
Art Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Teaching the Story of Palm Sunday in Sunday School

Post your Sunday School ART lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for Palm Sunday here.

Jesus, Palms, Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, Bethany, Parade, Caiaphas, Annas, donkey, rocks and stones, etc. Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-44, John 12:12-19, Zechariah 9:9. is the oldest and largest curated collection of creative Sunday School lessons, ideas, and resources on the web. Become a Supporting Member!

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Palm Sunday
Art Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:
Students will create a display of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem using wire or foil sculptures.

Scripture Reference:
Matthew 21:1-11, Zechariah 9:9

Supplies and Preparation:

  • Decide whether you will be making wire or foil sculptures. See the discussion and "how to" at
  • If using foil, get a roll of "heavy" aluminum foil.
  • If using wire, purchase several different types and colors of wire (for younger kids, use chenille stems). Wire should stiff enough to hold its shape but flexible enough for kids to bend it; 18-24 gauge wire works well.
  • Cut many 12-inch pieces of wire in advance. Using pre-cut shorter pieces of wire is a safety measure; kids using long pieces of wire could accidentally whip one around and poke someone in the face or eye.
  • Bibles for older children
  • "Little Colt’s Palm Sunday" (book) by Michelle M. Adams for younger children
  • Palm Sunday Foil Sculpture18 – 24 gauge wire, cut into 12-inch pieces (see note above)
  • Beads (optional)
  • Chenille stems (for younger kids)
  • Small wire cutters (1 pair for every 2-3 kids)
  • Read's "Wire and Foil Sculpture" topic!

Lesson Plan

Welcome the children and explain what they'll be doing today and what you hope they will learn.

Say: Today we’re going to read and talk about Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Jesus’ death.  We are going to create wire sculptures of characters to place on a stage (a diorama) depicting key moments in the Palm Sunday story and think about how we cheer for Jesus, receive him as our king, and tell others about his coming.

Bible Study

Introduce/review the lesson: This month we are learning about one of the first events of Holy Week, which is the week before Jesus died on the cross and then rose from his tomb. Does anybody know what that first event was?  Hint: It's called "Palm Sunday!"

It is the day that Jesus arrived in Jerusalem to claim the title of "KING."  Jesus and his disciples had come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Passover, and on the Sunday before the Feast, Jesus told his disciples to go get a donkey so that he could ride into the city.

Let's read the story and learn what happened when Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem.

  • Younger Children read the book "Little Colt’s Palm Sunday" by Michelle M. Adams.
  • Older Children read Matthew 21:1-11 from their Bibles

After you've read the story:

  • Say: Palms were a symbol of grace and victory in Bible times. By waving the palms and placing them on the ground before Jesus, the people were welcoming him as a king.
  • Ask: What do people wave today to celebrate or as a symbol of peace??
  • Say and Ask: The donkey was a sign of peace and humility, What do those words mean?
  • Say and Ask: A horse was what warrior rode. Why didn't Jesus ride a horse into Jerusalem? What did this say about the kind of KING he was going to be?
  • Ask: What animals or type of transportation would Jesus use today to symbolize the same thing to us?
  • Say and Ask: Some people in the crowd wanted a KING that would defeat the Roman army and throw them out of Jerusalem. How do you think they reacted to the scene of Jesus riding a donkey?
  • How does Jesus "win" battles with evil?

The Art Project: Wire Sculptures

Depending on the size of class, time, and age of your students, you may decide to have each student create a wire sculpture of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, or just a wire sculpture of themselves joining in the parade. Ahead of time, have some extra wire "crowd" people made up and ready to add to your re-enactment.

You may also decide to create the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem ahead of time from some cardboard. This is the gate where Jesus rode in to claim his kingship (this is where all king's of Israel traditionally processed to entire the Temple area.

  • Before class begins, prepare quantities of 18-24-inch lengths of different types and colors of wire (see note in preparation section above). Using pliers, bend over the last half inch on each end of every wire so they won't poke.
  • Distribute several strands of wire per student and one pair wire cutters per every 2-3 kids. Students may wish to swap different color wires back and forth.
  • For younger kids (preK) you may switch to pipe cleaners/chenille stems.
  • Demonstrate how to twist wire into a simple body, shaping the head and legs first. Once you have the basic wire body, you can add more wire and wire of different colors to "outfit" your wire person.
  • Create as many different people in the crowd (including Jesus on his donkey), and then assemble them in your "diorama" to retell the story.


Reflections to discuss while making the wire sculptures:

  • How would you pose your sculpture to represent peace? humility? anger? "Hosanna!"
  • How would you pose some people in that crowd that day who didn't want the kind of kingdom and king that Jesus was bringing?
  • What do some people hope Jesus will do when he becomes king?
  • Where would you have been in the crowd that day? How would you have cheered Jesus? Would you have been afraid to do so? Would you risk being arrested?
  • How do you make Jesus the king of YOUR life?
  • What is the number one thing in your life that Jesus Your King is going to ask you to change or do?

Optional Wire Sculpture Diorama Assembly Suggestion

(Added by Wormy - the resident editor at

A "diorama" is just another fancy word for a miniature recreation of a scene from a story. In the following example, you'll prepare parts of the "Jerusalem" city gate diorama in advance. Cardboard and packing tape are your friends! Smile

Assign parts of the scene and scenery of Jesus' Entry into Jerusalem to various students. Have them make that person/scene/prop out of wire. Older children can not only make a bendy-person, they can add wire around the bendy-person's head and torso to add bulk and fill out their character. Have everyone create a wire palm.

If you're making a group diorama of the scene, prepare some cardboard boxes to be the Walls of Jerusalem with a gate. These can be pre-glued on a sheet of cardboard where you'll also be fixing all your wire sculptures. Make an area on the walls for a soldier. Add some wire trees and bushes. Sand can be glued on the cardboard to show the road.

Here's a creative solution to how to get the wire characters and props to stand up on your diorama base: make sure each prop/person has a long "foot" which you can stick through a hole in the cardboard base and bend, then tape to the bottom of the cardboard.

Add "Hosannas" to the diorama, either by drawing them on the cardboard, or by drawing them on some paper pennants which are attached to wire "poles" you've attached to the cardboard building near the gate. You might also glue some confetti along the road, along with some pieces of cloth (the people's coats) and green wire (palms) laying on it.

Remember to discuss how various characters should be POSED, and WHY. In particular, consider how to pose the "doubters" and authorities afraid of Jesus.

The younger children will have less impressive dioramas compared to the older students, but you can 'balance' that by adding some cool wire sculptures of your own to fill out their story. In fact, make some ahead of time to pull out of a box as needed. Some small children may be frustrated with how their character turns out, but will be proud to "pose" your wire character and make it their own.

Close with a prayer using language from your discussion about cheering and following our king.

This lesson was originally submitted by member Bravo5 from The Church of the Beatitudes in Phoenix, AZ. It has since been updated and improved by our editing team!


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  • wire-sculpture-twisting
Last edited by CreativeCarol

Palm Sunday

Art Workshop


This lesson highlights the worship parade understanding of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and creates items that can be used in the classes' own "Jesus Parade" or in congregational worship.

The 3 crafts consist of a crown, a maraca-type noise maker and a bubble blower.

Palm Sunday Art Project - Parade CrownPalm-Sunday-Maraca-Noisemaker-Craft

The full lesson is attached to this post as a Word doc that you can modify.  It includes pictures that illustrate the projects and "teaching comments" to share during the activities.  Linked below are two companion lessons that go with this Rotation-style lesson -- Science and Storytelling Workshops.

Scripture Reference:
Luke 19:29-48

Lesson Plan

This is only a partial lesson. The full lesson is attached.


  • So in the story, the Pharisees do not recognize or accept that Jesus is a king. If they did, then they wouldn't try to tell Jesus what to do.
  • But the disciples DO think Jesus is a king and praise God for Jesus.
  • And even if they did stop praising God, Jesus says “the rocks would cry out.”
  • So today, we’re going to make some crafts that will help us to participate in our own “Jesus Parade" so that the rocks won't have to cry out instead.

Explain Crown Craft

  • The first thing we’re going to do is create a crown-like hat that reminds us that Jesus is the king that comes in the name of the Lord.
  • This is a picture of what our crown might look like: -->

Step 1

  • First thing we’re going to do is, using this flexible measuring tape, we’re going to measure our heads.
  • Then we’ll cut some blue duct tape to the length you just measured plus 2 inches.
  • Once the tape is cut, lay it on the table with the sticky side face up.
  • Put the straws on the tape, but leave 4 inches free on each end of the tape (use a ruler to determine the four inches)

Step 2

  • Once step one is done, cut a second length of blue duct tape that’s the same length as the first piece of tape.
  • Place this piece of tape on top of your first piece of tape sticky-side down as a way to “sandwich” the straws.
  • Cut a piece of duct tape, this time from a differently colored roll of tape, to the same length.
  • Fold this length of duct tape over the bottom edge of the “blue tape sandwich” so that half of the headband is now a different color.
  • Fit the headband to your head and then tape the ends of it together to hold the shape/circle.

Step 3

  • Now we’ll take the pipe cleaners and garland and slide them into the tops of the straws.
  • We can also glue the pom-poms on to the end of the pipe cleaners.
  • Bend the straws as you so wish.
  • And now, we have a crown-like parade hat that will remind us that Jesus is king!

For the full lesson download the attached Word document (found at the bottom of this post). Note that the first three pages of the document are background and that the actual lesson starts on page 4.

To view the other lessons in this lesson set click HERE for Storytelling and HERE for Science.

A lesson written by Nathanael V. from: and modified by a volunteer.


Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Palm Sunday
"Rocks Will Sing" Art Workshop

Summary of the Lesson: an interactive reading of the story from Luke 19, students will paint "Hosanna" Praise Rocks as a reminder of the story and meaning of Jesus' ride into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. They will focus on Jesus' promise that even the rocks would cry out and sing God's praise -- that God's message cannot be silenced and is meant to be shared (Luke 19:40). Students will be reminded that Jesus is deserving of our praise --- and that we praise him for the forgiveness (salvation) and unconditional message of God's love (which brings strength, comfort), and wants us to share that message with the world by being forgiving and loving.'s content team has improved this lesson, adding some helpful details , suggestions, and additional life application.


  • Acrylic Paints
  • Acrylic Paint Pens
  • Brushes
  • Paper plates for the paint dollops
  • Paper Towel
  • Table cloth newsprint
  • paint-palleteSmocks
  • Permanent Markers (if desired)
  • Various types of smooth stones, such as "river rock," 1 or more per student
  • A fan to help dry the paint

Advanced Preparation Requirements:

  • Wash the rocks and let them dry for several hours before painting.

Lesson Plan

Welcome kids to "Thou Art Studio" as they arrive. Hand out name tags and create name tags for any new students. Introduce yourself. Explain what they'll be doing today and what you hope they will learn.

Open with a prayer.

Discussion Before Reading the Story:

Ask:   Has anyone here ever been to a parade?  Been in a parade? Tell us about your parade experience!

Ask: What kinds of parades are there?   (Holidays, but also parades celebrating a celebrity or politician)

Say: In some parades, you stand and watch the parade go by. In other parades, you join in the crowd following the band or float or person whom the parade is about. In today’s story, we are going to hear about a parade where Jesus was the main attraction, the big-time celebrity.

Ask: Why would people want to see Jesus and cheer him? What were they expecting?  (accept any answer and tell them that the people were hoping he would reveal himself to be God's Messiah -- the new king of Israel who would save the people.)

Read The Story:

Instruct the children that you want them to help you tell the story so we can imagine all of the noise that the crowd was making in Jerusalem.

Whenever you say "Jesus" students should shout “the King”
Whenever you say "crowd" students should shout “hosanna”

Say "Jesus" and then, "Crowd" to help them practice, then read the following story:

As Jesus approached Jerusalem he stopped at the hill called the Mount of Olives that overlooked the city. Jesus sent two of his disciples to find a donkey. Jesus said, “Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a donkey tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it.’”

The disciples listened to Jesus and went and found the donkey just as Jesus had told them. As they were untying the donkey, its owners asked them, "Why are you untying the donkey?”

They replied, “The Lord needs it.”

The disciples brought the donkey to Jesus. They put their cloaks on the donkey and put Jesus on it. As Jesus went along, crowds started to form. Large crowds of people welcomed Jesus with shouts of singing because of the miracles they had heard that Jesus had performed and the hope that he was going to be their new king. People in the crowds spread their cloaks on the road and palm branches from the trees as a sign of respect for Jesus.

The crowd shouted: "HOSANNA" -- which means "Save us God!" or "He has come to rescue us." And they further cheered, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

The crowd was loudly praising Jesus as the new king, the Messiah, but this made some religious authorities, called "Pharisees," very angry and worried. Many Pharisees didn’t believe that Jesus was the son of God, the Messiah sent by God to rescue the people, and they were mad that the crowds were praising Jesus.

So the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your followers! Make them stop all this noise.”

Jesus said to them “I tell you, if the crowds were to stop and keep quiet, the stones on the ground would cry out with the Good News."

So the crowds continued to praise Jesus with the hope and belief that he was the Messiah, the King sent by God. And Jesus rode into Jerusalem and immediately went to the Temple to worship God.

Discussion After the Story:


  • What kind of animal did Jesus enter into Jerusalem on?  (A donkey was the sign of a humble king. What kind car might Jesus ride today in a parade that would send the same message?)
  • Why were the crowds shouting and praising Jesus? (What were they hoping for?)
  • What did the Pharisees say to Jesus?
  • What did Jesus say to the Pharisees?
  • I wonder what Jesus meant when He said that the stones on the ground would cry out in praise?

    Nothing can stop God's message!  Not silent crowds or angry Pharisees. Even if you think you are like a rock, kind of dense and hard and not so special, God can turn you into a voice for his love and forgiveness.

    Tip: As you say this last part, pick up a rock and tap it on the table and then to the side of your head.

Praise Rocks Activity

Explain to students how they will be making praise rocks.

First they need to choose and paint a message,
then they can decorate their rock a little more if they'd like.

Ask: What are some possible "messages" about Jesus that God wants us to share?  ...Messages you might shout to Jesus if you were following him in a parade and wanted the crowd to hear.

As you get responses, write them on the board and condense them so that they are easy to fit on rocks.

Here are a few suggestions:

Make Peace
Let Your Heart Sing
Jesus King (crown symbol)
Heart of Worship
God Saves
Sing Praises
Praise God
Jesus Rocks!
Follow the King

As they complete their rock, invite them to create an "encouragement rock" that can be shared with someone. Encouragement Rocks can be simple biblical reminders, like "Be Kind," "Do Good," Love Others," "Honor God," "Live Joyfully."

Painting Setup:

  • Use the paint "pens" for the messages.
  • Use any paint "brushes" for the decorating of the rest of the rock.
  • Caution them about using too much paint (it can smear and take too long to dry).
  • Provide a paper plate palette of paint for every 2-3 students. Pre-squeeze several choices of colors onto each pallet. Children can request different colors if needed.
  • Remind them to use one brush per color and not mix between colors. Share the brushes.
  • Remind students that they don’t want to make the paint too thick or it will take a long time to dry.
  • While students are working:
  • Encourage students by complimenting their work!
  • Some students may need extra help. Be on the lookout for students who are needing a hand or more instruction!
  • Talk about what a treat it is to praise Jesus!
  • Ask students what they think a rock would sound like if it started to praise Jesus.
  • Be on the lookout for spills and keep paper towel handy. Clean up spills quickly to avoid bigger messes.
  • After they are done with their rock, have them write their name on a piece of paper and place it under the rock, and then put the rock in front of a fan for quicker drying.
  • Cleanup.

Closing Reflection:

Gather students around the rocks as they are drying. Have them read their rock's message and reinforce its message as they do. Discuss a few places they could display their rock so that it's message would be seen by others and encourage them to think about Jesus.

Close with a prayer that God would use us like these rocks to share the message with others that Jesus our Messiah is here with God's message of forgiveness and love.

What is our "THOU ART! STUDIO" ?
“Thou Art! Studio” is our "Art Workshop" in our Rotation Model Sunday School where children can use their creativity and tactile learning abilities to understand God's word in unique ways. Children use a variety of art forms to experience worship, explore stories and express Biblical truths.

A lesson originally written by ZBCC from: Zion Baptist Community Church
Edmonton, Alberta. Updated by a member of the Content Team.


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  • paintpens
  • paint-pallete
  • Be-Rocks
  • praise-rock-2
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Note from the Editor:
The "painted rocks" lesson ideas found in this topic were turned in to a really neat Palm Sunday "Jesus is the One" Storytelling & Stone Art Workshop lesson plan by our Writing Team.  More details, more adaptations, and greater life application.

Everyone can read the "Jesus is the One" lesson summaries. Supporting Members can access the full lesson Storytelling & Stone Art Workshop lesson plan.


Luke 19, The rocks will sing

We made "HOSANNA HEY" Rocks to lay at the base of the cross we have along the main walk up to our church.

First, we watched and discussed the famous and rousing "Hosanna Hey" entry into Jerusalem scene from Jesus Christ Superstar (the movie).  The kids loved it and its so unexpected!

After talking about the video/song, we had the kids use paint pens to decorate various rocks we had both gathered and purchased -- decorating them with Palm Sunday symbols, verses, and their names. (We also made Hosanna Rocks to share, more about that in a moment.)

We then carried them out to the foot of the cross for some reflection, and invited the congregation to view them on their way out of church and "be a rock."

Extra painted rocks were put aside in a basket with the sign "take one and place it by your front door to share your hosanna with others."

Our discussion focused on two statements made in the video by the song/characters. Here are my recollected notes and some expanded thoughts. Our kids were a broadly graded bunch. Adjust per your needs and ages.

(1) The authorities:  "Tell the rabble to be quiet"

Who was Jesus declaring himself to be and why the authorities opposed him.

The religious authorities sing that they "anticipate a riot" which was a very real concern back then. There were many in Israel hoping the Messiah would come and lead them to war against the Roman army who occupied their land. There were "agitators" called "Zealots" just waiting for an opportunity to start a fight with the Romans. The authorities were afraid Jesus would cause that rebellion and start a war with Rome, so they tried to get rid of him (and did, or so they thought).   

Was Jesus riding into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to lead a war?  (No) What kind of revolution was Jesus trying to lead?  (one of faith, based on forgiveness and acceptance/kindness toward others).  People misunderstood Jesus. They thought his "kingdom" was going to be an earthly one, with a throne and army. What kind of "kingdom" was Jesus ushering in? (The Kingdom of God -- which is where God's will of love and peace and kindness is shown.)

Another problem was that the authorities were afraid of losing their positions of power and privilege. They knew that if Jesus started a rebellion -- and wasn't the real Messiah, they would lose their positions of authority and wealth.   Jesus often complained about these leaders saying things like they were putting themselves first and not helping the people. When Jesus tells them "the rocks will sing" he is saying "it's out of your hands."

The crowds were hoping Jesus would lead them to victory too! (Even today, some Christians hope Jesus will conquer their enemies, rather than forgive them and make peace with them.)

What are some things we should say about Jesus to other people?

Are "warnings" to others or words of judgment what Jesus wants us to sing?  "Singing" is about joy, hope, comfort, not judgment and condemnation, or trying to scare people into believing in Jesus.

What's the best way to "shout" or "sing" about Jesus? With words or deeds?

(2) Jesus:  "The rocks and stones themselves will start to sing"

God wants us to sing his message and not be quiet about it. What does it mean to do that?

Do you think Jesus meant "real" rocks will sing?

Sometimes "a rock" symbolizes strength. However, in this passage, "rock" is probably referring to things that are hard (don't want to change), lifeless (seemingly dead), dense (don't understand), and are often overlooked (don't look that special).

The point is that God can transform rocks!   He can help you change your life, understand more about him, make your faith come alive, make you useful to others, and let you know you are special to him, and not overlooked.

As Jesus Rocks, we need to sing these messages to other rocks!

Let's paint some rocks that share this message with other "rocks" that Jesus is here to forgive them, change their life, help them be more loving and kind, and remind them that they are special to God.

Here are some of the phrases we wrote on the "Rocks to Share" that members and kids could take home:

  • Jesus Rocks!
  • Forgiven
  • Beloved
  • Thankful
  • Child of God
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Raise your "palm" to say...

What does raising a palm to Jesus say to Jesus? What promise are you making? What kind of "cheer" does Jesus want to hear? etc.   Green hand = "do/believe"   Red hand = "what I will stop"

I will follow you

I will be kind

I will be merciful

I will walk humbly

I will help those in need

I will not judge or exclude

You are my savior!

I believe

Lord, help me to pray

Lord, help me to forgive

Lord, help me to understand you

I will STOP fighting

I will stop putting others down

I will stop using hurtful words

I will stop hate and racism when I hear it

I will stop injustice


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