
Editor Note:

This topic is discussing a kind of workshop teaching technique that uses tabletop Bible drama kits with action figures to help kids visualize, retell, and discuss the story by recreating and re-enacting it on a small scale.  It's a great story-learning activity especially in the Rotation Model where you don't have to come up with a new "table" each week because we rotate the kids, instead of changing the story each week.

The Story Table or "Diorama" Workshop borrows from other workshop techniques, such as, storytelling, puppets, drama, and "construction." It also borrows from time-honored story-visualization techniques, such as, felt Bible stories and Godly Play storytelling. It takes advantage of the availability of a wide-array of Bible toy and action figure kits.

However, this workshop takes these story construction concepts to another level and scale. They create a more tactile and interactive story telling experience that occupies more of the student's attention and class time. By scaling up the size and number of movable props in the story, the technique also creates more points of contact for students, and moves away from the "sit and watch the teacher tell the story" techniques of the past.

A technique that's easier to do in the Rotation Model
In a traditional Sunday School class, it would be hard to come up with a new table setting and props for a new story each week. And it would start to get "old" for the students. But in the Rotation Model, set-up and exposure is easier because we re-use the Story Table each week for the same story with a different group. 

Story Table scenes and props can be more elaborate, in part, because Rotation workshops don't believe in skimping, and also because the regular use of this workshop allows us to accumulate and reuse resources. When you're going to use the same scenery and props each week with a different group, it's easier to justify the expense and preparation. The more elaborate technique also stretches the age-range upward for this technique (in the past, such story techniques were reserved for younger children). The drama props come from a variety of sources, some purchased, some re-purposed, and some homemade.

This workshop topic will continue to be expanded here at, and we invite you to post your questions, suggestions, resources, and ideas below.

Our "Soul Station" Story-Diorama Workshop

By Member ZBCC

We have a new workshop in our rotation called "Soul Station". The technique of this station is that students re-enacting Bible stories through the use of dioramas --small tabletop sets and action figures.

Bible characters 4The room is stocked with Bible action figures (some made out of dressed up Barbies/GI/Lego/Playmobil and other re-purposed toys), props, backgrounds, blocks, paper, craft supplies, etc.

Preschool students hear the teacher tell as story through pre-prepared diorama objects, early elementary are assigned characters/props to find and then assist with moving the figures throughout the story and middle/upper elementary read the story at the beginning of class and then create a diorama all on their own.

I have attached some pdf resources that we developed for our first lesson for you to see how we are doing this.


Last edited by Neil MacQueen
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Cool idea ZBCC!

Additional Idea:
Use a "pen" camera that can take close-up video/snapshots from 'within' the diorama/construct so it looks like you are standing in it.  ...Like they do in the BRICK BIBLE online. (This type of camera is not expensive and can take 'macro' photos really easy).

The camera can be connected to a monitor/computer as well, allowing students to "see" from the point of view of the characters --which creates a fun and memorable visual.  For example: In the Prodigal Son story, as you discuss the story's finer points, you can "illustrate" those points by having a student point the camera at the father's face and scan the horizon for the return of his son or show the older son's face close up. It adds a memorable wow factor, fun, and more hands-on, especially for older kids.

Update: Luanne Payne's "Story Table" posts below describe incorporating snapshots and video into the Story Table concept.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

God’s Story Table

by Luanne Payne, Hampton U.C., Hampton, ON, Canada

God’s Story Table became a reality when I was donated a used table that was perfect for what I had in mind in 2009.  It is located in our “Tent Room”, previously used for Bible Skills and Games.  The room is approximately 11’x11', so you don't need a really large space for this idea to work.

Table with Playmat


  • Reinforce: who the bible story characters are, event(s) that happened, and correct story sequence.


  • I gather all the props and set-up the main layout beforehand.  Reason – you will spend too much time setting up the scenes during class and not have enough time to take all your pictures and have discussion along the way.  So main scenes should already be set-up, kids will be moving and posing characters and small props, background scenes, etc.
  • Children take turns, being: director, scene designer, camera operator, lighting, etc. for each scene.Storytable-Crew
  • Tri-pod and a movie clapper will add a movie set feel.
  • I take the digital pictures, taken by the children, and put them into movie maker, adding text and then copy to DVDs for all the kids.  (See post further down on using Kid Pix 4 or the newer "3D" version or PowerPoint, instead of Movie Maker).
  • If I had older kids, I currently have age 10 and under, I would have them input the pictures into Kid’s Pix and put together a slide show in the computer workshop.
  • Next time I hope to record the kids telling the story and adding sound effects to incorporate into the slide show or movie.

Story Table

Use any table. For details of my table see below.

  • 3¼ feet Wide; 5¼ feet Long; 21” High.
  • Drawers - shallow, but deep, pull out drawer on each end.
  • Table still high enough to easily store larger props and containers of smaller props underneath.

I placed stools around outside of room for use in discussion later that we can pull forward, but the students will be need to move freely around the table when creating and photographing their bible story scenes.

Story Scene Mats

I wanted to leave the original table top bare for playing board games, so then came up with the idea to create Story Scene Mats the size of the table top that could be removed or exchanged for a different story scene.

My first Story Scene Mat I drew free hand, painted it, then had it laminated (had to cut in half lengthwise in order to fit through the laminate machine at a local educational store), once laminated I taped the pieces together using clear packing tape.

I wanted to be able to use the mat to cover several bible stories, so I incorporated:  a stream (river), a small lake (sea) with a beach, roads for traveling, grass for fields, and desert sands (Egypt).  Pictured below.

Story Table General Scene Mat x

Down the road I would like to create additional Story Scene Mats, such as:

  • Paul’s Journeys map(s)
  • a sea with coastlines for those stories that take place on the water
  • in 2017 I created - Jesus' Last Week Story Scene Mat, pictured below.

Story Table Easter Mat x

Video made with scenes created and photographed by students

I've uploaded our first movie on "David: Shepherd/Musician/Anointing/Goliath" to "YouTube" so you can see a sample of the possibilities!   Our background music is a song, I found on-line, that suited our story perfectly.  It was written and sung by "David Delgado" (used with permission) and a heartfelt thank you for allowing us to use it!

Updated 2020 to add:

Lesson Charts

When I'm creating my lesson I always include the following two Charts:

1) Scene Set-Ups Chart

This chart helps with planning, gathering supplies, and teaching. It breaks down the scenes and what is required for each:

  • scene # and title
  • characters (people)
  • props (animals, buildings, cloth -- a piece of blue fabric if a scene takes place on water or as sky backdrop, and  black for night, etc.)
  • and possibly a fourth column for any special scene notes.

Be creative when it comes to unusual props you might need, for example a plague of Gnats. (My suggestion to Jaymie was to draw little black specks onto a transparency sheet with a fine point permanent marker. This transparency sheet is then held in front of your camera lens so in your photo it appears there are gnats everywhere -- a special effect!)

Makes it easier when planning and helps with figuring out what you need, collecting those supplies, and advance preparation of your classroom, plus any special notes (optional). Having this one-page quick reference will make your lesson run more smoothly.

It's important to have the material all laid out on a separate table prior to class, as this allows your students to pull required items for each scene quickly. For example, when Jaymie did her Moses-Plagues/Passover/Red Sea Story Table Workshop (charts shown below), she had supplies for each plague in a small basket for quick access.

Each scene takes time for the kids to set-up the scene, photograph, and discuss, so you don't want to be searching for supplies. The more scenes you have, the more time it will take, so be sure to take into account the time you normally have for a lesson will dictate the number of scenes you can accomplish.

Example: Scene Set-Ups for Moses - Plagues / Passover / Red Sea




  1. Nile into Blood
  • Moses (staff)
  • Aaron
  • Pharaoh
  • Egyptian/Israelites
  • Backdrop (tape blue tissue paper to cover it)
  • Brown construction paper ground
  • Blue River (blue felt)
  • Red River (red felt)

         (half blue/half red)

   2. Frogs
  • Moses
  • Aaron
  • Pharaoh
  • Egyptian/Israelites
  • Frogs (frog stickers or small plastic frogs) – placed all around scene

   3. Gnats

  • Moses
  • Aaron
  • Pharaoh
  • Egyptian/Israelites
  • Gnats (created by drawing little black specks onto a transparency sheet with a fine point permanent marker.)  This transparency sheet is then held in front of your camera lens so in your photo it appears Gnats are everywhere— special effect!)
   4. Flies
  • Moses
  • Aaron
  • Pharaoh
  • Egyptian/Israelites
  • Flies (small plastic flies or fly stickers) – all over scene
  5. Dead Livestock
  • Moses
  • Aaron
  • Pharaoh
  • Egyptian/Israelites
  • Small toy animals lying on sides
    6. Boils
  • Moses
  • Aaron
  • Pharaoh
  • Egyptian/Israelites

  • Small adhesive dots – placed on all Egyptian figures
     7. Hail
  • Moses
  • Aaron
  • Pharaoh
  • Egyptian/Israelites

  • White aquarium gravel – scattered all over scene
   8. Locusts
  • Moses
  • Aaron
  • Pharaoh
  • Egyptian/Israelites
  • Locusts or grasshoppers (plastic or stickers)
   9. Darkness
  • Moses
  • Aaron
  • Pharaoh
  • Egyptian/Israelites
  • Black felt background (large enough to cover entire area, have children hold this over the entire backdrop and place the scene title on the black cloth.)
   10. Death of firstborn males
  • Moses
  • Aaron
  • Pharaoh
  • Egyptian/Israelites
  • Lay people down
  • Draw a doorframe with red marker on it for the Hebrew homes (optional)
  11. Passover
  • Israelites
  • Moses
  • Aaron
  • Table, plates, utensils, flat bread (could use actual matzoh)
  12. Red Sea Crossing
  • Moses (staff)
  • Aaron
  • Pharaoh
  • Egyptian/Israelites
  • Wall of water (blue poster board with sides folded up, draw waves and add fish stickers)
  • Chariot(s) and Egyptian soldiers, Israelites – Playmobil

2) Movie Crew Responsibilities Chart

This is the same for all workshops.

Divide responsibilities among the different students based on the chart below, making sure each child has an opportunity to participate in every part of the “movie set".

Option: print out assignments onto cards and pass out to children. At the end of the scene, have them trade their card with another child. Make sure every child has a chance to be photographer. Several children can serve as set designers. If you have a film clapper, one child can also be assigned to announce the scene with the clapper.

  • Screen Writer - creates scene titles, adhering labels to cardstock tents (older students). Younger students can add your prepared scene titles to each scene.

  • Set Designers - sets up the scene with all character figures and props, students take turns (for some scenes all students may be able to participate – for example: plagues - Everyone places three frogs into the scene.)

  • Scene Remover - this person(s) removes any items not required for the next scene.

  • Lighting - additional scene lighting (you may have access to a worklight, office lamp with bendable arm, or a simple flashlight).

  • Camera Operators - zooms in and takes photos of scene (could have your camera on a tripod for a more movie feel.)

  • Movie Clapboard Operator (optional) - announces each scene, can also indicate when scene is ready to be photographed.

Example below is from Jaymie's - Moses-Plagues/Passover/Red Sea Story Table Workshop

Job Title




Oversee/gather/organize  all supplies/props beforehand.




Read each scene’s overview, requirements and any special notes for crew.



Creates scene titles – adhere labels to cardstock tents.

Older children

Set Designer

Set-up the scene with all character figures and props.

Children take turns (for many of the scenes all children can participate – for example: “Everyone put three frogs on the scene.”

Scene Removals

Most of the plague scenes can remain unchanged, but this person removes the items before the next plague.

Children take turns


Hold light in place so that scenes have adequate lighting.

Children take turns

Camera Operators

Take photos of the scenes.

Children take turns

PDF attachment is from original post.


Images (7)
  • Blank Table
  • Table with Playmat
  • Table Drawer with People Supplies
  • David & Goliath
  • Story Table General Scene Mat x
  • Story Table Easter Mat x
  • Storytable-Crew
Files (1)
Last edited by Luanne Payne

We used the action figure diorama workshop for the first time this last month using the story of the Last Supper. Kids had a great time and did a really good job. See the photos we took at this post (lesson included).  Full lesson set of workshops are here

Here are a couple of pictures.

scene 3scene 7

Jesus blesses the bread.                                          Setting up the Upper Room

scene 9An extra time photo:  the Garden of Gethsemane

To view enlarged photos, click on any of the above photos.


Images (3)
  • The Upper Room
  • Blessing the bread
  • In the Garden: We had a few extra minutes, so they added this scene
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Wow Luanne! LOVED the video. I was wondering about the music.... it's so much better with music, but I wasn't sure how to deal with copyright issues. I may have to talk to our organist... he writes and sings -- maybe he could write up some music for us to use!


Using Background Music

I'd just like to comment that I believe it will make an even better movie - if your kids create the voices and add sound effects, rather than background music - see below notes for Kid Pix 4 or the newer "3D" version.

Remember all reading this that if you haven't received permission to use someone else's music, you can't use it!

Other ideas for background music:

  • ask your organist or worship band to write & record for you simple background music.  Now I'm not musically inclined, but thinking if they could write a few simple bars that could be repeated over and over quietly in the background would work great as well.
  • Music is not necessary - do audio recordings of the kids with sound effects, this is way better than music background and the kids love doing it (see below*).


Putting your pictures into a Slide Show or Movie

  1. * Kid Pix 4 or the newer "3D" version (#1 BEST CHOICE!! recommended by Luanne)

    Story Table Computer Workshop Photo HUC #6Story Table Computer Workshop Photo HUC #2

    Cons - not really any.  You can't add a soundtrack in KP, just individual recordings per
              slide. But, after exporting as a QT movie, you could add soundtrack either in
              QT Pro or any decent movie editing program.

    Pros - you likely already have this in your computer lab, if not, you should!
           - it's the easiest thing I learned how to operate.
           - kid's love using the program!
           - You can import your digital photos, add texts, add backgrounds, paint on the pics,
              record narration for each slide right in the KP program, and even add slide
           - anything kids type, it speaks out loud.
           - you can record their voices and add, just need a microphone (mine is a cheap,
              little plastic one and it works great).
           - has 100 sound effects to choose from.   
           - you can play it in church during children's time if you have a projector.
           - parents can visit computer lab to see slide show.
           - you can export it as a Quick Time Movie, then save it to CDs, so the kids can
             play it at home.  You need to be in Slide Show, select slideshow, File, Export.
             Great year end gift!
  2. PowerPoint
    Cons - it's also time consuming if you don't know what you're doing.  In the last three years I've had to do 3 PowerPoints for family funerals and learned a lot, but found it VERY time consuming.

    Pros - you can save it to CD so kid's can play their project at home on their computer or save to the correct format and you can play in a picture frame or to DVD.

  3. Movie Maker
    Cons - if you're not familiar with the program, it will take you forever, as you have to learn as you go, and constant trial and error, I know, I did it that way.
    Pros - once your done all the work (which will take forever), you've test played it and it's good to go, you can then publish the movie so it will play in a DVD player.  When inserted into the DVD player it will wait for you to press play, it also automatically gives you three scenes you can go to, but it chooses them, you can't.

Sound Room Idea for Kid's Audio Recordings

What I'd like to do with the Joseph pictures we took is to set-up a temporary Sound Room - computer lab will work, but remember you can only have one person at a time recording for you will pick up other sounds around you, so I suggest a room away from the noise or do after church.

  • Put a colourful sign over the door saying "Sound Room" and another sign on the door that says "RECORDING IN SESSION - QUIET PLEASE!"  Use that removable 4M Velcro so they can be easily put up and take down.
  • Do up a chart of characters in the movie and sound effects, so you can evenly distribute parts out to the kids.
  • Script - either create it yourself - or have the kids help you with it.
    Note:  you only have so much time allow to record - so you have to keep it simple - to only 1 or 2 lines per page if you're recording the kids voices.  One recording allowed per page.
  • Just use "Text Bubbles" written by the children on paper and posted in your scene, like Jaymie did above, in some of her pictures!

Photo from Hampton United Church, Hampton, Ontario, Canada
Kid Pix 4 Screen Shot used for educational purposes.


Images (2)
  • Story Table Computer Workshop Photo HUC #6
  • Story Table Computer Workshop Photo HUC #2
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Thank you to everyone for adding to this post. Luanne I am very excited to use some of your ideas to expand on our diorama workshop.  I think it would be great to pair our diorama workshop with our computer lab lesson on occasion to allow children the opportunity to create their own videos and put to use all the dioramas they have been creating.  Can't wait to use all the new ideas.  Your pdf file is very helpful also.  THANK YOU!

WOW! Diorama BIBLE buildings, figures, and props out of paper!  Download, print, cut, and fold.

Thanks to this neat site called "My Little House" by Didier Martin.

Information on Didier taken directly from his site.

My name is Didier, I am French, born in Paris. I lived in France for most of my life, then abroad, mostly in Latin America.

I am a children’s book and comic illustrator, and paper engineer (I create paper models and different paper crafts). I also create activity pages and occasionally board games, as well as write short stories.

As a Christian, I feel it is my calling to reach out to children, and so the reason for this blog is to share with them and all of you the different projects I work on.

Many of the projects I post on this blog are for free for you to download and use and share with others. I simply ask that don’t use these articles for commercial purpose, and that you keep my credits and copyright with the articles and projects.

 I've created links to his site directly to the bible diorama projects he's created.  If you use them please remember his credits and copyright notice as noted above.

He also has a DONATION button on his website - if you use his material I promote donating to help him in this amazing calling.  Just imagine the endless hours he spent creating these then providing them on his blog/site for free.  Help him continue this amazing ministry!  (Note:  I do not know the author or have any connection to him or his website - simply awestruck by his bible artwork!)

Diorama Links to his site:

Link to "Bible Town"

Link to Easter "Empty Tomb" Story

Link to "Nativity" Story

NEW - Link to "Moses" Story


 Bible town 1


Images (1)
  • Bible town 1
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Story Table Props

More photos and links to some of our Story Table props, backgrounds and lessons.

Note: We often PHOTOGRAPH our story scenes and create story slideshows with the photos in our computer lab later using Kids Pix Deluxe. That's where many of these photos came from.

Story "Mat"

Story TableI drew this, painted it, and had it laminated.  It's attached to the table top with Velcro pieces. (Update: we now have a piece of plexiglass (size of table top) that lays on top of the paper story mats. Flat surface is beneficial as the small figure props now don't fall over—paper when painted does not always dry flat I found, which occasional caused figures to fall over, especially Lego. Problem solved and in our case didn't cost us anything as it was donated.)

Because story table mats were laminated the room's ceiling light sometimes causes a glare when pictures are taken, so I have a large piece of cardboard and the children who are "Background Set Designers" will hold it above the table to block direct light from above.  Adds another job,when we all switch places for each new scene.

My table has two pull out draws at each end (this was given to me and it appears to be hand made).

One drawer holds all my assorted people figures.

Gods Storytable Props 1

The other drawer holds miscellaneous props, such as: assorted trees, rocks, campfire (Playmobil), lions & den (Imaginext Adventure Lion Cave Set), sheep, horses, cows, camels, pigs, lions, donkey, felt pieces, etc.

Gods Storytable Props 2

I have an old steel roller cart that holds larger misc props for easy access.

Gods Storytable Props 3

Where can you find props for a Story Table?

Toys do not have a long shelf life I've found, so if you see something you really like purchase it then and there. If you wait until the specific story you wanted it for, when that story rolls around again in your rotation it may no longer be available.

Some of the props I've collected since 2006 are shown in the photos below to spike your imagination.

Melissa & Doug

  • 1)  Folding Wooden Castle.  
    Can be used for so many stories!  It also opens up to become a city wall and the inside a city - features a jail cell inside that has a door that slides open and shut (for prison scenes).
    2) Castle Furniture. Both castle & furniture work great with Playmobil sized figures.


  • Go to the Playmobil website and do a search to see what they currently have (Egypt or Roman). You can also do an online search for any items shown below that have since become discontinued and find elsewhere.
    • #4246 Egyptian Tomb Treasure" roof removable ->>.
    • #4242 Egyptian Chariot (+2 horses & 1 Egyptian)
    • #6489 Leader of Egyptian Soldiers
    • #6488 Egyptians - 3 Soldiers

    • #6492 Egyptian Family of 4
    • #6490 Roman - 3 Soldiers
    • #70934 Asterix: Roman Troop - 4 soldiers
    • #6491 Roman Soldier
    • #6493 Roman Family of 4
  • A good site to find miscellaneous4284291_t Playmobil items that you can buy individually is14563373_t Ron's Rescued Treasures, such as:  globlets, vase, loaves, money sack with hand grip, water pitcher, fish, etc..  You just need to check to see if it's in stock and if not check back later.  The best way to search is type Playmobil and item name (example: Playmobil loaves) then find the one that suits you and check to see if he has it in stock.  He's Canadian, but does ship to the United States.


  • Palm Trees
    (I still have the Lego from when my kids where small - they are adults now. In our bucket I've found all sorts of useful items - like palm trees, wine goblets, water pitchers, etc.)
  • Joseph's Pit - Lego Ramp Pit Rock Vintage base plate. (Can be seen on second shelf on white cart pictured above.)
    • Alternative-- stack some wooden blocks, the ones with the curve inside. We stacked six blocks, 3 per side and had a perfect well that a figure could be lower into.

Tales of Glory Sets:

Fisher Price

  • Pyramid (Little Einstein Golden Pyramid Egypt Mission Playset).
  • Fisher Price Little People Sets (now part of Mattel) all discontinued except Nativity Set, try an online search):
    1) Nativity Set (current version at Mattel)
    2) Wise Men Set (the first Wise Men set included 3 tents & 3 camels, then it changed to include 1 tent and 1 camel.) DISCONTINUED
    3) Lil' Shepherd Set DISCONTINUED
    4) Bethlehem Inn set - DISCONTINUED.


  • Small Wooden Bird Castles - found in their wood craft section (seen on top shelf of white rolling cart pictured above).

Some Story Scene Samples and Props used

David & Goliath

David Saul 4

Props used in above scene:

  • Background - Betty Lukin Water & Sky Flannel Background (You can buy it already mounted to cardboard or mount it yourself to a piece of cardboard.  The children who are the "Background Scene Setters" for that scene hold it so the water line is at the table height so you only see the sky - makes the scenes more realistic than seeing your room's wall.)  They have other scenes you could also use:  a room and a prison cell.
  • David & Goliath's Armour Bearer - (Tales of Glory).
  • Goliath - Roman Solider (Bible Quest Series).
  • Israelites - disciples from the "Galilean Boat Playset, Tales of Glory Series.
  • King - Tales of Glory Nativity Set - WIse Man
  • Philistines - Melissa & Doug's Castle Dolls.
  • and a Playmobil knight.

Jesus Goes to the Temple (age 12)

Jesus Child 07 Camping on Route to Jerusalem

Props used in above scene:

  • night background - black felt with felt stars and moon.
  • the rounded blue piece showing sky/stars was part of the original "Fisher Price Little People Nativity Set", but it's now discontinued.
  • Palm Trees come with each of the Fisher Price - Little People Christmas Sets (Nativity, Shepherds, Wise Men.)

Jesus Child 025 in Jerusalem Overhead Shot

Props used in above scene:

  • Melissa & Doug's Folding Wooden Castle - shown opened to create the city of Jerusalem.
  • Fisher Price Little People Bethlehem Inn - as noted above discontinued and big $$$$ on ebay.
  • Pink & Blue Market Stalls - something I picked up at Dollarama years ago.
  • Temple - this was in a book that's no longer available, but another idea would be Solomon's Temple Model by Tim Dowley (Candle Books).
  • The mini-scrolls were from the Heroes of Faith Series (discontinued).  The characters were too small for the story table, but the scrolls were the right size for my needs.
  • The small wooden furniture for the tabernacle was from a Mormon website no longer around.

The Tabernacle

The idea was to have something the kids could take apart and then put back together, like a puzzle.


  • base - sheet of polystyrene (maybe 3/4" thick).
  • assorted wooden blocks - I painted gold.
  • Most of the pillars I simple had pressed into the polystyrene to make a bit of a permanent dent (none where glued down) for when they went to put it back together they simply sat the poles into the dents.
  • I made small folded cards for each part (not pictured).
  • furniture I purchased on-line (website no longer there).
  • different felt pieces used for roof coverings
  • the Holy of Hollies does have wood pieces glued to the polystyrene on each side of the those blocks, so block could be inserted then removed, I put eye hole screws on some of the side blocks and thread very thin dowel rods through them.
  • Everything was removable except for the thing grey strips of wood seen in bottom picture.

Fall of Jericho

Lego works great for this story!

Fall of Jericho

Joseph's Story Scene Samples

01 Joseph02 Joseph03 Joseph04 Joseph05 Joseph06 Joseph07 Joseph08 Joseph09 Joseph10 Joseph11 Joseph


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  • mceclip0
  • mceclip0
  • mceclip1
  • mceclip1
  • mceclip2
  • mceclip3
  • mceclip4
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Perfect - Dove Cage

Playmobil Set "Evil Explorer with Quad" Item #: 6939 - $14.99.   Releasing in May or June of this year so unfortunately, it won't be available for this Easter.

  • cage box: perfect cage to hold dove(s) - Jesus and the Money Chargers in the temple, Jesus boy in the temple
  • snake - Adam & Eve
  • bone -  Ezekiel dry bones
  • two cheetah cubs - Noah, Creation
  • hollow tree log - outdoor accessory

I like Playmobil because it works well with a doll house in my home basement, so any time I see a smaller set with hard to find items that will work with my God's Story Table I purchase it for myself. Pulling any items I can use to help tell bible stories at church, the rest gets added to the doll house making our grandchildren very happy.


Doves - you can buy a pkg of 3/4" plastic white doves at Michaels,Plastic doves
found in the wedding decorating section.


Images (1)
  • Plastic  doves
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Bullrushes (Baby Moses)

Fishing Net & Fish (Miraculous Catch of Fish / Calling the Disciples / Breakfast with Jesus).

Playmobil Set "Inflatable Boat with Explorers" Item # 5559

 Playmobil Set "Young Explorer with Otters" Item # 5376
(Much less expensive - this set doesn't have the fishing net, but gives you a fish and a nice sized bullrush.)5376_product_box_back


Note:  Playmobil Sets have limited runs, you never know how long a particular set will be available before it is retired!  So I buy them when i see them, not waiting until that story comes up in my 6-year scope and sequence.

If looking for a retired piece of a set try Ron's Rescued Treasures website and look under Playmobil.  He sells by the piece, not the whole set, so for example your just looking for a "bread loaves" or a "water pitcher" this is the place to go!


Images (1)
  • 5376_product_box_back
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Thanks Beth for your kind words, so glad it inspires you!  Our kids love this workshop!

If you have success with this please share your lesson and we love photos of your students creations. Please post it under the related bible story lesson forum!


Last edited by Luanne Payne

Women Figures

When you need more women in a scene. These are the woman figures I've found:

  • Tales of Glory figures (3" high) have Mary (Delilah/Samson set, discontinued, check Ebay.)
  • Playmobil women (which are 2 3/4" high) are great and the bonus is their arms and legs move and they can hold items.  Ones dressed in gowns, only bend at the waist.
  • Finger Puppet sets from Oriental Trading that contain woman.  They are 2" in height. 
    1) The "Nativity" Set (24 total in set - note from reviews noted at site you could end up with an assorted set, not 4 of each. There are Mary, Joseph, 3 Wise Men, Baby Jesus.
    2) "He Lives!" Easter set (24 total in set, again you don't know what you will get. There are 8 different figures: Jesus, Roman soldier, angel, 3 different women, 2 different men.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Women Props for Story Table6843_product_box_front

New 2017: Playmobil's "Princess and the Handmaiden Duo Pack".  It also includes two doves (Noah!) and a bowl with a handle.

The handmaiden is great for stories like: Mary & Martha, Widow's mite, Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath.

The princess can be turned into a commoner by removing the dress skirt. I just used a sharp knife to gently pry apartDSC03458 the skirt, then popped off her green arm bands and crown. 

The apron is interchangeable between the two figures.


Images (2)
  • 6843_product_box_front
  • DSC03458
Last edited by Luanne Payne

Oriental Trading Is a good place to poke around to find small figures that can be used on story tables. Here are sets for Easter: Palm Sunday and, Empty Tomb. figures can be repurposed for telling other stories too!

Updated to add: The Last Supper, a three piece set (figures not removable on this one).


WoodResurrection-setLast Supper 3 piece set 2019

And look, a mini flock of lambs (about 1" tall)! Cute, plus useful in many stories!!



Images (5)
  • palmSundaySet
  • resurrectionSet
  • WoodResurrection-set
  • MiniFlockLambs
  • Last Supper 3 piece set 2019
Last edited by Luanne Payne

paperclip.stand.for.cutout.sceneryThis article about Freestanding Bible Characters is a great idea that would work for scenery (things like houses and trees, not the background): use a paperclip as a stand.

Bend the paperclip as shown into an "L" shape and tape it to the back of your (or the student's) cutout scenery piece.


Images (2)
  • paperclip.stand.for.cutout.scenery
  • Bible-storytelling-figures

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