
Peter's Denial

Art Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Rooster Magnet to remind us of our need to repent

Scripture Reference:

Mark 14:22-31, (53-54), 66-72 AND John 21:15-17 Read or tell the story from your choice of Bibles. Always tell the children where in the Bible the story is found. If the children bring their own Bibles, help them find the story you are reading.

Materials List:

  • Wooden cut out rooster shapes  (Editor's Note:  In lieu of wood rooster shapes, have the kids trace a rooster on a piece of poster board and cut it out).
  • paints
  • brushes
  • water in bowls
  • pens (Be careful: permanent ink!)
  • magnets for back
  • hair dryers (if needed to speed drying of paint)

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.


Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.

Open with a prayer.

Repeat the memory verse and have the children repeat memory verse.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

  • What does “repent” or “repentance” mean? (take any answers they give)
  • Let’s look at what the dictionary says. (You may want older kids to help you read definitions from the dictionaries - if the definition is long, such as in my Bible dictionary, just read the first paragraph or two.)
  • What words did you notice in the definitions? (regret, remorse, contrition, turning away from sin, changing your mind. etc. Make notes of these on the board.)
  • I notice that most of these are focused on the past. Let’s write a definition that we understand and can remember. (Guide the discussion to come up with something along the lines of “Feeling so bad about something that you did in the past that you want to change".)
  • Now we will hear about someone who did feel really bad about something he did (he repented) and how he showed that he had changed.

Art/Craft Project: Rooster

Process: Paint one side of rooster shape with desired colors. Show example to let kids see where the rooster’s comb and wattle are. It may be easier for youngest children to use just one color, or to color it in a more “freeform” way. Glue feathers on the rooster’s tail (note:tail only). Use pens to write “Repent!” on the rooster’s body, and to mark its eye. Attach magnet to back.

Editor's Note:  You may also want to have them write encouraging words on the rooster, such as, "I will show and tell others that I believe!"


(Discuss these while the kids are working, especially as they wait for paint to dry, etc., or when project is complete, if it’s short.)

  • What do you think was so wrong about what Peter said? Look back at what he had said when Jesus predicted that they would all fall away. Look at the words he actually said when he denied Jesus. (Peter broke his word, he lied, other?)
  • Have you ever pretended that you were not a Christian or even just kept quiet about it? How did you feel? (Whether they have or haven’t, continue by asking)
  • Why would someone do that? (fear, don’t want to be considered uncool, etc)
  • How would YOU handle a situation like Peter’s now?
  • How long does it usually take YOU to repent after you’ve done something wrong?

How do you "deny" Jesus by:

  • Not going to church
  • Making poor choices
  • Not helping others
  • Not standing up for what it right?

What happened to Peter AFTER he denied Jesus? How did he SHOW he was wrong,  and begin to stand up for his faith?

What things can WE do to show Jesus we know we have denied him, know we are forgiven, and DEMONSTRATE our repentance?


  1. Summarize discussion and what children have learned.
  2. Go over the memory verses again.
  3. Encourage the children to come back next week for another workshop, and to invite their friends.
  4. Offer an age-appropriate prayer and/or involve children in the prayer.
  5. Prayer suggestion: Ask for help to repent whenever you need to.

Written by Christine D., from Westminster, CA

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Art idea - Shrinky Dink Rooster

Posted March 08

Just wanted to post an idea for an art lesson Peter's Denial. We studies Peter denying Christ and the rooster crowing twice. Students drew a rooster with colored pencils on Shrinky Dink plastic. I found a good black and white rooster template on the internet for those who didn't want to draw their own. We drew, colored and cut the Shrinky Dinks then shrank them. Kids had the option of gluing a magnet to the back for their refrigerator at home or using a paper punch before baking the Shrinky Dink to make a hole in it to put their rooster on a chain. The symbol of the rooster was to remind them of Peter's Denial of Christ and Jesus' forgiveness.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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