
Arts and craft lessons and ideas for teaching Genesis 1, the 7 Days of Creation in Sunday School

Our members have been posting arts and craft activities and lessons for teaching the Creation Story for many years! We invite you to glean what you need, and share what you can.

Don't forget to check out our Creation Art, Drama, Cooking/Food, Software, Music, and Puppet ideas! And see our Writing Team's detailed and extra creative Creation Story lesson set.

Related link: Adam and Eve lessons and ideas (Genesis 2)

WT-StoryofCreationSetLinkThe set includes a lesson plan with a painting-art activity that uses a wax-resist method and style of painting made famous by landscape artist Ted Harrison.

To begin, here's a collection of ideas our members have posted over the years

Make Clay Creations of the Verses, Days, and Words from Genesis 1
--a scripture reading activity for the Story of Creation

Our small class used modeling clay (the kind that dries) for this scripture reading activity and got some really creative responses. If you have a larger group or younger group, use Play Doh. See the tips below for suggestions.

The teacher or students read aloud each day of Creation, then each student takes two or three minutes to mold their clay to represent that day. Then they display and explain it to others before the next "day" is read. Their clay creations form a 7-day sculpture.


We also had several suggestions for representing the repeating phrase "and God saw that it was good" (exclamation points were popular but see "tip" below). They made these quickly to punctuate the end of each day after they had made their other model representing what was in the day.

While modeling, we talked about why God made those things, and how we should (or they already do) take care of them, respect, enjoy, be thankful, etc. Before moving on to the next day, we went around the table to see and hear what each student had created for that day. This is a good opportunity to ask that student a question and interject additional teaching comments.

Tip: PLAY-DOH is a good clay to use, especially for younger children.

Tip: For each student's single "It was good" sculpture, that they will create and move to display after each day's sculpture, use "modeling clay that dries" so that the kids can take that part "it was good" sculpture lesson home with them. I suggest they first create a representation of the earth and add "it was good" to the earth. Wrap the finished clay sculpture in a piece of cardboard so that it doesn't crack while transporting.

Create/Paint with the Words of Creation, Make "Word Clouds"

God's spoken Word is a creative word. Through his word, God calls into being and calls all of Creation "good."

Create a collage or "cloud" of words from the scripture that artfully arranges the key words of Creation in a collage or "cloud" of words. The words themselves can be illustrated using colorful markers. The shape of the cloud can also represent an idea, such as writing all the keywords in the shape of the word "Love" or "God" or "GOOD."

word cloud artSome suggested keywords:

  • In the beginning
  • Let there be light
  • And God saw that it was good
  • Heavens, earth, waters, fruit, animals, etc.

Let the kids decide which words are "key" and tell you why when they display/illustrate them.

Pictured here is an "advanced" Creation word cloud as one example of what you could do.

TIP: Give students the scripture passage on a piece of paper so they can circle keywords as they read/hear them, then re-draw/paint their keywords to make their own "Creation Word Cloud."  Think about how they can be displayed in such as way so as to let God's light illuminate them. (such hanging their "cloud" on a window or painting it on a transparency to look like stained glass).

There are MANY "word cloud" generators online as well. Check out

Note: There's a similar "keywords of Creation" activity in the free Awesome Bible Stories software in which the kids select words from Genesis 1 for the onscreen character to say out loud to make their own "Creation Power Poem."


Creation "Let There Be Light" DeCoupage Art Project

Option 1:
Purchase round plastic fishbowls (about $6 each from Amazon). Have students brush "MOD PODGE" decoupage glue on a portion of the outside of the bowl, then tear pieces of colored tissue paper and make a collage of the moment where God speaks "light" into Creation. Keep in mind that "light" is not only a metaphor for God's creative power, but for God's wisdom and presence and hope.

Tip: First assemble the torn tissue pieces into a picture in front of you before gluing the bowl, then brush glue onto outside of the bowl and applied the tissue to recreate the picture on the bowl. When done, give the bowl one final brush of decoupage to seal it.

The smaller the bowl, the less complicated you will want to make your design.

Option 2:
Use this same decoupage technique on a sheet of transparent plastic to create a "stained glass" that can be hung (purchase a suction cup hanger).

Option 3:
Instead of using decoupage, WRITE your scripture keyword or message onto a plain piece of artists paper using a wax crayon, then BLOW TEMPERA PAINT THROUGH A STRAW onto your page to depict that moment of creation where the creative "wind" of God began moving over the deep. Any paint that touches the crayon won't stick and can be wiped off. Make letters thick and wide so that they stand out.

Creation Aquarium Diorama

Google images for "Paper plate aquarium craft" and you will see many different versions of this simple but fun project.   Unlike many similar projects on the web, we are suggesting that you make BOTH SIDES of the "plate sandwich" transparent to let God's light illuminate creation.aquarium art for Creation

The basic how-to:
Two 'Chinette" plates sandwiched together with their bottoms cut out and replaced with a sheet of clear plastic (such as transparency sheet) create a "creation aquarium" of things God created --which appear to float when you lay on your back and hold it to the light. Use quick setting contact glue to adhere the plastic sheets to the plates, then the plates to each other.

Write a key phrase/verse on the plastic. Cut the "floating" items out of colored plastic sheets (outlines of what God created/animals/people). Some of the items can be glued to the clear plastic so they won't move (such as your verse word), but it's also kinda neat to have something they can shake which makes the objects inside the aquarium change.  You could have one for each day of creation, with verses written on the plate.  The key theological point in the design happens when you lay on your back and hold the creation to the light --and the light illuminated what's in the "aquarium." Posted by Luanne and Neil.

Idea adapted from

"Plasticine" Modeling Clay Art in CD-Jewel CaseCreation lesson CD case Art

"Plasticine" is a type of modeling clay that doesn't dry out. (It's the kind they use in "claymation" too.)  Student create a scene from Creation that shows the joy and purpose of God, then close the case for easy transport and showing.

The March 2005 issue of Canadian Living Magazine (still available) describes the project. You can also do an internet search of "Plasticine Art in CD Case" to find many more examples.

You need:
• Clear plastic CD case
• Modelling clay in various colours
• .40 m narrow ribbon, cord, yarn or raffia, for hanging loop
• Tools, such as a fork, pencil, screwdriver, toothpick, textured stamp or piece of plastic (optional), for making grooves, dots and other impressions on the clay
• Child-safe scissors

Note: Clear CD cases can be found in member homes or inexpensively purchased online, be sure they are the older thicker style, not the slimline ones. One of the great advantages of the artwork being on the INSIDE is that they are easily transported with the cover closed!

The CD case is opened and laid flat, you work your picture in the back of the case where you lay the CD. You string a coloured ribbon through the two holes you will see in the top side of the case for hanging.

Start with your background using three colours to divide your area into 3 sections, earth (underground), land, and sky. Then layer items on top of your background to create your scene. As they added a flower (you see the roots in the earth, a worm popping out of the earth and a chick looking at the worm. A rainbow and a cloud in the sky finished it. Use forks, toothpicks, etc. to make different textures in your Plasticine.

Encourage the kids not to simply make a "pretty picture" with their clay, but to capture the joy and purpose of God's creative power in Genesis 1.

For example, how God provides light to every living thing. To turn the clay into a metaphor, have them place the sign of the cross within the light so that it shines on the darkness.

TIP:  Add a little bit of mineral oil (baby oi) or vaseline to the clay to make it more pliable or more like "fingerpaint."

All ages will enjoy doing this as shown by an older and a younger student's masterpieces at our church shown below.


Barbara Reid makes Plasticine pictures for her books. She makes the pictures inside the bottom of pizza boxes. To see some a sample of her work check out her book "Two by Two" (Noah's Ark) Member Luanne Payne posted August 18, 2005

Free Sunday School lessons, ideas, and activities for churches, children, families, and teachers


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  • Creation CD Art
  • Drawing the Creation Story
  • Painting the Creation Story
  • Creation story aquarium
  • Genesis creation story word cloud
  • kid playdoh scripture
  • creation-clay-art-luanne-sample
  • creation-clay-art
  • decoupage-Creation
  • Decoupage-Tissue-Paper-Genesis
Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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Creation Story Faux Stained Glass Project

This project "paints" with clear Elmer's "glitter glue" colored with drops of food coloring on a clear transparent sheet. See the tips below along with the video technique (which uses glass instead of plastic sheets.

See a full video of the technique here on YouTube:

See the technique described in the artist's blog:

The key here is to help your young artists really think about how to express the joy and explosion of creation in Genesis 1 --beyond just painting some birds and fish. If needed, give them a theme, such as "The Power and Beauty of the Creation of the World," or "Let Their Be Light," or "The Joy of God When He Made Us in His Image."


  • After painting, gently lay and press a second transparency sheet over the painted one to create a clear "cover." Then wrap it in cling wrap so that it can be transported home.
  • Do not paint to the edge. Leave about 3/4" clear around every edge of the sheet so that the glue doesn't ooze out.
  • First draw your idea on a sheet of paper, then place that paper underneath your transparency sheet to act as a guide.
  • Tape the transparency sheet to the table covering so that it doesn't slide during painting.
  • Sign your work either with paint or a sharpie.
  • "Scratch" the semi-dry paint away with a wooden point to write phrases, such as, "God saw that it was good," or "Created with Love." (or whatever fits the painting).


  • Use "suncatcher paints" found at the craft store. These will stick to plastic.

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in our Teachers Help Lounge!


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Last edited by Luanne Payne
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The difference between "Arts" and "Crafts"

One of the things about doing art in the "Art Workshop" in the Rotation Model, is that we are not merely trying to make craft projects to display "objects" from a story, but rather, we prefer art projects that express a KEY MEANING of the story as well.  In addition to the final work of art, the technique itself can reinforce the key idea, such as using a "wax resist" technique to reveal a hidden message with watercolors. The point is that "making something" out of construction paper doesn't necessarily harness the learner's mind, memory, and spirit in the way expressing yourself through art can.

The first two projects at the top of this topic do that. They create with the WORDS of the scripture that are revealed/highlighted when held up to the light (another great teaching metaphor).  Luanne's "Creation Aquarium" project is also held up to the light to illuminate its content. That teaches kids something important about scripture and how to read it  --using the LIGHT of Creation to illuminate truth and not merely objects.

Rotation-nauts love those kinds of "extra" meaningful "art" project connections, and that's often the difference between a real "art" (express this) project and a mere "craft" (make this) project.

Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Creation Shadow Box "TV"

-- old school and so much fun!  

Have the children draw as many pictures as they want as part of the Bible study on Genesis 1 the Story of the 7 Days of Creation. Have each student tape their illustrated pages together to form one length of paper (alternatively, give them a length of butcher paper). Have them include keywords from the story and perhaps include themselves in many of the illustrations "enjoying" something from that day of Creation, or "thanking God" for something in their life which is part of that day of Creation.

Using a cardboard box, cut a square hole in the cardboard box approximately 11" x 11". This will be the "screen" which the paper will scroll behind. The box needs to be about 6" or more WIDER than the 11" square screen hole. Box height needs to be at least 12". Thus a 12 x 18 box works well.

Now as you face the screen hole, poke two holes on the top and bottom of the left and right side of the box. These are where you will insert your dowel rods (or sawed off broomsticks). Attach the paper roll with tape to each dowel on the inside the box. The dowels now act as "scrolling rods" that wind the scroll past the square screen hole.

Alternatively, cover the inside of the square cut hole with wax paper or thin white sheet material to create a true "shadow box" which can be illuminated from behind by a light to create shadows on the screen that can be seen from the other side of the box.


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Last edited by Luanne Payne

Writing Messages with Light

See a discussion in the Art Technique forum about ways to "write with light."

"Let there be light"   Genesis 1:3
Light was the first thing God created.

It illuminates, grows, and "shows" us.
Metaphorically it enlightens us, warms us, surrounds us.
Spiritually speaking, light reveals, leads, exposes, dispels.

Light can be reflected, shared, directed, or aimed on certain needs for example.

When refracted through a prism, we see what it's made of (rainbow  = symbol of hope) How can we see "hope" all around us?  They actually make glasses that diffract white light so we see rainbows:

From "writing with light" here at


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Last edited by Luanne Payne

"How Great Thou Art" Workshop

 View and print the attached PDF of the lesson.


  • Genesis 1:1-31
  • Focus: Seven Days of Creation
  • Memory Verse
    “How you made me is amazing and
    wonderful. I praise you for that. What
    you have done is wonderful I know
    that very well.”
    Psalms 139:14

Activities: Students first make a sketch of the story they are reading (example below), then create "Worm's Eye View" of things seen in the days of Creation.

Suggested Improvements: Illustrate the Worm's Eye View Drawing to show GOD creatively at work making things in heaven and earth, without anthropomorphizing God (giving God a body). What does God's creative power look like? Feel like? Make you feel?  Be sure to include God "amazingly" making YOU which is the Psalm 139 memory verse.  What's amazing about you and other human beings? How are you praising God for being part of his creation?

You are welcome to use it in part or entirely. In addition to printing the PDF, you can copy the text from the PDF by dragging it with your mouse and copying/pasting into your own document. You can quickly save the PDF to your computer, then upload the PDF to and convert it to a Word doc for easy editing in Word.


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Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Painting Creation Scenes Inspired by the Lyrics of "SO WILL I (100 BILLION X)"

-- the beautiful mega hit from Hillsong.

The Art Activity:

  1. After listening to and watching the song video with lyrics in hand, students will choose a line or two of lyrics to illustrate with acrylic paints on their black paper canvas.

  2. While they are painting their interpretation of a line from the song, the music video can be playing in the background.

  3. When everyone has finished, they will listen to the song once again and HOLD UP their painting when their lyric gets to that portion of the song.

Hillsong's 2018 mega-hit "SO WILL I (100 BILLION X)" is a beautiful reflection on the majesty of God's Creation and lesson about Creation's purpose --to reveal God’s heart of grace and beauty, and create in a us a similar response to his creative love -- to create love and beauty, and be graceful. Hence the title of the song "So Will I."

"Every painted sky
A canvas of Your grace"

“If it all reveals Your nature so will I”

The lyrics also connect the meaning of Creation to the message of the Cross. Terrific graphics too from this fan-produced lyrics-on-screen video.

See the lyrics below with some favorites highlighted for discussion and potential assignment.


God of creation
There at the start
Before the beginning of time
With no point of reference
You spoke to the dark
And fleshed out the wonder of light

And as You speak
A hundred billion galaxies are born
In the vapour of Your breath the planets form
If the stars were made to worship, so will I

I can see Your heart in everything You've made
Every burning star
A signal fire of grace
If creation sings Your praises, so will I

God of Your promise
You don't speak in vain
No syllable empty or void
For once You have spoken
All nature and science
Follow the sound of Your voice

And as You speak
A hundred billion creatures catch Your breath
Evolving in pursuit of what You said
If it all reveals Your nature so will I

I can see Your heart in everything You say

Every painted sky
A canvas of Your grace
If creation still obeys You, so will I
So will I
So will I

If the stars were made to worship, so will I
If the mountains bow in reverence, so will I

If the oceans roar Your greatness, so will I

For if everything exists to lift You high, so will I

If the wind goes where You send it, so will I

If the rocks cry out in silence, so will I

If the sum of all our praises still falls shy

Then we'll sing again a hundred billion times

God of salvation
You chased down my heart
Through all of my failure and pride
On a hill You created
The Light of the world
Abandoned in darkness to die

And as You speak
A hundred billion failures disappear
Where You lost Your life so I could find it here

If You left the grave behind You, so will I
I can see Your heart in everything You've done
Every part designed in a work of art called love
If You gladly chose surrender, so will I

I can see Your heart, a billion different ways
Every precious one, a child You died to save
And if You gave Your life to love them so will I
Like You would again a hundred billion times
But what measure could amount to Your desire?

You're the One who never leaves the one behind

Songwriters: Joel Houston / Michael Fatkin / Benjamin Hastings
So Will I (100 Billion X) lyrics © Hillsong Music Publishing Australia


Here's an image generated by Bing's "A.I." Image Creator using lyrics from the song. Students with internet access and computers or tablets can generate artwork based on various lyrics. Adjusting the keywords produces different results that can be discussed and shared.



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Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Earth "Fizzy" Painting

Here's a neat art idea I found at

I wonder what other Bible scenes could be "fizzed" like this?
Is the fizz a metaphor for God's Spirit? Hmmmm....

Earth Fizzy Painting

Supplies for Earth Fizzy Painting

  • Baking Soda
  • Tray (optional)
  • White distilled vinegar
  • Scissors
  • White cardstock
  • Round object
  • Food gel coloring
  • Plastic mini cups
  • Paintbrushes
  • Cricut (optional)
  • Jumbo eyedroppers


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