
Matthew 5:3–11, Luke 6:20–22.
In addition to these public Beatitude lessons and ideas below, be sure to visit our 
Writing Team's Beatitudes lesson set whose lesson summaries and Bible background are open to all. Our extra creative and detailed Writing Team lesson sets are written by and for supporting members. 

Bible Skills and Games Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Teaching  the Matthew 5 Beatitudes in Sunday School

Beatitudes - Matthew 5:3–11, Luke 6:20–22. Blessed are the... Happy are the...

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Be sure to visit our Writing Team's Beatitudes Lesson Set!

It has a Bible Skills and Games Workshop lesson in it that focuses on various memory games.

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The Beatitudes Games Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Beatitudes Bingo

Scripture Reference:

Matthew 5: 1-12

Memory Verse/Key Verse: “Pay attention, my children! Follow my advice, and you will be happy.” Proverbs 8:32 (CEV)


  • God blesses those who follow Jesus.
  • We are disciples devoted to God, when we do God's will.
  • When we do God's will, we feel God's blessings.

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Older children will locate the Beatitudes in their Bibles. Younger children will learn that the passage is in Matthew.
  2. The children will read or hear the passage.
  3. The class will play Beatitudes Bingo to reinforce their familiarity with the Beatitudes and to learn the meanings of unfamiliar words and phrases.
  4. The class will discuss what it means to be a disciple and to be blessed.

Teacher preparation in advance:

  1. Read the scripture passages and attend the Faith Quest Leaders Bible Study.
  2. Prepare opening and closing prayers.
  3. Gather supplies and cut apart the Bingo cards and questions. If you plan to use the extra activity, have those materials ready as well.

Supply List:

  • Pencils (in supply bin; the shepherds also have pencils)
  • Dry-erase marker (in supply bin)
  • Journal sheets (Marcia Hale will deliver the first week)
  • Bingo cards (file found at end of lesson)
  • Bingo questions, cut apart (see end of lesson)
  • Bowl for bingo questions
  • Bingo counters (beans or other small items)
  • Memory verse written large to display on wall
  • Masking tape for posting memory verse
  • Memento for journal (optional)
  • Traditional Beatitudes for optional extra activity


Opening-Welcome and Introductions:

  1. Greet the children and introduce yourself.
  2. Open with a brief prayer (optional, as they have just prayed in Great Hall).
  3. Explain the purpose of this workshop. “Today we’re going to play a game to help us to learn about the Beatitudes.”

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Scripture/Bible Story:

  1. Grades 1-2 will not use Bibles, but do open yours to show them where the story is. For grades 3-5, make sure everybody has a Bible (Contemporary English Version). The shepherds will have extra Bibles.

  2. Help the students to find the book of Matthew. Get the shepherds to go around the room and help with this. Many of the children will already know the four Gospels. If necessary, remind them that the Bible is divided into the Old and New Testaments. Each part is made up of books, which are divided into chapters and verses. Ask whether Matthew is in the Old or New Testament (It tells about Jesus so it’s in the New Testament). Make sure everyone knows that Matthew is the first book in the New Testament.

    After they’ve found Matthew, help them find chapter 5, verse 1. Some of the children will confuse chapters and verses. Show them that chapter numbers are the big ones, and also are at top of every page.

  3. Read or review the passage. With older children, you might let them take turns reading the verses. With younger children in the early weeks, tell them to listen carefully while you read it and count how many times they hear something and they’re not sure what it means. In later weeks, with younger children you might begin each Beatitude and let them finish it.

The Beatitudes (CEV):

1 When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on the side of a mountain and sat down.

Jesus’ disciples gathered around him, 2 and he taught them:

3 God blesses those people who depend only on him. They belong to the kingdom of heaven!

4 God blesses those people who grieve. They will find comfort!

5 God blesses those people who are humble. The earth will belong to them!

6 God blesses those people who want to obey him more than to eat or drink. They will be given what they want!

7 God blesses those people who are merciful. They will be treated with mercy!

8 God blesses those people whose hearts are pure. They will see him!

9 God blesses those people who make peace. They will be called his children!

10 God blesses those people who are treated badly for doing right. They belong to the kingdom of heaven.

11 God will bless you when people insult you, mistreat you, and tell all kinds of evil lies about you because of me. Be happy and excited! You will have a great reward in heaven. People did these same things to the prophets who lived long ago.

Grades 3-5: Beatitudes Bingo: ~ ArcadeBingoCards.htm

Tell the children to close their Bibles. Pass out the bingo cards and counters (beans, buttons, or other small objects). The “Beatitudes” square in the middle of all the cards is free, so tell all the children to cover it with a counter. Have questions on slips of paper in a bowl.

Explaining the game to the students:

“I’m going to draw questions out of this bowl. When I call out a question, look on your card and see if you see the answer to the question. Most of the questions are fill-in-the-blanks, where I’ll read part of one of the Beatitudes and you have to fill in the missing words. If you think you have the answer on your card, raise your hand.”

As you ask each question, call on someone to answer it. If that person gets it wrong, keep taking answers until someone gets it right. Then everyone who has the correct answer on their card should cover it with a counter. Discuss the answer with the class before going on to the next question. The purpose of the game is to provide opportunities to teach the vocabulary and meaning of the Beatitudes, so try to cover all the discussion points.

Tell the children: “When you cover five squares in a row, call out ‘Beatitudes.’” When that happens, don’t end the game; keep playing until you’ve used all the questions. By the end, most players should have completed a row. Optional: Give small prize, such as a sticker, bookmark or pencil, to the players as they finish – and to any players who haven’t covered a row when you run out of questions.

Questions, discussion points and bingo cards are at the end of the lesson plan.

Grades 1-2: Play the game and discuss the answers as above, but write each answer on the white board so the non-readers can find it on their cards. Have the shepherds go around and help the kids. If the questions are too hard, use the multiple-choice option.

Reflection Time:

  1. Recite the Bible memory verse learned in the Great Hall. “Pay attention, my children! Follow my advice, and you will be happy.” -- Proverbs 8:32

  2. Discuss: In the Beatitudes, Jesus gives his followers advice on how to live. What are some of the things he tells them to do? (depend on God, be humble, obey God, be merciful, make peace, do what’s right even when people treat you badly for it, etc.)

    Jesus tells his followers that when they live that way, God will bless them. What do you think “bless” means? (make happy, bring good things).

    Who was Jesus talking to? (His disciples—the special 12 and a crowd of his followers) When we follow Jesus, we are his disciples too.

    Jesus says that God blesses us even if we are insulted and mistreated because we try to follow Jesus. Do you feel happy when you’re mistreated? (No) So sometimes even when we don’t feel happy, we still have God’s blessing. It is always a blessing to be a disciple of Jesus, even when we can’t see or feel the blessing right away.

  3. Hand out the journal pages and ask the shepherds to pass out pencils/markers. (TIP: Fill in the “workshop” blanks ahead of time; otherwise, the children will spend the entire journal time spelling out “Antioch Arcade". Optional: Give the children a sticker or some other memento – maybe one of the bingo counters -- to paste in their journal as a reminder of the workshop.

    Tell the children to choose one of the Beatitudes and write or draw a picture of how they can follow it this week. Examples: Be humble by going last in line to recess or by not bragging. Be merciful by forgiving someone who does something mean. Make peace by being friendly to someone you’ve argued with. Encourage them to think of specific people and specific actions they can take.

Extra Activity:

Grades 3-5: If you have time, introduce the class to the traditional wording of the Beatitudes using the New Revised Standard Version (see end of lesson plan). Have them open their CEV Bibles again to Matthew 5.

Explain: “The Bible was not originally written in English; the books of the Bible were written in two different ancient languages. The book of Matthew was written in Greek. When we read the Bible, we are reading an English translation. Today we read the Beatitudes from the Contemporary English Version, which translates the ancient Greek language into very modern English. The more traditional English translations use different words to say the same thing. Let’s see if you can recognize the Beatitudes in a more traditional English version.”

Read each traditional Beatitude out loud and let the children try to match it to its CEV counterpart. OR, cut the passage apart so each Beatitude is on a separate strip of paper. Let volunteers draw a strip, read the traditional Beatitude and match it to its CEV counterpart.


Ask the students to close their journals and sit quietly for prayer. Suggestion: Choose some verses from this prayer based on the Beatitudes. With younger children you might use just the last verse.

Lord Jesus, I am happy
When you are by my side.
You are my friend and teacher
My helper and my guide.
Comfort me, dear Jesus,
When I am feeling sad.
Let your love surround me,
Help me to be glad.

Teach me to be kind, Lord.
And I will grow like you,
Helping those who are in need;
Serving, as you would do.

When I follow you, Lord,
You make everything all right.
You make me feel so happy.
You fill me with delight.

When others are unkind,
In what they say or do,
Help me to forgive them, Lord,
Before the day is through.
Lord, help my eyes to look to you,
My hands to do your will.
Teach my ears to hear your word,
And my heart to love you still.
When others get upset, Lord,
Let my words, I pray,
Bring peace and happiness
To make a better day.
Lord, no matter what my friends say,
No matter what they do,
Give me strength to always say,
"I will follow you!"

Prayer by Jacqueline Weber, published in The Beatitudes by Alan and Linda Parry, Prayers with Bears Series. Source: Catholic Curriculum Online.

Beatitudes Bingo Cards

Printable Beatitudes Bingo Cards attached to this lesson HERE.

Beatitudes Bingo Questions

Finish this verse:
God blesses those people who depend only on God. They belong to the ________.

Answer: kingdom of heaven

Multiple-choice option:
Kingdom of Israel
Kingdom of heaven
Kingdom of Narnia

Discuss: (Note to leader: skip this discussion point if you have already drawn the other question in which “kingdom of heaven” is used).
What do we usually think of when we hear the word heaven? (Place you go when you die to be with God.) When Jesus says “kingdom of heaven,” it’s the same as saying the “kingdom of God.” It’s not something we find when we die, it’s the world right now in this life. When we depend on and trust God, follow Jesus’ teachings and try to live the way Jesus lived, we are working toward making life on earth right now the kingdom of heaven.

Finish this verse:
God blesses those people who grieve. They will find ________________!

Answer: Comfort.

Multiple-choice option:

Discuss: What does “grieve” mean? (To feel sad) What are some things that can make people grieve? (Death of a person or a pet, having a friend move away, etc.) When Jesus said God comforts people who grieve, he might have been talking about people who had lost a loved one or had something sad happen to him. He also might have been talking about people who were sad about all the things that are wrong with the world and all the ways in which people don’t act as though they’re living in the kingdom of God.

Finish this verse:
God blesses those people who are humble. The ___________ will belong to them!

Answer: earth

Multiple-choice option:

Discuss: What does “humble” mean? (not proud or haughty, not showing off or bragging, admitting when you’re wrong, not thinking you’re better than other people)

Finish this verse:
God blesses those people who want to obey him more than to ____________. They will be given what they want!

Answer: eat or drink

Multiple-choice option:
Laugh or play
Eat or drink
Dance or sing

Finish this verse:
God blesses those people who are merciful. They will be treated with ____________!
Answer: mercy

Multiple-choice option:
Discuss: What does “merciful” mean? (Being kind, forgiving, compassionate, sometimes even toward people who have done something wrong and don’t deserve kind treatment.) We all need mercy sometimes, from other people and from God, so we need to show mercy ourselves.

Finish this verse:
God blesses those people whose hearts are _______. They will see God!

Answer: pure.

Multiple-choice option:

Discuss: What do you think a “pure heart” is? (Loving God and other people, wanting to do what’s right)

Finish this verse:
God blesses those people who make peace. They will be called ____________!

Answer: God’s children

Multiple-choice option:
God’s children
Good people

Discuss: What is “peace”? (Not fighting or arguing) Sometimes we need to make peace with people we’re mad at, and sometimes we can make peace by helping other people get along with each other.

In Bible passage that tells us the Beatitudes, who is talking?

Answer: Jesus

Multiple-choice option:

Finish this verse:
God blesses those people who are treated badly for ____________. They belong to the kingdom of heaven.

Answer: doing right

Multiple-choice option:
Doing right
Being smart

Discuss: (Note to leader: skip this discussion point if you have already drawn the other question in which “kingdom of heaven” is used).
What do we usually think of when we hear the word heaven? (Where you go when you die to be with God.) When Jesus says “kingdom of heaven,” it’s the same as saying the “kingdom of God.” It’s not something we find when we die, it’s the world right now in this life. When we depend on and trust God, follow Jesus’ teachings and try to live the way Jesus lived, we are working toward making life on earth right now the kingdom of heaven.

Finish this verse:
God will bless you when people insult you, mistreat you, and tell all kinds of evil lies about you because of me. Be happy and excited! You will have a great reward in heaven. People did these same things to the ____________ who lived long ago.

Answer: prophets

Multiple-choice option:

Discuss: What does “insult” mean? (to say something mean, to hurt somebody’s feelings.) What does “mistreat” mean? (to treat badly, to abuse, to hurt, to be mean to somebody.)
What’s a prophet? (somebody who brings a message from God.) The Bible tells lots of stories about prophets who brought messages from God telling people what they were doing wrong. The people didn’t want to hear the truth, and they punished the prophets for speaking the truth.

In what book of the Bible do we find the Beatitudes?

Answer: Matthew

Multiple-choice option:

A lesson originally posted by Catherine from: Kirk of Kildaire Presbyterian Church

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Last edited by Luanne Payne

I Am Blessed (Beatitudes)

Temple Courtyard (Games)


Summary of Lesson Activities:

Children will make maracas representing each beatitudes, then use them in a series of games to help them memorize the beatitudes.

Outcome Objectives:

  1. Children connect each beatitude with a visual image.
  2. Children connect the first and second parts of each beatitude
  3. Children progress toward memorization of the beatitudes.


Supplies Needed:

  • Bibles
  • Highlighting pens
  • Dictionary
  • Paper Plates (2 per child)
  • Craft Sticks or paint stirrers (1 per child)
  • Tape
  • Staplers (about one for every two
  • children if possible) and extra staples
  • Markers
  • Large beads or beans (optional)

Advance Preparation:

  • See: Adjustments for Age Levels and Abilities
  • Memorize the beatitudes yourself, or at least be very familiar with them.
  • Gather the materials.



Opening- Welcome and Lesson Introduction:
Read the beatitudes together. 

Children who have brought their own Bibles to class should be encouraged to highlight the passage and to write Matthew 5:3-12 in their “Notes” section of the Bible.

Have younger children point to each verse as you read it.

Have middle grades read the beatitudes in unison

Have older grades take turns reading a verse individually.

Discuss any unfamiliar vocabulary, looking it up in the dictionary if needed.


Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Make paper plate maracas

  1. Pass out 2 paper plates to each child and assign them a verse number 3-11.
  2. Children are to illustrate on the backside of each plate a picture of the person/s being described and on the other what that person receives from God. (for example, vs. 4 could be someone who is crying on the front and a drawing of a quilt – comforter – on the back) If a child is stuck, work together as a group to come up with ideas.
  3. Tape a craft stick or paint stirrer to the inside of one plate.
  4. Staple the plates together, adding a few beans or beads to make maraca


If there are more than nine children make more than one maraca, just make sure you don’t confuse the children in some of the games. If there are fewer than 9 children, write out the skipped verses on plates yourself.

Have each child read their verse and show and explain their pictures. Have the whole group repeat the verse together as the child shakes and turns their maraca.

Life Application
Use the maracas to help memorize the Beatitudes. Children can begin with their own maracas, but you may want them to grab a different maraca each round. Play each game several times, spending extra time on the ones they enjoy and skipping those you don’t think will work. As you go, ask the children which beatitude they have the most trouble remembering and spend extra time practicing it. Also let the leader know so it can be emphasized in opening time in future weeks.

Act It Out
Stand in a circle. As you read each beatitude, the child holding that beatitude stands in the center, shaking the maraca. The other children act out the beatitude, using the picture on the maraca for ideas.

Part 2
Have students sit on pillows facing the teacher. Read the first part of the beatitude. Have the child whose beatitude you are reading raise their maraca and shake it. When you call on him/her, s/he is to stand and say the second part of the beatitude.

Line Up
Place all nine maracas on the floor in random order. Challenge the children to put the maracas in the correct order. Use Bibles to help if needed. If any children think they can put the maracas in order on their own, give them 60 seconds to try. 

After the beatitudes are correctly lined up, turn them all to their front sides. As children look at the front picture, have them try and remember what is on the other side. Flip it over to test their memory. Then try it the other way around, trying to remember part one. A variation would be scattering the maracas around the room and have children wander to all the maracas (out of order). Have them test their own memory by flipping each maraca over.

Who Am I?
Ask “who am I?” and say the second part of the beatitude in first person form, i.e., “I will receive mercy.” Have the children point to the child holding the appropriate maraca. Then they say together “Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy.”

Beatitude Rap
Encourage children to develop a “rap” or other rhythm exercise, for the telling of the beatitudes. Use the maracas as percussion instruments to emphasize their song.



End today’s lesson with a blessing prayer. (i.e., God bless ___)

Give each child a blank sheet of paper and encourage them to write out the beatitudes. 
Some may want to try to work from memory, then check their work using their Bible. 
Others may want to copy the beatitudes from their Bibles in special handwriting.

To take home:
Bookmark of the Beatitudes.

Adjustments for age levels and abilities
For the youngest age groups, draw black and white pictures representing each beatitude, photocopy, and use these as coloring pages for the children to tape on their plates rather than making them from scratch. 

Different age levels will enjoy different versions of the games more than others. If something isn’t working, move on to another game, or replay a game they enjoyed.

Don’t underestimate the youngest students. The younger you are, the easier it is to memorize passages – even if you don’t understand the vocabulary. Know that an understanding of vocabulary will develop and focus on memorization.

If you have extra time…
Compare the wording in our NRSV translations with some other translations of the Bible. What is different?
Or, look up Luke 6:20-26 and compare Luke’s blessings and woes to Matthew. Highlight Luke and make a note to see Matthew 5:3-12

If time runs short…
Don’t let the children get too elaborate with their paper plate pictures. The idea is to put on an easily recognized symbol to help jog the memory, not create a detailed work of art.

Be creative
Can you think of other games that will help the children with memorization?


A lesson originally posted by Lisa Martin.


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Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

Originally posted by Jerri


Attached is a set of Beatitude "Concentration Game Cards" and some BEE graphics you could use to print on the cards.




They are designed to print out on 5x3-inch index cards. 
Print two copies, shuffle, and deal onto the table face down.

Kids turn one over, then try to find the match.


This game reinforces memory of the actual verses.





Images (2)
  • bee
  • BeeAttitudesGamew
Files (1)
Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

Have students create their own Beatitude Matching Game and Word Search Handouts using the Beatitudes. 


Have just one or two students work on the matching game. Have the other students create their own Word Search. Copy on the church copier and then have students try each other's puzzles.

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

Board/Race Game

Here's a quick "board/race game" that CONTRASTS what the Beatitudes say about "true happiness" and what the world says makes you happy.


Here's how we set up this quick game after our Bible study:


1. We quickly taped about 20 pieces of colorful construction paper on the floor, about 2 feet apart and going from a Start to a Finish.


2. We had a spinner with 3 options on it:  

(1) What God say makes for happiness/good-life, 
(2) What the World (television, friends, magazines**) say makes for happiness/good-life.

(3) Something that makes you happy or feel good


3. We had a square cardboard "game cube" or "dice" that the kids rolled to see how many squares they could advance. Advance 1, 2 or 3 were on three of the dice sides. One dice side said, "go back 1 space," one said, "go back two spaces."  And the sixth side said, "advance a friend 1 space."


How to play:

One at a time kids spin and answer the question on the spinner. If they don't within ten seconds, they lose their turn. If they answer, they then roll the dice to see how many squares they advance.


Prior to playing this "contrasts" game, we did another quick project:  flipping through MAGAZINES and tearing out images that represent what the "world thinks makes people happy."  We quickly glued them to a posterboard, but didn't need to. It was a SETUP for the game.

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

Printable Beatitudes Game Cards Files

  • Beatitude Quiz Game Card (Fronts)
  • Beatitude Quiz Game Card Questions - 30 (Backs)

Cards can be printed on card stock and cut apart (could laminate for durability).  Here are a couple of examples of card backs (questions):

sample card backssample card backs-2

Since these are Word docs, download them and change the questions if you'd like!


Last edited by CreativeCarol

This original idea for this simple Beatitudes game was contributed some time ago by member Catherine. It has since been improved by others. Add your own improvements to make it work with your age group.

A Game Workshop Lesson Plan

Kids will play a game in which they will "pass the Beatitudes" and stop when the music stops. See round 1 and round 2 notes below for game play.

Scripture Reference:
Matthew 5:1-12


  • Jesus’ followers are gentle, kind, and peaceful.
  • Being so is the secret to being "happy" in a way that Jesus defines.

Lesson Objectives:

  • The children will learn what the following words mean and be able to apply them to their daily lives: disciples, poor in spirit, kingdom of heaven, meek/gentle, righteousness, mercy, peacemakers, pure in heart, and rejoice.
  • The children will become familiar with the Beatitudes and how they can apply them to their life.

Teacher preparation in advance:

  1. Read the scripture passages and attend the Faith Quest Leaders Bible Study.
  2. Prepare a closing prayer.
  3. Please read the scriptures. Read and re-read the attached story so that you become familiar enough with the story that you can tell the story instead of reading the story to the students. Making props will assist you in the delivery of the story – but is not necessary. When using the “voice of God”, stand and sound very strong. When speaking for the people, sit and speak softly. When you speak as Moses, sit straight and speak as he would have to God and then the people.

Suggested Supply List:

  • Chart paper for listing words/meanings, Memory Verse and Current Day people and the Beatitudes
  • Method of playing music (CD player, Cellphone)
  • Christian music
  • Basket to pass around the Beatitude strips  ** Alternatively you can write the Beatitudes on different parts of a large BEACH BALL and pass that around!  When the music stops, whichever Beatitude your left hand is on is the one you must read aloud. See how fast you can go!   In round 2 of the game, students will have to say something explanatory about the Beatitude when the music stops.

Lesson Plan


  1. Greet the children and introduce yourself. Wear your nametag.
  2. Explain what they will be doing and learning about today.
  3. Ask children to shout to "things that make them and other people happy."  Write them in a column on the board for all to see. You should get a list of things like "candy, puppies, money, etc.
  4. Now have them make a separate column of "things that make God happy"
  5. Notice and discuss the two differences in the list.

Introduce Jesus' Beatitudes where he explains how to be "happy" or "blessed" -- which is very different than the first list they made, and much more like the second.   

Point out that the word "blessed" is sometimes translated as "happy" in the Bible (depending on which version you are using).

Point out that a lot of people say they are "blessed" when they are given things, like "It was a blessing to score that touchdown," or "I feel blessed by you being here."  Or "God blessed me with a new car." What they really mean to say is "they feel good inside."  However, being "blessed" by God or receiving a blessing from God isn't always a good feeling.

When Jesus talks about the blessing of God, he almost NEVER talks about receiving a gift like health or a new car. God does not bless some people with health and not give it to other. God's blessing are more about what is in a person's HEART. God blessed us with understanding and a Godly attitude.

Ask: Who do you think knows better what makes a person blessed?  People or God?

Read and Play:

Scripture/Bible Story:

  • Have students sit and open their Bibles to the Scripture. Ask who would like to read, or have them to each read a verse. Read through them all the first time without stopping.
  • Then read through them a second time stopping to ask students what certain words and phrases mean. Fill in with knowledge from the teaching notes at the bottom of this lesson and your own insights.  Don't over-do this right now. You'll have more time in the Beatitudes Game to give input.


First round:

  • You will have written each of the Beatitudes on a slip of paper. Fold the slips containing the Beatitudes and place in a basket. You may want to have extra copies for larger groups. It is okay to repeat a Beatitude.
  • With the children sitting down in a circle, begin playing music and have the children to pass the basket. You will pause/stop the music. When the music stops the child holding the basket must take out a slip and read the Beatitude. (If the children cannot read well, assist them).
  • Talk about what the Beatitude means to them. Other children can help. You and the Shepherd may need to provide guidance by sharing what the Beatitude means to you.
  • When the slips have all been read the first round of the game is over.  A second round will take place after the Beatitudes CHART activity...

Have the following Beatitude Headinds on chart paper:

  • Poor in spirit (people who love God and know they need Him, people who are having a hard time in life and need to feel secure in God's love)
  • Those who mourn (lost a pet, best friend moved away, did not make the team, people who are sad)
  • The meek (humble people, those who do not brag, put others first)
  • Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (those who seek to follow God's way)
  • The merciful (those who are patient and forgiving to others)
  • The pure in heart (love God first, are not greedy, have asked that their sins be forgiven)
  • Peacemakers (mediate between friends who are upset, religious leaders)

Ask the children to help explain each of these "Beatitudes" a little more with examples of people or from their own life. Add notes to the chart to validate each student's response.

Second round of the Music game:

  • Play the Beatitude Bash musical game again, only this time when the music stops, they must EXPLAIN what the Beatitude means or (for example) "describe someone who is poor in spirit."  Help them by giving them keywords they can use to express the idea.

Prayer: Suggestions for the closing prayer – Lord help us show mercy to our friends. Help us to find ways to keep peace and be gentle with all those around us. Thank you for blessing us with scripture that tells us the truth and provides hope for tomorrow.

Here are some Teaching Notes for the Scripture Reading/discussion

1 - The "poor in spirit" does not refer to monetary poverty, but to those who have a spirit of humble love for God.
2 - "Those who mourn" may be mourning the sinful nature of people and the injustices of this world.
3 - "The meek" "are nonviolent people, who are humble and gentle in their dealings with others because they have humbled themselves before the greatness of God." (Hare, page 39)
4 - This statement may refer to people who hunger for God to do right for them as individuals and/or for all who suffer.
5 - We are called to be merciful in the same way which God is: patient, gracious, and steadfast.
6 - No one is truly pure (clean and without sin) except for Jesus. Here, he is speaking about a love for God that is 100% pure: total and undistracted by other desires.
7 - "It is clear that ‘peacemakers' designates not those who live in peace, enjoying its fruits, but those who devote themselves to the hard work of reconciling hostile individuals, families, groups, and nations." (Hare, page 42)
8 - This refers to those who are persecuted for their beliefs and/or their behavior as a result of those beliefs.
9 - Note the different format, and therefore emphasis, for this Beatitude ("Blessed are you"). Serious Christians must take a stand on moral issues that are sometimes controversial or unpopular, just as the prophets spoke the truth in spite of its unpopularity.

The lesson above was originally posted by Catherine of the Kirk of Kildaire. It has been improved on by others.

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