This topic is for sharing your photos and lists of "classroom" or "learning rules" you may have posted in a Sunday School classroom. Sometimes they are called "learning covenants" and occasionally they are modeled after the Ten Commandments. The idea is that children "buy in" to these rules, sometimes are the ones who create them, and are occasionally referred to them when a problem arises. In some cases, students are invited to sign the covenant.
Kicking off this topic is a list gleaned from many other lists...
Sunday School Rules
1. Arrive on time ready to learn.
2. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated.
3. Listen to learn and to show you care.
4. Be friendly to visitors and new students.
5. Share space, materials, time, and your thoughts.
6. Don't be a distraction to others.
7. Do not be afraid to express your feelings, and protect other people's feelings.
8. Help when asked, and when not asked.
9. Open your eyes, mind, and heart to be moved by God's Spirit.
10. Pray for your teacher and fellow students, and for yourself.
Bee on time.
Bee kind and helpful.
Bee friendly to everyone, not just the people you know.
Bee ready to learn something new.
Bee willing to share your thoughts, questions, and feelings.
Bee a participant, not a bystander or a distraction.
Bee ready for God's Spirit.