
This forum is part of's Palm Sunday to Easter Morning forum of resources. In addition to the public lessons and ideas posted below, be sure to see our Writing Team's extra special lessons: Last Supper ~ Lord's Supper Lesson Set.

The image pictured right is from's Annie Vallotton Bible Illustrations Collection.

Art Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Teaching the Story of Jesus' Last Supper.

Lessons and Resources may also cover Communion and the Passover Seder.

Last Supper Cups, Bread Boards, Seder Plates, Chalices, and more!

Post your Sunday School ART lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for the Last Supper, Communion, and Seder here. Last Supper, Upper room, Judas, Bowl, Feet, This is my body, broken, cup, Do this in remembrance of me, Lord's Supper, Passover, Seder, Matthew 26:17-30; Mark 14:12-26; Luke 22:7-23; John 13:1-17, 21-30; 1 Corinthians 11:23-32; Exodus 11:4-8, 12:3-13, 37-39, etc.

Kicking off our group of art ideas...

The Last Supper: "Remember Me"

A Bread Board Art Workshop Lesson

Summary of Lesson Activity:

After learning the story, children will make a "Bread Board," and write 'Remember Me' on it using either acrylic paint or a wood burning tool.  Children will sand the wood, drill a hole in it and tie a leather hanger to it.

A major goal of this project is to create a story reminder that can go home and remind the family too!

See the end notes for various "board" options, both purchased and homemade by a volunteer.

Scripture Reference:

Luke 22:7-23 is the story of the Last Supper in Luke. You may also use Matthew 26:17-30; Mark 14:12-26; John 13:1-17, 21-30; 1 Corinthians 11:23-32.


Lesson Objectives-

Children will:

  • Understand what Jesus meant when he used the cup and bread during the Last Supper
  • Understand what it means to say that Jesus was the "New Covenant"
  • Understand that Jesus washed the disciples’ feet to give us an example of servanthood
  • Know ways that Jesus wants them to "Remember him" by sharing his story and love with others

Materials List:

  • Wood for breadboards (see endnotes for size and type and sources)
  • sandpaper (fine grit)
  • drill with 1/4" drill bit
  • leather cord to create a hanging loop for the board, 6" per board
  • wood-burning tool (or acrylic paints and brushes if desired)
  • Bread for the closing prayer
  • Age appropriate Bible Storybook or recommended video: Minno's Story of the Last Supper (seen below)
  • Student Bibles

Tip: Ask your members if any of your hobbyists have a wood-burning tool they'd be willing to bring in and help the kids with. Otherwise, they cost under $15.



Welcome the children and introduce yourself. Tell the children that during this lesson they will be learning about some special things that happened on the night before Jesus’ died on the cross.

Ask them "what story do you think I'm talking about?" And when they answer, start writing their memories of the story on the board and continue to fill it out. Then move on to reading the story together to disccover "what else happened" and "what they may have forgotten."

Show and Discuss the Story

(When this lesson was first posted, it used a Bible storybook that is now out of print. Feel free to use your own age-appropriate storybook or Bible that covers the Last Supper.

The following 7 minute video from Minno on YouTube may be shown first. It covers MORE than the Last Supper story giving the context for the Last Supper, Foot Washing and "New Covenant" Jesus promised when he broke the bread.

Follow it up by opening your Bibles to read the all important verse where Jesus says to "DO THIS TO REMEMBER ME" (Your translation may vary.)  This is the phrase you will 'burn' onto your bread boards.

This free video is on YouTube at If you have a Minno subscription you can also get it from their website.

Questions for Follow up:

  1. What was the "new covenant" Jesus made?
  2. What was the foot washing all about?
  3. What was the bread and cup all about?
  4. How does it make YOU feel knowing all these things that Jesus taught us that night?
  5. What do you think Jesus wants us to DO to thank him and remember him?

All of your answers (and those in the video) are things that Jesus wants us to "remember" when we share bread as his disciples. In fact, THESE THINGS are the "bread" Jesus gives us -- the knowledge of who he is, what he has done for us, and how we should now live our lives!

To help us remember them, each of you is going to make your own Last Supper Bread Board to take home and tell the story with your family.

"Remember Me" Bread Board Activity:

Lead the children in:

  1. Sanding the board
  2. Drilling a hole for the leather (if needed)
  3. Looping the leather through the hole and tying it
  4. Wood-burning or painting the words “Remember Me” on the board.

As you work on the bread boards, continue reinforce and talk about the story. Ask a few questions about the "metaphor of sanding" -- what are the rough parts about you, your personality, your priorities that Jesus would like to "sand smooth."  How and where will you share your bread board and its message with your family? Where can you hang it to remember Jesus and this lesson?


Have each student place a piece of bread on their board and pray a prayer of thanks to Jesus for giving us his life and his message and an example of how we are to live our lives as his servants.

After everyone says "Amen," have them SERVE EACH OTHER the bread from their bread board.

About the Bread Board Wood

Bread-Board-ExampleYou will need to prepare in advance one "bread board" per student. If you have a woodworker in your church, this is an easy project for them. Share a possible design and let them know how much you want the kids to "finish" the board in the lesson. Invite them to come help the kids!!  Boards can be a simple oval shape, or rectangular with a handle. Something on the "small size" is just fine.

You can also purchase unfinished bread boards in bulk. They can be less than a dollar per board and can be found on "hobby" and "craft" sites, as well as Amazon. Look for "Unfinished Wood Cutting Board Craft." Some of these are quite thin but will do the job.

basswoodThere is a type of thin "craft" board called "basswood" that is inexpensive, comes in sizes like 8x8, and is available in packs. These can be pre-cut/shaped by a volunteer, and sanded/drilled/burned or painted by your students.

About Wood Burning

Children ages 8 and older with adult supervision can easily "burn" the words "Remember Me" into their board. First have them write it in pencil on their board, then have them "practice" on a "test board" how much pressure and how fast to move the stylus.

Be sure to open a window and have ventilation so you don't set off smoke detectors.

For an added measure of safety, use simple and inexpensive "heat resistant" or "cut resistant,"  or "cooking/kitchen" gloves for children.


This Sunday School lesson was based on one posted here by member Jamye Cappadonna from San Antonio, Texas.
It has been updated and detailed by the Content Team.


Images (5)
  • LastSupperLogo
  • mceclip0
  • Bread-Board-Example
  • basswood
  • Jesus-Bread-Board
Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Your Students in a DaVinci-inspired "Last Supper" Mural

Here the DaVinci-inspired "student silhouette" wall mural of the Last Supper created by the Sunday School students at Simcoe St. United Church, Oshawa, ON, Canada. Notice the real plates and cups on the ledge (made in another Art Workshop project).  The following instructions have been updated by members of's Content Team. They include elements of Bible study and questions. Additional options/alternatives are found at the end of this post. Enjoy!


How they did it:

First, the students looked at and discussed various works of art depicting Jesus and his disciples at the Last Supper. What could they 'see' in each painting? What did the characters seem to be doing/thinking? Which one did they like?    (You can find many works on art online and print them.)    Place the printed artwork on the wall for comparisons.

Second, the students then read the story of the Last Supper and looked at each work of art again to see which one they thought "best" depicted the scripture. Questions were asked, such as, "Which work of art shows Judas best?" "Which work of art shows the most approachable, likeable, sad, Jesus?" (Explore the emotions in the story and in the works of art. Note how the facial expressions and body language convey meaning.)

Third, have the students line up "like the disciples at the Last Supper" and assume various poses to convey some of the attitudes and parts of the story they read about and see in the artwork.    "Show us CONFUSED disciples" (What were they confused about?)  "Show us SAD disciples" (What were they sad about?)   

Fourth, have the students decide on THEIR OWN POSE -- how they would feel sitting with Jesus at his table in the Kingdom of God. This should be a happy version of the famous DaVinci line up!  Practice various poses and help students begin to strike UNIQUE poses to help tell the story and their story to others who will see this mural. Note that we are no longer 'sad' or confused because we know how the story turns out!  And Jesus has invited us to his table in the Kingdom of God -- a place and time to be nourished, cared for, and receive our marching orders for the work of God!

Have a girl with slightly long hair pose as "Jesus" and make their outline LARGER than all the others in the center position of the mural. If you have space, you can have Jesus "pose" with his (her) hands outstretched or in some other evocative pose.

Fifth, move the kids against the wall, and one-by-one have them trace each other's poses. Remember to place Jesus at the center of the mural (and you might even have the entire class trace Jesus together). If you'd like for the outlines to be BIGGER on the wall, you can have students stand a foot or two OUT from the wall, darken the room, and shine a bright light on them to create a larger shadow that can be traced.

Lastly, have the kids PAINT IN their silhouettes using chalkboard paint (or any other colorful combination of paint). Chalkboard paint is easiest and quickest to apply, and can be written on after it dries.

Paint a "table" and things like cups and plates onto the mural in color. (In another Art Workshop, they can create real Communion "chalices" and Seder plates to fit on the wall IF you have a ledge or table you can place against the mural.)


  • If you don't want to paint a wall, you can put a large sheet of butcher paper on the wall and trace the kids onto that (They can either lay on the floor to be traced and have the paper taped to the wall, or traced on the butcher paper hanging on the wall).  Fill in their tracing with black or color paint.
  • You can also use a large sheet of DRYWALL as your painting surface. Prime it ahead of time with a coat of white or yellow paint.
  • Leave room at the bottom of the mural for painting in or placing a table with various table elements (like cups/plates/grapes).
  • Rather than have kids put their individual names on their own silhouettes, have them "sign" their mural in the corner, and instead, have them write an inspiring message or greeting in chalk over their silhouette. This makes the mural more timeless, less about "me," allowing others to see themselves in the mural.
  • Create a much larger silhouette display in fellowship hall inviting other students/adults to be traced into Christ's Kingdom Fellowship Table.

The DaVinci Mural idea was first suggested by member Lisa Mackenzie.


Images (2)
  • Last-Supper-Mural-DaVinci-SimcoeChurch
Last edited by Luanne Payne

The Last Supper- Communion Chalice

Art Workshop

An outline for a lesson plan

Note: There are several "chalice" ideas in this forum at


Students will design and create their own "Last Supper Chalices" like the one Jesus used -- to help children remember the new covenant, made as Jesus celebrated the Passover with his disciples.

Editor's Note:
The communion cup/chalice is known as "Elijah's Cup" or the "Cup of Blessing" in the Passover Seder Meal. Traditionally, Jews set a place for Elijah to join them and pray for his coming as the harbinger of the Messiah. You may decide to include that bit of detail. Remember that some thought John was Elijah, and Elijah appeared to Jesus at the Transfiguration!

Scripture Reference:

Luke 22:14-20

Key Bible Verse:
"This cup is God's new covenant sealed with my blood."

Plastic chalice for Last SupperMaterials List

  • Non-breakable wine glass/chalice (check online for plastic "chalices," wine cups in bulk)
  • Permanent Markers
  • Colorful craft wire that can be wound around the stem.
  • Ribbons
  • Stick-on jewels
  • Grape juice

Lesson Plan


Greet the children and introduce yourself. Explain what they'll be doing today and what you hope they'll learn. Ask them to review what they know about the Last Supper.

Study the Story

Read the story of the Lord's Supper from your favorite Bible storybook or Student Bible. Explain some of the details and their meanings.

Before beginning the project, you may want to spend a few minutes looking at and discussing some of the artists' representations of the Last Supper with the children and various types of "chalices" that artists have illustrated. You can find and print many illustrations on the internet.

Make a Last Supper Chalice

"Chalice" is a very very old word that means "cup." Usually it means a "decorated" cup, such as one given to a guest of honor to drink from.  Some people think Jesus would have drank from a "simple" chalice, but the "upperroom" was a rented or borrow room that a rich person would have owned, and we can safely assume they would have put out their "best china" for such a guest as Jesus. As well, a special cup is present at the Passover Table. It is known as "Elijah's Cup," and set at his place with the hope that the prophet would join his guests. This tradition is still practiced today in the Jewish faith. Did Jesus pick up the Elijah Cup because of its significance as the cup that was filled for the prophet who would announce the Messiah?  Quite possibly!  Either way, Jesus transformed the cup and wine into the world's most needed symbol: forgiveness, salvation, a New Covenant between God and his people.

Introduce the project by explaining that they will be making their own Covenant cups that they can use at home to remind them about the story of the Last Supper. Give each child a non-breakable WINE GLASS/CHALICE (available on line through various retailers) Provide a wide variety of materials for decorating the cup (e.g., markers, wire, ribbons, shells, stick-on jewels, etc.).

While the Communion Cup may have been simple, many churches use silver cups or decorated clay cups. Bring these into the workshop at this point. Encourage the children to be as creative as possible. Do not offer any suggestions about how the chalices "should" look. Remind the children that there are no right or wrong ways to do this. It's what the cup REMINDS THEM OF, not how nice it looks. Let the children work at their own pace, but be prepared to offer assistance, especially if they are using the glue gun.


About five minutes before the end of class, invite children to show their creations to each other and explain why they chose the decorations that they chose.

For older children if you have time:

CUE UP the Video Clip of "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"... the scene where Indy and his father must choose "the right cup" ...Jesus' cup, from among a plethora of choices.
The movie suggests Jesus' cup is the most humble. Yet as I mention below, this might not have been the actual case! The video gives you an opportunity to address the idea of a "special" cup, not only as the kids have made them, but as Jesus might have used, and as is used in most churches today. The discussion challenges our preconceived notions of the Last Supper.

A lesson written from: Irvington Presbyterian in Irvington Indiana and expanded by a member of the Content Team.

Note: There are several variations on the Chalice-making project here in this thread.


Images (1)
  • Communion Chalice craft
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

The Last Supper- "My Father's Workshop"

A Communion "Chalice"-making Art Workshop


Summary of Lesson Activities:

The children will explore the events and meaning of The Last Supper while creating "chalices" (cups of blessing, Communion cups) to help them remember the reason we celebrate Communion.

See the end notes about Elijah's Cup and the kind of cup Jesus may have used at the Last Supper.


Mark 14:12-26, the story of the Last Supper

Lesson Objectives:

By the end of the session, the students will:

  • Identify The Last Supper as a Passover meal and that the purpose of celebrating the Passover meal was to remember how God delivered the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt.
  • Express the meaning of the Last Supper's Cup of the New Covenant -- what it symbolizes to us.

Leader Preparation:

  • Make a chalice of your own to bring in and show the children what they will be making.
  • You will need to cut the tissue paper into small squares before the morning that you are to teach.
  • Consider age level and time adjustments needed.

Materials List:

  • Plastic wine glasses (one per child)
  • Variety of colorful tissue paper cut in approximately ½ inch squares
  • Small craft gems
  • Q-tips (1-2 per child) to apply the Mod Podge glue
  • Small plastic containers for glue (1 for every two children)
  • Newspaper to cover tables
  • Small plastic plates (1 for every 2-4 children)
  • Small paint brushes
  • Sharpie permanent markers
  • Stick on jewels
  • Modge Podge
  • A bit of bread, grape juice and small drink cups for each student (for use during the Bible study)

Advanced Prep:

  • Set out plastic wine glasses around the table(s). Set out small containers for glue (1 for every two children) and tissue paper squares on plastic plates and q-tips.

Lesson Plan


Greet the children and introduce yourself. Tell them what they will be doing today and what you hope they will learn.

Ask the children if they can think of any meals that they eat when they want remember something special (Thanksgiving, birthday cake, Christmas, etc.) What makes those meals special? (Eat the same thing every year, food reminds us of something like a candy cane or an Easter egg.) Having a special meal to remind us of something is a very old custom.

Say: The Bible story today is a story about a special meal that Jesus had with his disciples on his last night before his crucifixion. Do you know what that meal is called?  It was the Passover Meal celebrating God's rescue of the Hebrews from Egyptian slavery.

Scripture/Bible Story:
Have the children open their Bibles to Mark 14:12-26 and read it together.

After reading the story, place some bread on a plate and a cup next to it, then begin to pour grape juice into the cup. Point out that The Last Supper was a Passover meal. Explain that during the Passover meal, Jesus would have taken a special cup and raised it several times during the meal as a blessing and thanksgiving to God,  Pour a juice in small cups for all your students so that they can join you in offering a blessing (a "toast") to Jesus for his forgiveness and presence with us today.

Then continue to explain...

But during his last supper, he changed the meaning of the cup for his disciples. He said, "This cup represents the New Covenant sealed by my blood, when you drink from it, remember me."  What do you think he meant?   He wanted us to remember that his life (his blood which the red wine in the cup also reminds us of) would be sacrificed on the cross as a sign of God's new promise -- the forgiveness of sins and promise of new and eternal life in God's Kingdom.

Say: In a moment, you're going to create your OWN Passover, Last Supper, Communion Cup. So let's look at some illustrations of what artists over the centuries thought Jesus' Cup of the New Covenant may have looked like.  If possible, have your church's Communion Chalice present.


Keep in mind that Jesus and his disciples were in a special "upperroom," the kind that people rented for the Passover Feast, or were invited to by a well-to-do patron. The cups would have been their hosts' "best."  Special pottery, for example, or silver, and decorated with symbols of God's bounty. The very best cup would have been called "Elijah's Cup" in honor of the prophet they prayed would appear at the Passover table to announce the coming of the Messiah. The honored leader of the dinner, Jesus in this case, would have raised that special cup of blessing.

The cup is sometimes called a "Chalice" in the church. Whatever you call them, it is a special cup of celebration. In the Passover Seder, there are four cups of blessing each with a different meaning. Learn more about that here.

Chalice Making

Direct the children to begin creating their "chalices" so that the glue will dry by the time class is over. (Before they begin, use a Sharpie marker to label each chalice with the child's name on the bottom of the cup.) Ask the children to decorate their chalices in a way that reminds them of the Last Supper and Jesus' blessing us with his forgiveness and salvation by asking us to drink from his Cup of the New Covenant.

They will use the q-tip to "paint" a small area on the outside of the wine glass. Then they will place a tissue paper square on the glued area. They will continue this process of "painting" glue and covering with tissue paper until the outside area of the plastic glass is covered.

If using "stick on jewels," apply those before doing the decoupage.
Do not intentionally put glue on the bottom of the base or the base. This will make it easier to handle and transport.

TIP: Don't use a lot of Mod Podge!  Apply just a little and press the paper into it. After you have applied all your tissue paper, THEN paint a layer of Mod Podge over the tissue to completely fix it and create a nice hard coating when it dries.

When the glass is covered the entire outside should be covered with a coat of Modge Podge using a small paint brush. (If time is running short, the assistant teacher can do this.)

As the children are working ask them questions about what they are doing such as:

  • Why did you choose those colors?
  • How does your design remind you of Jesus?
  • You may also want to ask them what they already know about The Last Supper. Who ate this meal with Jesus? What was served at this meal?
  • Talk about Passover.

Reflect as you create cups...

  • I wonder how Jesus felt as he ate the Passover Meal knowing it would be his last meal with the disciples?
  • I wonder what the disciples were thinking when Jesus said, "This is my body..." and "This is my blood...."?
  • I wonder why Jesus used these two food items, bread and wine, and not the others from the Passover meal? (roasted lamb, bitter herbs, etc.)
  • Jesus told his disciples to eat the bread and drink the wine in remembrance of him. When do we do this in our church? (1st Sunday of the month & special Sundays of the church year.)
  • What does Jesus want us to remember when we celebrate The Last Supper? What do we call the celebration of The Last Supper today? (Communion, Eucharist, Lord’s Table)
  • I wonder what Jesus wants us to think about when we take Communion?
  • Where will you put your cup? What will you do/think about when you see it there?

Place the cups in front of a fan for quicker drying. They'll still be a bit sticky going home.


Have students share their cups and the symbolism they put on them. Close with a prayer that each of us would be a "cup of blessing" to others as we share the meaning of our cups.

Notes about the Cup:

"Chalice" is a very very old English word that means "cup." Usually, it refers to a "decorated" cup, such as one given to a guest of honor to drink from. Some people think Jesus would have drank from a "simple" chalice, and indeed, there are movies that have promoted that image! However, the Passover Meal that Jesus was celebrating that night was a meal in which "the best" would have been used. The  Jerusalem "upperroom" was a rented or borrowed room that a wealthy person or patron would have owned. So we can safely assume they would have put out their "best china" for such a guest as Jesus.

The Passover Meal includes several prayers and storytelling. A main feature of the meal are several "cups of blessing" that are spoken (toasted, as we would say), and drank. These were cups of thanksgiving and remembrance of God's goodness.  There is also a Passover Meal tradition of setting a place for the Prophet Elijah who was expected to attend when the time of the Messiah had come. Elijah's Cup would have been a special cup, and it very well may have been the cup that Jesus used when he announced the arrival of the "New Covenant sealed in my blood." The Elijah's Cup tradition is still practiced today in the Jewish faith.

Jesus transformed the meaning of the Cup of Blessing and the wine within it into the world's most needed symbol: forgiveness, salvation, i.e. a New Covenant between God and his people inaugurated by the sacrifice of Christ for the sins of the world. The New Testament Church continue celebrating Jesus' arrival, remembering his sacrifice for their sins, and celebrating the Kingdom of God that they were now a part of, and the communion in heaven with Christ that they looked forward to.

This lesson was created from several different versions of the lesson once posted at by our members. Each of those versions used the same basic "tissue paper decoupage" technique. Each varied in how they described the meaning of the Cup and wine. Some emphasized the Passover~Seder connection, others Christ's sacrifice and story of the Last Supper. Some focused on remembering the story, while others used the occasion for some Communion-connection education. 


Images (3)
  • Various-Communion-Cups
  • Raising a cup of blessing
  • stainedglasscup
Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

Passover/The Last Supper

A Celebration ~ Passover Plate Art Workshop Lesson

Summary of Lesson Activities:Last supper plate

Decoupaging the back of a clear plastic plate, children will create a "celebration" (Seder, Passover) plate and discuss Passover and its tie to our celebration of Communion.

Scripture Reference:

Luke 22:7-23

Key Bible Verse:
Luke 22:19b “Do this in memory of me” (Good News Bible).

Rotation Objectives

children will:

  • Know that Jesus celebrated a special last meal (a Passover Seder) with his disciples before his crucifixion.
  • Learn that at the Last Supper, Jesus gave new meaning to the bread and wine.
  • Understand that the Christian observance of Holy Communion began with this “Last Supper”. We celebrate Communion today to remember Jesus’ death and resurrection.
  • Discover that Communion is a way to feel closer to God and to other people who believe in God.
  • Locate the story in their Bible, identifying the four Gospels (older students); Younger students will learn that the story is in the New Testament.

Materials List:

  • Bibles (for 3rd grade and up)
  • Read with Me Bible (1st and 2nd grade)
  • Clear Plastic Dinner Plates (one per student) inexpensively available in packs from suppliers and online
  • Mod Podge "decoupage" glue
  • Small cups (to distribute Mod Podge)
  • Small paint brushes or foam brushes to apply Mod Podge to the plate and over the top of the paper.
  • Magazines; Colorful tissue paper, printed Bible images from the internet
  • Plastic table cloth
  • Wet paper towels
  • A fan to quicken drying of the plates
  • Scissors

Before Start of Class:

  • For younger students, you may want to copy and print some Bible images from the internet and cut them out ahead of time.
  • Pour Mod Podge into small cups.

Lesson Plan


Greet your students warmly, welcoming them to the Art Workshop. Introduce yourself and any other adults. Explain what they'll be doing and learning about today.

Bible Study:

For 3rd grade and up:
Ask: Where in the Bible would we read about Jesus and his disciples?
What are the first four books of the New Testament?
What do we call those first four books? (the Gospels)
Say: The word Gospel means “good news”. Jesus teaches us the good news about salvation offered by God.
Distribute Bibles. Have everyone find Luke 22:7-23 in his or her Bible.
Remind them about the quick way to find the New Testament. [Dividing the Bible in half gets them near Psalms in the OT. Dividing the back half in half again, gets them near beginning of the NT.]
Have students take turns reading verses 7-23. (In later weeks of the Rotation ask the students to tell you the story . Fill in any missing details.)

For 1st and 2nd graders:
Ask: If we want to read something that Jesus said, where would we find it – in the Old Testament or the New Testament of the Bible?
Say: We find the story of Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples in the New Testament in the book of Luke.
Read pages 370-373 of The Read with Me Bible. Show pictures while reading. (In later weeks of the Rotation ask students to tell you the story. Fill in any missing details.)

Questions for all students:

Ask: When Jesus shared the Last Supper with his disciples, what Jewish holiday were they celebrating? (Passover) Why do Jewish people celebrate Passover?

Say: Jesus was celebrating Passover because he was Jewish. The first night of Passover is celebrated with a very special meal called a Seder.

Ask: Do you ever celebrate special meals with your family? What do you do to make the meal special? (Guide them to talk about using special dishes – i.e. plates.)

Making Your Own "Celebration" Passover Plate

Say: Today we are going to create a special celebration plate. You have already mentioned some special meals you share with your family and friends. Today you can make a plate that you take home and use at your next celebration dinner or during the upcoming Holy Week.

Describe how they will actually decoupage their plates:

  1. First, you will only be decoupaging the BACK OF THE PLATE. This allows the front eating surface of the plate to be used. It will also make the decoupaged paper look like glass.

  2. Think about a design. What do you want to "say" or depict on your plate with shapes, images, and color choices? 

  3. Finding images and tearing tissue paper.  They may decide to make the plate like "stained glass" using only thin sheets of tissue paper to create their design. Or they may find a special image(s) to place on their plate.

  4. Apply Mod Podge glue to the backside of the plate, then place the paper image or tissue over the glue and smoothing it INTO the glue.

  5. Work in sections, applying Mod Podge to the back of the plate when you're ready to apply the paper to that section.

    Students' hand will begin to "get sticky." Provide wet paper towels.

    Remind them to use LESS glue. INITIALLY, they only need to stick the paper to the back of the plate. They will "glue it all down" as the final step. Mod Podge is great at seeping in the cracks and through the tissue to create a hard surface.

  6. When you're done applying the paper, brush one more coat of Mod Podge over the entire surface to create a hard finish.

  7. Lay the plate face-side-down to let the Mod Podge begin to dry. Have a fan blow air to quicken the drying.

    Guide the students in thinking about decorating their plate. What will make a plate festive, or celebratory for them? What kind of images or design would remind them of Jesus' Last Supper, and way Jesus feeds our souls at his table?

    Don't tell them "how" to make their plate look. Help them express their thoughts and feelings and understanding of the story in their own way.

Discussion: (while the kids are working)

Say: When Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with his disciples they were celebrating a Seder. Every part of a Seder reminds Jewish people of the story of the Exodus, how God saved his people from slavery in Egypt.
Ask: Are there any special foods we eat that remind us of something in particular? (Example: Thanksgiving – foods the Pilgrims ate; Easter – eggs remind us of new life)

Say: At the Last Supper Jesus gave new meaning to the bread and the cup. He took bread and a cup and said: “Do this in memory of me” (Good News Bible).
Ask: What do you suppose Jesus meant?
Why should we remember him?
Say: The Last Supper was the very last time Jesus ate with his disciples before he died. The disciples did not understand this, but Jesus knew what would happen. He knew that he would be killed on a cross and three days later would be alive again. Jesus knew he would be going to heaven and wouldn’t be around to be with his disciples. So Jesus wanted his disciples, and us, to always remember him.

Ask: Jesus said, “do this in remembrance of me.” How do we do that today?
Do the words I just read out of the Bible sound familiar? (are used in Communion service)

Ask: What things do we have in our Communion service, that were also in the Last Supper? (bread, “wine,” cup, table)
Say: When we celebrate Communion, we are following Jesus’ example from the Last Supper in the Bible. The words spoken in church during Communion are the same ones Jesus spoke to his disciples at the Last Supper. We remember what Jesus did to free us from slavery to sin. Jesus’ body, like the bread, was broken for us when he died on the cross. The cup was a symbol of Jesus’ blood shed for us.

Ask: Have you ever heard Communion described as the “sacrament of Communion”? What do you suppose that means?
Say: The word sacrament is related to the word “sacred” which means holy or set aside for the worship of God. When we celebrate Communion, we are setting aside the bread and juice as a special way to worship God.
Ask: If Communion is sacred or holy, what attitude should we have during Communion? (respectful, quiet)


Have students share and describe their plate, what feelings about Jesus and our communion with him that they were trying to express.

Say: At the Last Supper Jesus gave new meaning to the bread and cup. They no longer are just reminders of what God did to save the Hebrews in Egypt, or even only about his "last" supper before the cross. Rather, they remind us what God did for the entire world when Jesus died on the cross, and that Jesus is still with us today, feeding and nourishing our spirits, comforting us and teaching us around his table.

Close with a prayer blessing our plates and the message they are intended to remind us of.

Take-Home Note:

Dear Families,

Today your child learned the story of Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples. Ask your child what special holiday Jesus and his disciples were celebrating. (Hint: Passover – the celebration of the Israelites freedom from slavery in Egypt, as told in the Old Testament book of Exodus.)

To remember the Last Supper each artist created a Celebration Plate. Please use this dish in your family celebrations, noting these important care instructions: DO NOT IMMERSE in water. To clean, wipe the eating surface with a soapy cloth, rinse, and dry thoroughly. The eating surface is safe for food!

A lesson written by Carol Hulbert and improved by the Content Team


Images (2)
  • Last supper plate
  • mceclip0
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Last Supper Placemats (for younger children)

We've preserved this art project idea here from a lesson that we retired. We really liked the idea of creating something that can become part of the family's dinner table during Holy Week.

The basic "placemat" can be as simple as paper or foam paper, or as artsy as a piece of loose-weave burlap, and then affix symbols and keywords from the story.

Using loose weave burlap, the students can use a crochet hook to weave/sew in scraps of cloth and yarn to create a scene, or object (like a cup), or a symbol (like a foot) found in the Last Supperstory, and a keyword such as "Remember."

Using foam "paper," students can cut and glue symbols and write on the foam.  "Stamps" could also be found/created and used with an ink pad to apply symbols and words to the foam. Burlap can also be stamped though you'll want to use something like an acrylic paint rather than ink to get it to show up on the burlap.


Images (2)
  • loose weave burlap for Last Supper placemats
  • foam paper for Last Supper placemat
Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet

A Soap-Making Art Workshop


Children will make soap as they re-enact and remember a key moment at the Last Supper when Jesus washed Peter's feet as a example of the kind of humble servanthood he expects from his disciples.

Scripture Reference:

John 13:1-17

Memory Verses:

John 13:1-17 “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”

Materials List:

  • Clear Glycerin soap block
  • Fragrances (citrus is popular)
  • Dixie cups
  • Craft "popsicle" sticks (optional)
  • Paper clips (to hold the stick upright in the cup)
  • A heating source to melt the glycerin (hotplate, stove, or microwave)
  • 9X14 cake pan
  • Ice.
  • Hand-sanitizer
  • Bowl of water and a towel

    Note: There are many "how to make glycerin soap with kids" online. It's simple.

Lesson Plan


Greet the children and introduce yourself explaining what they'll be doing today and what you hope they will learn. As you say these things, wash each of their hands with some hand-sanitizer.


Our Bible story this month is from the gospel of John. Jesus washes the feet of his disciples. Disciples who were all wearing sandals and had been walking down dirt roads. Can you imagine someone like Jesus washing dirty feet? Would you do it?

Tell the story, or read the story from the Bible, then proceed to the soap making activity so that it has some time to harden.

To Help Us Remember Jesus' Lesson, We're Going to Make Our Own Soap

Soap Recipe:

  • Unscented, clear glycerin soap block
  • 1/4-teaspoon fragrance oil
  • Optional: Food coloring (They also make colored glycerin drops)
  • Craft sticks if you want to make soap on a stick, otherwise, use them to stir the soap
  • Paper clips (if using the sticks)
  • Plastic knives to cut the soap block
  • Dixie paper cups or other molds, such as silicon molds
  • Baggies, or plastic wrap to carry the soap home in
  • You’ll also need a flat bottom 3" deep pan you can fill with ice water to set the soap. If the soaps harden completely within the time span of the workshop, the children can un-mold them, or simply tear off the paper cup, otherwise, have them take the soap home in the cup for additional hardening.

  1. Have children help cut the glycerin soap into small cubes, about 2 ounces each.
  2. Melt 2 ounces at a time in a small saucepan over very low heat or microwave in a glass cup.
  3. You may wish or need to melt several different batches, each of which can have a different color.
  4. Add fragrance oil and 2 drops of food coloring. Stir gently and pour into Dixie cup. Put a stick into the cup, using the paper clip to hold the stick in the middle of the soap. (Alternately, you can use a small piece of aluminum foil placed over the stick to hold it in the center of the cup.
  5. Put the soap-filled Dixie cups into a cake pan filled with ice water. Remove from cup molds when soap is hardened. Store in plastic bags with a ribbon or twist tie.

While the Soap Hardens

Pull out a towel and bowl of water and announce, "OKAY, WHO WANTS TO BE JESUS AND WHO WANTS TO BE PETER AND GET THEIR FEET WASHED?"

If there is hesitation, say, "Ok, who wants to get their hands washed (again)?" This will loosen them up.

Now hand the towel and bowl to a willing student and ask 'who is brave enough to let "our Jesus here" wash their foot?"  (Don't expect everyone to do this, the point is to create a memorable moment and opportunity to discuss the significance of what Jesus was teaching them. If there's still hesistation, say, "how about an ankle?" A nose?)

Jesus was teaching his disciples to be HUMBLE, to not be afraid to act like a servant. He was also teaching us not to be afraid of letting others care for us! That may seem strange to you, but some people try to push others away or don't think they need any help ever!

Ask: "What are some things that SERVANTS DO"?  ...and write them on the board.   (What does a maid do? A plumber? A waiter?  What kind of "unsung" and small but helpful things do you do to care for your family? a brother or sister? a friend? a homeless person? Think of quiet and thankless acts of service and love.)

Write these on the board as they are shared.

Ask and Say: Do you think Jesus means we ACTUALLY have to go wash everyone's feet?  (No)  What was he teaching us then?


With the chilling soap in front of everyone or ready to unwrap, remember Jesus' message to us and some of the ways we came up with to be humble and serve others. Challenge each student to find something they can do to serve another within the next hour or two. Encourage them to "explain their soap" to others and use it as a reminder of Jesus' example to us.

Close with a prayer and prepare the soap to go home.


Wrap extra soap and tie it with a tag that has the memory verse "Do as I have done." Give these gifts to others.

A lesson based one posted by the Chicago Roundtable Group


Images (3)
  • glycerin soap cubes
  • mixing glycerin soap
  • homemade glycerin soap
Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

A Last Supper Craft for Young Children


"Me and My Family at the Last Supper"

Pre-K through 2nd. Could be a centerpiece for a home Seder or home Holy Week reminder. Write some thoughts or Q’s on the table top. Tape message to bottom to parents suggesting its use at a meal that includes flat pita bread, grapes, and “pouring cups of blessing” (juice) for those gathered.  

(From a craft by Mary Wooten)


Images (1)
  • Last-Supper-Craft
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Here's a photo of the Communion Table Cloth art sewing project from the Immanuel Evangelical Church in Needville Texas (Ron Shifley's congregation).  They used the Writing Team's "Last Supper" Art Workshop lesson which is available here to our Supporting Members.



Images (1)
  • Immanuel-Church-Ron-Tablecloth

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