
DVD Series

In the summer time, our church continues Sunday school however to mix things up, we do something a little bit different. We put all of the kids together and show movies. Last year we used What's in the Bible?  This year we are using Clive and Ian's Wonder-Blimp of Knowledge Curriculum from Phil Vischer (who created the What's in the Bible? DVD series and Veggie Tales).


Clive & Ian in the Wonder-Blimp

This DVD comes with 16 short -- approximately 5-7 minute -- videos on questions kids ask about God. Both Questions about God, (for example: Is God as powerful as a superhero?)  and questions about our relationship with God. Our friends Clive and Ian fly their Wonder-Blimp in search of answers! 

Included in this curriculum are lessons around each week's video. Being that sometimes I don't like what I buy, I needed to write a lesson for the week in which the question was: How do we show respect to God by listening?  

That lesson is included below. (No part of this lesson contains any copyright material.) 

Also, visit my blog where I provide take-it-home materials for parents to continue the discussion with their kids. (Conflict of Interest Disclosure: None, Carol does not make any money from her blog. Any ads you may see are placed by Wordpress.) 

-- Carol

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Clive and Ian's Wonder-Blimp of Knowledge DVD

Week 13: How Do We Show Respect to God Through Our Listening?  

Wonder-BlimpSummary of Lesson Activity:
Introduce the concept of “God’s Word.” Read a passage in the Bible and discuss it's meaning. Watch Clive & Ian’s Wonder-Blimp of Knowledge Week #13:  How Do We Show Respect to God Through Our Listening?  (Approximately 5 minutes). Discuss the video. Then put the key Bible verse into their hearts using creative methods including “silly voices,” sign language, and cup-stacking. (An approximately 45-50 minute lesson.) 

Scripture Reference:

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 

Key Verse: 
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105 (ESV) 

Lesson Objectives — participants will be able to:

  • Recognize that an amazing God (he made the universe!) deserves to be listened to by reading his word.
  • Discover what it means to “hide” God’s word in our hearts, to remember a verse “by heart.” When we listen to God and learn his word, we are showing him that we think he is important.
  • Evaluate different ways of learning Psalm 119:105.

Materials List:

  • The DVD listed above
  • An easel with whiteboard marker
  • Bibles (at least one for each knee-to-knee group)
  • A set of 12 un-breakable cups for each knee-to-knee group
  • Copies of Knee-to-knee group discussion questions - see attachment at the end of this lesson

Advanced Preparation Requirements:

  • Read the Bible story and the Key Bible Verse.

  • Preview the video.

  • Learn Sign Language for these words in our key Bible verse: Word, Lamp, Feet, Light, Path.

  • Check out the cup-stacking instructions for a 3-6-3 stack.

  • Practice using the 3-6-3 stack to say the key verse. (The numbers in the chart below are motions made when doing this stack, which corresponds to each word in the verse.  For example, setting up a three stack is done in two motions --> two words are spoken. Setting up a six stack is done with five motions, etc.)

Set up the

1st 3-stack        

Set up the middle     


Set up the second


 1     2 3   4     5     6    78    9
Your word is  a  lamp  to  my feet and


Take down the   

1st 3-stack

Take down

the middle


Take down

the second 3-stack

 10     11      12  13    14     15    16      17
a   lightto  my  path.  Psalm 119:   105


Before the Start of Class

  1. Load the DVD. 
  2. At the Title Menu (Displaying the Week # Videos and Extras banners), select Extras. Then on the Extras menu, select Countdowns. (Refer to lesson for which Countdown you’ll use.)
  3. On the easel write: “Respect God by listening to his word.” Also write the key verse.

Class Schedule:
Opening – 8 Minutes
Dig In, Reading & Discussion - 17 Minutes
Watch Video & More Discussion- 10 Minutes
Memory Verse Activities - 13 Minutes
Closing - 2 Minutes 

Lesson Plan 

Do: When the first kids start to arrive… Select Countdown #2 and press play. Watch this Countdown segment while kids are coming in and getting settled (approximately 5 minutes). 

Ask the Shepherds to take care of attendance and nametags. 

Do: After the Countdown is finished you will end up back at the Countdowns menu. Go back to the Main Menu (gray rounded box at the bottom of the Countdowns menu). 

Do: Greet your students warmly, welcoming them to our Summer Movie Series. Introduce yourself. 

Say: Today, we are continuing following Clive and Ian as they fly in the Wonder-Blimp of Knowledge in search of answers to really big questions. So far we have answered questions about God, but we’ve also been exploring questions about how we relate to God; how we treat God. God is so powerful and loves us so much, that we want to respectfully relate to God. Ask: What does it look like when we respect someone? (allow a few replies) Say: To show someone respect is to honor them; to treat them as if they are valuable. We want to show respect to God! 

Do: Refer to the easel.

Say: Today’s question for Clive and Ian is: How to show respect for God by listening to his Word? 

Ask: His Word? What are we talking about when we say: “God’s Word?” (allow response) Say: We call the Bible: “God’s Word.” 

Ask: Did God himself write down the Bible -- did he write out the stories in Genesis and Exodus, and the Gospels… and then drop the Bible from heaven saying, “Here are my words!”? (no)

Was God looking over the writer’s shoulder as they were writing the Bible, and saying, “Now write down these exact words”? (no) 

Say: The Bible – started off as the stories we call the Old Testament. Way before books were invented, people told their stories around the campfire. They told the stories about how God created everything, and stories about Joseph, and Moses and the Exodus from Egypt. Later, people wrote down these stories and later still, other people organized those written stories into the Bible. Even later, people who had experienced Jesus also wrote. And then their stories were included in the Bible. 

Do: Pick up a Bible. 

Say: People have different ways of thinking about the Bible. Some think that we need to exactly follow everything the Bible says. Methodists say, read the Bible, study it; consider how its authors were shaped by the times in which they lived. So when we read the Bible we need to ask questions. Right now I’d like us to form knee-to-knee groups and read a short passage in the Bible and ask a few questions. 

Do: Break into small groups, with an adult/class assistant for each group. (Thus, there will only be as many groups as leaders.) Groups should spread out in the room as much as possible. Ask everyone to sit in a circle with their knees touching (i.e., knee-to-knee groups). Distribute Bibles and Knee-to-Knee Question sheets to each group leader, asking them to lead discussion. [Refer to end of lesson for questions.] 

Do: When two groups are finished, call for everyone’s attention... 

Further Discussion: 

Ask: What did you discover in your reading of God’s Word – who is speaking? (Moses)

Does anyone know what is happening at the time of this story?

What is the heading at the top of chapter 5? (it says: The Ten Commandments) 

Say: The Israelites have been wandering for 40 years in the wilderness and they were finally about to enter the Promised Land. When we understand this we can see why the writers of these verses thought that Moses’ words should be written down. 

Ask: Did you look ahead to chapter 6, verse 12? 

Do: Ask someone to read verse 12. Say: Exactly! These are important words! “Don’t forget who set you free!” God told Moses, “Tell the people to remember me!” 

Ask: What is a way for us to remember about God? (allow replies – including worshiping together, praying to God, lighting candles, Communion, and answer looking for: telling stories!) 

Say: Let’s watch Clive and Ian as they learn about listening to God stories. 

Video and More Discussion: 

Do: Select purple “Videos” banner. Select Week # 13 (viewing time: 5 minutes, 10 seconds). 

Say: Now we will turn back to our knee-to-knee circles, and talk about what we watched. 

Do: Direct each group leader to do part 2 of the question sheet. Stop whenever the majority of groups are finished. 

Memory Verse Activity: 

Do: Refer to the key verse on the easel…

Say: Let’s work at putting these words from the Bible into our heart. 

Do: Have everyone say the verse, including the reference. 

Ask: How about we say this verse using a British accent? 

Do: Have everyone say the verse with a British accent. Repeat it a couple of times. 

Ask: What is different voice we can use to say our verse? (a frog croak, cowboy voice, mouse squeak, cheerleader yell, Southern accent, underwater, opera style, etc.) 

Do: Try it in a couple of different voices perhaps allowing a student to also select a word to erase from the whiteboard. 

Do: Teach the verse in sign language. 

Do: Teach the verse, using cup stacking. 


Say: Let’s finish up our session with a prayer. We will use the Lord’s Prayer as the ending to our prayer time. [You may ask one or two students to help you lead the Lord’s Prayer.] A prayer suggestion: Thank you God for learning how to store your teachings – your Word – in our heart. In the coming week may your words light our paths and help us to walk as your son Jesus taught. End with the Lord’s Prayer. Amen. 


  • Hamilton, Adam. Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today. San Francisco: HarperOne, 2014. Print.
  • Koehler, George E. The United Methodist Member's Handbook. Nashville, TN: Discipleship Resources, 1997. Print.
  • "The Basics of Cup-Stacking in 5 Steps.” Web. 

 A lesson written by Carol Hulbert from First United Methodist Church, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. 2015


Last edited by CreativeCarol

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