Armor of God ~ Bible Exploration
Summary of all workshops in this Rotation:
- Art: the Sword of the Spirit (the bible) and the Helmet of Salvation (crown of thorns) - make large bible timeline.
- Video: Will be creating Peace Shoes and watching the video Rhythms of Peace.
- Computer: Decorate a Shield of Faith - view CDrom's: "Actual Reality" and "The Church’s Story"
- Drama: the Belt of Truth and the Breastplate of Righteousness - act out scenarios, decorate breastplate.
Bible Memory Verse: “Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his Power. Put on the whole armor of God.” (Eph. 6:10-13a)
Teacher’s Background Notes
A Bible Timeline and Outline:
The Bible is a collection of books (the word Bible means book). Most of them were originally stories that were handed down orally. Still, despite being written at different times by different people in different situations, the Bible tells a coherent story.
In this outline, the Bible has a beginning, an extended story, and an ending. The main points one may want to emphasize, by writing the following on the timeline, include:
1. Creation and Fall – God creates a world. The world rebels.
2. Promises to Abraham – God begins to create a people, a faithful minority. God promises several things to Abraham: land, descendants, the covenant, and the concept that all nations will be blessed through him.
The rest of the Bible grows out of these promises. Added to them are the exodus and the ten commandments, the promises to David that he will always have a king on the throne. This led to the hope of a Messiah. The years of kings in Israel and Judah also led to the rise of the prophets who called the people to return to God and fueled the hope for a Messiah who would come.
Jesus finally, and fully, fulfilled the promises to Abraham (and the messianic hope of David.) This is why Paul talks of how we can become heirs to the promises of Abraham through faith in Christ. The Church, then, is now the new creation, the new people of God that God began to create when he called Abraham and Sarah.
In Short:
The story of the Bible can be outlines as follows...God creates a world...The world rebels...God creates a people who will be faithful to their creator...God calls Abraham and Sarah and makes promises to them...The rest of the Bible is how these promises are...Fulfilled by God in the promised land and the covenant...The covenant is broken and the visible signs of the covenant are all lost...The Temple is destroyed...The people are taken away from the promised land... No son of David is King.
The Old Testament ends with the prophets calling for a Messiah (an anointed one, that is, one who is chosen by God to save the people)...The promises to Abraham are finally and completely fulfilled in Christ...
Christ comes..The Messiah comes to save God’s people...The church is born...We can become children of Abraham by faith in Christ...God will bring the world to an ending...The revelation of John completes the story...Just as God set the stage on which the drama of the human life is played out, God will one day bring everything to a completion.
All the stories of the Bible can be placed on this outline. The driving force behind all the Biblical stories is GOD FULFILLING ALL THE PROMISES MADE BY GOD.
Armor of God ~ Bible Exploration
Art Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activity:
The Sword of the Spirit and the Helmet of Salvation - make large bible timeline.
Lesson Objectives:
The explorers will be able to find their way around the Bible and will be better equipped to use it!
- Children or Youth Bibles
- Long roll of paper (say, 3ft wide and 10 feet long)
- Paper
- Paints, pens, markers, etc.
- Glue Sticks
- Material to make a crown of thorns
Leader Preparation:
Read Ephesians 6:10-18 and Teacher Background notes. Gather supplies.
Before Start of Class:
- Create a giant bible timeline on a large piece of paper following the above outline provided in Teacher Background notes.
- make a crown of thorns.
During class you will use this same timeline to:
o Brainstorm all the Bible Stories explorers can remember
o Draw the stories or draw something to symbolize each story on a separate piece of paper
o Add these story (paper pieces) to their proper place on the timeline
Lesson Plan
Welcome explorers and go over memory verse.
Bible Memory Verse: “Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his Power. Put on the whole armor of God.” (Eph. 6:10-13a)
Lesson Outline:
- Discuss the passage from Ephesians and the Bible as the “Sword of the Spirit.” We need to understand the Bible in order to use it.
You will be looking at the “big picture.” - .Have the explorers come up with stories they remember from the Bible
- Write the name of the story or draw a symbol of it on a piece of paper. (e.g., you might draw a cross to represent Christ)
Adaption Older Kids: have one of the children who makes the symbol suggestion draw it. - Glue the story (picture/symbol) on the large Bible outline that you have prepared.
- Discuss how each story fits into the larger picture.
- Where are we in this outline? (We are in the period of the church)
- How can we use this sword? (the Bible) Read it regularly and discuss it with friends. Keep a journal along with reading it. Mark favorite parts. It is a tool, if you use it you will become skilled in it.
Hand out “Swords of the Spirit,” the Bibles, to the explorers.
The Bible in a Nutshell
My favorite way to summarize the Bible is in Genesis. After Adam and Eve sin they hide from God. God then asks Adam (which means literally, “humanity"“Where are you?” The Bible is the story of God’s search for us. While we bee-bop along God is seeking us out. God finally finds us through Christ.
The Crown of Thorns
In Ephesians, Paul associates the helmet of salvation with the sword of the Spirit. If you would like, use a crown of thorns as a possible “helmet of Salvation.”
Ask the following questions:
- Who wore a crown of thorns?
- Why did the Romans put a crown of thorns on Jesus? (to make fun of him)
- Why would we want a crown of thorns as a “helmet of salvation”
a. Here, you may want to discuss humility
b. How does humility protect us?
c. Why put humility together with the sword of the Spirit? - Don’t get too deep with younger explorers. The crown of thorns can simply: Remind us of Jesus. Remind us that Jesus died for us. Remind us that Jesus loves us. The people who killed Jesus put a crown of thorns on his head to make fun of him. We wear a crown of thorns to honor Jesus.
End in prayer. Ask God for humility and courage.
ADAPTATIONS: Use appropriate age Bibles for children or youth.
Armor of God ~ Bible Exploration
Video Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activity:
Shoes to make you ready to proclaim the Gospel of Peace - Rhythms of Peace Video.
Lesson Objectives:
The explorers will be able to identify ways that they can be peacemakers.
- Video on Peace or Peacemaking, TV, projector, etc.
For example, Rhythms of Peace with Mr. Fredd. By the Mennonite Board of Missions, Harrisonburg, VA. Mennonite Media Production. (Out of Print)
[2020 Moderator update: someone has posted full segment to YouTube: see more details below, in lesson] - Cardboard, scissors, markers, glue, single hole punch, string
- sequins, jewels, etc.
- Popcorn and drinks.
Leader Preparation:
- Read Ephesians 6:10-18 and preview video.
- Gather supplies.
- This video has four stories on it. It is hosted by Mr. Fredd. The four stories are repeated at the end of the video without Mr. Fredd. Decide if you would like to use the stories with or without the narrator so you know where you will cue the video prior to class (see resources at end of this lesson for timing.)
- Pre-cut cardboard shoes for the younger children, older children will be able to make their own.
- Have video cued. Have popcorn and juice poured and ready to hand out.
- Have an area laid out with the supplies for making the shoes (depending on the layout of your movie theater, this may need to be done in another room, if there is not a table for the kids to work at).
Lesson Plan
Welcome Explorers. Review memory verse.
Bible Memory Verse: “Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his Power. Put on the whole armor of God.” (Eph. 6:10-13a)
Before watching the video:
Discuss the passage from Ephesians 6:10-20
- What does gospel mean? (good news)
- What is the gospel of peace?
- What do swords, and breastplates, and the other items of war that Paul mentions in this passage have to do with peace?
- Discuss peace. What is it?
Watch the video. Stop after each segment and use some of the discussion questions that come with the video.
After the video discuss peace again.
- What are some things that you might need to make you ready to be a peacemaker?
Cardboard Peace Shoes Activity:
- Hand out pre-cut cardboard shoes to younger children. For older children hand out cardboard to cut out their own kind of shoe they want from the cardboard.
- Have each explorer decide what traits they need to walk in to be a peacemaker.
Examples include: Patience, wisdom, kindness - Write this trait on their cut-out shoe like it was the brand of shoe they had.
- Decorate the shoes.
- Tie a string around them so they can be worn around the neck as a symbol for the kind of shoes we need to be peacemakers.
End in prayer. Ask God for patience and wisdom.
Author wrote: This video has four stories on it. It is hosted by Mr. Fredd. The four stories are repeated at the end of the video without Mr. Fredd. Decide if you would like to use the stories with or without the narrator so you know where you will cue the video prior to class
added by moderator ~ video breakdown of "Rhythms of Peace with Mr. Fredd"
First 34 mins. (hosted by Mr. Fredd)
Opening - What is Peace?
Mr. Fredd:
Peace is like rhythm. What are the rhythm's of peace? Talking, laughing, playing or working.
Sometimes peace gets broken or interupted, not sharing (magazine example).
Martin Luther Jr. said an Eye for an Eye Leaves Everyone Blind.
Push or angry word or shove doesn't get you anywhere.
Ghandi he refused to fight back, but lead his country to independence.
Jesus talked about returning love for a fist.
"An Eye for an Eye" song is then shown.Mr. Fredd:
Displacement, tea, tea with ice, most places drink it hot (England,China-green tea).
Tea is the most popular drink in the world, more than coffee or hot chocolate or prune juice.
What if we labelled people by the tea they drink or only liked the people who wore the same king of T-Shirt as we did? (Ice, Green, or Herbal)
What does this have to do with peace?"Tea for Everyone" story is then shown.
Margaret and tea with her grandmother, Margaret makes friends with Tom who likes Ice Tea, Susie another friend they likes green tea, neither her grandmother thinks are good teas. Margaret and Susie meeting at the tea store, the store clerk mixes up the bags. Margaret makes green tea for her grandmother and her grandmother decides she likes it. They decide they should invite Susie and Tom for tea.Mr. Fredd
Isn't that lame to not try someone's tea just because it's different? Isn't it funny that we don't hang out with people over tiny little things like that, she got funny teeth, he dresses funny, his dad is in jail, she's friends with Abby and Abby doesn't like me, or he's a black guy and I'm a white guy. But that why we should be friends, because were different. Tell me about your tea, our your country, or your life. We are all in this big symphony. continues on about rhythms ...."Rhythm Makers" is then shown.
Kids playing on a front porch with home make instruments. Appears to be a pile of war toys in front of the kids. A man comes along with a broom and with the rhythm sweeps them off the porch.Mr. Fredd:
Watching TV how there are good guys and bad guys and they have weapons.
What is the most powerful force on earth? gun, bomb, aunt snoring or is it something else? Clue; What would it take? a cheese burger or a hammer to get you to cross the road? (cheese burger)
The Sun and Wind argues about this very question."The Sun and The Wind" is then shown.
(an aesop fable)
Love or force = LoveMr. Fredd:
Love is a very powerful force, it doesn't hurt, push or destroy, it makes peace. It encourages, it gives, it says come over to this side of the road because I have a cheeseburger to give you.-----------------
The four stories are then repeated, without Mr. Fredd's added narration.
Those timings are:
- An Eye for an Eye (34:00 - 38:15) aprox. 4 mins. 15 seconds
- Tea for Everyone (38:20 - 47:13) approx. 9 mins.
- Rhythm Makers (47:20 -51:34) approx. 4:14 mins.
- The Sun and The Wind (51:38 - 55:35) approx. 3:97 mins.
Armor of God ~ Bible Exploration
Computer Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activity:
Shield of Faith - using "Actual Reality", and "The Church's Story" software.
Actual Reality software CD is no longer in print. UPDATE: You can now download an "ISO" copy that will run fine in Windows 10 or 11 from Select the ISO image version. It's about 650 megabytes so will take a bit to download. After downloading, double click to open, select "details" and "run away" to unzip it. Then click the actreal.exe file to run it! Tip: Use Window's Display Scale control to set screen to 150% to make it fill the screen. Learn more here and also get a copy of the old Outline to Actual Reality.
Lesson Objectives:
The explorers will see the church as a support when facing life’s temptations.
- CD'S: "Actual Reality" and "The Church’s Story" (out of print)
- Cardboard shields shaped like a church building
- Paper
- Cardboard arrows (moderator suggests using 60 lb. coloured cardstock paper)
- markers, pens, etc.
- glue sticks
Leader Preparation:
- Pre-cut lots of small cardboard arrows, you will need several per child.
- Gather supplies.
- Purchase software if needed.
- have computers turned on and program open and running, you will start with "The Churches Story".
- Have copies of "Actual Reality" on hand if not already preloaded.
- lay several cardboard arrows at each computer desk, along with markers/pens/glue sticks.
- have shields set somewhere in class ready to hand-out.
Lesson Plan
Welcome Explorers. Review memory verse.
Bible Memory Verse: “Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his Power. Put on the whole armor of God.” (Eph. 6:10-13a)
Start away from computers:
Give each explorer a cardboard shield and discuss the following:
- What is a shield? Who uses it and why?
- What is the shield of faith Paul talks about in Ephesians?
- Discuss ways the church can be our shield.
- What does the church protect us from?
Give each of the children a piece of paper and pen have them write: protection/church across the top of the page and write temptations/problems across the middle. Tell them they will be adding information they find in the software under each of these titles:
Next, send explorers to computers (have them take their shields with them and place near computer):
Activity #1 - The Church's Story
- Click on topics
- Click on social issues.
Listen to the introduction and choose different time periods to find ways throughout history that the church has offered help and protection. - Make a LIST of protections offered by the church both today and throughout history onto your paper.
- Write one or two word selections from your list directly onto your shield in BIG letters.
Close Program
Open Actual Reality or Insert Actual Reality CD
Activity #2 - Actual Reality
- Click on "Stuff to Know"
- Click on the "parking meter"
- Click on the "savings sign" in the store window
- Click on the top t.v. on the left. Saved from what?
Listen to the short video, write ideas for arrows on your paper (temptations or problems that the church can help protect you from). - Click on "Coming Attractions poster"
- Click on the "door to the right"
- Click on the "wall on the right"
- Click on "exposing temptation"
...Listen to video, write down ideas for arrows on your paper (temptations or problems that the church can help protect you from).. - Write selections from your list of problems/temptations onto your cardboard arrows.
- Attach arrow to shield using a glue stick.
Close in Prayer. Thank God for gift of church.
- Actual Reality CD-ROM
- The Church's Story CD-ROM - by Presbyterian Church (USA, 1998. Order directly from PC(USA) at or by calling 1-800-524-2612, item #096110. Moderator notes: this item appears to no longer carried on their website - I'd call them to see if it's possible to still get a copy, the other possibility would be to check with your local Presbyterian Resource Center.
Armor of God ~ Bible Exploration
Drama Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activity:
the Belt of Truth and the Breastplate of Righteousness - act out scenarios.
Lesson Objectives:
The explorers will reexamine how they live their lives and be able to identify and do what is right.
- Scenarios of ethical situations for explorers to work out their own ending.
- Costumes, props, etc.
- Cardboard breastplates with a belt attached.
- Markers, (paints? - see Adaptions), etc.
- Jewels, sequins, etc.
- glue sticks
Leader Preparation:
- Collect all needed supplies.
- pre-cut cardboard breastplates with belt attached.
- have costumes, props, and suppies laid ready.
Lesson Plan
Welcome Explorers. Review memory verse.
Bible Memory Verse: “Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his Power. Put on the whole armor of God.” (Eph. 6:10-13a)
We cannot earn God’s favor, or prove ourselves worthy of God’s love.
We can, though, try to respond to God’s love by living lives that seek to intentionally love and respect others as God loves us.
Read what the bible says about the Belt of Truth and the Breastplate of Righteousness and see if the kids can answer:
What are truth and righteousness?
How do we live “right?”
Read each scenarios, then ask the following questions:
- What are different ways you may have resolved the situation?
- Why is it important to think about how we treat others?
- What happens when we make mistakes?
- After each scenario, try to think of one thing to add to your breastplate of righteousness -write it on your paper.
- How does doing what we know is right help to protect us?
- You are at camp and another group of kids raid your cabin while you are gone. They throw everyone’s stuff around and hang toilet paper over the rafters. You have just returned to the cabin and found out.
- A kid at school, who everyone else makes fun of because he is different, starts hanging around you a lot. Your friends start to make fun of you.
- You are with a group of friends who start to tell jokes that make fun of others.
You are at home and watching T.V. Your brother or sister wants to watch another show and keeps bugging you to change the channel.- A kid at school gets mad at you for no reason that you can see and starts pushing you around. No matter what you do, she keeps picking on you.
- (Older youth) You go to a friend's house with a group of friends and they pass around a joint (or alcohol). Finally the joint (or bottle) comes to you.
- (Older youth) You are with friends who are bragging about their sexual exploits. Finally attention turns to you and they want to know what you have done.
Break into groups:
- Have explorers break into groups of 2 to 3 and come up with their own scenario.
- Give them five minutes to come up with a scenario and five minutes to practice act it out.
- Have everyone come together.
- Have each group act out their scenario for the rest of the explorers.
- After you act out each scenario ask the following :
What are different ways you may have resolved the situation?
Why is it important to think about how we treat others?
What happens when we make mistakes? - After each scenario, try to think of one thing to add to your breastplate of righteousness -write it on your paper
How does doing what we know is right help to protect us? - Once the last group is done the children can now decorate their breastplates, by writing on words of truth and righteousness they learned from the skits, then decorating their breastplate with paint and jewels, etc.
End in prayer. Ask for God’s guidance and forgiveness.
Adaption: I'm thinking to forget about the paint and just use markers and jewels etc. to decorate the breastplate - less mess and no drying time involved.
Submitted by Pastor Will Heyward of Smyrna Presbyterian Church.