For the past several years, members of our community have been digging deep into our archives of great ideas and resources to unearth hidden gems and favorites.
Our resource forums have been collecting and curating member-contributed lessons and ideas for over two decades. With such a deep resource, it's hard to recall where all the extra special ideas and resources have been buried. That's where our treasure hunters come in.
Our "original" treasure hunters were Cathy Walz and Robin Stewart, and you'll see their names on many of the posts from 2020-24. We've now expanded our hunters to include a number of our Board members (!) -- all of whom have decades of children's ministry experience behind their nose for real treasures.
Have a treasure you want to share?
Post it below!
or email it to us.
Our members are also our treasures. Not signed up yet? Become a Registered or Supporting Member to receive our monthly email newsletter. It also has many treasures in it.
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