
Art Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for teaching about the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Sunday School

Luke 10:25-37, Good Samaritan, Road to Jericho, Go and do likewise, etc.

Post your ideas and lesson suggestions for teaching Good Sam with art, craft, painting, construction, drawing, etc.

Be sure to visit our Writing Team's "Good Sam Lesson Set!
It has a wonderful art project that involves making a Good Sam Land Map
that's part Bible geography and part "who's your neighbor"!

Sunday School lessons about the Parable of the Good Samaritan

Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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Art Workshop Idea for the Good Samaritan


Originally posted by member Laura C.

The Good Samaritan by Vincent van Gogh

For Good Samaritan in Art we looked at the Van Gogh's painting of The Good Samaritan. Then the class discussed modern-day applications of the Good Samaritan.


The kids were given pencils and watercolor paper and drew their version of the scene - either Biblical or modern-day.


Then they took white oil pastels and made lines horizontally and vertically on the paper, then used water colors to paint their pictures. The white pastel underneath mimicked Van Gogh's brush technique. They looked very neat, and the kids liked the activity.



Printable version of Van Gogh's Good Samaritan


You can also search Google Images for various Good Samaritan art.


By Copyright law, you are able to copy and use any of these images for teaching purposes in a face-to-face teaching situation.




The Van Gogh idea was borrowed from our site and published in Cokesbury's PowerXpress Rotation curriculum. (They're more than welcome!).  Here's a note from one of our lesson posters about how they used it in their lesson:  


The Power XPress Art Lesson for Good Samaritan is centered around Van Gogh's painting of the Good Samaritan. You discuss the techniques the artist used to depict his feelings about the characters. For example:  have students use small muted paint and sharp strokes representing the Priest and Levite, and BOLD COLORFUL strokes for the Samaritan.  Have them PRACTICE on butcher paper.


Discuss how the artist can tell so much of the story without words (the figures are moving down the hill - away from Jerusalem and toward Jericho).


If you're doing individual paintings, have students consider other elements in the painting, such as the Inn and Innkeeper, the Samaritan's purse and donkey, the robbers getting away, and perhaps even a self-portrait up in the hills contemplating this story from afar.  


You can also spread out butcher paper and let the children use what they have just learned to paint their own murals to tell the story. We put two or three kids to each mural. Children learned about art appreciation while learning the story.




Image: The Good Samaritan, 1890 by Vincent Van Gogh via Wikimedia Commons


A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.


Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer


The following "assembly/mission" ideas were "saved" from our old ideas forum by our reviewers. Most of the original posters did them in their Art Workshop.

Member Fulghum04 posted this unique idea. We have adapted and re-titled it:

Gifts FOR the Good Samaritan

It focuses on things Samaritans need to help, and to persevere. These items were labelled by the kids, and packed in a box that was decorated by the kids and given to others in the congregation.

A BANDAID to remind you to help heal all wounds.
He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds.
Psalm 147:3  

A CANDLE to remind you that you always have a light to share.
Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16

A LOLLIPOP to remember that God is Good, even in the midst of trouble.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:21

A CRAYON for coloring your world a little brighter when problems seem great. Or to draw yourself a door whenever you feel you're at a dead end.
He has made everything beautiful in its time.
Ecclesiastes 3:11

SANDPAPER to help smooth out the rough edges of life, and frayed nerves.
I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13

GUM for sticking to your principles.
Never tire of doing what is right.
2 Thessalonians 3:13

SNICKERS because laughter is the best medicine.
A cheerful look brings joy to the heart.
Proverbs 15:30

A Chocolate HEART for remembering what Jesus wants us to do, even when it's hard to do.
Whoever loves God must also love his brother.
1 John 4:21

A TOOTHPICK for picking out the good qualities in others rather than picking on them.
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.
Philippians 4:8

A RUBBER BAND to remind you to be flexible and to let you know you can always stretch just a little bit more when God is with you.
The Lord will guide you always.
Isaiah 58:11

An ERASER to erase guilt and release others from the bondage of bad memories.
Stop doing wrong, learn to do right!
Isaiah 43:24  I am He who blots out your transgressions... and I will not remember your sins.

HUGS and KISSES (the candy) to remind you that you are loved by your Heavenly Father.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

See a further discussion on this idea here.

Good Samaritan Backpacks, Supplies, and related..

Over the years in this forum, other members suggested ASSEMBLING medical supplies, school supplies/backpacks, etc, for various mission projects.

For example, Church World Service often has backpack projects for kids in various parts of the world. Check with local and international mission organizations you are affiliated with.


Member PlymouthUCC posted:

In our arts and crafts workshop, we are doing Linus blankets for the Linus project (which gives blankets to children in the hospital).

The kids cut fringe on 2 squares of fleece (one solid, one patterned) to form a front & back to a blanket. Then they tie the fringe together so that it's one blanket. Meanwhile, the kids discuss how they are making blankets for people they don't know (who is my neighbor?), how the good Samaritan wrapped his cloak around the hurt man (like their blankets will be wrapped around someone), how we are showing mercy, etc.

Here's the website for the organization:

Last edited by Luanne Payne

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