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In this forum:
- "Blessed Children" poem and sharable graphic
- Other helpful graphics
- Teacher training materials for teaching/ministering to neurodiverse kids and those with special needs.
We are an online community of Sunday School teachers, Christian educators, and pastors creating, collecting, and sharing free and premium Sunday School lesson plans, creative ideas, and discussion. We are also the official website of the Workshop Rotation Model (The "WoRM"), a creative way to organize and teach Sunday School. Visit our Bible story lesson forums. View our creative Writing Team Lesson Sets. Explore our 24 downloadable Bible story software programs. Get a free Registered Membership or become a Supporting Member for full access to all site resources. Learn more about our volunteer-led, ecumenical, non-profit, ad-free resource ministry!
This new forum begins with the recording of our Sept 2024 Zoom Seminar, "Ministering to Neurodiverse Kids" and links to resources mentioned in that presentation.
This forum is also in the process of expanding to include more discussion, suggestions, and resources for welcoming, engaging, and teaching "neurodiverse" and "special needs" children and youth in the church. You are welcome to contribute your experience, links, and questions. The phrase "neurodiverse" includes those with learning disabilities, autism, Asperger's, bipolar and personality disorders, depression, and anxiety (to mention a few). "Special Needs" includes neurodiverse kids, as well as those with physical, medical, emotional, or mental challenges. See the post about "terminology" for further information.
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In this forum:
Here are two versions of Dena Kitchens' "Blessed Children" poem first shared at the September 2024 Zoom Seminar. You are welcome to borrow it provided you keep the name of its author with the poem.
Click the image to enlarge, then right-click to "save-as" to your computer.
The graphic version of the poem uses a free image from Unsplash/BenWhite.
Text version:
Blessed are the children who will not be quiet, for they have much to say.
Blessed are the children who cannot sit still, for they will move mountains.
Blessed are those who cry, for they will comfort and be comforted.
Blessed are the children who see things differently, for they will change the world.
Blessed are the children who are always dirty, for they are at one with creation.
Blessed are those who struggle to read, for they will hear and express the gospel in wonderful new ways.
Blessed are the children who work alone, for they will know themselves and God.
Blessed are the children who clown around, for they make everybody happy.
For we are all children of God, fearfully and wonderfully made.
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