Bible Skills and Games Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Teaching the Story of Ruth in Sunday School.
Post your Bible Skills and Games lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for teaching the Story of Ruth in Sunday School. Ruth, Naomi, Boaz, Moabite, whither thou goest, etc.
Don't forget to check out our Writing Team's "Story of Ruth" Lesson Set. It has a great "Geo-Journey Stations" Workshop lesson in it that teaches several Bible skills related to this story in a game-like way.
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Neil MacQueen wrote:
Here's a gamey activity that illustrates the wonderful verse:
Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die, I will die—there will I be buried. Ruth 1:16
It's more than just "I'm going with you and be your friend." It is more like, "I'm going to become like you and become (convert to be) one of you." Naomi has been such an example to Ruth that Ruth wants to stay with her. And Naomi's faith in the God of the Israelites has also rubbed off. It's also a promise to PROTECT Naomi in her old age -- to make sure she has a provider and is cared for.
The Reflection Game
One person tries to mimic another as they stand face to face. One person leads. The teacher will prompt them with motions and ideas.
Start with simple things, like imitating hand and leg movements. Then graduate to various mime motions for concepts such as prayer, worship, strength, service, love, and then acceptance.
Stop and ask how easy/hard that was. How did you imitate the leader?
Let them switch so that the follower can be the leader this time, repeat.
Look like Jesus
Look like you are filled with faith
Look like you are doing the right thing
Look like you are standing tall and brave.
Look like you are rejecting something bad.
Looking like you are helping someone.
Stop and ask how hard THAT was! Switch and let the follower lead as you repeat some of these ideas/motions.
(For younger children, you might also add "follow the leader.")
What happens when the leader messes up? What happens when the leader doesn't repeat the motions so you can learn to follow them?
Ruth wants to stay with Naomi because of what she saw IN Naomi.
Will people want to follow you?
Will people say about you "that's someone I'd like to be like" ???
How do we become LIKE Jesus? (by following/learning from him, imitating him)
JESUS SAID "FOLLOW ME" ...which is what Ruth chose to do with Naomi, because Naomi was a righteous loving woman.
Paul said in Philippians 3:17 "17 Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example."