Elijah and the Prophets of Baal Art Workshop lesson idea
God consumes Elijah’s offering on Mount Carmel in a pillar of fire. Why is God’s presence as a consuming fire so important?
This art project can be used for a number of stories that feature God’s presence as fire.
Scripture Reference: 1 Kings 18:16-39
Teacher Preparation: Read 1 Kings 18. A wonderful commentary on God’s consuming fire by George McDonald can be found here. Pray for your class.
- paper
- felt markers
- tin foil
- feathers
- pipe cleaners or other embellishments to create flames
- glue and tape
Greet the children and introduce yourself and then open with prayer.
Introduce the story and show where it comes from in the Bible. Then read aloud or take turns reading aloud 1 Kings 18:16-39
Respond to the story:
What did Elijah do in the story?
What did God do in the story?
What does this story teach you about what God is like?
What does this story teach you about what Elijah was like?
Are there other times when God sends a pillar of fire?
How might God be like fire?
What is good about fire?
What is dangerous about fire?
The Project:
Use paper and other materials to create a pillar of fire. Cut a piece of paper into a long, slanting triangle. Decorate the fire with things like feathers, tin foil, markers, sequins or other small objects. Last, roll the triangle, beginning with the widest end around a pencil or marker to make it curl. Your pillar of fire should now stand on its own.
Closing: Have the children assist with the cleanup and end with a prayer.