Who Wants to Be a Psalm 23 Sheep? --The Gameshow!
(25 minutes)
The following Psalm 23 gameshow and quiz was originally posted by Neil MacQueen from his church's Rotation-style VBS. Some references are made to that program in the lesson below.
Divide the group into three equal teams. Have an adult be a team captain for the team. Provide each team with a marker and paper for some answers. Set each team at a table. String some "chaser" or blinking Christmas Lights around the chalkboard/scoreboard.
Have various sound effects ready for correct and incorrect answers
In the past, I've used my laptop with a set of speakers attached to it. On my desktop I had various "gameshow" sound files I clicked on signaling correct and incorrect. Bells, buzzers, whistles and other noise makers will work too.
The Gameshow consists of 30 to 35 questions about Psalm 23. As you can see, we threw in a few fun questions about something funny that happened at the VBS on previous nights. When you get to the last five questions, double their point value and institute a rule change that allows slower teams to catch up (make it up as you go folks). For fun, you can make some questions worth extra points for "better answers" --asking each team to try and answer it to the best of their ability--writing it down and you judging the best answer.
Game Questions:
These were written on a transparency and projected for all to see. (Nowadays you'd probably make them on powerpoint slides and project them.) You can award 5 points for each right answer on first try, and 3 points if the first team gets it wrong and your team answers it right.
Make it up, create wild bonus point questions. Keep the kids' focus off the competition.
Group split into four teams. Game show "audience" composed of adults provided all the sound effects. Gameshow host had microphone for kids to give answers. Prizes awarded almost every answer ..some were goofy prizes. We wrapped the scoreboard and other things in XMAS lights. In round one each team sent one player forward to be the first to complete one of the following questions. Round two had each team talking then writing down the best answer to the question. Judges decided which team had come up with the most correct answer. We had a total hoot.
Questions we used in our Game Show:
First Round:
What is a "psalm"?
The Lord is my shepherd _______________.
He makes me lie down _______________.
He leads me beside _____________
He restores ______________
He leads me in right paths for _____________. PRIZE
Even though I walk through ______________________.
I fear no __________.
For you are __________.
Your rod and your staff ____________
You prepare a ___________ before me.
You prepare a table before me in the ______________. PRIZE.
You anoint my head with oil ________________.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me ___________________.
And I shall dwell _____________________. PRIZE
Quickie team thought questions: (you can award 5 for a complete answer or 2 for trying)
In Psalm 23, what do the sheep fear (no evil
In Psalm 23, what comforts the sheep (rod and staff)
What is the difference between a rod and staff?
What does the verse mean: he restores my soul. PRIZE
>Why does God prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies?
In Psalm 23, who is the Good Shepherd?
What does the verse "my cup overflows" mean?
Why are sheep afraid in the darkest valley?
Why do sheep like still waters? PRIZE
>What does having your head anointed by God with oil mean?
Who is said to have written Psalm 23? PRIZE
Second Round:
Find Psalm 23 in your Bible, first team to run up here and show me wins 5 pts. 2nd team to show me wins 3 pts.
Who does tradition say WROTE this Psalm?
What instrument did David play?
The Bible calls Jesus the Shepherd, and the people are like, what?
What is the LAST line in Psalm 23?
What is the FIRST line in Psalm 23?
How many psalms are their in the Book of Psalms?
Name one other book of the Bible which has a psalm/song in it? (Ex Jonah, Lamentation, Exodus)
Final Round:
On Monday in Mrs. Epperson's sheep pen, what did the sheep try to get off of them?
On Monday in Mrs Eveland's "restore my soul" sheep pen, what activity did you do?
What was the name of the television studio you made a news broadcast in Wed night?
What was the name of the computer program you used Wednesday night?
Final Bonus Questions:
What was the snack we had on Tuesday night? (Lemonade and pretzels dipped in chocolate.)
What is the name of the mission project we are collecting money for to buy sheep for poor families?