly as they display their movements.
- Find music that uses the words from this passage. (I am certain there is something that's been written - maybe someone else knows?)
- For an art project - use the concept of "illuminated manuscripts" to create a copy of the passage.
Heather J
Posted January 26, 2005 09:49 AM
We used this passage as the basis for our introductory sessions - our theme for the year is our congregational mission statement: To Discover, Celebrate and Share God's Love. I have two weeks worth of lessons/activities, that I would be happy to e-mail to you, if you want to send me your address. I think there is a way to do that through this system, but I don't know it. My address is - in code so that spammers can't pick it up (do spammers look for victims on this site?): hjones at tpchurch dot net.
Posted February 18, 2005 01:51 PM
Make a 'time capsule' either individually, or as a group. Say: The older we get the more we grow physically and spiritually. I thought it would be cool if we read 1 Cor. 13 and as we look at some of the phrases, let's see if we as a group are doing this! We will write down what we find and put it in a time capsule, and we'll dig it up in ___months, to see if we've grown or changed for the better! For example:
"love is patient" I'd like to write down that last week I saw Josh's older brother sucker punch him, and I saw Josh be patient and walk away! Who will volunteer an example of NOT being patient that we can write down?
continue this, and maybe you can even have a 1Cor. time capsule party! Maybe you can even challenge an adult class to do the same!
God bless!
How about making a music video using Steven Curtis Chapman's Song "All About Love" from the same titled CD by Sparrow Records. Depending on talent and time students could do an air band, play the music themselves or sing to the track.
1 Corinthians 13
Cooking Idea
Use the Cooking Workshop from the Writing Team's set on the Beatitudes. here You could adapt it for being patient, not insisting on own way, even envious (over 1 donut).
And an idea from...
Neil MacQueen
Moved Reply: November 08, 2005 01:50 AM
1 Corinthian 13 cooking
You could you use dough to "bake the story" as a series of RHEBUS' (icons) pictures that repeated the key verses.
"Love BEARS all things, BEE Leaves all things." The over 40 crowd might recall this was a famous way of teaching kids how to read and memorize 'way back when.'
1 COR 13
Game Board Ideas
Originally posted elsewhere in the exchange by a visitor. Adapted here by a volunteer.
This game focuses not only on remembering 1 Cor 13, but is heavy on Life Application! Yay!
After reading/discussing 1 Cor 13:
Create a large game board on the floor or on a sheet, or on butcher paper on the wall/table.
Have the children help you make at least 30 squares to land on. Each one has something written in it, including some which have parts of 1 Cor 13, and a prompt (seen below). You could add "pitfalls" such as, "start over if you have ever done or said something mean that you didn't apologize for". Etc etc. Creating the game board is part of discussion and teaching opportunity.
Make a large DIE (dice) out of a large box.
First List of Game Square Ideas:
- Love is... PATIENT
Welcome to the Game of Love. Wait patiently for your next turn. - Love is... KIND
Tell something kind you did for someone. Move ahead 3 spaces. - Love is... NOT ARROGANT
You think you are the best player in the game. Go back 2 spaces. - Love is... NOT JEALOUS
You wish you were leading the game. God and greet the leading player, then go back to be with the last player. - Love is ... NOT RUDE
Go back one space. If another player is there, apologize for pushing in. Keep going back until you find an empty space. - Love is ... REJOICING IN THE RIGHT
Be thankful for something good in your life. Go ahead 2 spaces. - Love is... DOES NOT INSIST ON ITS OWN WAY
Turn around in circles three times. Then miss a turn. - Love is ... NOT IRRITABLE
Make a loud groan. Then go back 1 space without complaining. - Love is ... NOT HAPPY ABOUT WRONGS
Think about a time you cheered when someone lost. Miss a turn and pray. - Love is ... NOT RESENTFUL
Go to the player in front of you, say something kind about them, and stay with them. - Love ... BEARS ALL THINGS
Think of the toughest thing in your life. Give thanks for God's love. Go ahead 3 spaces - Love ... HOPES ALL THINGS
Tell about something you have always wanted to do. Go ahead 3 spaces - Love ... ENDURES ALL THINGS
Enjoy God's love. Go ahead 3 spaces - Love ... NEVER ENDS
Imagine love everywhere. Get lost and found in your joy. Miss a turn. Be thankful.
Additional list of game square ideas submitted by member Jo Ohrlein:
After reading the message from a message card, they talked about whether it was a "Love Is" card or a "Love Is NOT" card.
The cards we used were
You waited patiently for your mom. Move forward 1 square.
You whined because your father was taking too long. Move back 1 square.
You spoke without thinking and said something rude. Lose a turn.
You bragged about a test score. Move back 1 square.
You taught your little sister a new game. Move forward 1 square.
You are jealous of your friend’s new iPod. Move back 1 square.
You got a new camera cell phone and showed it off to the whole school. Move back 1 square.
A new kid just started at your school and you helped her find her classes. Roll again.
You saw someone get punished for something you know they didn’t do, but you didn’t say anything. Lose a turn.
You stood up to bullies on the playground. Move forward 1 square.
It was a bad day, but instead of taking it out on your little brother, you played catch with him. Move forward 1 square.
Your friend forgot his lunch, so you shared yours with him. Roll again.
You told your whole class the silly nickname your friend’s mom calls him at home. Move back 1 square.
You’re the best player on the team and you make sure everyone knows it. Move back 1 square.
You didn’t complain when the coach took you out and put in someone who wasn’t as good. Move forward 1 square.
You entertained your little brother so your mom had time to cook supper in peace. Roll again.
You held the door for someone who had their arms full of packages. Move forward 1 square.
You insisted on watching your favorite movie, even though it gives your friend nightmares. Move back 1 square.
You persuaded your friend to play video games instead of doing homework. Lose a turn.
You did your chores without being asked and without complaining. Move forward 1 square.
You helped setup a wireless computer network at the house, so your dad can use his laptop at home. Roll again.
You cooked breakfast in bed for your parents. Roll again.
You got your dad just what he wanted for father’s day. Move forward 1 square.
You didn’t get mad at your little sister for an entire day, even though you were both home together. Move forward 1 square.
Show the video, McGee and Me: Beauty in the Least by Focus on the Family (1993). You will have previewed the video at home, and should be ready with questions about how this story shows what love is and what love is not.
In response to Neil's question about art workshop (as regards the Music Lady's original suggestion):
quote:Originally posted by Music Lady:
Just an observation about Cor 13: When I was raising my kids, I made sure there was a copy of Cor 13 framed and in a visible place in our home. I also encouraged them to memorize it. This scripture is one they can still say as adults. So perhaps someone can come up with an art project suitable for framing.
Buy matte board cut into 4x6 or 5x7 frames. Print the verse on vellum paper (which is basically translucent) in black ink. Then have the kids watercolor a scene depicting their image or idea about love on watercolor paper. Place the vellum with the verse over top the watercolor image so that it shows through but is faint enough so that the verse is visible. The watercolor should be a nice, muted background for the verse. The kids can also decorate the matte frame itself with jewels, sequins, ribbon, etc. if time permits and the teachers want to take that extra step. The end result (no matter how good or bad their watercolor) should be a nice, framed verse that parents won't object to hanging on the wall.
Wormy posted:... Create a large game board on the floor or on a sheet, or on butcher paper on the wall/table.
Have the children help you make at least 30 squares to land on. Each one has something written in it, including some which have parts of 1 Cor 13, and a prompt (seen below). You could add "pitfalls" such as, "start over if you have ever done or said something mean that you didn't apologize for". Etc etc. Creating the game board is part of discussion and teaching opportunity.
First List of Game Square Ideas:
1. Love is... PATIENT
Welcome to the Game of Love. Wait patiently for your next turn.
2. Love is... KIND
Tell something kind you did for someone. Move ahead 3 spaces....
Thank you so much for these ideas. I made a game based on them and it was an absolute hit!!! We'll be playing it again, I'm sure. Thanks again.
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for sharing your feedback. Did the kids help create the game board? Or did you make it up ahead of time? Any variations on your game squares from what was posted above?
Also, do you have any pictures to share?
-- Carol
Game Workshop
I created the game board ahead of time. A friend helped me colour-print and then laminate the game board in A3. I’ve attached the stuff for the game.
The game rules:
Love is….
Aim of the game: to think about how God wants us to love others. The secondary aim is to
see who can get to "The End" first!
There are 2 versions of this game. The extended version (for older children) involves a chance-type card, where they need to decide if the scenario given is an example of love or not. The chance-cards come into play whenever someone lands on a space with love heart question mark.
These chance cards need to be read by one of the other players, not the player who lands on the spot. The simple version just treats these love-question spaces the
same as a blank space (ie nothing happens!).
How to play:
- Each player chooses a token and places it on the Start space.
- The 1st player (the youngest) rolls the dice and moves forward that many spaces.
- If they land on a Love is... space (for example: Love is Patient) follow the instructions for that space.
- If they land on a Heart Question Mark space, and you are playing the extended version of the game, the person to the left of the player reads the scenario. The player then needs to decide if the example is an example of love or not. They then follow the instructions under the scenario. If you are not playing the extended version, then it is then simply the next person's turn.
- For further extension, use the Extras prompt on the board. Get players to give an example
of this aspect of love in order to get the opportunity to move forward. Or discuss why this
type of love is important. If you are running out of time or the game is dragging, simply
point out the players who are showing different aspects of love and express them forward 4 spaces!
Thanks again! The kids loved it!
Cooking Idea for 1 Corinthians 13
- Make a 1 Corinthians Trail mix to help us walk down the “trail of life.”
- As the leader reads the Bible verse, the students stir in the following ingredients to a large bowl:
- Love is patient…add caramel bits. (Found in the baking aisle) It takes a long time to chew up caramel to remind us of the word patience. J
- Love is kind…open some Kind Bars (Found in the granola bar or health food aisle) Crush the bars to make more of a cereal mixture and add to the bowl.
- Love does not envy…open a bag of M and M’s. Take out the green ones. They represent “green with envy.” Add the remaining colors of M and M’s to the bowl.
- I decided to simply add Great Value Fruit Smiles (Found at Walmart in the fruit snack aisle) for the rest of the 1 Corinthians verse. They represent rejoicing in the truth and the positive life of love we need to live.
New York Life Insurance has a commercial called Love Takes Action that uses the four Greek words for love. Could be used with older elementary kids as introduction to a Bible study time using various verses, and then discussing what LOVE looks like.
NOTE: if the link to video goes dead, search for "New York Life Love takes action Super Bowl 2020 commercial" and select the 1-minute long version.