Our favorite Art project so far, has been the Yarn-String Art for the "Miracles of Jesus:Jesus feeding the 5000.
Students create an image on a board using nails to 'outline' a fish image, then weave yarn or colorful string from nail to nail to create the fish.
1. Preparing the Board
We had the kids lightly stain the piece of wood first (about an 8x10 size from Walmart craft dept.) so it would be dry enough to move on to the next step.
2. Trace the image (in this case, a fish) onto tissue paper and tape to board.
We had them trace a fish onto tissue paper. (The teacher could do this ahead of time) They then taped the tissue paper to the board.
3. Hammering the nails.
They then hammered small nails (w/ a large enough nail-head to keep the string on) to the outline of the traced fish, About a finger width apart. Then tore off the tissue paper.
4. Weaving the string/yarn.
We used a variegated color yarn. (2 choices-green/brown or blue/green) they tied the yarn to one nail and wove the yarn around the outside pattern of the fish, then zit-zagged to their hearts content around the nails. up, down, sideways...whatever. Then when they had covered the board adequately with yarn, they tied off on one of the nails.
They Loved driving the nails and creating their unique art piece. Even though they were all similar, by giving them options in yarn color they still had unique string art. You could also allow them to use both yarn colors...one for the outline weaving and fish fins and another color for the body of the fish.
The kids looked at what they created and were clearly surprised at how cool it looked and that they did it all by themselves. They want to do string art again soon. I'm thinking Joseph's coat of many colors would be really cool using several colors of string or yarn. It was pretty loud with all the hammering, but they were only driving the nails about 1/3 of the way down, it really didn't take long and the kids loved it. No injuries either! we used small hammers, small nails and small taps. Easy even for the 1st graders.