This topic is a collection of resources gleaned from the Writing Team's Zaccheus lesson set brainstorming and discussion. Some of them are things we didn't want to lose, but for one reason or another were not used in one of the Team's lessons. If you have a Zaccheus resource to add, please post it in the public Zaccheus forum . Zaccheus Story Illustrations The Zaccheus Illustrated Story Cards (PDF) resource is shared by a number of lessons in the Team's Zaccheus Set. ♦ This version has all...
Welcome to the Jesus and Zaccheus Lesson Set!
Everyone can read the Luke 19:1-10 Bible Background and the Lesson Summaries. The lesson plans themselves are open to our amazing Supporting Members who make this site possible. Join today
The lessons in this set have been written for both at-home and in-class use. They are broadly-graded and have age and class size adaptations.