This thread is a bit of a catch-all for posting your ideas and suggestions related to the stories of Abraham and Sara with Lot that do not fit in any of the other topics in this forum. Also share resources related to the Hebrews chapter 11 "Faithful Hall of Fame."
Why do some stories and characters NOT have many lesson ideas posted at It's because of our long-standing Rotation Model and brain science-supported practice of focusing on teaching the "major" stories of the Bible to children for four or five weeks in a row. That slower pace means we have to make choices, and that means some "less than major" Bible stories don't make the cut.
What's a "major" story? Come read what many Christian educators and pastors believe are the "more" important Bible stories to spend time on.
Need help coming up with a lesson ideas for any Bible story? Ask in our Teachers Lounge!
ANIMATED VIDEO CLIP: Abram and Lot (Genesis 12-13) from Saddleback Kids.
ANIMATED VIDEO CLIP: Lot in Sodom (Genesis 18-19, including Pillar of Salt) from Saddleback Kids. (Kid friendly)
ANIMATED VIDEO CLIP: Abram to Abraham (Genesis 15-21) from Saddleback Kids. Only 1:32 minutes long. A quick introduction to "who was Abram")
ANIMATED VIDEO CLIP: God tells Sarah she will have a son (Genesis 18) from Saddleback Kids. Only 30 seconds long. A quick video to share in the right setting or with other videoclips.
ANIMATED VIDEO CLIP: Sarah Laughs (Genesis 18) from Saddleback Kids. Only 1:37 minutes long. A quick retelling of the story.