
Art Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Teaching "Isaiah Foretells the Messiah" in Sunday School.

Post your Sunday School ART and "craft" lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for teaching about Isaiah's prophecies of the Messiah here, including lessons teaching about the names of Jesus.

In addition to all our public lesson ideas, the Writing Team has written a wonderful Isaiah Promised ~ Jesus Fulfilled lesson set that includes a super creative and detailed ART Workshop lesson plan with a very special lighted illustration project that teaches the names and titles (and their meanings) that Isaiah used to describe the coming Messiah. =
The biggest, most curated, and creative source of free Sunday School lessons, ideas, and resources on the web today. And if we don't have it posted, ask us for help!  We're also a sharing and caring supportive community.


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  • isaiah-prophet
Last edited by Amy Crane
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Jesus’ Birth through the Eyes of Isaiah

From the Book of Kells [a 1200 year old book in public domain) containing text from Gospel of John

Illuminated Manuscript Art Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activity:

Hear about the art form of illuminated manuscripts. Create an illuminated name for Jesus using some of Isaiah’s words.

Scripture Reference:

Isaiah 7:14 and Isaiah 9:6


  • Children will learn the significance of names, especially those that we give to Jesus.
  • Children will give Jesus a name that means something special to them.

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the scripture for this lesson.
  • Read and reflect on the overview material provided for this lesson.
  • Gather the materials

Materials List:

  • Easel with paper, appropriate marker
  • For 3rd – 6th grades: Adventure Bibles
  • Leader's Adventure Bible with tabs (Law, History, etc.)
  • Bible tab writing kit: tabs, fine-line Sharpie pen
  • For 1st and 2nd graders: The Praise Bible
  • Paper – calligraphy parchment paper; scrap paper for rough sketching
  • 1st – 3rd grade: regular pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils, gel pens
  • 4th – 6th grade: colored pencils, regular pencils, art erasers, rulers, gold & silver glitter paint, paintbrushes, clean meat trays
  • Books showing examples of illuminated manuscripts (see resources)

Advanced Preparation Requirements:

  • In the provided library book, bookmark some pages to show examples of illuminated manuscripts.
  • Write Isaiah’s names for Jesus (Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace) on the easel. Leave room to add more names for Jesus.
  • Bookmark Isaiah 9:6 in the leader's Adventure Bible.

Lesson Plan: Opening

Greet your students warmly, welcoming them to the Art Workshop. Introduce yourself and any other adults.

Go around the room and ask the students to say their name or any nickname.

Say: Your name is pretty important – it says who you are. Naming a new baby is a process parents struggle with because they want to choose a name appropriate for their child.

Ask: Did you know that in the Bible, we find more than 100 different names for Jesus?
Say: God wanted an appropriate name for his son – born for us on the first Christmas. Hundreds of years before Jesus was born, there lived a prophet named Isaiah. Isaiah told about the coming of Jesus! Isaiah also gave clues as to who Jesus would be, with the names he used for Jesus. Today we’ll be creating some special drawings using one of the names Isaiah gave for Jesus. We’ll be talking about Isaiah and what Isaiah had to say, but first, let’s start with prayer.

Ask for any prayer requests. Ask if anyone would like to lead the group in prayer. Use the Lord’s Prayer as the ending. [You may ask one or two students to lead the Lord’s Prayer.] A suggestion: “Holy One, at this busy season of Advent, help us to focus on the reason why we celebrate the birth of Jesus. As we learn names for your awesome gift – your son, your wonderful counselor – help us to see that you love us. (End with the Lord’s Prayer) Amen.

Dig- Main Content and Reflection

Say: Each of you has one or two names, and perhaps a nickname but there are more than 100 different names and titles for Jesus.
Ask: Why do you suppose there are so many names for Jesus? (allow a few responses)

Say: Maybe Jesus had so many names because he has so many jobs to do! Or maybe it was because he was different for different people. If we think about the birth of Jesus through Isaiah’s eyes – it can help us to understand who Jesus is. Let’s find some of these names in the Bible.

Ask: If I told you that the prophet Isaiah had told us these names for Jesus about 700 years before Jesus was born, where would we find these names in the Bible? (in the Old Testament)

Bible Story:

For 1st and 2nd graders:Say: The Old Testament includes stories and events that happened before Jesus was born.

Read the story on pages 219 – 222 of The Praise Bible. Show them the pictures as you read the story.
Say: I would like to read to you some words that the prophet Isaiah said about Jesus.
Read Isaiah 9:6 from the Adventure Bible.

For 3rd - 6th grade:
Distribute Adventure Bibles. Have everyone find Isaiah 7:14 by having them use the table of contents to find Isaiah or tell them that Isaiah is three books after Psalms. Remind them of the quick way to find Psalms (opening the Bible in the middle).

Ask the students to follow along as you read Isaiah 7:14 (include the footnote that defines Immanuel as “God with us.")
Have the students look at the “Did You Know” note on the top of page 760. (“What does the word Immanuel mean? The word Immanuel is a Hebrew name that means ‘God is with us.’ It is used here to refer eventually to Jesus, who would come to earth and truly be ‘God with us").
Say: Now let’s find the list of names of Jesus that Isaiah gave us.
Have students find Isaiah 9:6. Ask the students to follow along as you read Isaiah 9:6.

For all students:
Ask: Did you hear some names for Jesus? (in Isaiah 9:6)
What do these names tell us about Jesus?
What does it mean if Jesus is a Wonderful Counselor? (good listener, gives help)
What does it mean if Jesus is the Prince of Peace?

Say: Another name that we know for Jesus is “Savior.”

[Add the word “Savior” to the whiteboard.]

Ask: If his name is Savior, then what does that mean?
What is he saving us from? (our sins)

Say: Immanuel was a name for Jesus. [Add “Immanuel” to the whiteboard.]

Ask: What did Immanuel mean? (God with us)
What about “Messiah” – has anyone heard that name? [Add “Messiah” to the whiteboard.]

Say: Messiah means “Anointed one” or “Christ.”
[Add “Anointed one” and “Christ” to the whiteboard.]

Ask: What other names are there that you know for Jesus? (accept a couple more names, writing them on the whiteboard. Examples: Good Shepherd, Holy One, Lamb of God, Son of Man, Son of God, Light of the World, King of kings).

Say: These names for Jesus help us understand Jesus. Today you can choose one of these names and create what is called an “illuminated manuscript.”

Show a sample in the library book. A decorated initial from the Book of Kells

Say: A long time ago books were made entirely by hand. Each letter of each word was written out by hand. This kind of hand-made book was called a manuscript.

Say: If a manuscript included colorful artwork, it was called an “illuminated manuscript.” The word “illuminate” refers to light. Illuminated manuscripts used bright colors and even thin layers of real gold! The gold made the pages seem to light up!

Point out in the example books how the first letter in a paragraph was larger and decorative. Show designs in the margins.

Art Project:
Pass out paper and supplies. Allow students to design their own illuminated manuscript of a name for Jesus. They can use any name for Jesus – they are not restricted to only Isaiah 9:6. Encourage everyone to plan their design on scrap paper before they start!
If desired they may wish to cut the paper in half length-wise.

For 4th-6th grade:
Allow students to use the gold or silver paint to embellish their creations. Pour small quantities onto meat trays.

Discussion: (while the students are working)

Say: Immanuel means “God with us.”
Ask: When have you seen Jesus as God with you?

Say: Isaiah was a prophet.
Ask: What is a prophet? (God’s messenger)

For 3rd - 6th grade:
Ask: If a prophet is God’ messenger, what does prophecy mean?
Say: Prophecy is the message from God that a prophet brings to the people.
Isaiah is just one of many prophets in the Old Testament. The books of the
Old Testament written by prophets are all in a collection called “Prophecy.” If you brought your own Bible today be sure that you receive a tab for the Prophecy section of your Bible.

Say: Often times the messages that prophets got from God, was bad news to the people. It was a “shape up or else” type of message warning people about their behavior. As a result, prophets were not very well-liked. But sometimes prophets also brought messages of hope.

Ask: What was one of Isaiah’s hopeful messages? (that a Savior would be born)

Say: The people living at the time of Jesus’ birth had been waiting for a Savior for hundreds of years.

Ask: Do you think about Jesus as mighty or wonderful or everlasting?

Say: Our days can be so busy. We can end up hardly thinking about God and Jesus.
Say: We need to remember Isaiah’s views of a mighty God to empower us to deal with our problems and concerns.

Say: The oldest existing illuminated manuscripts were made around 1,600 years ago. They were made on calfskin. In those days monks made books by copying each word by hand. It is thought that the decorative work in illuminated manuscripts came about because the monks were bored! Who wouldn’t be bored with the job of repeatedly copying text?

Say: Isaiah also wrote about the sufferings and the death of Jesus and explains that Jesus would die for our sins! God certainly had a plan for Jesus!

Give students a 5-minute and a 2-minute warning before clean-up needs to occur.

lamb of God illuminated student art sample  Mighty God illuminated manuscript student art project

Some samples of art created by our students.
(Click on photos to view larger size.)

Ask everyone to share his/her artwork with the class. Have them share why they chose to create using that name for Jesus. What significance does that name hold for them?


  • The Book of Kells: Reproductions from the manuscript in Trinity College, Dublin. Thames and Hudson, 1974.  (This book is a great resource if you can get your hands on it! ISBN: 9780500232132).
  • “Illuminated Manuscripts.” Philadelphia Museum of Art Division of Education. 2001.
  • Williamson, Marianne. Illuminated Prayers. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1997.
  • Wilson, Elizabeth B. Bibles, and Bestiaries: A Guide To Illuminated Manuscripts. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1994.

Lesson written by Carol Hulbert for First United Methodist Church
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Illuminated Manuscript images are from the Book of Kells (a 1200-year-old book in the public domain), via Wikimedia Commons. Other photos copyright FUMC Ann Arbor, MI


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  • lamb of God
  • Mighty God
Last edited by Amy Crane

Names of Jesus Posters

Artwork bearing the various names/titles given to Jesus have been available as posters for quite some time. In addition to decorating the classroom, they also serve as ideas for art projects.

A creative art project inspired by these posters is to draw the outline of a tree or cross and write the various titles/names of Jesus (from Isaiah and other passages) in the body of that shape.


The names could be pre-printed on various colors of paper and then decoupaged or pasted onto a tree or cross shape or in some sort of pattern to create an illustration. (Using pre-printed words with your younger students will make this a project all can enjoy!)

See also the 'tree topper' names of Jesus project posted below, and Carol's names of Jesus photos below!


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  • name-of-jesus-posters
Last edited by Amy Crane

Christmas Tree Made Up of the Many Names of Jesus

Neil - I love your names of Jesus cross or tree artwork idea .

I remember seeing a Christmas Tree Card made up of the names of Jesus and found this example:

Christmas Tree - names of Jesus

A portion of the Christmas Tree card is displayed at left, just to give you an ideas of how it could appear. Not showing the whole tree because of copyright issues.

Possible Ways to Make the Tree three-dimensional:

  1. Someone who works with wood in the church could cobble up a base and tree center.   Then cut out varying lengths of flat wood (branches) that could be attached to either side of the main tree frame.
    If the branches were flat they could be pre-painted a bright colour like yellow.   Then have the kids place their particular Jesus name on a branch using stickers.  Paint over the stickers with a darker colour, then remove stickers, maybe with tweezers?  Not much artistic value for the kids, but maybe someone can come up with a better medium to add the names.
  2. Someone who works with wood in the church could cobble up a base and tree center.   Then collect branches and attach them directly to frame.
    Have someone make wooden ornaments with ribbons for hanging.  They could all be the same shape or different.  On these the child write a name for Jesus and then hang it on a branch of the tree.  Again need a fun medium to write/put the names on the ornaments.
  3. Both ideas, depending on the size of your tree could involve the entire congregation.


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  • Tree - names of Jesus
Last edited by Amy Crane

Advent Wreath Lesson Plan

We made these wreaths several years ago and still use them in the church during Advent season worship, rather than a flashy expensive Advent wreath.  We want the kids to see the value of the project and to encourage them to use their creations at home during Advent.

(Note that I sent home Advent readings for the kids but I did not create them so they are not attached. You could come up with readings that use scripture from Isaiah for the readings. Or use one of the free Advent devotions available online; we have collected some here.)

We did this project over two Sundays as I had the children paint the toilet roll tubes the first week.  If you pre-painted these, they could be done in one Sunday. Or have the students wrap the tubes in precut colored paper.

Advent Wreath craft and lesson

Objectives:   Children will make an Advent Wreath.  They will also take home an Advent Wreath Handout explaining the tradition behind the Advent wreath and an advent program to use at home.  Children will leave with a full understanding of Advent and the meaning behind the wreath.


  • wicker plates (one of each child) – or something for a base
  • Green Styrofoam® sheet (florist foam) - I used one about 1” thick x 12" wide x 36” long, one sheet does about 10 children, cut into even squares
  • Toilet Tissue Rolls, 5 per child
  • Acrylic paint (pink & purple & white)
  • Paintbrushes & Glass of water to thin thickness of paint, if necessary
  • Paint shirts – we use old shirts and blouses put on backward with one button done up and the sleeves rolled up enough that they can work easily but keep their arms free from paint.
  • Hot glue gun & glue sticks (adult use only)
  • White Glue in individual containers
  • LCD Battery Tea Lights - 5 per child (to save money, ask parents to buy them)
  • Plastic or silk greenery garlands – we used two garlands from Michael’s, one with holly & berries and one with gold poinsettias
  • Aluminum pie plates
  • Pens/Pencils/Painters' Tape
  • Paper Towels
  • Ornaments to put on wreath: Apples, angels, presents, pine cones - purchased from dollar store
  • Individual stickers saying Hope, Peace, Joy, Love


Advent wreath require two Sundays to complete if the students paint the paper tubes.

First Sunday - introduction plus paint the paper tubes:
  1. Have a sample made and go over with children what each part represents on the advent wreath – use the Advent Handout for guidance. Editor's note: This Advent Handout is not included with this idea due to copyright reasons; you can find Advent resources here.
  2. Next hand each child an aluminum plate.  Give them each a piece of painter’s tape and write their name on it and stick it on the inside bottom of the plate.
  3. Give each child a paper towel, 5 toilet roll tubes, and a paintbrush.  Have the three colours of paint in several small containers (glad containers with lids work well and clean up easily).  Have them paint 1 white, 1 pink, and 3 purple.  Show them if they put their fingers inside they can hold it and not get too much paint on their hands.  Have them place painted candles on their pie plate and set aside to dry for the next Sunday.

Second Sunday - discuss the specific candle meanings while the wreath is assembled:

  1. In advance, I cut apart the garlands and placed the individual pieces into containers.  I also placed the ornaments (angels, apples, presents, etc.) and in containers.  I made a list of how many of each item the children could have and as we finished each section I told them how many of the next item they could have and if they needed to place it in a certain spot (like the angel).
  2. Each child should have a glue pot (we used white glue in glad containers with lids).
  3. Have each child pick out a wicker plate (the ones we had were different colours).  Once they pick out a wicker plate, hand it to the teacher and she will take a piece of hard foam, cut it to fit (cutting corners off as necessary, then with the glue gun glue it to the centre of the plate) and hand it back to the child.
  4. Give them their candles they painted the previous week and have them remove the tape and place it on the outside rim of their wicker plate and hand back in the aluminum plates as they will no longer be needed.
  5. They need to press their candles into the foam like the ones are in the sample, press and then use a rocking motion (works best).  Note:  the foam is not round so it is o.k. to have only half your candle in the foam.  Do not press right through the foam, only need about a ¼”. Now remove each candle dip into the white glue, twirl a little to catch any falling glue, then place candle back into foam into holes already made.
  6. Next, each child received 3 gold poinsettias.  They were shown to fold up the leaves and just dip the stem into the glue, then press the poinsettia’s glued stem into the foam.
  7. Next, each child received 5 berry leaves with attached berries and dip into glue and press into foam.
  8. Next, each child received several leaves and dip into glue and press into foam on top or into the sides of the foam. As they work they slowly try to fill all the bare places so that eventually none of the green foam shows.
  9. Lastly, they are given the ornaments to add and we went over the meaning behind each – I asked first to see if they remembered what it represented and I expanded on those answers.
    • Present (mini wrapped gift) – Best Christmas Present of All is JESUS.
    • Pinecone - symbolizes life and resurrection.
    • Angel – the third candle (pink) is also called the Angel Candle (placed on or by the pink candle)
    • Apple – represents the first sin by Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden; Jesus came to take away our sins.
  10. Stickers (if you found any) – Hope, Peace, Joy & Love – place on each candle.  Note:  place on correct candles, based on colours in the Advent devotion you chose!
  11. Wreaths were put on shelf to be picked up after Sunday school the following Sunday.  We decided this as the white glue does not dry instantly and we thought they’d make it home in one piece if they were well dried.  Before the kids come on Sunday you can test each one by turning upside down, if any pieces are loose, use the hot glue gun prior to kids picking up.

Art 2006 Advent Wreath 1

Art 2006 Advent Wreath 2


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  • Art 2006 Advent Wreath 1
  • Art 2006 Advent Wreath 2
  • Art 2006 Advent Wreath 4
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Hi Luanne.

At first I thought "another advent wreath project!"

But then I saw your photos and the tea-lights that really light up. Nice touch!

To tie this Advent wreath lesson to Isaiah, I would suggest writing the "names" ("Emmanuel, God with us" etc.) or verse excepts ON the candles.  Each candle could represent what Jesus was going to be/do.

The words and verses could be printed on the colored paper before it is glued to the tubes. (Or preprint verses for younger students.)

Last edited by Amy Crane

Create a picture of the names of Jesus in the style of artist Paul Klee.

Names of Jesus drawn in style of Paul Klee

Art in the style of Paul Klee, I believe that is is a poem, possibly in German

photo credits -- Top photo: by SeRGioSVoX via photopin cc
Other two photos: by Carol Hulbert, showing this art method in use for "name" art created for the story of David Chosen as King.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Creating a "Jesus is the Light" project using Christmas lights and key names/verses from Isaiah

Brainstorming an idea.....suggestions welcome!! I've done each of these steps for different types of projects, so I'm combining them here into one display knowing they would work, although I have not made this display as described...

How to assemble a life-size Jesus decorated with both Christmas lights and these Isaiah verses:

  1. Trace an outline of Jesus onto cardboard and cut out. (Have a student lay on the cardboard and pose.)
  2. Trace and cut out a sheet of white butcher paper using the cardboard Jesus shape, and split into two teams:
  3. Team 1 works on adding the Names of Jesus and Key Verses to the butcher paper using various artistic techniques (such as those described in posts above).
  4. Team 2 works on punching holes around the edges of the cardboard and inserting Christmas lights into holes (so that wiring is at back of cardboard).

    Punching the Holes:  To easily and quickly punch many holes in cardboard for the lights to go in from behind, you need a simple "jig."  The jig is any small but sturdy rectangular box about 3 inches high but only about 3" x 3" square. You place the cardboard over the opening of the box, place a fat phillips head screwdriver against the cardboard where you want the hole, then tap with a hammer to punch the hole. Easy for kids to do and actually quite fun. Punch holes about 4" apart (as twinkle lights are about 5-6" apart on the string).
  5. When finished, paste the white paper to the cardboard Jesus and light him up!

Key Verses to Illustrate:

Isaiah 9:2

The people who walked in darkness
    have seen a great light;
those who lived in a land of deep darkness—
    on them light has shined.

Isaiah 9: 6

For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Last edited by Amy Crane

Working off the ideas already posted here for ways students can illustrate names of Jesus from Isaiah, what about something like this?



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  • Prince-of-peace-Jesus-name-illustration-student-art
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

I imagine florescent paint could work well for a Jesus' name/Isaiah's prophecies kids' art project!

Write the names of Jesus on a banner with the paint.  When it dries, and it's put under a light, it should illuminate the names.  Or show the banners with a black light for a cool effect. (Hang them in fellowship hall for a great way to share student work with the congregation!)

Last edited by Amy Crane

Light-up art projects for Isaiah passages


flashlight-for-art-and-gamesPackages of inexpensive flashlights can be found on sale in stores or online. The larger plastic ones can be decorated with jewel stickers and permanent markers (a good place to add Isaiah 9:2 verse: "On them has the light shined.")

After the students decorate their flashlights, you can go in a dark room and play some fun rounds of "find the object."  Have them turn off their flashlights while you toss out an object for them to find, such as a Bible. You can also have them see how fast they can turn on their lights and find a fellow student, or find your foot.

Related: See my "flashlight fun" lesson idea in the Isaiah Bible Games workshop.


Isaiah 9:2 "The people who have walked in darkness have seen a great light."

Have your older kids make this verse display in the hallway using lights.

Light Idea One:

Place several 'clamp lamps' on a tall stand or pole in your hallway pointing across the hallway at a bulletin board display made out of aluminum foil (so that the foil reflects the lights).  Paint on the foil using florescent paints so that the Bible verse and images of "people" (on whom the light is shining) really pop.

Light Idea Two:

Glue tin foil over a large piece of cardboard. Carefully poke small holes poked through the cardboard to spell out the words of this verse. To easily make holes, use a hammer to poke a Philips head screwdriver through the cardboard while it is supported over a small sturdy box.

Push Christmas lights through the holes to make a light-up verse sign. (Note: If you don't glue down the foil it will tear when you go to push lights through the holes in the cardboard.)

You may choose a shorter verse, such as "on them has the light shined."

Light Idea Three:

Use light idea #2 above but have the kids make their OWN take-home light display. Most families have spare strings of lights to either bring in ahead of time or finish at home.


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  • flashlight-for-art-and-games
Last edited by Amy Crane

Names of Jesus Stained Glass

Based on the scripture in Isaiah 9:6, have the children work together to make a Names of Jesus Stained Glass WindowUsing blank overhead transparencies, have each child make their own part of the window. (You can also use clear plastic report covers or notebook dividers.)

Have them either choose one of the names found in Isaiah 9:6 (Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, etc.) or assign different names to different children.  You can have more than one child working on the same name.

Have the students use different colored permanent markers to write the name of Jesus and then draw a picture that fits the name.

You can also choose to paint with translucent (see through) paints.  I've painted with fluorescent fabric paint (the kind you can purchase in squeeze bottles, like fabric paint), and it is nicely translucent when brushed thin.

Each transparency can then be framed with black construction paper and attached together to look like one large stained glass window which could then be displayed somewhere in the church.

They can be taped to windows or glass door if your church has them available.

Additionally, some panels or sections of the 'stained glass' can be made out of tin foil squares. You can use the same paint on tin foil. Makes a bright & shiny surface.  Experiment first. Don't use too much paint or put it on too thick. Have a blow-dryer to encourage drying.

Moderator adds: check out the Art Method: Stain Glass forum for additional ideas.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Names of Jesus Art Idea

This painting by Gwen Meharg sparked an idea... after consulting with the artist, she suggests writing the background names with marker or colored pencil and the foreground name, Jesus or whoever (could be one of the other names for Jesus) in oil pastels. The oil pastels will cover anything and they blend well. (One would not want to try and write the background names on top of oil pastels - you'll ruin your markers.)

Artist also suggests: Maybe little names in crayon or colored pencil, a wash of watercolor which would make the crayon "pop" out and finish with Jesus on top in oil pastels.

(Thanks for the ideas Gwen!)

Painting by Gwen Meharg incorporates the many names of Jesus

Image made available under a Creative Commons license.


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  • Art showing names of Jesus by Gwen Meharg: Painting by Gwen Meharg incorporates the many names of Jesus
Last edited by Amy Crane

Names of Jesus Ornament Project

Generally speaking, I avoid "ornaments at Christmas-time CRAFT projects."  They tend to be devoid of lesson content. But here are TWO examples of doing an ornament project that's connected to scripture and has a "continue the lesson at home" quality.

Names of Jesus Ornament:

Purchase large glass balls, and write on them the names from Isaiah 7 and 9. First, outline the design with permanent marker, then use paint pen to fill in. Apply blow dryer to hasten the drying process.

These can go on the church's tree, and at least one goes home with the kids.

Others could be given to members. I like that opportunity to share the message!

Names of Jesus Tree Topper

A multi-sided star gives you many sections to write/illustrate the names of Jesus/Messiah on them.

There are many ways and materials you can use to make a large star suitable for a family's Christmas tree.  The easiest is to cut two stars out of foam board, and then cut a slot up one of them so that it slides down on the other one. When cutting the one star, leave a tail on it so that it can stick down in the top branches of the tree, or... get a bag of those big fat drink straws (or something similar) and slit the top of the straw so that it forms a holder/stem to hold the star in the top of the tree.



Some of the art techniques described in various posts above could be applied to these ornament projects. We are doing these projects at our church this year, thanks to everyone's art inspirations above!!


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  • star-names-of-Jesus-tree-topper-craft
Last edited by Amy Crane

Isaiah 9:2 "The people who have walked in darkness have seen a great light..."

Isaiah 9 "Great Light" light switch plate

Plastic switch plates are really inexpensive and decorating them can make a great semi-permanent home reminder. Draw with permanent markers (instead of paint) or paint pens (if you have time and a blow dryer to hasten dry time) --leaving white areas to apply glow-in-the-dark paint (which illuminates brighter when it is placed on a white background).  Write all of the phrase from the verse with pen, but apply some glow-in-the-dark paint around it.

The following image inspired my Isaiah 9 idea. Nice project, but the blue must have been painted ahead of time so it could be dry before the student wrote on it. Glow-in-the-dark stars are easy to find.



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  • Jesus-is-the-light-switchplate
Last edited by Amy Crane

Isaiah 11 "Branch" Wreath Project

Check out this extended post in our "wreath" topic about the biblical imagery of shoots and branches used by Isaiah and Jeremiah to describe the coming of the Messiah. Ideas in that wreath and Jesse tree post could be adapted to incorporate a "names of Jesus" project.



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  • olivebranchwreath
  • righteousbranch2
  • stumpofjesse
Last edited by Amy Crane

Make wax chunk candles and learn about how Jesus is the Light of the World.

We made these candles for a Matthew 2:1-18 Magi/Wise Men lesson. But in the lesson we talked about our memory verse from Isaiah (about Jesus being the light of the world). So this lesson plan could be easily adapted for an Isaiah foretells the Messiah rotation. See the full lesson plan here, including safety suggestions for candle-making with children.


Memory verse: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” --Isaiah 9:2

The kids loved this project. Even the 5th and 6th grade boys couldn't wait to get home to light their candles!


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  • candle.for.WiseMen.Jesus.Light.of.World.craft
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

"Jesus the Prince of Peace"
Sadako's 1000 Peace Cranes


In this Advent forum, you will find lesson ideas and activities are related to teaching about the Prince of Peace promised in Isaiah 9:6.

Don't miss this lesson  idea where the students learn to make origami cranes (or doves). One of the outcomes of folding peace cranes is how something that seems difficult becomes second-nature with practice, even almost meditative -- as people who have committed to folding 1000 cranes have reported.  In fact, committing to fold 1000 cranes is a "thing" -- a sign of a heart that seeks to be peaceful and become a peacemaker.

An internet search will lead to many tutorials online for origami cranes and doves. Here is one:


Images (1)
  • Origami.peace.dove.Isaiah.Christmas.craft
Last edited by Amy Crane

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