A "Dreams and Visions" Pentecost Bible Skills and Games Workshop
Students play games exploring the "dreams and visions for a better world" (Acts 1:17 God's Kingdom) that Peter preached at Pentecost and invited the crowd to join them in building. After an opening Bible study that uses a leaf blower, they will quickly make their own "dreams and visions" sailboats and have a leaf blower race with them. Then they'll help "herd" dreams and visions with the leaf blower, and finish with an optional leaf blower memory verse scramble game.
This Games Workshop shows how a big and unexpected prop like a leaf blower gets used throughout the lesson to create great teaching moments.
Scripture References:
Acts 1:1-11, Acts 2:1-17
Memory Verse:
Acts 2:17 ~ “‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young people will see visions, your old people will dream dreams."
- Electric leaf blower (not gas-powered)
- Sheets of copy paper students will write on and form into crumpled balls.
- A ping-pong ball for the scripture demonstration.
- Per person supplies to make the sailboats:
- Posterboard or cardboard cut into "boat bases" (approx 6"x6"). Alternatively, you can use leftover styrofoam or styrofoam trays.
- Straws (or thin dowel) to be the mast on the sailboat
- Various sheets of colorful paper to form a "sail" for the sailboat
- Masking tape to quickly attach the straw "mast" to the posterboard boat base and sail
- Scissors
- Markers
- One empty box big enough to hold 12 or so crumpled balls of paper.
- Spare sheets of cardboard or posterboard , one per student, to direct the leaf blower wind.
- Do not let the children control the blower without an adult also helping aim it.
- Do not point the blower at students if they are closer than 5' feet. Feeling the breeze, however, is what we want them to remember.
Lesson Plan
Welcome students with leaf blower in hand, then turn it on and talk over its noise as you explain what they'll be doing today and what you hope they'll learn. Wave it around a bit so that they feel the breeze!
Ask them to tell you as much as they might know about the Story of Pentecost. Write it on the board and fill in what they don't remember.
Ask them to describe God's "Holy Spirit" -- who it is and what it does.
Bible Study
Acts 1:1-11, Jesus ascends into heaven
After you read this together from your classroom Bibles or a Bible storybook, conclude with a brief demonstration of "ball in the air column" by placing the base of your leaf blower on the ground and holding it's plastic chut perfectly perpendicular as you carefully slip the ping pong ball into the column of air. The point is to create an indelible memory hook for this part of the story. Jesus is the ball rising up in the air column by an invisible force. It's not a perfect metaphor, but here at the beginning its playful hook is a great start.
Act 2:1-17, The Holy Spirt blows In, Peter speaks of the dreams and visions that it brings
After you read this together from your classroom Bibles or a Bible storybook, briefly discuss what it must have been like to suddenly be able to talk in new languages, then segue to the question, "What new 'languages' might the Holy Spirit wish us to speak today?"
- How about the language of compassion? What does that language "sound" like?
- How about the language of including, welcoming, rather than excluding and hating? What does that language "sound" like?
- What about the language of TikTok and YouTube for the church? What would that way of "speaking to non-believers" look like?
Bible Games
Game 1: Boats, Sails. Dreams, Visions, and Holy Spirit!
First, have students make a sail-less boat that represents them. Have them cut a 6"x6" piece of posterboard and tape a 6" straw "mast" to it. Do not include a sail just yet. Note: The picture on the right shows a styrofoam base with stick masts. Cardboard and straws work just as well. Use what you have.
Discuss and have them WRITE "visions and dreams" onto their boat bases of the kind of world and way people should act in God's Kingdom -- the one Peter described in our scripture reading. Dreams of peace, health, happiness, feeling God present with us. Visions of kindness, justice, equality, faith.
Place the sail-less boats on the floor and discuss how far they'll get in the direction God wants them to go without a sail. Then turn on the leaf blower and wave it at the boats trying to 'herd' them toward a finish line. They will not move so well!
Now have them create a sail add a sail. As they do, reinforce the metaphor that WE are the boat, the blower is God's empowering and guiding Holy Spirit. But what do our sails represent? Our sails are our faith, our belief, our desire to "catch God's Spirit," let it empower our lives, and move forward the dreams and visions of God's better world (his Kingdom). Continue to reinforce this simple metaphor as you demonstrate it. If you have time, you can add wrinkles like, "what tries to block God's Spirit from empower and guiding our lives?" (then block the blower or someone's boat) and "why do some people not want to raise their faith to God? " ...and "see what happens when God's Spirit gets close to even the worst sail!" (God can move any of us, and use our lives to further his Kingdom.)
Note: This is essentially and object lessons (using objects and actions to demonstrate concepts). It was originally a children's sermon and could be used as such.
Game 2: Being Guide By God's Word, Helping God's Spirit Make a Better World
In this game, students will help God's Spirit (the blower air) to move crumpled paper toward a goal.
Have each student write individual "dreams and visions" for a better world onto separate sheets of paper -- things they think the world needs more of to be a better place. Two or three different ones per students will suffice, four or five if you're group is small or wants to come up with a lot of dreams and visions.
As they read aloud to the class what they wrote on their sheet of paper, have them crumple it into a ball and drop it on the floor.
Once everyone's "dreams and visions" are crumpled balls on the floor, have them stand back as you turn on the blower and try to "HERD" the crumpled paper into an empty box you've placed at one end of the room about ten feet way. The herding won't go well, which is the point.
Now have each student grab a piece of cardboard or posterboard and use it to guide the leaf blower's airstream to move each "dream and vision" ball toward an empty box (finish line) across the room. The only rule is they can't touch the paper balls, the demonstration's point is to help the Holy Spirit make these dreams and visions get to where they need to go! (There are some variations on this blowing idea, including making the balls of paper represent people that we are hoping to guide to God. Adjust/adapt as you feel the Spirit moving you
Optional Memory Verse Game
Produce the following TEN PHRASES from Acts 2:17 on separate sheets of paper. Crumple these pieces and mix them up. Then use the blower to signal "GO!" which sends students racing to uncrumple and assemble the memory verse in the correct order. Have pairs or groups try this and see who can do it the fastest.
in the last days
God says
I will pour out my Spirit
on all people
your sons and daughters
will prophesy
your young men
will see visions
your old men
will dream dreams
Present another series of crumpled balls of paper onto which you've written the following prayer prompts. Drop these on the floor and sent them flying with your leaf blower just for fun. Then blow them across the room letting students go bring one back as their prayer prompt.
A Few Suggested Prompts:
- Thank God for something the Holy Spirit does
- Thank God for one of the dreams and visions of the future that God is working to make happen.
- Thank God for someone in your life who is guided by the Holy Spirit.
- Ask God for helping raising your faith to catch his powerful Spirit.
This lesson comes from a commiseration between members Neil MacQueen and Jaymie Derden.
Additions and adjustments to be added by you depending on your age group, time, focus, and inspiration!