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"Adam, Eve, and God"
Lesson Set Summary


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Traditionally, this story gets taught as a theological lesson about "the origin of sin" or the "temptation" -- as if those are the most important things in the story to teach our kids. THIS lesson set, however, takes a different path through this famous and important story -- one that focuses on the character of God -- and thus, how we SHOULD respond to God when we sin. That's why we've named this set, "Adam, Eve, ...and God."

"Where are you?" God calls, already knowing the answer. God wants to talk to us about our sin, not thump us.

God gives us choices, expects obedience, and yes, God knows we will be tempted and sin. And when God calls to us, we hide, then we blame (the wrong response!)

God punishes, yes, but here is the "good news" not often taught in this story: God clothes us to cover our shame, and God goes with us into the difficult world outside his garden. And eventually through the scriptures and coming of Jesus, God promises a return a new paradise.


Passage: Genesis 2:4-3:24

Key/Memory Verse: "Since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; they are now justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." Romans 3:23-24 (NRSV)

“See, I am making all things new.”  Rev 21:5b (NRSV)

Rotation Objectives for Adam, Eve, ...and God

After completing this Rotation, participants will be able to:

  • Find the story in the book of Genesis.
  • Retell the story in their own words. (Note: For older children and youth it is recommended that they learn the entire story. For younger children, it is recommended that they use an abbreviated storybook version. It is especially important that older students take the time to learn the whole story.)
  • State in their own words some of the various conclusions or meanings of the story.
  • Identify temptations and wrong choices in their own lives, and ways to be obedient to God.
  • Know that God has forgiven them even when they do wrong, and is our guide to doing right.
  • Understand that the punishment and banishment of Adam and Eve was not the "end of the story," but that God promises to bring a new heaven and earth (paradise) and will dwell with his people (Rev 21).

Lessons and Resources

Bible Background for Teachers

Insights into some of the surprising parts of the Adam and Eve story. Includes a set of questions to use with kids, and a list of learning objectives for the entire set.

Lesson Plan Summaries

Art ~ 2 to choose from!

Art [1]
Create torn paper collages of images of the Garden of Eden. As students work, explore key concepts and words from the story.

Art [2]
Construct a banner with a tree and use apples and leaves as symbols to discuss right and wrong choices.

Bible Skills & Games

An active study about temptations with a fun "snake" game.


Use Awesome Bible Stories software for elementary students, as well as non-readers, to review the story and construct dialog between Adam, Eve, and God as they discuss an apology. This software program is free to supporting members!


Make Super Sour Gummy fruit candies with a special twist to illustrate (and taste) an important idea about temptation.


Reenact the Bible story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden using a kid-friendly format of Greek Drama. Complete a provided script with rhymes. Explore the concepts of temptation, choice, and God's point of view in the story.


Study the image (light) of God that shines in us and through us with a unique light-demonstrating Bible study and activity "painting" with light on special paper. Note how sin (and trying to hide in the bushes!) blocks the presence (and guiding light) of God.


Students customize a creative puppet script by filling-in-the-blanks, turn their faces and sock-covered hands into puppets, perform the puppet script, and watch their performance.


Uses science experiments and demonstrations to help students explore concepts in the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden, including temptation, consequences, separation and grace.


Tell the story of Adam and Eve using a bag of props, an equation to discuss God's plan for Creation, a Jenga® game, and a stompin' litany activity.

Video / Audio Visual

View and discuss an Adam and Eve video, then look at Revelation Ch 21's vision of a new paradise, plus follow-up activities.

Additional Resources

Enhance the preparation for and the teaching of the Adam and Eve rotation set with a variety of resources.

Things you need to know about the lessons in this set:

The lessons in this set were written to complement each other. Each lesson approaches the story using a different teaching medium, and each lesson has a slightly different emphasis.  

Whether you use the Rotation Model or not, ideally you would teach SEVERAL of these lessons over a period of weeks in order to fully explore the scriptures, their meaning, and commit the story to heart.

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"Where are you?" image from with permission.


Images (3)
  • godingarden
  • WT-adameve
  • adam-eve-God-garden-Genesis
Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm
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