
Art Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for the Lost Coin, Lost Sheep

Post your Sunday School ART lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for the Lost Coin, Lost Sheep here.

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Including: the 99 sheep, lost sheep, shepherd, woman, lost coin, rejoice, Matthew 18:12–14, Luke 15:3–7, Luke 15:8–10

Bible lessons and ideas about the Lost Coin, Lost Sheep -with Art, craft, painting, construction, drawing, etc.


Art Project Idea for the Lost Coin/Sheep

from Neil MacQueen

(This could also be an A-V lesson)

Make a "scrolling" Television program of the story.

The ol' "scrolling TV" idea has been around for many years and has many uses. It has been used here at in various forms and forums. However, quite often the lesson only suggests "illustrating" the story on the scroll, whereas, this lesson moves into reflection.

This lesson also creates a shoebox-viewer that can go home, rather than a big TV box.

Almost any way you do it, the kids love this lesson idea.

How - To

First, collect SHOEBOXES, one for each child.  Cut a square hole in the top of the lid about 4"x4".  This is where the paper scroll illustrations will show through.

Second,  cut a long strip of butcher paper about 2 feet long and about 4" wide. Students will be illustrating their story on this scroll. The scenes will appear in the 4"x4" shoebox lid window.

Third, tape an 8" dowel rod to each end of the butcher paper to form a SCROLL. Roll the paper onto the RIGHT dowel.  Use at least 1/2" diameter dowels for easy turning.

Fourth, cut four small notches in the top four corners of the shoebox to hold the scrolls. When you tape the LID to the shoebox over the top of the box, it will hold the dowel rods in place.  (You could have put holes in the shoebox, but I've found that these notches work better for taking the scroll in and out to work on it.)

You have now created a scrolling "television" or view finder.

The reason you have wound the scroll on the RIGHT dowel is so that as you turn the left dowel, it will put the paper from right to left, revealing any TEXT like a TICKER TAPE or "crawl" across your screen below your illustrations. 

Now have your students divide the scroll paper into TEN scene areas by lightly drawing a pencil mark.  Have them create scenes and write captions below each.

Tell them the have to include the following 5 "lost" scenes:

A Scared Lost Sheep

A Sheep Being Found by its Shepherd

A Lost Coin

The Coin being Found by its owner

A Child who has lost their faith and is doing bad things.

Jesus finding that child and throwing a party in heaven with them.

A Friend who has lost their friends and sense of purpose. Or is doing bad things.

That friend being found by the Student! ...and being brought to church.

A picture of your parents or sibling who needs your help.

The student reaching out to them in the name of Jesus.


What is the name of this "show"?  Give it a title.

Decorate your shoebox with plastic coins and cotton ball sheep.

Have ready-made verse quotes printed on strips which can quickly be pasted on the scroll.

Have each student 'play' their presentation for the class.

Have each student 'play' their presentation immediately after class to someone in the hallway (sharing the Good News).


Images (1)
  • WT-LostSheepLessonLink
Last edited by Neil MacQueen
Original Post

Reflecting with a Collage Project after studying the scripture and watching an inspiring music video

You Will Be Found from the Dear Evan Hansen musical is beautiful and this video is an inspiring version of it with the kids from the One Voice Children's Choir.

The lyrics, music, and images in this video are definitely kid-friendly, but it deals with the very serious subject that most young people face --feeling alone, outcast, lost, abandoned --at some point in their life, including now.

After some Parable of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coin parable study, watch the video and then have students make a "WHERE AM I IN MY DRAWING?"  --a drawing, or collage, or painting project briefly described below.  (Where am I in my life? Am I lost? Wandering? In need of...?)

Life can be overwhelming and confusing to children as well as the rest of us, especially these days. Schedules, commitments, health and family issues and problems can crowd out what we want to do, what we enjoy, and even who we really are or want to become. Expectations, bad characters, and other people's demands can threaten to cover us up and keep us from be the best version of ourselves --the person God created us to be. We can feel "lost" living a life we do not enjoy, leading a life of sin, finding ourselves with the wrong crowd, struggling with pain, divorce, or separation. Most kids will initially think of "lost" in terms of being lost in a "place" like a grocery story, but help them understand that "lost" can be a condition of the soul, a feeling about one's life, a loss of safety or happiness, a loss of purpose or value.

Collaging with magazine and newspapers allows students to express themselves and produce a shareable piece of art about themselves. It can share a message about themselves and Jesus.

Collaging takes time and can be quite introspective. Its a great art medium to converse with kids AS they are creating --asking them what it means to them, and helping them express certain important ideas through their choices of images and their arrangement.

Collage Ideas for "You Will Be Found"

Draw yourself, or compose your "real" self using images cut from magazines, then impose a bunch of other images, expectations, roles, demands, and morals over the top of YOU --so that you're like "Where's Waldo" in your own collage. (Alternately, you can paint yourself on the page and then overlay it with images of the things that make you feel lost or alone. or confused, or angry, or sad.)

if you're gluing images over the top of YOU, don't glue the part of the collaged pieces that go directly over your image. Instead, make it so you can pull back the edges of those "other" images to create a collage that has YOU breaking through to be YOU, not being lost, you being found.

If you are painting these images, paint them on a separate sheet of paper and lay them over the first sheet that has your painted image of YOU on it. Then tear or make flaps so that the second sheet of "problems, expectations, things that people get lost in" can be peeled back a bit to again --make it appear as if you are breaking through all the other messages.  Lastly, to your image/pictures add the power of God helping you break through. Add what helps you do that.... a Bible, a cross, a prayer, a line from the Lost Sheep such as, "When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders and rejoices."   You could also add a few "lost and found coins" to the collage (any image cut in the shape of a circle).

You can also use collage techniques to create your own "Where's LOST SHEEP" Word Search (of sorts) in the collage of letters you've torn and pasted from magazines and newspapers. The point of this is it creates an interactive piece of scripture art that can be shared and explained.

Play the music video in the background a few times during the creative process. Add other music videos such as "Reckless Love of God" by Cory Asbury.

WordFindCollage-LostSheepHave you found the words "Lost" and "Sheep" on the diagonals yet?


Images (1)
  • WordFindCollage-LostSheep

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