Game Ideas, Activities, and Lessons for First Corinthians 12, The Body of Christ, in Sunday School
1 Corinthians 12:12-27
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Posted by member Amy Siegert
Bible Treasure Hunt Game
I wrote for our kids a Game for our Body of Christ day camp. Kids have to find the Bible verse, fill in the blank on the clue, then use that clue to go find the next clue. In parentheses behind each clue, I explain the answers and how they relate to the "hiding space locations" at our particular church. Hope it makes some sense.....just wanted to share!
Proverbs 27: 17
Just as _____ sharpens _____, friends sharpen the minds of each other.
(TO FIND CLUE #2: The railing on the ________in front of the church is made of this.) (IRON; our church has wrought iron railing on the front steps.)
Nehemiah 4: 6
The people worked hard, and we built the ______ of Jerusalem halfway up again.
TO FIND CLUE #3: These were recently covered with plaster and painted. They used to be covered with dark paneling! (our basement WALLS)
Romans 12: 5
That’s how it is with us. There are many of us, but we each are part of the Body of ________ as well as part of one another.
TO FIND CLUE #4: He is with us today. He’s a real “stand-up guy”! (CHRIST; we have a stand-up figure of Jesus in our fellowship hall.)
Romans 12: 6
God has also given each of us different __________ to use.
TO FIND CLUE #5: Find where these are stored. (We keep GIFTS /prizes in our Sunday school closet.)
Ephesians 2: 21
Christ is the one who holds the ____________ together and makes it grow into a holy temple for the Lord.
TO FIND CLUE #6: One of babies’ favorite things to do is this activity with blocks. Where are the blocks, anyway? (BUILDING; we keep building blocks in a toy box at our church.)
Hebrews 2: 11
Jesus and the people he makes __________ all belong to the same family.
TO FIND CLUE # 7: The word above also describes the place at the front of the church, the altar. (HOLY; the altar is a holy place)
1 John 4: 7
My dear friends, we must __________ each other. __________ comes from God, and when we _________ each other, it shows that have been given new life.
TO FIND THE TREASURE: God showed His _____ for us through Jesus’ death on this. (LOVE; the cross is the symbol of God's love for us in Christ)