
Computer software, apps, and tech lessons and ideas for teaching children in Sunday School the stories of Abraham and Sarah's Call, Covenant with God, Sarah's Laughter, and Isaac's birth

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Abraham and Isaac: God Will Provide
wonderful Computer Workshop lesson.

Last edited by Amy Crane
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Abraham and Sarah "Covenant and Faith" Computer Workshop

Abraham.and.Sarah.Bible.softwareSummary of Lesson Activities:

The lesson explores select portions of the Abraham and Sarah software (Sunday Software). (NOTE: this lesson can be used in a computer lab with multiple computers, or you can use one computer and project the screen on the wall or a large television and the class can go through the program together, taking turns at the mouse.)

Note: This program is now a free download for our Supporting Members! Learn more.

Scripture Reference: Genesis 15 and Genesis 18.

Lesson Objective(s):

In this workshop, the learners will use a special computer program to learn about the covenant God made with Abraham and Sarah and about their journey of faith with God.

Teacher preparation:

  • Read the Bible story.
  • Read over the background material. (Sample backgrounds linked here.)
  • Install and preview the Abraham & Sarah software to familiarize yourself with the operation of the software and what is expected of the students.
  • Be sure to print the Abraham and Sarah software guide.
  • Turn on all computers that you plan to use, making sure the speakers are on. (If you do not have a computer lab, the entire class could work together collaboratively on the software if it is projected on a wall or a large tv screen.)



Welcome your students, telling them what you hope they will learn today and how they will be learning it!

1. Introduce the story of Abraham and Sarah. Ask the children to retell the parts of the story that they know or remember from earlier workshops. Tell them that today they will use the computers to hear and learn the story.

2. Go to the computers. Let them choose their partners. Tell them that you will be telling them when to start and stop the program, so they will need to listen to you and follow your instructions.

3. Listen to the introduction and the opening song. When the song completes, ask them what the opening narration and song just told them (that this story is our story, too).

4. Our first lesson will be the story in Genesis 15—God makes a Covenant with Abraham. Have them move the cursor to “The Covenant” and they will see this reference. Then, click on “The Covenant.” Listen to the scripture passage that is read. Ask the question, “Why do you think God chose Abraham and Sarah for this covenant?” Along with their answers, you may mention that God must have seen something in their characters that would make them suitable for planting God’s people.

5. In the sky, have the children click on “Covenant” and listen to definitions of covenant. Then have them click on “Genesis 15:1-21.” Read, or have someone else read, this scripture. Then click on “Torch & Smoking Pot.” Listen to this explanation of the items mentioned in the scripture. Next click on “Altar.” Listen to this explanation of altars. You may want to discuss the question posed at the end of the altar explanation. Finally, click on “So . . .” As a group, discuss the questions posed. They are:

  • What have you promised (covenanted) to God?
  • What makes it hard to keep those promises?
  • What persons or activities can help you do better at keeping those promises?


6. Return to the "Scriptorium" and click “Map” on the menu-console. This map is of the Middle East at the time of Abraham and Sarah, around 2000 B.C. Let them study the map some, then tell them to look at the routes lit up as they click on numbers 1, 2, and 3. Now play the MAP GAME.

7. Our next story is from Genesis 18—Angels Promise a Son to Sarah. Click “The Visit” on the center-console. Move the cursor to the figure of Sarah, and click to listen to “Sarah’s Story.” After you hear this story, using the cursor, move around the outer edges of the picture and click on each story to listen to:

  1. Why I laughed.
  2. About my life.
  3. Sarah’s Song

8. Then click “View or Print lyrics and questions;” the children can view and/or print the lyrics to Sarah’s Song. As a group, discuss each of the four questions. After the children give some of their answers to the questions, click on the question box to see another possible answer. Discuss these answers, too.


Have the children turn toward the center of the room for a closing discussion about the meaning of "faith."  Ask them what their definition of faith is. Accept any of their answers, and add that faith is believing in something even though you can’t see it, and believing in something you are sure will happen even though it seems impossible. Faith is also the STRENGTH you have to follow through on your commitments to God. Remind them that Abraham and Sarah had a very strong faith in God and God’s promises in order for them to leave their home and believe that they would have a son that begins a multitude of descendants.

Ask them to turn back to the computers, and click on “Pay It Forward.” They should choose the “Congratulations” certificate and print it. Complete them together.

A lesson written by Jan Marshall from: Brenthaven Cumberland Presbyterian, Brentwood, TN

Screenshot from software used with permission from Sunday Software.


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  • Abraham.starwords
Last edited by Amy Crane

Computer Resources for Abraham and Sarah:

Jan Marshall's lesson plan above for Abraham and Sarah software CD is pretty good!

Since she originally posted it, I've posted a revised teaching guide for the Abraham and Sarah software. Both it and the software are now free at for Supporting Members. The guide has lesson suggestions and extra discussion content in it.

This program is now a free download, including the revised teaching guide, for our Supporting Members! Learn more and see the Abraham and Sarah software resources.

I've also posted a printable Student Handout that guides your kids through the various content in the CD, following the sections you have marked on the handout. It holds them accountable for the large number of questions posed in the CD. (And it acts a discussion guide for your teachers!) I've attached the handout at the bottom of this post.

I have created a printable LYRICS page for the songs on the CD. The lyrics/songs were specifically written for the software to convey our teaching points. Having the lyrics allows your group to gather around, enjoy the song and images, then zero in on its meaning. A friend used the videos as her MUSIC WORKSHOP, which is why I put the lyrics page together originally at her request. The lyrics are found in revised teaching guide, just click on "Learn More" above.

Using the Music Videos this way is especially interesting to do with older kids who like to discuss music. With the music VIDEOS you also have images to interpret.

Note to guitarists: the lyrics page also has chords.

Note to Worship leaders: the music videos can be excerpted/copied from the CD by looking for the Quicktime ".MOV" files on it. You are welcome to do so as long as you don't start distributing or uploading them.

<>< Neil


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Last edited by Amy Crane

The SunScool Bible App for Kids has MANY different lesson presentations covering the stories of Abraham.

Abraham lessons for Sunday School in the SunScool Bible app

Which ones appear in the menu depends on which age-level you select when you open the app.

If you select Level 1 or 2, the following age-appropriate stories will appear under the "Abraham and Isaac" menu.

  • A5-1: Abram leaves home (departs for Canaan)
    Genesis 12:1-8
  • A5-2: Abram and Lot (Lot departs, Abram at Mamre)
    Genesis 13:1-18
  • A5-3: God's promise to Abram "count the stars"
    Genesis 15:1-7, 17:5,15
  • A5-4: Abraham, Sarah and the visitors
    Genesis 18:1-15
  • A6-1: Abraham listens to God (the story of the near sacrifice of Isaac part 1)
    Genesis 22:1-9
  • A6-2: Abraham obeys God (the story of the near sacrifice of Isaac part 2)
    Genesis 22:9-13
  • A6-3: God's Help (the story of Isaac and Rebekah part 1)
    Genesis 24:1-28
  • A6-4: God's choice (the story of Isaac and Rebekah part 2)
    Genesis 24:28-67

If you select Level 3 or 4 when you open the program, the following stories will only appear under the "Patriarchs" section of the menu:

Levels 3 and 4:

  • A6-1 : Trusting God (L3), Abraham. His Call (L4)
    Genesis 11:27-32 - 12:1-9
  • A6-2 : Choices (L3), Abraham. His Choice (L4)
    Genesis 12:5,10,20 & 13:1-18 & 14:1-16
  • A6-3 : God's Promises L3) to Abraham. His Confidence (L4)
    Genesis 15:1-7 & 17:1-19 & 18:1-15
  • A6-4 : Test of Love (L3), Abraham. The Challenge  (L4), Issac, sacrifice
    Genesis 22:1-19

The App is free, ecumenical, and can be downloaded for use on tablets, smartphones, Windows, and Mac!    Get the download link and look up the story you need in our Outline of all 170+ stories in SunScool. That page also includes app helps.

SunScool Bible App for Kids


Images (1)
  • Abraham menu in SunScool Bible App

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