Bible Skills and Games Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Elijah, the Prophets of Baal, and the Still Small Voice
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Bible lessons and ideas about the Elijah, the Prophets of Baal, and the Still Small Voice -with Games, Bible memory, Games that teach the Bible, Bible Activities, Bible Books, etc.
Elijah and the Still, Small Voice
Movement and Games Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
This Movement and Games lesson seeks to highlight the relationship between silence, focus, and the ability to hear God's voice. The three activities used to help illustrate this relationship are: 1. Creating (with sound) a rainstorm, 2. An increasingly challenging memory game and 3. A simple obstacle course requiring teammates and communication. To view all of this lesson, click on the underlined name of the attached file (at the bottom of this post). Included below is the increasingly challenging memory game with some of the teaching comments (in first person) included.
Scripture Reference:
1 Kings 19:1-3; 9-16
Leader Preparation:
- Read the scripture ahead of time.
Lesson Plan
Opening- Welcome and Lesson Introduction:
Greet the children and introduce yourself.
Open with a prayer.
Dig-Main Content and Reflection:
- We’re going to do another activity now that demonstrates how difficult it can be sometimes to stay focused when there are distractions.
- We’re going to play a game where I tell you to touch a part on your body.
- For instance, I’ll say, touch your elbow.
- So you do that until I tell you the next thing to touch, like “Touch your ankle.”
- Seems simple enough, right?
- So we’re going to do this first round to see if you can do this.
- Are you ready?
- Here we go!
DO Listening/Memory Activity
Touch your nose
Touch your pinky finger
Touch your knee
Touch your ear
Touch your big toe
Touch your hip
Touch the top of your head
Touch your elbow
Touch your tongue
Touch your ankle
Touch your bellybutton
Touch your nose
- Easy enough, right?
- Ok, we’re going to do that again, only this time, you won’t touch the body part until after I call out the NEXT body part.
- So I’ll say, “Touch your nose” and you won’t do anything until I say “Touch your pinky finger” and then what would you touch? That’s right! Your nose!
- And then when I say the next thing, that’s when you touch your pinky finger and so on.
- When I get to the last body part to touch, I’ll just say “Next” so that we can end the list correctly. --Think you can do it? Here we go!
(use the same list)
- That was a little bit tougher than the first round, wasn’t it?
- We’re going to play the game one more time, only this time we’re not going to touch the body part until TWO other body parts are called out.
- So for example, when I say touch your nose, you’ll just stand there. Then I’ll say “Touch your pinky finger” and you’ll still just stand there. Then when I say “Touch your knee” what would you touch instead? That’s right…your nose!
- When I get the end of the list, I’ll just say Next and then Next
- Let’s see how we do…Here we go!
(use the same list)
- Why was the last round harder than the first round? (because there were more things happening and you had to really stay focused to remember what to do and when to do it)
- This game helps us to see how it’s easier to focus on God when there are not other things happening.
- So just like in the first round of the game, when there were no distractions, then we were able to listen more clearly.
- But often times, we have other things going on around us, and if we don’t stay super-focused, then we start to get confused and lost like we did in the second and third round of the game.
- That’s what happened to Elijah. He started to focus on the distractions and storms around him, instead of staying super-focused on God.
- But once God reminded Elijah to be still and listen, Elijah did that and was then able to hear what he was supposed to do next (get a student and anoint kings).
End with a prayer.
For the full lesson download the attached Word document (found at the bottom of this post). Note that the first three pages of the document are background and that the actual lesson starts on page 4.
To view the other lessons in this lesson set on click HERE for Science and HERE for Storytelling. If you like these lessons, and are interested in more, visit
A lesson written by Nathanael V. for