
I was in charge of childcare for the volunteer's children during River Community Church's Marketplace Vacation Bible School. I filled our 3 1/2 hours each day with story and activities related to the same Joseph story the "big" (elementary aged) children were studying. Most of the time was spent in centers related to the story and in free play, so it was not truly rotation, but many ideas were gleaned from this site and some could be expanded to full Sunday-school-hour-long lessons for younger children.

Our overarching theme for the week was Jesus: Our Foundation.

Our memory verse for the week was Colossians 1:15-20.

Some of the activities tie into those as well.

I found the retellings of Joseph and Jacob's story at Paul Dallgas-Frey's website ( are wonderful for learning and sharing with preschoolers (and older children, too)!

Our gifted worship leader at River Community Church, Kevin Smith, wrote music to go with the memory verse that was very singable, and even the preschoolers learned part of the long memory verse with difficult words!

Summary of Daily Stories and Themes

Day One

Point: Jesus is our foundation

Main Story: Abraham through beginning of Joseph’s story (coat of many colors, dreams, well, sold)

Scripture: Genesis 37

Memory Verse: Colossians 1:15-16-- He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.

Day Two

Point: God wants us always to trust Him
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” Proverbs 3:5

Main Story: Joseph trusts God (Potiphar, jail, interpreting dreams, working for Pharaoh)

Scripture: Genesis 39-41

Memory Verse: Colossians 1: 17-18 -- And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.

Day Three

Point: God wants us to be sorry when we do wrong things
“But I confess my sins; I am deeply sorry for what I have done.” Psalm 38:18 (NLT)

Main Story: Joseph’s brothers are sorry

Scripture: Genesis 42-44

Memory Verse: Colossians 1:19-20-- For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.

Day Four

Point: God has good plans for our future
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 29:11

Main Story: Joseph and his family are reunited

Scripture: Genesis 45-47

Memory Verse: review Colossians 1:15-20

Day Five

Point: We can help others know God
“And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15

Main Story: Jacob passes on the promises of God to his family

Scripture: Genesis 49

Memory Verse: review Colossians 1:15-20

Last edited by Luanne Payne
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Editor's Note: Lots of great pics and ideas here!

Day One

Joseph and His Brothers

Jesus is our foundation

Main Story:
Abraham through beginning of Joseph’s story (coat of many colors, dreams, well, sold)

Genesis 37

Memory Verse:
Colossians 1:15-16-- He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.

Supplies List:

  • Nametag stickers
  • Germex
  • Diaper changing supplies
  • Snack: Moonpies, cups, napkins, water pitcher

String Art

  • Variegated yarn [pre-cut  into approx 1 yard lengths and made into little balls]
    Boards with nails with small heads (to keep yarn from slipping off) nailed on in a coat shape [Note: I used leftover boards from another project; if I were starting from scratch I would use bigger boards]

Colorful Coat Craft Activity

  • Coffee filters
  • Markers
  • Spray bottle with water
  • Craft sticks
  • Clear tape
  • Newspaper to cover tables
  • Sharpie to write names

The Beautiful Coat Game

  • Coat (or large shirt)
  • Different colors of crepe paper streamers (12)
  • Spring-hinged clothespins (12)
  • Camera (or phone)
  • Markers and crayons

Block & Book Centers

  • Blocks/Duplo
  • Joseph picture books

Roll Play

  • Big box
  • Costumes, including coat of many colors.
  • Shepherd’s crooks


  • Tent
  • Sitting pillows in tent

Lesson Plan


Put on costumes (optional) and nametags.
Open with a prayer.


Colorful Coat Craft Activity:IMG_3910

Using a coffee filter, have the child color the filter with washable markers, making the coffee filter as colorful as possible. Write child’s name with Sharpie. Then using a spray bottle filled with water, lightly squirt the coffee filter so the colors run together. Cut a small slit in the center of the coffee filter and slide a craft stick through the opening. Tape the filter to the craft stick and draw a simple face on the stick so it becomes Joseph and his coat of many colors. Set it aside to dry.

As the child is working, talk about:
How God created colors (and how colors mix)

Books (all week):

Assorted Joseph picture books – to be looked at and read to anyone showing interest .

Blocks (all week – Duplo play table):

Build towers. Talk about Jesus- Our Foundation.
What is a foundation? What does it do? What is its purpose?
Jesus is our foundation. He will never leave us.


Act out/preview Joseph Story.

Multicolored costume coat
Large box – pretend it is a well.
Talk about family and gifts.

Picture of Joseph in the "well."
Picture of Joseph's brothers taking care of the sheep.

IMG_3781 IMG_3794


Briefly review – Creation, Fall, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob.
Then tell story of Jacob’s 12 sons, favorite Joseph, dreams, well, sold into Egypt.

Helpful sources:

Discuss story:
Joseph made some bad choices. So did his father and his brothers. Things got hard for them.
Does anyone remember God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? {He would bless them and multiply them and make them into a great nation.]
So when things were hard for them, they had God’s promises to hold on to. We have His promises to hold on to, too! Jesus is our foundation. He will never leave us. That is a BIG promise, isn’t it!

Memory Verse
Remember how we were talking about foundations at the block table? And we talked about how Jesus is our foundation. We want you to believe in and trust in and lean on Jesus, to know that He is always by your side; that His ways are BEST; and that the whole world was not only made by him but also keeps on going because of him. That’s what the Bible says, and that’s what our memory verse is going to remind us!

Learn first part of the memory verse.

Colossians 1:15-16-- He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.

Who is “He”? Yes, Jesus. He’s the image of God the Father…he is God with flesh and bones. We know that God is a spirit and doesn’t have a body, but Jesus is God in human flesh. What does it mean that he is the “firstborn of all creation?” Yes, that he was with God when God formed the world.

This is a great song to teach kids the names of Joseph's brothers....sing to the tune of "1 Little, 2 Little, 3 Little Indians..."(see member SarahSue's idea here .
Rueben, Simeon, Levi, Judah,
Dan, Napthali, Gad and Asher,
Isachar, Zebulon, Joseph and Benjamin,
These are the sons of Ja-cob.

Activities After Storytime

IMG_0864Coat of Colors String Art:

Using variegated color yarns: tie the yarn to one nail and weave the yarn around the outside pattern of the coat, then zig-zag to their hearts content around the nails. up, down, sideways...whatever. Then when they had covered the board adequately with yarn, they tie off on one of the nails. Even though they are all similar, by giving them options in yarn color they still have unique string art.
(Make sure child’s name and date is on each project.)
[Ideas adapted from member MarieW found in "My Favorite Art Projects topic here.]


  • How did Joseph come to have a multi-colored coat? (it was a gift from his father Jacob)
  • Why did Jacob give Joseph a coat? (to show his love)IMG_3801
  • What did Joseph’s brothers think of his coat? (were jealous)
  • Joseph’s brothers did some mean things to Joseph, what was it they did? (brothers threw him in pit, sold to slavery in Egypt far from home)

SAY: Joseph had even more bad things happen to him, but through it all, Joseph remembered God’s love for him. It was like he was wrapped in God’s loving coat. Each time you look at your colorful coat, you can think about how God loves you and takes care of you even during unhappy times.
[Discussion adapted from ]


The Beautiful Coat Game:

Adapted from Bible Story Games for Preschoolers (Group, 1998)

Have the children sit in a semicircle with the crepe-paper streamers and clothespins in the center and the "coat" (or shirt) a few feet away.

Say, “Joseph’s brothers were jealous because they did not have a beautiful coat to wear. But today each of you will have a chance to wear a beautiful coat that we are going to decorate!”.

Have each child hold out a fist and tap each child as you say this counting-out rhyme:

One brother
Two brothers,
Three brothers,
Decorate the coat
That’s sitting
On the floor!

Let the child whose fist is tapped on the last line select a piece of crepe paper and use the clothespin to attach it to the coat. (Help with the clothespins, if necessary.) He/she sits down again but does not put out their fist. Repeat until all have added a streamer.

Then start with all the children again and say a new counting-our rhymen:

Four brothers,IMG_3852
Three brothers,
Two brothers
Try on
The coat,
Just for

Last child tapped tries on the coat. Help the child put on the decorated coat and model it for the group. Lead the children in admiring the beautiful coat as each child models it, take a picture. Repeat until all have had a turn.



Remember sun, moon, stars story.
“Be careful; greed is dangerous.”


Put away toys and clean up the room.
Send home projects with children.

A lesson posted by Amy Crane


Images (7)
  • IMG_0864: A sample coat of many colors string art
  • IMG_3801: working on coat of many colors string art
  • IMG_3804: string art
  • IMG_3910: colorful coat activity sample
  • IMG_3781: pretending to be Joseph, alone and afraid in the pit
  • IMG_3794: costume pretend play - shepherds
  • IMG_3852: Beautiful Coat game
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Day Two

Joseph in Egypt

God wants us always to trust Him.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” Proverbs 3:5

Main Story:
Joseph trusts God (Potiphar, jail, interpreting dreams, working for Pharaoh)

Genesis 39-41

Memory Verse:
Colossians 1: 17-18 -- And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.

Supplies List:

  • Nametag stickers
  • Germex
  • Diaper changing supplies
  • Snack: something from the bakery (example: donuts), cups, napkins, water pitcher


  • Cardboard crowns
  • Stickers (hearts and stars)
  • Stapler and staples


  • to Duplo blocks, add Duplo people


  • Kitchen Playset
  • Add special cups and play cupcakes to the kitchen.


  • Jenga blocks
  • pillow


  • Dried beans and rice
  • Bowls or containers for beans and rice
  • “Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” Proverbs 3:5 printed on cardstock
  • Mat board or cardboard cut bigger than the Bible verse cardstock
  • Glue sticks
  • Tacky glue
  • Paper plates
  • q-tips
  • Wet wipes for cleaning sticky fingers when they are done


  • Print the attached "PDF - Feast or Famine Game Cards" (at least 2 sets, depending on number of children)
  • Masking tape for the floor
  • 8 heavy-quality plastic zippered sandwich bags and dry beans (you need 4 bags, so double-bag, fill with beans and then tape the plastic zippered bag closed.)
  • 2 laundry baskets

Lesson Plan


Put on costumes (optional) and nametags.
Open with a prayer.


Decorate Crowns:

With markers and stickers. Staple crown to correct size. Make sure name is on crown.
Discuss: we are His, therefore princes and princesses – just as Joseph was lifted up.

IMG_3917  IMG_3916

Blocks (all week – Duplo play table):

Build a jail and a palace.
Add people and encourage children to start retelling the story of Joseph and his family. Remember their names.


Remember the cup bearer and baker – use special cups, pretend to bake, and then serve one another.



Building foundations – with Jenga blocks – good foundation on table and bad foundation on pillow.

Share what Jesus said in Matthew 7:
24 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. 26 And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”

Talk about what a foundation is. A sturdy foundation is important in order to build a sturdy building.

Jesus is our foundation. How do we build our house, our lives upon JESUS? Let’s back up…What other things do we build our lives on INSTEAD of Jesus? Remember: your reason for living is the FOUNDATION of your life. So what are some goals people might have for living OTHER than Jesus? [kids answer: toys, money, stuff, being important like Joseph thought he was after his dreams.]

So how do we build our lives on Jesus and not on all those other things? [kids answer] We repent and believe the things he says about himself. We KNOW him, not just about HIM, but Jesus himself. We learn to depend on him for forgiveness, for eternal life. We hear what he’s done for us, and it makes us want to obey!


Act out the story, large box now becomes a prison.


Joseph trusts God (Potiphar, jail, interpreting dreams, working for Pharaoh).

Helpful sources:

Discuss Story

Say: Think about Joseph’s life. He has good days. He has bad days. Some days are really really good. And some days are really really bad.

Ask: How does he handle them?
What gets him through those really bad days? [faith in God; he trusted fully]

Say: Joseph chose to make the best of each situation he found himself in. Many of the places he ended up were bad, even though he did nothing wrong. But he chose to do his best in spite of those bad situations. He trusted God at all times, walking by faith, not by sight.
We also can choose how we respond to events in our lives.

Ask: Will we choose to trust God and stand in faith on our foundation of Jesus Christ, knowing he will not fail us?

Memory verse:

Review memory verse from previous day.

Colossians 1:15-16-- He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.

Review today's memory verse and share the verses and define any unclear words and concepts:

Colossians 1: 17-18 -- And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.

Ask: What does it mean that Jesus is “before all things”? [go back to the idea from yesterday of “the firstborn of all creation”]
I wonder how “in him all things hold together”?
What is the body that he is the head of? [the church]
Notice that much of this verse talks about Jesus being the first, “the beginning.”
What does the word “preeminent” mean? [surpassing all others; more important, skillful, or successful than others]

Activities After Storytime

Grain and Bean Collages:

(adapted from a 10 Commandments lesson plan for River Community Church by Amy Crane)

“If you have ever been to a museum or art gallery, you will have noticed that most works of art are framed. Today you are going to create a decorative frame for important words from God to all of us. [Show and read the verse.]

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” Proverbs 3:5 IMG_3932

EXPLAIN: You will use dried beans to make mosaics. You can put them down in some sort of pattern or design, or you can just randomly glue them to the frame to make a colorful textured frame. Each of you can design your own work. We are using dried beans to remind us how Joseph was in charge of collecting food in Egypt during the seven good years.”

Use the glue sticks to attach the Bible verse to the cardboard. Then, have the children decorate (frame) the Bible verse  by gluing beans and rice in a pattern around the edge. (Put glue onto a plate and let them paint it where they want to stick things with the q-tips.)

As the children work, talk about how Joseph trusted God, even when things weren’t going well.

IMG_3925  IMG_3931


1) “Feast or Famine” Match Card Game

Use the game cards in one of the following ways.
(1) To play the memory game, print the cards on heavyweight paper or back them with construction paper. Place cards facedown in four rows of four cards. Players turn over two cards at a time, keeping them when they make a match, until all matches have been made.
(2) To play a matching game, match the “feast” picture to its “famine” version.
(3) To play a sorting game, sort each card into a “feast” pile or a “famine” pile.


While playing, talk about:

Life in a famine was hard. Joseph’s family needed food during the famine.
Why did God send Joseph to Egypt? (God sent Joseph to Egypt to save his family.)

2) Storehouse Worker

Put the laundry baskets against one wall; put masking tape lines on the floor about 4 feet in front of them.

Say, “We are going to help Joseph fill his storehouse. He needed lots of food, like these beans, in order to feed all the people in Egypt. Line up behind the tape lines. One at a time, you will stand on the line and toss the beans into the basket to help Joseph fill the storehouse.”  [Note: to make your four bags of Beans: take 8 heavy-quality plastic zippered sandwich bags, double bag to make  4 and fill each with dry beans—tape the plastic zippered bag closed.])

Everyone gets to try until they get all four bags into the basket.

[This game was a BIG hit and we played it every day the rest of the week!]


Review the dream of the unfortunate baker and the other dreams as you enjoy the "baked" treat.

More time for playground, free play, and activity centers until we join the big kids for music, and then dismissal.


Clean up the room.

Send home projects with children. The artwork will need to be carried flat until the glue can dry. Encourage the children to let their parents carry their artwork for them.

A lesson posted by Amy Crane

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.


Images (7)
  • IMG_3916: decorated crown
  • IMG_3917: decorating crown
  • IMG_3919: sharing baked goods and drinks
  • IMG_3925: bean collage frame
  • IMG_3931: bean collage frame
  • IMG_3932: bean collage frame
  • Feast_Famine_Cards_Sample
Files (1)
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Day Three

Joseph and His Brothers Reunited

God wants us to be sorry when we do wrong things
“But I confess my sins; I am deeply sorry for what I have done.” Psalm 38:18 (NLT)

Main Story:
Joseph’s brothers are sorry.

Genesis 42-44

Memory Verse:
Colossians 1:19-20-- For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.

Supplies List:

  • Nametag stickers
  • Germex
  • Diaper changing supplies
  • Snack: Chex Mix for the trail to Egypt. Cups, napkins, water pitcher.

Art - Hieroglyph stencils

  • Dover Egyptian stencil books
  • Pencils
  • Paper (plain white)


  • Blocks/Duplo


  • Grain, rice, or beans for scooping and pouring
  • Bin to hold rice
  • Measuring cups, scoops


  • big box becomes Pharaoh’s Palace
  • Pharaoh crown and collar
  • Drawstring bags - put things in bags (for travelling, pretend sacks of grain)

Cooking (Mission) - Soup supplies (per jar – 2 jars per child)

  • 1 quart jars
  • Parchment paper for spice packets
  • Stickers
  • Label with recipe
  • Twine
  • bowls for beans
  • measuring cups/scoops (1/2 cup)
  • for recipe and ingredients required see lesson for suggestions.


  • Hula hoop
  • Plastic goblet or cup

Lesson Plan


Put on costumes (optional) and name tags.


Art - Hieroglyph stencils:

Talk about how God helped Joseph to be a leader in Egypt while the kids have fun creating art work with Egyptian stencils.



Build block towers, knock over, apologize.
Talk about being sorry.



Scooping, pouring, measuring grain (rice).

[This was  a BIG hit!]

Remember how God helped Joseph to do an important job.



Act out the story. Big box now becomes Pharaoh’s palace.
Crown, Egyptian collar (or other Egyptian related costume ideas.)
Put things in bags (for traveling, pretend sacks of grain).


Joseph’s brothers are sorry.

Helpful sources:

What would you or I have done if we had been Joseph when his brothers first came to him? (Revenge maybe? Sent them to prison? Gone to get Jacob and Benjamin himself?)
But Joseph didn’t do this, did he? How did he respond? (He was patient. He gave them a chance to turn from their old wicked ways and to repent. He set it up so he could find out what was really in their hearts.)

What do you think we can learn about God from this story? God is the one in control of everything, right? (He put Joseph in charge in Egypt. He is also the one who gave Joseph the grace to treat his brothers so well, to have so much patience with them and to lead them to repent. He let them get back to a good place where they could be part of the good things God was doing for his people.)

Do you know that He treats us the same way? He is so patient with us! 2 Peter 2:9 says “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”

Review memory verse from previous days.

Memory verse:

Review yesterday's memory verse:

Colossians 1: 17-18 -- And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.

Learn today's memory verse:

Colossians 1:19-20-- For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.

Ask: For in him – in who? (Jesus)
All the fullness of God was pleased to dwell. What does that mean? (All that God is was there in the person of Jesus. And he was happy to be there!)
And through him (Jesus) to reconcile to himself all things. What does the word reconcile mean? (It means to restore a relationship – this is what we’ve been talking about! This is what God is all about – he is drawing his people to repentance so that we can enjoy relationship with him through Jesus!)
Whether in earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross – Jesus’ death on the cross is what satisfied God’s holy justice and makes sinners like us and Zacchaeus be able to know God and be forgiven by God.

Activities After Storytime

Cooking (Missions):IMG_4055

As an outreach gift ~ layered soup jars: The children take the dry ingredients and place them into wide mouth mason jars carefully so they look like sand art. [With preschoolers, we had each child do this with a helper who held the jar while the child scooped. Two children filled their jars at a time while the others played at the centers.] The kids could make 2; one to take home and one that we could give to either our food bank or someone we know who needs a meal this week.
[This idea is from CindyB in the cooking ideas for Joseph.]


Tie this into the brothers coming to Joseph for food as well as blessing others in gratitude for God’s blessing us.

Recipe Ideas:
We used the one from Family Circle Magazine which unfortunately is no longer around - there are many more on the internet like these:

Games: (outside if possible)

1) “Into the Silo!”

Explain that a silo is a place where a farmer stores grain and how Joseph stored grain so everyone could have enough food during the famine.

Procedure: Use a hula hoop as a silo. Tell the children to pretend they are seeds of grain. They must scatter around the room/playground and find a place to stand and wait until you call out.

Say: You are going to pretend to be Joseph gathering grain for Egypt. You will turn your back and close your eyes. When I call out, “Into the silo!” You must all run into the silo before you turn around and open your eyes (5 or 10 seconds later – count loudly to ten). Someone who doesn’t make it into the silo will be the next Joseph.

[Adapted from http: // -- site no longer active.]

2) “Hide and Seek Cup”

Show two cups or goblets. While the rest of the kids cover their eyes, send two of them to hide the cups. Then, signal the others to open their eyes and find the hidden items. Repeat, sending two different kids to hide the items.

Say: In our Bible story, Joseph hid money in his brother’s sacks and a cup in Benjamin’s bag. Joseph.

[This idea is from, but that page that is no longer on their site.]


Chex Mix for the trail to Egypt. Give some children a big helping of a snack mix. Have them share a portion with the others. Explain how during the time of famine in Egypt, Joseph, who had been given a lot of food, shared food with those who did not have any.

More time for playground, free play, and activity centers until we join the big kids for music, and then dismissal.


Put away toys and clean up the room.
Send home projects with children. Make sure the parents know one jar of soup is for them and one is to give away.

A lesson posted by Amy Crane

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability


Images (8)
  • IMG_3945: Heiroglyphs
  • IMG_3949: scooping
  • IMG_3957: and pouring
  • IMG_3960: and measuring
  • IMG_3961: Filling a bean soup jar.
  • IMG_3962: Adult attaches labels to bean soup jars
  • IMG_4054: Soup ready to go home
  • IMG_4055
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Day Four

Joseph's Family Moves to Egypt

God has good plans for our future
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 29:11

Main Story:
Joseph and his family are reunited

Genesis 45-47

Memory Verse:
Review Colossians 1:15-20

Supplies List:

  • Nametag stickers
  • Germex
  • Diaper changing supplies
  • Cups, napkins, snack (bugles), water pitcher


  • Paper doll family cutouts
  • Construction paper
  • Glue sticks


  • Grain, rice, or beans for scooping and pouring
  • Bin to hold rice
  • Measuring cups, scoops

Craft - “Stepping stone” mosaic coasters

  • Stone mosaic coaster supplies (same as in Marketplace):
  • Metal coaster to hold mosaic
  • Colorful plastic beads (like Perler Beads)
  • Air-dry clay
  • Bible verse on a sticker (mail label sized): For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 29:11
  • Newspaper


Make stepping stone/story picture cards for craft and for the game (use coloring sheet or clip art pictures):

  1. Shepherd: Joseph was a shepherd like his brothers.
  2. Coat of Many Colors: Joseph received a very colorful coat which made his brothers mad.
  3. Dreams: Joseph had dreams of his family bowing down to him.
  4. Slavery: Joseph was sold to a merchant.
  5. Egypt: Joseph was sold to an Egyptian.
  6. Servant: Joseph worked hard and pleased his master.
  7. Jail: Joseph was thrown into jail because the Egyptian's wife lied.
  8. Dream Reader: Joseph is called to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams.
  9. Ruler of Egypt: Joseph is made 2nd in charge of all of Egypt and saves the land from famine.
  10. Brother’s Visit: Joseph is able to forgive his brothers and save his family from starving.

Editor Adds:  Online Story Sequencing Picture Cards" -- really nice preschool story sequencing pictures - free download, scroll down to "Joseph Story Sequencing Cards". Created by Christian Preschool Printables


  • Bugles

Lesson Plan


Put on costumes (optional) and nametags
Make conversation about what has been happening during the week—teeth lost, fun times, swimming, lunch, birthdays, and so forth. Mention the theme idea/verse.
Say: Do you think God knew what you were doing this week? Remember what God said to Jacob, “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.” God is always with you.


Art - decorate paper doll families

Use cards your created to review the story, then glue family paper cutouts to construction paper. Talk about families. Ask: I wonder how Joseph felt about his family (especially the mean brothers)?



Scooping, pouring, measuring again.
Talk about sharing and helping others who are hungry. Ask who they shared their extra soup jar with.


Many, many years later, there will be another cup, in another story. This time, it will be the cup Jesus drinks from at the Last Supper. And just like God sent Joseph, God will send Jesus on ahead to save his people - you and me!

Helpful sources:

What is God doing for His people is this story? (Let children share their ideas)

He is providing for them so they will not starve.

He is protecting the nation of Israel.

He is reuniting the Jacob with Joseph after many years of separation.

He was bringing then back together so they could live close to each other.

Jacob had thought Joseph was dead but now he knows he is alive! God brought joy back to Jacob’s family- replacing sorrow with joy.

Good News! How does God do the same for us- only better- in Jesus? He provides what we need for life, but not just life here but eternal life. We were dead in our sins but now we are alive because Jesus took the penalty for our sins when He died on the cross. We are reunited with God and become one with him.

Remind the children that God promises to be us with every step we take in life. We can be faithful to God in each step we take by looking to Jesus example and praying for guidance/help so we can become the person God wants us to be.

Review the entire memory verse Colossians 1:15-20.

Colossians 1:15-20-- He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.

Activities After Storytime

“Stepping Stone” Mosaic Coasters

[Adapted from]
See also similar craft for mini-mosaics:

Tell the children we are making something to help us remember the story. Talk about how Joseph had many different Stepping Stones in his life (choices, options, helps) and read each card in order.

Say: Today we are going to make our own Stepping-Stone mosaic coaster with colors like in Joseph’s Coat.IMG_4095

Put clay in small round coaster form.
Children can press beads into clay as a reminder of the story.
The beads are placed in a circle. A circle is never ending, like God's Love.
As the children put the beads in their coasters, talk about Joseph's colorful coat, and remember Joseph's story and that God had a plan for Joseph through all of his troubles.
Remind the children that God has a plan for them, just as He did for Joseph.

The goal is to end up with a flat surface, so that a glass can rest on it. This is to demonstrate that we need a good foundation in Jesus.

Put a Bible verse sticker on the bottom of the coaster: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 29:11


Stepping Stone Game:

Pass out the deck of stepping-stone cards of Joseph’s Life (reviewed earlier).
Children work together as a team to put them in the right order.


Bugles. Remember today’s story where Jacob and family arrived in Egypt.

Talk about bugle fanfares that announce important arrivals (return of Christ, announcement of visitors arriving at Pharaoh's palace.)

More time for playground, free play, and activity centers until we join the big kids for music, and then dismissal.


Put away toys and clean up the room.
Send home projects with children.

A lesson created by Amy Crane

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Last edited by Luanne Payne

Day Five

Jacob's Blessings

We can help others know God.
“And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15

Main Story:
Jacob passes on the promises of God to his family.

Genesis 49

Memory Verse:
Review Colossians 1:15-20

Supplies List:

Handprint Art

  • Paper with verse printed on it: “And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15
  • Markers

Blessing Box

  • Plain, undecorated boxes (one for each student)
  • Instruction sheets (one for each student)
  • Glue sticks (one for each student)
  • Decorating items, including: Markers, stickers and jewels
  • Blank Blessing cards (10 for each student)


  • mini cinnamon buns (blessing rolls)

Lesson Plan


Put on costumes (optional) and nametags.
Open with a prayer.


Handprint Art:

Have the children make handprints (trace their hands with markers) under the Bible verse and help them write “I can help others know God.” Let them decorate the page.
Talk about ways they can help others know God.


Helpful sources:

Discuss the story:
Reflect on Jacob’s life. How does a SCOUNDREL like Jacob get blessed by God? [He certainly did not earn the blessings. It gives hope to the rest of us who want to be part of God's plan.]
And now Jacob is passing on all those blessings to his sons. Did they earn the blessings? What sorts of things did they do? [Lie, boast, kill, some sexual sin that we did not cover, ….]
And really, is there anyone in the Bible -other than JESUS, who doesn’t act like the rest of us? No... and that's the charm of Jacob’s and Joseph's stories. We're like them, deceived, deceivers, boastful, thinking we can wrestle God and win, ...and unbelievably blessed.

Review the entire memory verse Colossians 1:15-20.

Colossians 1:15-20-- He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.

Activities After Storytime:

Blessing Box Craft

[Adapted from}

To receive a blessing means to receive something good, so to give a blessing, or to be a blessing to someone else, means to give good things. Receiving a blessing feels good and giving a blessing feels really great, too. Giving blessings is powerful stuff!

Remember when I said that I felt blessed to have been able to see God’s beautiful creation? Do you suppose that there are other little things like that – little blessings that we don’t think much about…like having a loving family and a safe home… Why do you suppose it would be helpful to recognize all of those blessings? Remember when I said that today we would learn about an important message that God is hoping that we hear? Does anyone know what that message is?

Say: That’s right: God loves us! God wants to give us many blessings! Recognizing and remembering blessings we have received, reminds us of how much God loves us.
Jesus is the GREATEST blessing for every person on earth because Jesus was our substitute on the cross. Each person has sinned and is separated from God. There is NOTHING we can do to make ourselves right with God. By His grace, God sent us a gift we did not deserve. He sent His Son to die as a perfect sacrifice to take away our sin. EVERY person on earth has the opportunity to be made right with God. All we do is place our trust in Jesus - to FULLY depend on Him. When we receive the free gift of forgiveness that Jesus offers, our sin is taken away and forgotten! We are welcomed into God’s Kingdom. What a big blessing!

Today you will create a special, beautifully decorated box to store memories of your blessings, both given and received. We’ll call this a Blessing Box.

Give each child 10 slips of paper.
Say: These are blessings cards. Whenever you think of a blessing that you have received or have given, ask someone to write it on one of these cards and put it in your “Blessings Box.” Now I’m sure that you are going to soon need more cards! Just use any piece of paper as a blessing card.

Write the children’s names and “Blessing Box” on the boxes, and then have the children decorate them however they want. (Show them the supplies for decorating.)

Discussion while working on project:
Ask: As we work on our blessing boxes, can someone tell me about a blessing (or a good thing God has done for you) in your life? (allow many answers) (Share a couple of your own blessings.)

Ask: Who can tell me an example of how they have been a blessing to someone else? (Share an example from your life; allow many answers.)
“Blessings are actions that show God’s love. (You can be God’s hands and feet!)”

Give them each a copy of the Family Blessing Box at Home Directions to put in their box [These directions are from Carol's Abraham and Sarah Art Workshop.]


Blessing rolls (mini cinnamon buns). Continue conversation about how God has blessed us and how we can bless others.

More time for playground, free play, and activity centers until we join the big kids for closing worship, and then dismissal.


Review memory verse.
Send home projects with children.

Stay and clean up the room for Sunday.

[Ooops. It seems I did not take pictures of crafts and things on Friday.....]

A lesson Posted by Amy Crane

Photo from First United Methodist Church, Ann Arbor, MI

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Last edited by Luanne Payne

The Prekinders website has a number of colorful and useful free printable games and puzzles and activities for younger children related to the story of Joseph.

I especially like the printable play dough mats, scroll down their website to find.



Images (1)
  • Joseph.playdoh..storymats.prekinders
Last edited by Luanne Payne

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