Was that in Matthew or John?
A Challenging Ten Question Quiz about Jesus Feeding the 5000
Other than the story of the cross, The Feeding of the 5000 is the only story found in ALL FOUR GOSPELS. But there are some very interesting differences in how each Gospel writer tells the story (which you'll soon discover as you take the quiz).
While working on this story with our Writing Team, we became intrigued by some of the interesting differences between JOHN's version of the story and that of the other three Gospels. And early on, we had to battle our own faulty memories of what we THOUGHT was in each version -- realizing that our memories tend to blend and filter out some of the differences.
Click the Quiz Checkmark graphic below to see how well you think you know this story, then BE SURE TO CLICK "REVIEW ALL ANSWERS" at the end of the quiz for some very interesting insights and comments about these differences.
Results are ANONYMOUS. If the pop-up code doesn't open the quiz, use this direct link-- Our Quiz at GoConqr's Quiz Website
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