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Bongo’s “About the Bible” Lesson Set
A 4 to 6 Week Lesson Set “About the Bible” I wrote for my church's summer Sunday School.
Here's a PDF of the curriculum. See the updated note at the end of this post for a correct URL to one of the resources in the PDF.
This set of lessons can easily be adapted as a jungle-themed Vacation Bible School (call it Vacation Bongo School) or used as a regular Rotation lesson set, or for kids fellowship time, or as a multi-week inter-generational event, or as a Summer Sunday School as I originally did.
Lesson Set Overview:
- Bongo Loves the Bible computer workshop (featuring Bongo Loves the Bible ),
- Bongo's Bible Bakery workshop,
- Bongo Goes Bonkers for the Bible workshop featuring games!
- Plus opening worship, songs, skits, and video suggestions
Each workshop will teach BIBLE BASICS, help kids know why the Bible is important, and encourage them to read their Bibles. Only one of the workshops in my lesson set uses the Bongo Loves the Bible software. And you don't have to do the computer workshop to use the rest of the material.
These lessons are free, and you're welcome to use them "as is," modify them, or whatever.
The PDF of the Bongo "About the Bible" lesson set that I put together references a printable Bible Timeline Card Game at a URL that is no longer in existence. Fortunately, I saved the PDF and have attached it here to this post. It's free and their copyright allows sharing.