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This thread is for posting your lesson "ideas" for teaching the story of the Anointing of David.


Please note: There is a wonderful complete set of workshop lessons available to all at


This set comes from the Writing Team and is the only "WT" set available to Non-members and Supporting Members alike.  Enjoy!



Your own lesson sets and ideas are very welcome in this forum.

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer
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Science Experiment Idea

Children's Ministry Magazine had a "Science Demonstration" as a lead-in to discussing "what God can see in us"  

"For the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart."  1 Samuel 16:7b (NRSV)

The basic idea:

Black watercolor markers are usually made up of several color pigments, which will separate into their various colors when you dab the marker on a coffee filter paper, and then drip about 10 drops of water onto the black dot.

A rainbow of colors will begin to appear.


  • What did you think you would see?
  • Were you surprised by what you saw?
  • How are each of us like or unlike what this experiment demonstrates?
  • What should we be made of?  (The world sees black, but God can see what we are really made of.)

Follow up Suggestions from Neil MacQueen:  

Enhance the colors on the filter paper using colored markers and then use a pencil to "label" each color on the filter paper with words that represent "things God wants to see in our hearts."  You could have the children make a list of these "good things" and then decide on their own filter which colors represent those ideas, and then explain it to the class.   You may also want them to repeat the experiment if their first filter paper got a little messy.


Yellow = goodness

Red = love

Blue = concern for others troubles

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Object Lesson Ideas

I used the object lesson called "Inside Out" from Bonnie Bruno's Book of 'SenseSational Object Talks'. This uses an overripe banana & a good looking banana, to illustrate I Samuel 16:7.
I also had two geode rocks to illustrate this scripture, as well. One rock was whole (and ugly), and the other was open, so you could see the colorful inside. I hope someone else can use these ideas.
Judy Stafford, New Song Church, Gunnison, Colorado.
Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

Family at-home/response page for the Anointing of David

I have attached a page that I created for parents and families that has at-home activities and discussion starters, to help continue the conversation about the stories we are studying in Sunday school.

You may share these with your congregation or adapt as necessary for your community.


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