Rotation.org's Bible Video Guide forum is a new and growing collection of detailed teaching outlines for some of the most popular Bible videos recommended at Rotation.org.
These resources have been created for our Supporting Members to help take the guesswork out of selecting and teaching with Bible videos.
Become a supporting member today!
In addition to creating new outlines specifically for Rotation.org, many of our outlines were previously created by Rotation educators and have been donated to our collection. These include Neil MacQueen's outlines of the What's in the Bible? DVD series, Son of God, and Jesus Christ Superstar, and Luanne Payne's The Promise movie outline.
We have many more to come! And we welcome your suggestions and outlines. Contact us by email or reply to this post to suggest a Bible video you'd like to see a guide for.
See this Forum's list of topics for the outlines available to our Supporting Members.
Looking for a video for a certain Bible story?
This Bible Video Guide forum is where we are posting Bible video guides.
To find recommended videos for a specific Bible story, you'll want to FIRST look up the story in our Bible Story Lesson Forums --and go into the Video Workshops for that story to see recommendations from various folks. Then check back here to see if we have a teaching guide for it.
You can also ask "which one is best" in the "I Need Lesson Help!" forum.
Which video does our Writing Team (WT) think is the best for a certain Bible Story???
Supporting Members can see the WT's "best video" recommendations —with a lesson plan built around it. Go to the Writing Team's Lesson Menu.
Why are these resources only open to Supporting Members?
Because Supporting Member contributions make this site and resources like these possible. While the vast majority of our lesson content and articles will always be publicly available. we have a select set of materials and lesson plans which only Supporting Members can access. Join our mission! Become a supporting member today.
Our outlines will help take the guesswork out of selecting and teaching with videos.
- Which Bible videos have the Emmaus story in them?
- How long is that section on the Fruits of the Spirit?
- Does DVD #10 in the What's in the Bible series cover the Feeding of the 5000?
- Which scenes in Lumo's new Gospel of John video are particularly good for kids?
- Which chapter on the Son of God DVD should I cue up for the Temptation of Jesus scene? (and how biblical is it?)
- Which part of that movie should I skip if I'm short on time?
- What are some follow-up questions I can use with that scene from JC Superstar?
Guide Formatting, Content, and Copyrights
Our guides are "as is." They were created and contributed by the individual(s) listed in them. Images they may contain from the resource they outline, are copyrighted and herein used under the protected "fair use" purpose of commentary and teaching. The copyright text of each outline has donated to Rotation.org Inc.
We welcome your outlines, comments, and suggestions to each outline.
Use your reply button in each guide's topic to add your thoughts and helps.