10 plastic bowling pins
Plastic bowling Ball
Chalkboard/chalk (or paper/pen)
Bibles (as reference)
Masking tape (to mark where the pins go)
Trivia questions
Divide into teams (? 2 teams) (number off - boys against the girls – pick teams)
Each team answers a question. If they get it right (from memory), one person from that team gets two chances to knock down the pins. If they get it right with help of a reference (bible), they get one chance to knock down the pins. If they get it wrong, no chances.
If it is a “strike” and they have two chances to knock down the pins, set up all 10 pins again for their second chance. If they knock down 9 or less, the second attempt is with the remaining pins.
Alternate teams for the trivia
Let each person have a chance to bowl (alternate turns).
10 points for each correct answer without a reference (from memory).
5 points for correct answers with a reference.
One point for every bowling pin knocked down.
Bible Basketball Game
Basketball hoop (could be a small kids portable hoop – “nerf” hoop to hang over the door – or a full size, outside)
Basketball (to go with your hoop)
Air pump – (in case your ball goes flat during the week)
Chalkboard/chalk (or paper/pen)
Bibles – for reference
Masking tape – to make the shooting line/lines
Trivia questions
Divide into teams (? Two or three teams – number off – boys against the girls – pick teams – names out of a hat)
Each team answers a question. If they get it right (from memory), one person from that team gets two chances to make a basket. If they get it right with help of a reference (bible – or multiple-choice), they get one chance to make a basket. If they get it wrong, no chances for a basket.
(For the younger kids, they get two chances for a basket even if they use the multiple-choice or reference.)
Alternate teams for the trivia.
Let each person have a chance to make baskets. (Alternate turns)
Have each team select a “captain” that will give the final answer. (This will help so you don’t get multiple people telling you different answers.)
Encourage teamwork.
10 points for each correct answer without a reference (from memory)
5 points for each correct answer with a reference (exception for younger kids – they always get 10 points for correct answers)
2 points for every basket made
Have fun!
by Rachel Haugland Elim Lutheran Church - Randall, IA