
This topic is for posting your Art and Construction (Lego) for "Other" Daniel Stories which don't fit in the existing topics already created in this forum.

Fiery Furnace or Lion's Den are in other forums. Do not post them here.

Wormy Note:

We have two other Daniel Lesson Forums here at Lion's Den and Fiery Furnace.

Typically, those are the two stories most Rotation Sunday Schools will teach to their elementary age children. Because we cover EACH story for 4 to 5 weeks in a row, it means we cannot get to every Bible story. But the one's we do get to, we cover in depth!

"Other" Daniel Stories here include:

  • Daniel’s Training in Babylon (Daniel 1)
  • Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar Dreams (Daniel 2 & 4)
  • Handwriting on the Wall (Daniel 5)

Some Daniel lessons in our forums may cover these "other" parts of the Daniel story. As well, some of the lessons used in teaching Lion's Den or Fiery Furnace may also include these "other" Daniel stories.  As noted in the Daniel  Video Workshop resources, several videos cover his life's story quite well.

Handwriting on the Wall

Google the phrase "secret handwriting" for a number of craft projects that involve secret or hidden writing. Example:  Write in lemon juice, let dry, then heat with blow dryer to make letters appear.

Last edited by Luanne Payne
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Writing on the Wall

Art Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Scripture Reference:

Daniel 5.

Rotation Objectives:

At the end of the Rotation, kids should be able to…

  • Summarize the story of the writing on the wall.
  • Know who Daniel was.
  • Understand that God is always in control.

Note: Also see our Drama WorkshopTeaches the lesson through the use of a skit.

Leader Preparation:

  • Read Daniel 1-6, focusing on chapter five
  • Gather the materials
  • Make a sample “hand of God” glove
  • Write the words “Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin” with white crayon on card stock (one for each child) in advance

Supplies List:

  • cheap garden gloves (one for each child)
  • fabric paint
  • smocks
  • something to stick the gloves on while they dry
  • card stock
  • white crayons
  • watercolor paints
  • drop cloth
  • paintbrushes
  • water
  • containers for water


The nation of Israel has been captured by Babylon and exiled from their homeland. Daniel is one of many young men who have been taken into royal service. He is faithful to God, and God blesses him with great wisdom. The point of the story is that while it appears that Babylon is in control, it is really God who is in charge. The kings of Babylon are merely the people He is using to fulfill His purposes.


Opening-Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.

Open with a prayer.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Begin by telling them the story.

King Belshazzar had become king of Babylon. His father, Nebuchadnezzar, had conquered the nation of Israel, God’s chosen people. When he did, he took silver and gold goblets from the temple and put them in his treasury. He also took some of the best young men and trained them to serve him. One of these young men was Daniel.

One day, when King Belshazzar was feasting with his nobles, he told his servants to bring out the gold and silver goblets from the royal treasury. The king and his nobles used these goblets to toast the gods of Babylon, false gods made from wood and stone.

Suddenly, a hand appeared in the room. With its finger it wrote on the wall. The king was really frightened. He was so scared that his legs shook, and he could not stand up.

He called for his magicians and wise men to tell him what the writing said and what it meant. He promised great riches and power to the man who could tell him what it said. However, none of the magicians and wise men could figure out what it meant.

The king was despairing when his wife, the queen, entered the room. She told him about a man named Daniel. He was very wise and had served his father, King Nebuchadnezzar. She was sure that Daniel could figure it out.

The king had Daniel come in. He promised Daniel riches and power if he could explain the writing.

Daniel told the king: “You can keep your riches and power. I don’t want them. But I will tell you what the writing says. God was good to your father, King Nebuchadnezzar. He gave him this great kingdom of Babylon.

But your father forgot that. Instead, he thought that he did it himself. So God struck him and made him act like an animal until King Nebuchadnezzar realized that God was in charge.
You knew all of this, King Belshazzar, but you did not learn from it. Instead, you dishonored God by using His cups to praise false gods that don’t even exist!

This is what the writing says: Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin. Mene means that God is ending your rule. Tekel means you have been weighed and haven’t measured up. Parsin means that your authority will be taken away from you.”

The king ordered that Daniel be given riches and power, but Daniel’s words were true. That very night, Belshazzar was killed, and another man became king.

The Projects

To remind us of the story, we are going to make two different activities.

“A Hand of God” glove.
Show them your sample glove.

  1. Pass out one glove to each child.
  2. Make sure that everyone has a smock and fabric paints.
  3. Have the kids decorate their glove anyway that they choose, but remind them that the glove should reflect God in some way.
  4. When they have finished, place the gloves somewhere to dry.

“A Hidden Message”
(Original Idea from crafts-kaboose-secret-message-writing-html - link now dead.)

  1. Pass out watercolors, paintbrushes, water, and one of the prepped card stocks to each child.
  2. Tell them that there is a hidden message on the paper and show them how to brush watercolor over the paper to find the message. (Darker colors work better.)
  3. The words “Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin” should appear.
  4. After they have found the message, pass out blank card stock and white crayons.
  5. Show them how to make their own hidden message.
    • draw messages in a white (NOT washable) crayon. (Younger children can draw pictures and shapes.)
    • to magically reveal the secret message--draw all over it with markers, watercolors, or finger paints. (It does not work with other crayons).

Questions for Discussion:

  • Why do you think God chose such a strange way to send a message to the king?
  • How would you feel if a floating hand appeared in your room?
  • What are other ways that God sends His messages?
  • What do you think that God wants us to learn from this story?
  • Often we may think that we are in charge of our lives, but who really is in control?
  • How does life go better when we recognize that God is in control?

What message do you think God is trying to send YOU right now?  Make it into a "secret message" for your own reminder.

A lesson set written by Deborah Ward from: Williams Lake Church of the Nazarene
Waterford, MI

Copyright 2010 Williams Lake Church of the Nazarene, Waterford, MI
Permission to copy materials granted for non-commercial use provided credit is given and all cited references remain with this material

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Opening Adaptation:

Added by member Luanne Payne (2022):  

In advance: prepare the following Hidden Message Clue Cards, by writing and/or drawing the following items, one per card. Then hide them around the room (make note of where you hid them.) If you have a large group make doubles.

Clue Card suggestions:

  1. Crown - to be raised anytime they hear Belshazzar or Nebuchadnezzar
  2. Goblet
  3. Daniel - can just be a stick man or stick man in robe
  4. Hand
  5. Mene (make 2) -  an X or the word rule with an x through it
  6. Tekel - set of scales - one side lower than the other
  7. Parsin - gavel hammering

As students arrive (show them a sample clue card) ask them to search the room until they find "one" clue card , then sit down and take a marker to reveal what's hidden on the card.

After everyone has found a Clue Card if there are still more cards hidden, let them find the rest (if needed, give clues where to look).

Before reading the script go over meaning of each Clue Card, and then tell them to listen for their word(s) and hold up that card anytime they hear it.

A PDF copy of the above script, with Clue Words underlined, is attached to this lesson.


Last edited by Luanne Payne

Daniel’s Gift of Prophecy (King Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream)

Construction (LEGO) Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

The following is a lesson plan for Nebuchadnezzar's dream about the statue. The basic activity is building a model of the statue out of Lego blocks.

"Prophecy" is an important word to Christians which can mean different things. For the purposes of teaching our children, we will define it as the gift of being able to hear God's message about the future and communicate it to others as a warning, and as a message of hope. God's prophets often point out how bad behavior has very real consequences.

Scripture Reference:

Daniel Chapters 2 and 7

Memory Verse:

“For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.”
2 Peter 1:21 NIV

Lesson Objectives for Daniel Rotation:
The students will learn the about the nature of God and his kingdom, as seen in the words of King Darius in Daniel 6:26:

  • God is the living God, and he endures forever.
  • His kingdom will not be destroyed; his dominion will never end.
  • God rescues and he saves.
  • The students will learn the definitions of prophesy, prophet
  • The students will identify Daniel as a prophet, the older students will be able to name 1 – 3 others

Additional Bible Discovery Zone objectives:

  • Sometimes prophecies take time to be fulfilled
  • Worldly power is impressive, but nothing compared to God’s sovereignty

Teacher preparation in advance:

  • Read through Daniel chapters 2 and 7. Use a study Bible to provide added insight.
  • Prayerfully consider the full text of 2 & 7, and what & how to distill it for each of the age groups you will teach.
  • Practice a Lego model of the statue. Play around with an easier and harder model for the younger and older kids.
  • Prepare a few thoughts for opening & closing prayers.
  • Gather the materials

Supplies List:

  • Lego - you will need four colors.
  • The fifth section of the statue, the feet, are made of iron and clay.
    You could use a fifth color, or if you put clear Scotch tape over the smooth sides of the Lego, you could color in some clay splotches with permanent marker. Make sure it dries well before handling.
  • Toy rock to symbolize Jesus – just one
  • Journal sheets – these have a drawing of the statue and space to fill in what each layer means

Room set up:

  • Keep the Lego hidden until you are ready to use – they are a HUGE distraction to children


Opening-Welcome and Introductions:

Greet the children and introduce yourself. Wear your nametag. (Remember you are interacting with a different group of students each week who may not know you.) Make sure the children are wearing nametags. If not, ask the Shepherd to supply a temporary badge.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Bible verse and story:

Open to the scripture: teach or ask (depending on age) if this is Old or New Testament. For older kids, you can mention that Daniel is in the OT, but prophesies about the future, including about Jesus.

Discuss briefly what a prophet is, what a prophecy is, name a couple of famous prophets. (Isaiah, Elijah, Elisha).  Remind them that CHRISTMAS is a MAJOR EVENT "FORETOLD BY THE PROPHETS."  This will help them understand what prophecy is.

Say: Daniel was growing up in Judah when Babylon took over Jerusalem and the surrounding area. King Nebuchadnezzar directed that the best young men should be taken for “training” in Babylon, figuring they would make good rulers over the Jewish people once they were brainwashed to his way of thinking. Daniel was one of these young men. He had no choice but to go. However, while in service to the king, he chose to serve God above all. For this, God gave him the ability to interpret the dreams placed by God. This made the king favor Daniel above all others, and gave Daniel more opportunity to serve God. Daniel could have used this gift to make himself more popular and powerful, instead he always gave the glory to God.

Sometimes prophecies are fulfilled quickly. You will learn about some of these in Marketplace and Desert Drama Theater. Sometimes prophesies take much, much longer to be fulfilled.
(The story itself is told during the activity. You can contrast this story with the one in Chapter 7 with the older kids, if time allows.)

Activity: Lego Model of King Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

Pour out the lego provided. If the class is large or rambunctious, you may want to put the colors out one at a time as they are needed.

As you read the story of the king telling his dream, have the kids follow you in constructing a model. Stop after the king’s dream to talk about what this statue might mean. Use the model as an illustration as you relate the interpretation Daniel was given by God, explain what each substance (color) stands for.

The Story of Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of a Statue
Daniel chapter 2

  • (v 1-3) King Nebuchadnezzar has a troubling dream. He calls his magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers to tell help. He not only wanted to know what it meant, but what the dream was. How many of you can remember your dreams in the morning? King N was having the same trouble.
  • (v 4-13) Well, of course the wise men and advisors could not tell the king his dream. The king accused them of being frauds and liars, then he demanded that all wise men in Babylon be killed.
  • (v 14-23) Daniel was a wise man who served King N, so he was among the wise men rounded up. Daniel calmly asked the guard why the king had issued such a strong order. When Daniel heard of the king’s problem, he asked to see him to interpret the dream.
  • (v 24-28) “Do not execute the wise men of Babylon. Take me to the king, and I will interpret his dream for him.” Daniel tells King N that no human could do what he asks, but God in heaven can.
  • (v 29-35) Daniel describes the dream:
    • King N saw an enormous statue, dazzling to look at
    • The head was pure gold
    • The chest and arms were silver
    • The belly and thighs were bronze
    • The legs were iron
    • The feet were iron and clay
    • While King N was watching, a rock appeared and struck the statue on the feet of iron and clay and smashed them.
    • Then the iron, the clay the bronze the silver and the gold were broken in to pieces, then crumbled into dust and blew away.
    • The rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain that covered earth.
  • Pause to ask the kids what they think it might mean
  • (v 36-45) Daniel interprets the dream.
    • King N is the gold head
    • After him, an inferior (silver) kingdom will arise - Persia
    • Then the Greeks ( bronze)
    • Then the strong iron legs. (Rome)
    • The mixed-up feet symbolize a kingdom that did not stay pure; its people mixed with bad people. (yet-to-be-named group of countries)
    • The rock symbolizes Jesus
  • (v 46-49) King N worships God and promotes Daniel.

For older kids, and if time allows, compare with the dream Daniel has in chapter 7.


  • Review memory verse
  • Journal question(s): Journal sheet will be a drawing of the statue in King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream with lines to fill in the meaning.


End with a prayer.


The site Biblefunforkids has a printable poster of the statue (a Teacher's Answer Sheet) as well as a fill-in-the-blanks of the same worksheet for student, site link

This lesson was written by Kristi St. Laurent for Windham Presbyterian Church in Windham, New Hampshire.

Copyright 2006 – permission granted to freely distribute and use, provided the copyright message is included.

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Last edited by Luanne Payne

Writing on the Wall Magic Window

Here is a cool craft we made for the story of the writing on the wall in Daniel. The drawing of King Belshazzar is by Jesus Rolon from his site, Crafting the Word of God. I revised his drawing in order to make it into a magic window craft. You can find the original picture here.

Magic window crafts have been around for a long time. They are a great way to illustrate any story with change in it. I first saw them used years ago as a VBS craft to illustrate regeneration through faith in Jesus. The picture changed from black and white to full color as you pulled it out of the frame.

The secret is that there is a second picture hidden behind the back of the frame. The top picture is printed on a transparency. When you pull the picture out to the right, the “hidden” picture behind the frame is exposed under the transparency, revealing something new or changed. In this case, the writing on the wall.


Angela Howard at Bible Class Creations has an excellent video on how to make magic windows. I got my inspiration for this window from her instructions.

For this craft you need:

  • letter size manila file folders
  • cream colored card stock
  • overhead transparencies for copiers (or printers)
  • permanent magic markers
  • scissors
  • tape
  • copier (or printer – if using printer, make sure it can print transparencies)


  • Trim off the outer edge of the file folder (where the tab is) so that it is even.
  • With the folder closed, cut the folder in half from folded side over to open side.
  • On ONE side of each half folder cut a window opening 7”x 4 ½”. Be sure you only cut through one layer.
  • Copy or print artwork (transparency PDF) onto the transparency.
  • Cut the transparency in ½ so you have 2 magic windows.
  • Copy or print card-stock PDF onto cardstock paper.
  • Cut the cardstock and transparency in half so that you now have 2 copies of each.
  • Take one transparency and place it over one cardstock picture. Line it up and then tape the right hand side together.
  • I like to tape the folder along the bottom and top edges too. You leave the narrow right hand edge open. This makes a “pocket.
  • Slide the transparency into the pocket, leaving the cardstock outside of the pocket. It should go behind the folder. Then you slowly pull the transparency/cardstock out of the folder and the writing on the wall will magically appear.

A picture is worth a thousand words. If you have trouble understanding this, watch this video.

Once the window is assembled, children can use the permanent markers to color the transparency. Some of our children colored the letters on the cardstock in too. Colored pencil works best for that.

NOTE: This lesson goes along with my drama lesson posted here.

1-Kid Frugal Logo [800x318)

Moderator's note: This lesson is from member Joan Eppehimer's KidFrugal blog, which she is sharing here at in order to preserve it for posterity and make it available more widely with our community.  It is part of a large group of lessons and resources that she developed to make "ministry happen when there are no resources to make it happen." Thank you, Joan, for sharing your creativity with our community!

You can read more about Joan and her ministry here.


Images (3)
  • WritingWIndow1
  • WritingWIndow2
  • 1-Kid Frugal Logo (800x318)

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