Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus
Kids make giant footprints out of contact paper.
Key ideas are written on the footprints.
Before applying them to the floor outside the classroom, they first study the story and come up with a variety of things people believe and do when they realize Jesus is alive and wants them to follow him. (Think of these as the things Jesus told them as they were walking down the road together.)
Some of the things on the footprints in the photo:
- Step here if you have told Jesus he is your Savior
- Step here if you love others
- Step here is you know God has forgiven your sins
- Step here if you know someone you need to forgive
- Step here to promise to read your Bible more
- Step here is you have said a prayer today
- Step here is you love stories about Jesus
- Step here is you're ready to put Jesus first
- Step here if you are unselfish and ready to help others
Brainstorm many things to put on the footprints and then decide which ones should end up on the footprints. by writing them on the footprints in black permanent marker. Then remove the backing of the footprint and it is stuck to the floor to create a path of footprints down the hall that students can jump to from one to the next. They can advance to the next footprint by first reading what's on it, and then deciding whether they have already done that, or need and want to do that, then they can jump.
Tip: Don't put the footprints too close together! Make kids leap from one to the next. (There's a metaphor there too.)
Tip: It takes about a dozen footprint in the hallway to make this fun to travel.
Tip: Label this area "Walk With Jesus" or "Emmaus Walk"
Tip: Add short scripture verses to the wall next to each footprint and make it a prayer walk.
"Where Can You See Jesus Today" Wall and Ceiling Signs
One of the things I wanted to add to the footprints walk project (but didn't think of at the time) was to put signs on the walls and ceilings of "Where You Can See Jesus Today." For older kids, this is an important topic, and Jesus actually had quite a bit to say about it. Since the answer includes a sense of hiding in plain sight, I might make the signs slightly hidden or with flaps that you had to lift. Here's the key scripture and some thoughts about what can go on the signs.
Matthew 25:35-36, 40 (NIV)
35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
Each of these basic needs also has a spiritual definition as well.
- People hunger for righteousness and you offer righteousness/justice. You offer to stand with them.
- People thirst for living water and you share the Good News.
- People hear Christ knocking on their door and you help open it for them.
- Even the "clothing" Jesus speaks of can have a spiritual meaning. The Prodigal Son was reclothed/forgiven, for example.
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
The "least" can be those with basic needs, the poor, but it can also mean those who are humble, unselfish (last), the poor in spirit. those who serve. When you DO for those, you are doing it because you see Jesus in them.
The Road to Emmaus story teaches that we BEGIN to "see Jesus" when...
- we study and discuss the scriptures and our heart begins to burn with understanding
- we have our eyes OPENED by engaging in simple acts of remembrance such as communion, and other things we do to worship/remember/honor him