
In addition to these public lessons and ideas for teaching the stories of Jesus' Empty Tomb and Resurrection, several of our Writing Team's lesson sets cover Holy Week stories. Here's the Team's link to the John 20 story of Mary Magdalene, Peter, and John ~ Meeting Jesus at the Empty Tomb.

Post-Resurrection Stories of Jesus:
Road to Emmaus, Jesus eats breakfast,
Feed My Sheep, Great Commission, Ascension

(Illustration from Vallotton  Collection at

Art Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for the Empty Tomb and Resurrection.

Including: Jesus, Stone rolled away, angels, He is risen, Mary Magdalene, Women at tomb, and related stories. Matthew 28:1-18, Mark 16, John 20:1-18, Luke 24, resurrection, etc. Bible lessons for the Empty Tomb and Resurrection -with Art, craft, painting, construction, drawing, etc.

Post your Sunday School ART lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for the Empty Tomb and Resurrection.

  • Please include a scripture reference, supply lists, sources, suggested age range. age modification, etc.
  • Photos are much appreciated!  Click "attachments" and upload to your post.
  • Please be careful not to post copyrighted materials. Excerpting and paraphrasing is okay. Include attribution.

Cross Art Project

One of our members came across this nice "cross art" project at and posted it. We've added some notes.

You buy the framed blank canvas, then the kids use masking tape to create the shape of the cross, then paint, then remove the tape.  Yes, you could have them paint on paper, but what are the odds of that painting making it out of mom or dad's car after church?? Create a hanging piece of art for the entire family.

Tip: use painter's tape that seals nicely. Brush a minimum amount of paint over the tape so as not to soak the edge in case the paint wants to run under the tape.

For teaching purposes:

The choice of colors, changes in colors, and changes in brush strokes can represent the Easter themes of dark to light, grey to colorful, sin to salvation, despair to hope, death to life.

These contrasts can be explored and discussed using paint on newspaper PRIOR to painting on the canvas. A teacher can paint an example and ask students "what part of the Easter story might be represented by grey or dark colors? By my bright color?

You could also invite your students to paint a tiny image of the Risen Christ standing with the student. Use the stick end of the brush to 'scratch' it into the existing paint before it dries.

As well, students could scratch-in meaningful words, such as, "Jesus is Alive," "He is risen" before the paint dries. (Scratching in allows for a more precise drawing on the canvas than attempting to paint letters or figures with the brush.

Empty Tomb Ornament Project Idea

Posted by member Donni Buchanan (donni)

We used a craft idea for the empty tomb and the resurrection. Use a clear glass ornament from Christmas. (You have to think ahead or be a saver of lots of things.)

Decorate it with permanent markers in different colors. The student can use words like "He is risen!" or "ALIVE!!" etc. The bulb can also have pictures of things that remind us of the resurrection. I loved that it was empty-- just like the empty tomb.

Last edited by Luanne Payne
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The Resurrection

Art Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Children will use soft oil pastels "chalk pastels" to create images from the story of the Resurrection as they hear the story.

One of the exciting tactile features of this style of illustrating is getting your fingers into the process to blend the pastels on the page. It's a way to express the story "with feeling" (both literally and figuratively speaking) that sticks in the brain and makes each illustration personal.


This lesson technique was inspired by the description and photos found at

Scripture Reference:

Matthew 28:1-18

See how we've split Matthew 28:1-18 into four parts at the end of this lesson. Each of these parts are to be illustrated.

You can use another Gospel's version of the resurrection story if you'd like. Just divide up the story into four parts for the students to stop and illlustrate.

Key Scripture Verses:
Matthew 28:5-6a The angel said to the women, “Don’t be afraid! I know you are looking for Jesus who was nailed to the cross. He isn’t here! God has raised him to life, just as Jesus said he would.” (Contemporary English Version)


  • God raised Jesus from the dead.
  • Disciples believe that Jesus was crucified and then raised from the dead.
  • We see and experience this miracle of miracles by imagining it and placing ourselves at the scene.

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture passage and attend the Faith Quest Leaders Workshop.
  • Assemble the oil pastel crayons (also known as chalk pastels) and make a sample of one of the scenes.
  • Prepare all the materials you will need for the creation process. Have the materials ready to go. There will be limited time for the creation process, so do everything you can to conserve time.
  • Decide how you want to close the lesson. Prepare a prayer or use one of the group suggestions.

Materials List:

  • Oil Pastels (also known as chalk pastels)
  • 8” X 10” pastel paper (it's heavier than regular paper and that's important)
  • Illustration of a Roman guard and the Empty Tomb

Lesson Plan


Welcome the children and explain what they'll be doing today and what you hope that they will learn.

Demonstrate "sketching" with the oil crayons and then "smudging" with your fingertips to fill in and blend.

Demonstrate the choice of colors that can help depict the darkness and dawn of Easter morning, as well as the hope that explodes on the scene when the disciples realize that Jesus has risen!

Listen and Draw!

Rather than read the story and then create the art, in this lesson you will read the parts of the Bible story one at a time, pausing in-between so students can begin to SKETCH OUT the scene with their oil pastels.

See the list of verses/illustrations at the end of this lesson.

Then, after the story has been completely read, they can then come back and finish each individual drawing.

During the sketching phase, the teacher suggests some objects, characters, and layout ideas to inform their sketch. Have students sketch a keyword, such as, "the stone was rolled away" to, in effect, label their sketch.
Give students about 4 or 5 minutes of "sketching time" before asking them to set aside their sketch and grab a new sheet of paper for the next part of the story.


Have students share their completed illustrations. Point out some of the interesting artistic choices each student has made as you reinforce key moments and insights into the story of Jesus' Resurrection.

At this time you may pass around a stapler so that students can turn their collection into a book of their artwork. Invite them to add a COVER PAGE with a title of their own choosing.

Close with a prayer that our artwork would inspire us to remember and continue to thank God for the resurrection of Jesus and our salvation.

Jesus Has Risen
Matthew 28 (NIV)

Illustration 1:
After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.

Illustration 2:
There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.

Illustration 3:

The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”

Illustration 4:
So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”

A lesson from the Content Team based on a lesson posted by Kirk of Kildaire Presbyterian Church in Cary, NC


Images (3)
  • soft-pastel-empty-tomb-chalkpastel
  • mceclip0
  • chalkpastel-boy-cross
Last edited by Luanne Payne

The Empty Tomb and Resurrection of Jesus

Art Workshop Lesson

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Children will create a sculpture of the Empty Tomb using either plaster-casting material or paper mache.

Empty Tomb Art Project for Sunday School

Scripture References:

John 20:1-21, Matthew 28:1-15, Luke 24:1-12 and 36-44 (Not all passages used in all workshops. See specific lesson plans for passages used.)

Key Verse:
“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.” Luke 24:5 NRSV

Leader Preparation:

  • Read and pray about the scripture for this lesson.
  • Decide whether you want to students to use casting material or paper mache (see discussion about that choice below) and gather the appropriate materials.
  • Fill milk jug with warm water (our Art room doesn’t have access to a sink)
  • Cover the tables with newspaper.
  • Pre-cut some pieces of the Plaster Cloth or newsprint.
  • For 1st and 2nd graders you will want to do some "pre-construction" of the tomb's crumpled paper to save class time. CRUMPLE newspaper and cover with foil ahead of time to create the shape of the empty tomb, then STAPLE the foil-wrapped newspaper to the wooden bases. (It only needs about 4 or 5 staples. Plaster cloth will help “glue” tomb to base.) We found this step to be necessary as younger kids otherwise had trouble completing their project (too many steps).

Materials List:

  • Bibles for grades 3 and up.
  • For 1st & 2nd grade: a story Bible telling the story of John 20: 1-16
  • An Easter Rabbit, Eggs, and other assorted Easter decor
  • Wooden base (one per student)- we used 3/32 inch thick basswood which came 4 inches wide and 24 inches long- this was cut into 4 inch pieces. (So a wooden base was 4x6.) At Michael’s Craft store, each board is about $2.50. So each base works out to about 63 cents. You can also have some one cut shelf board to size (sand the edges).
  • “Rigid Wrap” Plaster Cloth. Available at Michael’s and Amazon.
  • Clean meat trays, Newspaper (lots!), Paper towel, Wet Wipes, Foil
  • Scissors, stapler, staples, pencils
  • Painting smocks, Acrylic paint, paint brushes- foam & small
  • Clean milk jug with lid, hair dryer
  • Sample empty tomb scene.
  • Older kids: Pipe cleaners, instructions on making Pipe Cleaner figures (see resources).

Choosing Plaster Cast or Paper Mache to Make the Empty Tomb

Both are essentially the same process. The cast material has the "glue" in it already. With paper mache, you soak strips of paper in the glue. Both get applied essentially the same way -- by laying and smoothing the strips over the foil covered crumpled paper "hill" that you have stapled to the wood base.  Both require drying time. After drying, students can pick the crumpled paper out of the project to create an "empty" tomb. Alternatively, you can paper mache or "cast" a plastic bowl through which you have cut an opening.

If using paper mache, you have the option of either using WHITE NEWSPRINT or COLORED NEWSPRINT. Do not use newspapers for this project as there is no "painting step" for painting the Empty Tomb.  If you are using the casting material, your Empty Tomb project is locked into be appearing "white" -- which is quite fine if that's what you want.

A third option is to use colored tissue paper and Mod Podge (thin glue) to "decoupage" the paper over an empty tomb-like structure, such as a plastic bowl. This would allow students to express their feelings and understanding of the event through colors as well. Cut the hole for the opening before decoupaging and staple the bowl directly to the base (or glue it there in advance).

Lesson Plan


Greet your students warmly, welcoming them to the art workshop. Introduce yourself and any other adults. Tell them what they'll be doing today and what you hope they will learn.

Show, Tell, and Discuss:

Ask: What are some symbols of Easter? (allow a few answers: Easter eggs, butterflies, cross, flowers, etc.)

Pull out the various Easter decorations you have brought with you and invite student to "explain" what that object tells us about Easter.  (Eggs, Rabbit, Candy)

Ask: Do you think they do a good job of telling the story of Jesus' Resurrection?  Why or why not?

Now show the sample of your completed empty tomb art project and ask the following questions.

Ask: What is it? Why is it empty? What story does it tell?  What was in it?  What's this rock about? Who found it empty and what did they do when they did!  (Accept all answers and fill in as needed. This is merely an introduction and will give you an idea about how much they already know.)

Say: Today we’re going to learn how this scene is THE most important symbol in the Easter story. You’ll each get to make one of these creations. The Bible tells us that Jesus was buried in a tomb and the tomb was closed with a large stone. In Jesus’ time, when people died, their bodies were often buried in a cave called a tomb. A large, circular stone would cover the entrance to the tomb. The stone rolled in a channel carved in front of the cave, so the tomb could be opened and closed.

Ask: Does anyone know what happened to that stone on the very first Easter morning? (it was rolled away) Was the stone rolled away so Jesus could get out? (no)

Say: The stone was rolled away so that the followers of Jesus could see that the tomb was empty! Jesus was alive! This is the reason why we celebrate Easter – Jesus was alive. We can talk more about this as we work. Let’s get started.

Art Project!

The following instructions are for using the cast material. Adjust accordingly for other materials.

For younger students:
Have the Shepherd help you write student’s first and last name on the bottom of prepared “tombs” (see preparations above). Pass them out to students.

For older students:
Give everyone a wooden base. Have them write their full name on one side (first and last name please!) This becomes the bottom of their creation.
Show the students how to take some crumpled up newspaper, cover it with one piece of foil, and staple the foil to the wooden base. (It doesn’t really need more than 4 or 5 staples. Plaster cloth will help “glue” tomb to base.)

For all students:
Have kids roll up sleeves and put on paint smocks.

Demonstrate for the students:

  1. Pour a little warm water into a meat tray.
  2. Take a piece of the Plaster Cloth, and dip it in the water.
  3. Lift out of water and allow it to drip for a few seconds.
  4. Apply it to their newspaper/foil “tomb”. Place pieces in such a way that they act to help “glue” the tomb to the board.
  5. Show them how they can smooth out the Plaster Cloth with damp fingers.
  6. Not too many layers (max of 5, but 2 is plenty). Not too wet!
  7. Add pieces of Plaster Cloth to cover tomb. Shape as desired.

Give everyone a meat tray and a few pieces of the Plaster Cloth. Pour a little warm water into each meat tray (doesn’t take much). Allow access to scissors for cutting smaller pieces of the Plaster Cloth. Let the creations begin!

Before being painted, the tombs need to dry a bit. Do a quick hand clean up so you can move on to reading the Bible story. Leave smocks on! Have kids wipe their hands with wet wipes and paper towel. (Try to avoid trips to wash hands in the bathroom, as it will take too much time. They are going to get messy again when they paint their creations.)

After a majority of students have finished with shaping their tomb, start in on reading the Bible story. First ask these questions:
Ask: What are the first four books of the New Testament? (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)
What do we call these four books? (the Gospels, which means good news)
Say: Open your Bible to the Gospel of John.
Ask: Does everyone remember the quick way to find the New Testament? (Open the Bible at its halfway point. Take the back half and divide it in half – you will be at the beginning of the New Testament.)
What do the Gospels tell about? (stories of Jesus)
Say: All four Gospels tell what happened on the first Easter. Each of them tells the story a little differently; that’s because the gospels were written by different people. Let’s hear what John wrote.

For 3rd grade and up:
Have the kids find John, chapter 20, verse 1, in their Bibles. Going around in a circle, have kids take turns reading verses 1- 16, each reading one verse. (They may pass if they don’t wish to read.) Remember to encourage kids to bring their own Bibles.

For 1st and 2nd grade:
Read the Arch Book: The Story of the Empty Tomb. Show the pictures as you read. [Note that to follow our workshop objectives, the wording to this story has been modified. Read the post-it notes in the book as the story text.]

For all students:
Say: I’m going to have you start painting your tomb. While you’re painting we can talk about the story we just read. (Note: It is possible to paint the tombs even if they aren’t completely dry. Try a hair-dryer on any that are really wet.)

Work some more on the art project:
Supply acrylic paint in small puddles on meat trays. Have the Shepherd help you dispense paint. The foam brushes work best at applying paint; a dabbing motion works better than trying to swipe the paint on. A little paint goes a long way! Show them how to use several colors for a more natural effect.

Additional Discussion (While working, bring up any of these topics):
Say: Mary Magdalene went to the tomb on the first Easter.
Ask: What did she find? (stone rolled away, empty tomb)
What was Mary’s reaction? (surprise, fear, thought body had been taken away)
Say: Mary went and told Peter and John, and they went to look at the empty tomb.
Ask: How do you suppose Peter and John felt? (confused)
I wonder why Jesus showed himself to Mary at the tomb, but not Peter?
Why didn’t Mary recognize Jesus? (allow all answers)

Say: Jesus had told his disciples many times that he would be killed but on the third day, God would raise him from the dead.
Ask: Why were the followers of Jesus surprised to find that Jesus had risen and was alive? (they forgot Jesus’ promise or maybe they just didn’t understand what Jesus had been saying)

Say: We hear the words “resurrection of Jesus”, what does resurrection mean? (literally means "rise again")

This empty tomb scene isn’t your typical symbol of Easter. Most symbols of Easter are bright and colorful (think butterflies, flowers). What is it about the empty tomb that still makes it an important symbol for Easter? (the empty tomb means Jesus is alive!)
Say: The empty tomb and Jesus appearing to his followers, helps us believe in God’s power. God promises us new life if we believe in )

[This topic good for older kids]
Say: At Christmas time we have manger scenes – crèches – to remind us of Jesus’ birth. This empty tomb scene is sort of like a crèche for Easter.
Ask: What is it about Easter that gives us a reason to celebrate Christmas? (God using his power to raise Jesus from the dead shows that Jesus was God’s Son, we thus have a reason to celebrate his birth)

If there’s additional time (option for older students): [Note: this activity may be too difficult for younger students.]
If students get done painting and have time to create some “people” for their scene, show them how to make pipe cleaner people. Use the printed sheet from Family Fun magazine (see resources for link).

Say: Today you created a wonderful symbol of Easter. When you show this to your family you can say: The important message is that the tomb was empty! Jesus’ death was not the end; it was a new beginning. The empty tomb reminds us of the new life that God has promised each of us. Jesus is alive!

Encourage everyone to come back next week for another workshop, and to invite friends to come too!

Resources for this Art Lesson:

  • This empty tomb project is based on a suggestion previously posted by Neil MacQueen and described in the Kirk of Kildaire's lesson previously posted at this site.
  • “Easy Pipe Cleaner Pals” by Amy Ward from the Family Fun Magazine - supplies pipe cleaners, beads, plastic drinking straws.
  • The “busy” activity for 1st and 2nd graders was a song with motions from Cokesbury’s curriculum - “Exploring Faith: Early Elementary Spring 2002” (which cannot be reproduced here for copyright reasons).

A lesson written by Carol Hulbert for the First UMC Ann Arbor, MI


Images (1)
  • Empty Tomb art project for Sunday School
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Making a Garden Tomb

We traditionally make a GARDEN* Tomb using various planting supplies and plants I have collected and/or grown in advance.

I plant fast growing rye grass early enough in the spring in a warm bright location in large shallow pans so the kids won't have to wait for it to actually grow.

We will use a clay pot saucer/base and build up a mound from there with potting soil (so they can transplant the rye grass,)

We use a small clear or brown solo type cup on its side, 1/4 buried on the mound of soil, then cover the top of the cup w/ more soil. If you like, you can use a small clay pot.

We place a few smaller stones in and around the "hillside" and a larger flat rock leaning beside the cup/tomb opening for the rolled away stone, after they transplant the grass. I help them gently scoop up a thin layer of the pre grown grass, and they will transplant it all over the potting soil areas. So they are left with the cup, on its side serving as a tomb in the hillside, but all covered with grass.

I paint the inside of the cups a gray stone color in advance. We could even place a small battery powered tea light in the back of the cup. What a great nightlight!

*Re: Garden Tomb
Here's a photo of the tomb known as the "Garden Tomb" located in Jerusalem. For many centuries it was believed this tomb was the actual tomb of Jesus, but archaeologists believe it isn't, and the operators of the location no longer claim it is the actual tomb, but "one like it."   Many Jesus movies depicted a tomb like this one.

Here's an artist's depiction of the "body bench" inside an empty tomb like the one Jesus may have been laid in.

Click to enlarge and save



Images (4)
  • mceclip0
  • Inside-Empty-Tomb
  • mceclip1
  • mceclip2
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Empty Tomb

Art Workshop: Banner of Promise, Symbols of New Life and Hope

This workshop is based on an original lesson by member Jaymie Derden


Students first "decode" the symbols seen in the "Hymn of Promise" lyric-video and then create a banner from its images and symbols of new life.

Scripture References:

Matthew, 28:1-10, Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-10

Memory Verse:
“He is not here.  He has risen!”  Luke 24:6

Preparation and Room Set-Up:

  • Review background information, teaching tips and lesson materials.
  • Gather the paint pens, 8x8 squares of cloth, pencils and paper.
  • Cover the tables with the old tablecloths

Materials List:
see below.

Here is the video you will play for the students to "decode" -- list the images of renewal, newness, and hope found in it and the words of Natalie Sleeth's "Hymn of Promise."

Note: There are many versions of different groups singing this hymn. Some include images with the lyrics. We thought this one posted by "Mosaic at St. Andrew" was easiest to listen to and watch.

Lesson Plan


Welcome your students, explain what they'll be doing today and what you hope they will learn.

Introduce the Story with these Questions:

The following is your scripture activity for the lesson ~ the Holy Week story provided by your students and filled in with your comments. It is also supplemented by the images and lyrics of the song. If needed, you may also use a Bible storybook to summarize the story of the Empty Tomb.

  • What did Jesus do on Palm Sunday? (Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of the donkey. People waved palm branches and proclaimed Him to be their king.  He went straight to the temple and began teaching.
  • What did Jesus do on Thursday of the week? (On Thursday, Jesus celebrated the Passover meal with His disciples that became The Last Supper.)
  • Where did Jesus go after the Last Supper and what happened to him?  (He went out to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane and was betrayed by Judas.  Jesus was arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to death by crucifixion.)
  • What happened to Jesus on "Good Friday"? (Jesus was nailed to a cross and died. He was placed in a new tomb on a rocky hillside and lay in that tomb until Sunday. Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea had prepared the body as much as possible before the sunset on Friday, and the Sabbath began. A huge boulder was rolled into place at the entrance, and two guards were placed outside to ensure that nobody could enter without their permission and help.)
  • What happened to Jesus on early Sunday morning? (Mary Magdalene and the “Other Mary” went to the tomb hoping to be able to put some ritual ointments on his dead body as a sign of respect and love. But they found the tomb empty. Jesus had risen from the dead!)
  • What did the angels tell the woman at the empty tomb? (He is not here, he has risen!)
  • How would you have reacted if you had found the tomb empty?  If you suddenly saw an angel and hear the words for the first time, "He is not here. He is risen." ???

Introduce the activity:

Forty days passed between the resurrection and Jesus’ ascension into heaven. There were many witnesses who saw Jesus during that time. Jesus said that anyone who believed would be blessed.

The Resurrection and Ascension occurred almost 2000 years ago, but God has left us many signs to remind us of the changes and new life God wants us to experience when we believe in Jesus and feel his Spirit at work in our lives. In a moment, I'm going to play a song-video ALL ABOUT the signs we see all around us.

A woman named Natalie Sleeth wrote a song entitled “Hymn of Promise” to describe the many wonderful new beginnings God has provided. These examples help us understand the new life God gives us when we believe in Jesus!  (Note: This song has become a popular Easter-time hymn in many denominations both for congregational singing and choirs.)


  1. Play the "Hymn of Promise" video -- the one with all the images that go with the lyrics.
  2. As the song plays, invite children to shout aloud the symbols/images they hear in the lyrics and see on the screen -- as you write them on the board. These will be the images/lyrics they choose from to make their banner square.
  3. If needed, watch the video a second time.
  4. Have them sketch out an illustration of their song symbol on the paper. Encourage them to make their drawing large -- to fill most of the space on their paper. Once they are satisfied with the drawing, give them a fabric square. (If desired, show the children the pictures/clip art you have collected to help them as they plan their drawing.)
  5. It may be helpful to tape the square to the table top using masking or painter's tape.  The adhesive backing should provide enough body/stiffening to make drawing easy.
  6. Have children use paint markers to draw and color their symbol onto the fabric square.
  7. If you have more than 12 children, include words from the song such as Hope, Future, Life, Eternity, Victory. Or have children think of additional symbols/pictures that the song evokes.  
  8. Have the children use a fine-tipped sharpie marker to write their initials in the bottom corner of the square.

If time, have them complete MORE than one square.

If you have space, invite each student to create a self-portrait of themselves "celebrating" Jesus resurrection or hearing about it for the first time -- because their lives and attitude are also SYMBOLS of God's hope to others!

Make the Hymn of Promise Banner Squares and Assemble Into 1 Large Banner

  1. After decoding the images of new life and hope in "Hymn of Promise," each child will decorate a fabric square using symbols of new life and hope they found in the hymn.
  2. Following their completion, students should decide how to place their squares on the larger banner cloth, then lightly spread tacky glue on the banner cloth at the corners and center where each square will go, lifting up the banner square to apply glue to the banner cloth, then lightly press the corners of the cloth square into the glue before doing this again with another banner square.  (Another option is to spread glue across the banner, lay the squares in it, cover the squares with butcher paper and lightly press the squares into the glue, then CAREFULLY PEEL the paper off the squares.)
  3. After it is complete, leave the banner on the table to dry. (After class, you may need to add additional glue to help attach the squares.)

Supplies Needed:

  • Muslin or other plain fabric, cut in 8”x 8” squares with pinking shears
  • Muslin or other plain fabric cut 24" x 36" or 48" to hold attach all the 8x8 squares to. This banner cloth should have a sewn or tacked seam all around and a way to hang it (grommets/rod pocket) that suits your display needs.
  • Fine-tipped sharpie marker
  • An assortment of fabric paint pens
  • White copy paper - cut to 8 X 8 inches (several sheets per child) for practicing before painting on the squares
  • Pencils
  • Watercolor colored pencils or watercolor paints (available from art supply or hobby/craft stores)
  • Water in a cup
  • Watercolor brushes
  • Paper towels
  • Tacky Glue to attach banner squares to banner cloth
  • TV or computer with internet connection to show the YouTube video of the music-lyric video.
  • Here are some of the symbols in the song/video

tulip, daffodil or other flowering bulb
cross section of apple showing seeds
apple tree
tree without leaves (? Snow on branches) - winter
spring flowers or trees with blossoms, leaves, etc.
night sky (moon and stars)
sunrise or sunshine
musical notes or musical score
Alpha Omega symbol (end and beginning)

Advanced Preparations:

  1. Pre-wash both the muslin banner cloth and cloth from which you will cut the individual 8x8 squares.
  2. Use pinking shears to cut the individual 8" x 8" squares for students (up to 2 per student).
  3. Cover the art tables with plastic tablecloths to protect the table surfaces.

Reflection and Closing:

Gather the children together in a circle around the banner and invite them to say aloud what their banner square is saying about Jesus and new life. Close with a prayer that has the children saying "thank you God for ______" --naming the symbol in the square you are pointing at until all the squares have been used.

Read the story behind this hymn at https://christianmusicandhymns...hymn-of-promise.html

A lesson by Jaymie Derden from State Street UMC, VA
with updates from the Content Team

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