
Joseph in Egypt

Summary of all workshops in this Rotation:

Art 1 (below): Tie-dyed t-shirts for 1st and 2nd grade.

Art 2: Narrative picture scrolls for older students.

Cooking: No lesson. Make trail mix; talk about how the brothers went on the “trail” to Egypt and found forgiveness & reunited their family. (no kitchen required)

Games for Younger Children: No lesson. Play a variety of games to reinforce story concepts.

Games for Older Children: Jeopardy.

Puppets: No lesson. Enact the story with handle-bag puppets.

Video: Watch a portion of Joseph King of Dreams

Note: These workshops were written for 1st through 6th graders who had just completed a Rotation on “Joesph Coat” (posted here at this site).

Scripture Reference:
Genesis 39–45, 46:5-7

Key Verse:
“We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him.” Romans 8:28 (CEV)

Rotation Objectives --at the end of the Rotation, kids should be able to:

  • Identify Genesis as the first book in the Old Testament; locating the story in Genesis.
  • Retell the story in their own words – Describing how with God’s help, Joseph came to be the most powerful man in Egypt.
  • Tell how Joseph forgave his brothers. God calls us to work for reconciliation and forgiveness.
  • Know that God guides our steps – God can help us make the best of a bad situation. Any situation can be for good, even something intended for evil.

Except as noted, Scripture quoted is taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1995 by American Bible Society. Used by permission.

Joseph in Egypt

Art Workshop ~ Tie-Dyed Shirts

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Tie-dyed t-shirts for 1st and 2nd grade.

Workshop Objectives:

  • Identify Genesis as the first book in the Old Testament.
  • Retell the story in their own words – Describing how with God’s help, Joseph came to be the most powerful man in Egypt.
  • Know that God guides our steps – God can help us make the best of a bad situation. Any situation can be for good, even something intended for evil.

Preparation and Supplies:

  • Read the scripture for this lesson.
  • Read and reflect on the overview material provided for this lesson.
  • Prepare an opening and/or closing prayer in case you need one.
  • Print a copy of Tie-Dye T-Shirt -- Directions to Go Home to Parents
  • Gather the materials.
  • Cover metal tabletops with plastic and secure plastic with masking tape.
  • Spread newspaper on the floor around the tables.
  • Mix dye: Take tops off of spray bottles in kit. Set these tops aside so they don’t get lost! Pour powdered dye into plastic zip bags. With funnel spoon about half of powdered dye back into bottles. (Use spray bottles from several kits so have enough bottles to share). Fill bottles about halfway with warm water. Replace top and shake to mix. Store the excess dye powders in the zip bags for use in later weeks. [Note: liquid dye can be stored in spray bottles with caps on.]
  • Wearing gloves, fill bucket with at least 1 gallon of water. (Leave bucket in sink). Stir in soda ash fixer and 1 cup of salt until dissolved. (Avoid inhaling soda ash powder or splashing solution in eyes.) In subsequent weeks, pour the stored soda ash fixer solution from the milk jugs into buckets.
  • Story Bible – The Young Reader’s Bible
  • Spray Dye Kit (one per 8 –12 students) – includes 3 dyes, spray bottles, soda ash fixer
  • Large bucket(s) for soaking t-shirts
  • Table salt (one cup per kit)
  • Disposable latex gloves (one pair per student) – required!
  • Smocks (one per student) – required!
  • Plastic to cover table & masking tape to secure
  • Permanent markers
  • Rubber bands; meat trays to hold rubber bands
  • Small plastic zip bags (sandwich size) to hold extra powdered dye; Funnel
  • Sample completed t-shirt(s)
  • White 100% cotton t-shirts (1 per student)
  • Gallon size plastic zipper bags (one per student), with take home directions attached
  • Empty, clean gallon milk jugs with lids (3 or 4)
  • Newspaper
  • Copies of a coloring page (see resources)
  • Markers or crayons



Greet your students warmly. Introduce yourself and any other adults. Pass around a basket to collect any offering.

SAY: Even though we are down here by the kitchen, for today, this is the Art Workshop. We are making special t-shirts. (Show samples.)

ASK: Why do you think we’d be making colorful shirts? Hint: what Bible story have you been learning about? (making shirts because of story of Joseph and his multi-colored coat)

SAY: Because this is an involved art project, we are going to get started on our project right away. We need to get the shirts ready and then they have to soak. While they are soaking, we’ll read our Bible story – today we’re going to find out the rest of the Joseph story!

Step 1: Tie-Dye Shirt Prep

  • Write name on label of shirt.
  • Tie t-shirt as desired with rubber bands, etc. Make sure to leave name visible!
    [Hint: Place the shirt on top of a marble or coin. Twist tightly and secure with a rubber band. Repeat this process all around the shirt with several more marbles or coins – the more you use and the tighter you twist, the more interesting your patterns will be. Students may also elect to do a swirl pattern, which doesn’t require any tying.]

While students are tying shirts:

ASK: How did Joseph come to have a multi-colored coat? (it was a gift from his father Jacob)
Why did Jacob give Joseph a coat? (to show his love)
What did Joseph’s brothers think of his coat? (were jealous)
Joseph’s brothers did some mean things to Joseph, what was it they did? (brothers threw him in pit, sold to slavery in Egypt far from home)

SAY: Today we’ll hear how Joseph had even more bad things happen to him, but through it all, Joseph remembered God’s love for him. It was like he was wrapped in God’s loving coat. Each time you wear your colorful shirt, you can think about how God loves you and takes care of you even during unhappy times.

As students finish tying: they are to give their tied t-shirt to an adult.
An adult wearing gloves will submerge prepared t-shirts into the fixer solution. (This solution helps the dye bond with the fabric.) They will soak for about 20 minutes.

Have the Shepherd (or extra adult) take them to another room where they will do another activity until everyone is done with tying a shirt.

Let them choose between coloring a picture and playing an active game (requires 3 or more kids). Ask the Shepherd (or extra adult) to start playing the following game if kids choose to do so:
Note: we played a game from the book The Humongous Book of Games for Children’s Ministry (Game on page 137), but you could play any active game such as a variation on Simon Says (Joseph Says).

Quit playing as soon as everyone is done with tying a shirt.

Dig into Scripture:

Gather everyone at the tables.

SAY: You have already told me about Joseph and his coat of many colors.

ASK: Does anyone know where in the Bible we find our story? (first book of Old Testament – Genesis)

SAY: Now we get to find out what happened to Joseph after he was sold into slavery in Egypt. Listen while I read to you from this story Bible.

READ the story on pages 62 – 73 in The Young Reader’s Bible. Show pictures as you read the story.


ASK: What bad thing happened to Joseph in Egypt? (put in prison or jail)

Who is Pharaoh? (king of Egypt) Why did Pharaoh decide to put Joseph, who had been in prison, in charge of the land? (he thought Joseph was wise – he knew the meaning of Pharaoh’s dreams and had a good plan to save up food)

SAY: Joseph was helpful to many people. God helped Joseph to know that Pharaoh’s dreams meant there would be seven good years followed by seven years when no crops would grow. Joseph made sure that food was stored during the good years so that there was enough to eat when no crops grew.

ASK: Who came looking to buy food from Joseph? (his brothers)

Did they know they were buying from Joseph? (no) What would have been YOUR reaction to your brothers showing up in Egypt? Would you have been still mad at them for what they had done?

SAY: Joseph wasn’t mad was he? Joseph forgives his brothers. Joseph said, “don’t be upset. You wanted to hurt me, but Got meant it for good”.

ASK: What do you think that means – God meant it for good?

SAY: God took Joseph’s experiences in the pit and in prison and used them so that Joseph helped lots of people (including his own family) to have plenty of food.

SAY: We can learn from this story that sometimes-bad things happen to us. Sometimes people can hurt us. But God loves you. God is always at work for good to happen in your life. Bad things can happen to us but we need to trust that God will take those bad things and use them for something good.

SAY: Before we get back to our shirts let’s have some prayer time.

ASK for any prayer requests. Ask if anyone would like to lead the group in prayer. Be prepared to say a prayer yourself, working in prayer requests. A suggestion: “Dear God, Thank you for teaching us about Joseph – even though lots of bad things happened to Joseph, he kept his faith in you God. Help us to learn how to trust you always. Amen”

SAY: Let’s make a special colorful t-shirt. When you wear your shirt you’ll be reminded that God’s love “covers” you through all situations. [Note: as you say this last line you may wish to wrap yourself in one of the completed t-shirts.]

Step 2: Spray Painting Tie-Dye Shirt

  • Have everyone put on gloves and a smock. Everyone must be well covered. Meanwhile an adult with gloves removes the shirts from the fixer solution, wringing them to remove excess solution.
  • Demonstrate how to hold the spray bottle – which way will the spray be coming out?! Teach everyone to hold the spray bottle at a shallow angle to the surface. Students may use as many or as few colors as they like.
  • Have students spray desired colors. After a few sprays, stop and wait a minute (let someone else use the spray bottle). It takes a minute for the color to “ripen” – the fuchsia especially deepens as it stands. Holding the bottle closer creates a more concentrated color; farther away – more subtle.
    [Note: for wrinkle or swirl designs they will need to work the shirt creating wrinkles or swirls before applying dye. See instructions with spray dye kit.]
  • When finished, have each student place his or her dyed shirt in a gallon zip bag. Try to have shirt placed in bag so name is visible (or write name on zip bag). The shirt must stay in the bag at least 8 hours. (We will ask parents to finish the dyeing process at home. Directions will be attached to each zip bag. For copy of directions, see “Attachments” at end of lesson.)
  • An adult with clean, gloved hands should wipe exterior of zip bags with paper towel to remove any traces of dye.
  • Have students carefully remove gloves and dispose; Remove smock (folding neatly on cart).


Make sure everyone takes his or her shirt! (Tell them to have parents read the instructions.)

Note: for the “attachment” mentioned – take-home instructions.


  • Tie-dye instructions:
  • Tie dye kit: “Rainbow Rock Dye Adventures, Spray Dye Kit” by made Duncan Enterprises 1-800-438-6226 or (comes with 3 colors and supposedly makes 8-12 shirts)
    Moderator adds: This product seems to now be discontinued, you may want to check out this website
  • Bruno, Bonnie and Reinsma, Carol. The Young Reader’s Bible. Cincinnati, OH: Standard Publishing, 1998.
  • Hansen, Cindy, ed. The Humongous Book of Games for Children’s Ministry. Loveland, CO: Group Publishing, 2002. (Game on page 137.)
  • Klusmeyer, Steve and Brenda. “Joseph the Dreamer.” October 2002. (Lesson is no longer at this site.)

A set of workshops from First United Methodist Church
Ann Arbor, MI

Copyright 2003 First United Methodist Church, Ann Arbor, MI.
Permission to copy materials granted for non-commercial use provided credit is given and all cited references remain with this material

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Joseph in Egypt
Art Workshop- 3rd grade and up:

Summary of Lesson Activities:
Creative narrative picture scrolls with hieroglyphics (picture words).

Scripture Reference:
Genesis 39–45, 46:5-7

Key Verse:
“We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him.” Romans 8:28 (CEV)

Workshop Objectives:

  • Identify Genesis as the first book in the Old Testament; locating the story in Genesis.
  • Retell the story in their own words – Describing how with God’s help, Joseph came to be the most powerful man in Egypt.
  • Tell how Joseph forgave his brothers. God calls us to work for reconciliation and forgiveness.

Preparation & Supplies:

  • Read the scripture for this lesson.
  • Read and reflect on the overview material provided for this lesson.
  • Prepare an opening and/or closing prayer in case you need one.
  • Scrolls (one per student) – made from two narrow cardboard tubes & 36” of plain wallpaper that looks like “old” paper (pre-glued to tubes with hot glue)
  • Markers, colored pencils, crayons
  • Masking tape
  • Scratch paper – for testing design ideas
  • Examples of hieroglyphics
  • Bibles



Gather everyone seated around tables. Greet your students warmly. Introduce yourself and any other adults. Pass around a basket to collect any offering.
Say: Today we are going to make scrolls that tell the story of Joseph and his brothers. Since this story takes place in Egypt, we’re going to borrow an ancient Egyptian way of writing, to make our scrolls. First, let’s begin with prayer.

Ask for any prayer requests. Ask if anyone would like to lead the group in prayer. Be prepared to say a prayer yourself, working in prayer requests. A suggestion: “Dear God, Thank you for bringing all of us here today. Thank you for teaching us about Joseph and his family. We can learn from Joseph to forgive others, even when they have hurt us. Help us to forgive. Help us remember your love is always with us. Amen.”

Scripture - Where in the Bible?

Ask: Where in the Bible would we find the story of Joseph? (Old Testament, Genesis) In the Old Testament we find stories about Jesus’ life, right? (no!)
Say: The Old Testament contains stories that happened before Jesus was born. In fact, Jesus would have heard these stories read from scrolls.

Distribute Bibles. (Encourage everyone to bring his or her Bible every week.) Have them find Genesis, chapter 40.

Ask: What do you already know about the Joseph story?
These students are visiting the Art Workshop at the end of the Rotation. Get them to tell you what they know about the story. Prompt them to fill in details by using the chapter headings in their Bibles – example: Chapter 40, “The Cupbearer and the Baker”: Who were the cupbearer and the baker?
Where was Joseph? Then what happened? Etc.

Say: Let’s look more closely at what happened when Joseph finally told his brothers who he was.

Have students turn to Genesis chapter 45, verse 1. Going around the table, have each student (who wants to) take a turn reading one verse from Genesis 45:1-15.

Ask: What did the brothers think when Joseph said, “I’m your brother”? (scared) What do you suppose they expected Joseph to do? (get revenge)
What does Joseph do? (offers forgiveness) How does he know that his brothers have changed? (they show concern for Jacob - that he would be heartbroken; they offer to take place of Benjamin in jail)
Do you think it was hard for Joseph to forgive his brothers? When have you had to forgive someone that hurt you? What happened?

Say: Joseph had some hard things happen in his life. But all these events helped Joseph to grow, not just in terms of getting older, but growing in his trust in God. Hearing and understanding Bible stories can help all of us to grow in our trust in God. The same God who was with Joseph is with us too. The same God who helped Joseph do the really hard task of forgiving his brothers can help us forgive too.

Picture Scroll Project:

Ask: At the time that this Bible story takes place (about 3800 years ago) what do you know about how people wrote? (hieroglyphics)
Say: People wrote using symbols or pictures to denote objects or concepts.

Show some examples.

Say: Let’s make a scroll that depicts events in the Joseph story – to remember the events that helped Joseph grow in his faith and brought him to an understanding that allowed him to forgive his brothers.

Brainstorm with the students, ideas about what symbols of their own design could be used to depict parts of the story. They may show whatever portion of the Joseph story they would like to depict. Encourage students in their creativity.

Pass out scrolls and markers, coloring pencils or crayons.
[Hint: Use small pieces of masking tape to keep the scroll flat while drawing.]

Discussion: (while the kids are working, ask)

  • While Joseph was in prison, how do you think he felt towards his brothers?
  • While in prison, how hard must it have been to keep faith in God?
  • Do you ever feel like things aren’t going so well, and maybe God has forgotten you?
  • What do you do to get back in tune with God?
  • How did God signal to Joseph (even while in prison) that he was still on Joseph’s side?
  • Does God promise to save us from hard times or get through them?

Talk briefly with the class about the meaning of reconciliation – explain that in the end of the Joseph story, Joseph and his family are reconciled.

  • What does reconciliation mean? (dictionary definition: end of a conflict, renewing a relationship)
  • What does God call us to do? (work for reconciliation)

If there is time, discuss what it means to be reconciled to God through Christ.

If You Have Time (additional discussion point):
Ask: Why doesn’t God speak to us today through dreams, as he did to many people in Old Testament times? Could He?
[People of Old Testament times did not have the Bible, as we know it today. Only a few had small portions of it; thus maybe God spoke to chosen people in a more direct way, through dreams or angels, or personally.]


Say: God loves you and is working for good in your life. We can learn from the Joseph story that hard times can turn out good and forgiveness is possible when we open our hearts to God.


A lesson from First United Methodist Church
Ann Arbor, MI
Copyright 2003 First United Methodist Church, Ann Arbor, MI.
Permission to copy materials granted for non-commercial use provided credit is given and all cited references remain with this material

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Last edited by Luanne Payne

Joseph in Egypt

Cooking / Puppets / Games for Younger Children - ideas only, not complete lessons.

Cooking Workshop:

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Go on a hunt to find 12 ingredients that represent the 12 brothers in the Joseph story. Make trail mix and talk about how the brothers went out “on the trail” to Egypt.

For this workshop we used a published curriculum: “The Quest for Identity: Joseph in Egypt. Eat Your Way through the Bible.” Glenview, IL: Cornerstones Publishing, 2000, unfortunately Potter's Workshops closed their site on 1/1/2020.

I made modifications to focus on only the Joseph (and his brothers) in Egypt part of the story. It was somewhat difficult to find trail mix ingredients that did not include any peanut products (or cherries – another allergy trigger for us to watch for). There are 6 different colors of Fruit Loops cereal so there was 6 ingredients right there. (Note: blue and purple are under-represented in a box of Fruit Loops!) The kids enjoyed this workshop very much.

Also, check out the Joseph's Cooking Forum here at for more ideas.

Puppet Workshop:

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Use handle-bag puppets to enact the story of Joseph and his brothers.

For this workshop we used material found in Kurt Hunter’s book Puppets, Kids, and Christian Education (Augsburg Fortress, 2001, ISBN 0806664096)
The puppet script is also available from their web site at

I don't have a written lesson for this, but you can view our Joseph's Coat Puppet Workshop here, just adjust scripture reading and questions to be about Joseph in Egypt. This lesson using the same script but only the 1st-6 paragraphs, as it's focus is on Joseph's coat/dreams.

Games Workshop for Younger Students:

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Play a variety of games to reinforce story concepts.

For this workshop we used a variety of sources

  • To practice the key verse we used the “Verse Wave” in The Big Book of Bible Games (Ventura, CA: Gospel Light, 1996. ISBN 0830730532)
  • We played a game of tag modified from the book The Humongous Book of Games for Children’s Ministry. (Loveland, CO: Group Publishing, 2001. ISBN 076442355X)
  • We used a portion of the published curriculum: “Living in Land of Many Colors: Joseph Remains Faithful”. Bloomington, IL: Potter’s Workshops, 2000, unfortunately Potter's Workshops closed their site on 1/1/2020.

Also, check out the Joseph's Game Forum here at for more ideas.

Workshops used at First United Methodist Church
Ann Arbor, MI 48104P

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Joseph in Egypt
Games Workshop for older students (readers)

Summary of Lesson Activities:Jeopardy-Joseph-Sample
Play a game of Jeopardy to review the Joseph story.

Scripture Reference:
Genesis 39–45, 46:5-7

Key Verse:
“We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him.” Romans 8:28 (CEV)

Workshop Objectives:

  • Identify Genesis as the first book in the Old Testament; locating the story in Genesis.
  • Retell the story in their own words – Describing how with God’s help, Joseph came to be the most powerful man in Egypt.
  • Know that God guides our steps – God can help us make the best of a bad situation. Any situation can be for good, even something intended for evil.

Preparation and Supplies:

  • Read the scripture for this lesson.
  • Read and reflect on the overview material provided for this lesson.
  • Prepare an opening and/or closing prayer in case you need one.
  • Gather the materials.
  • Set up the Jeopardy game board (refer to material at end of lesson) – write index cards for each of the 5 categories. Prepare index cards with answers written on them. There should be a total of 25 answer cards. (The tie-breaking answer/question is just in case you need it.) Each answer in a category has a point value- 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500. Write the point value on the other side of the card. Place index cards in their pockets on the game board – with the point values showing (so answers are not seen).
  • Bibles
  • Bible Jeopardy game board (blue with clear plastic sleeves- purchased at a teacher store)
  • Index cards (31)
  • Jeopardy questions and answers (attached)
  • Paper and pencil to keep score
  • Paraphrase of the story (printable PDF attached)
  • Slips of paper to hand out at end of class (with Bible reference on them)



Greet your students warmly, welcoming them to the Games Workshop. Introduce yourself and any other adults.

Say: We are learning (continuing to learn) about the story of Joseph and his brothers.
Last month we left the story with Joseph being sold into slavery in Egypt. Before we read about what happens to Joseph, let’s begin with prayer.
Ask for any prayer requests. Ask if anyone would like to lead the group in prayer. Be prepared to say a prayer yourself, working in prayer requests. A suggestion: “Dear God, Thank you for teaching us about Joseph – even though lots of bad things happened to Joseph, he kept his faith in you God. Help us to learn how we can have that faith too. Amen”

Scripture - Where in the Bible?

Distribute Bibles if needed. Encourage everyone to bring Bibles every week. Have them find Genesis, chapter 39.

Say: This is a long story. It covers chapters 39 through 45, and part of chapter 46. I encourage all of you to read this story at home this week. For now, I’ll read you a condensed version of the story.

Read them the story from the attached paraphrase.
[Note: The exercise of finding the story is important – don’t skip it.]

Play Jeopardy:

Say: We are going to play the game “Jeopardy” to help us learn the Joseph story. As we play the game we’ll have time to talk more about the story.
Form two teams . Supply each team with Bibles. Ask the Shepherd to keep score.

Make sure everyone understands the general idea of the game Jeopardy: you are given an answer and you try to come up with a question for that answer. Teams will work together to come up with the correct question.

Explain the procedure for the game:

  • The first player of Team A chooses a category (any category) and any point value.
  • Read the answer on the index card.
  • The player then confers with his/her teammates. When the team has consensus, they state the question. (Questions are supposed to relate to the Bible story. If stumped, they may use their Bibles.)
  • If correct, that team receives those points. If incorrect, the other team may try for those points by seeing if they can determine the correct question. (The workshop leader may use his/her own judgment as to whether a given question is close enough to the one written in this lesson.) Be sure to explain any answers and questions that need clarification while playing. Take all opportunities for teaching moments!
  • Play then passes to Team B to repeat steps 1-4. Continue alternating between teams until the board is empty (or you run out of time – be sure to leave a few minutes for closing discussion). Take turns so that every player on each team has a chance to choose a category.
  • The team with the most points wins. (But don’t put too much emphasis on winning.)

Important Notes for Game Playing:
Competitive games should be played as a team so that infrequent attendees or visitors are not made to feel pressured or uncomfortable. Make sure that each player has a chance to choose the category and point value, but make sure all players "confer" with their team before answering! This also will promote discussion among the students.


Ask: Do you think Joseph ever doubted God? Do you think he felt like God had forgotten about him? What about you – do you ever feel like that? What can you do if you have feelings of doubt?

Say: Romans 8:28 tells us, “We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him.”
Ask: What do you think that means?

Say: This is a good Bible verse to remember by heart. It’s printed on the paper you can take home. God loves you and God is always at work for good in your life.

For story paraphrase see the Resource list below.

Jeopardy questions:

Basic format – points:: answer::question

  • Category: VOCABULARY
    100:: Genesis:: What is the first book of the Bible? Or where is the story found?
    200::Egypt:: Where does the story take place? Or where is Joseph sold to slavery?
    300::Famine::Why was it necessary for Joseph’s brothers to come to Egypt for food? [Genesis 42:2]
    400:: Ishmaelites:: Who brought Joseph to Egypt? [Genesis 39:1]
    500::Canaan:: Where was Joseph originally from? [Genesis 42:7c]
  • Category: NUMBERS
    100::17::How old was Joseph when he was sold into slavery [Genesis 37:2]
    200:7:: How many cows (or ears of grain) in Pharaoh’s dream? or How many years did the famine last? [Genesis 41]
    300::10:: How many brothers went to Egypt to buy grain? [Genesis 42:3]
    400::30:: How old was Joseph when he was put in charge of Egypt? [Genesis 41:46]
    500::3:: How many items were in the cupbearer's dream? or How many days Joseph predicted before the cupbearer would be released? [Genesis 40:12-13]
    100::Joseph::Who is the main character in the story?
    200 Potiphar:: Who bought Joseph from the slave traders? Or Who was the captain of the Pharaoh’s guard? [Genesis 39:1b]
    300: Pharaoh:: Who put Joseph in charge of Egypt? [Genesis 41:39-41]
    400::Jacob:: Who was Joseph’s father? [Genesis 37:2]
    500::Benjamin:: Who didn’t go on the first journey to Egypt? [Genesis 42:4]
  • Category: OTHER FACTS
    100::Seven years of plenty:: What did the 7 fat cows (and 7 full heads of grain) represent? [Genesis 41: 26; 29]
    200:: Collect food during good years and store up the grain::How did Joseph plan to prepare for the 7 years of Famine? [Genesis 41:35-36]
    300::The Cupbearer:: Who’s dream did Joseph interpret while in prison? [Genesis 40:1-13]
    400::Simeon::Which brother did Joseph put in jail (to ensure the other brothers would return with Benjamin)? [Genesis 42:24b]
    500::The Silver Cup:: What did Joseph hide in Benjamin’s grain to further test his brothers? [Genesis 44:2]
    100:: “When his master saw that the Lord was with him, and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did…” [Genesis 39:3]:: How did Joseph come to be in charge of Potiphar’s household?
    200:: “The Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden.” [Genesis 39:21]:: How was God with Joseph in prison?
    300:: “…but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.” [Genesis 41:16]:: What did Joseph say when Pharaoh asked if he could interpret his dream?
    400:: “Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you…I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt [Genesis 41:39, 41]:: How was it that Joseph came to be the most powerful man in Egypt?
    500:: “Do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.” [Genesis 45:5]:: What did Joseph tell his brothers when he revealed who he was?

    Tie breaking question: “Let your servant remain here as my lord’s slave in place of the boy, and let the boy return with his brothers.” [Genesis 44:33] :: How did Joseph know that his brothers had changed?


  • Klusmeyer, Steve and Brenda. “Joseph, From Slave to Ruler.” October 2001. (Lesson is no longer at this site.)
  • Story paraphrase adapted from one written by Kirk of Kildaire Presbyterian Church. “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” Faith Challenge Lesson Sets. 2003.
  • Scripture quoted in key Bible verse is taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1995 by American Bible Society. Used by permission.
  • Scripture in the Jeopardy game cards is taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

A lesson from First United Methodist Church
Ann Arbor, MI
Permission to copy materials granted for non-commercial use provided credit is given and all cited references remain with this material

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Last edited by Luanne Payne

Joseph in Egypt
Video WorkshopJoseph-King-Of-Dreams-Dreamworks

Summary of Lesson Activities:
View a video clip, Joseph King of Dreams, covering the story of Joseph being sold to Potiphar to his reunion with his brothers in Egypt. Note: written for a class time of 45 minutes – with no wiggle room!

Scripture Reference:
Genesis 39–45, 46:5-7

Key Verse:
“We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him.” Romans 8:28 (CEV)

Workshop Objectives:

  • Identify Genesis as the first book in the Old Testament; locating the story in Genesis
  • Retell the story in their own words – Describing how with God’s help, Joseph came to be the most powerful man in Egypt.
  • Tell how Joseph forgave his brothers.
  • Know that God guides our steps – God can help us make the best of a bad situation. Any situation can be for good, even something intended for evil.

Preparation and Supplies:

  • Read the scripture for this lesson.
  • Read and reflect on the overview material provided for this lesson.
  • Preview the video and have it cued to the correct starting place – about 22 minutes into the video – where Joseph is pushed into line at the slave market.
  • Gather the materials.
  • Make a “Things to watch for” poster. Include these 4 items: Joseph, Potiphar, brothers, and Pharaoh. Next to each of these items, draw stick figures to help the non-readers. Examples: give Joseph a colorful coat, Potiphar an Egyptian headdress, many stick figures for the brothers, a stick figure with Egyptian headdress and crown for Pharaoh.
  • Fill the water jug with ice and water from the kitchen.
  • Prepare Goldfish snack by pouring crackers into cups.
  • Video: “Joseph King of Dreams.” Dreamworks, 2000.  Available as a DVD and by streaming.
  • Snack items: goldfish crackers, paper cups, napkins, water pitcher
  • Easel with paper (for “Things to watch for” poster)
  • A copy of The Adventure Bible bookmarked to Genesis 39:2-4

Lesson Plan


Greet your students warmly, welcoming them to the Video Workshop. Introduce yourself and any other adults.
Say: We are continuing to learn about the story of Joseph and his brothers. Some of you saw part of this video last month. If you didn’t see it, that’s ok. Today we’re going to watch the rest of the story. First, let’s begin with prayer.

Ask for any prayer requests. Ask if anyone would like to lead the group in prayer. Be prepared to say a prayer yourself, working in prayer requests. A suggestion: “Dear God, Thank you for teaching us about Joseph – even though lots of bad things happened to Joseph, he kept his faith in you, God. Help us to learn how we can have that faith too. Amen”

Pass around a basket to collect any offering.
[Note: The Shepherd will be quietly taking care of attendance, etc. while you are starting your lesson.]


Say: Let’s take a look at what we should watch for in our video.
Refer to the “Things to watch for” poster.

Say: We’ll start by seeing Joseph sold as a slave in Egypt. We meet Potiphar who bought Joseph to work in his house. Joseph’s brothers come into the story again. And there’s Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. These are the important characters we’ll look for.

Have the Shepherd distribute cups of Goldfish and water. [Continue with lesson as Shepherd does this – you’ve got a lot of video to see!]

Say: At times I will be fast-forwarding through parts of this video. It’s too long for us to watch all of it.

Show the Video:

START the video at the designated place (see “Leader Preparation” - about 22 minutes in to the video – where Joseph is pushed into line at the slave market.).

Don’t stop the video but POINT OUT – Joseph.
POINT OUT – Potiphar, when he comes up to Joseph as he works.
PAUSE after about 2 minutes, after Potiphar says, “Get him some new clothes”.

Ask: Whom did Joseph imagine he was seeing in the puddles of water? (his brothers) Why is he thinking about his brothers? (angry at them for what they did)
Say: Joseph is in Egypt, far from home and having to work hard, because his jealous brothers sold him into slavery.
Ask: How would you feel if you were Joseph?

SKIP FORWARD to when Joseph is thrown into prison.

Say: Let me read to you from the Bible about what took place.
Read Genesis 39:2-4
Say: Joseph was a slave and far from home, but things were not too bad; God was with Joseph. God had a plan for Joseph. But then, Joseph was falsely accused of doing something that he didn’t do and was put into prison. Was this part of God’s plan? Let’s watch what happens.

PAUSE after Joseph pounds door and says, “no one cares”.

Ask: It looks like Joseph has been in prison a long time – do you think Joseph felt like God had forgotten him?

For 3rd grade and up:
Ask: What about you – do you ever feel like things aren’t going so well and maybe God has forgotten you?

For all students:
Say: God does have a plan for Joseph and his plan included this dark time in Joseph’s life. God has a plan for each of us. We can't always see God’s plan. It’s ok to tell God how we are feeling. It’s ok to wonder just what is God’s plan. We’re going to watch a part of the video where Joseph remembers his experiences and renews his faith in God.

SKIP FORWARD to where Joseph is laying on the prison floor and the sun streams in.
PAUSE when see Potiphar coming.

Say: Joseph is going to meet the king of Egypt, Pharaoh.

SKIP FORWARD to when Joseph is brought before Pharaoh and Pharaoh says “is this the one you spoke of”.
PAUSE when Joseph goes down the hallway, after being elevated in status.

Ask: How do you think Joseph feels now that he’s been given power over all Egypt?

SKIP FORWARD to where shows people lined up at tents for food distribution.

Say: God helped Joseph to know that Pharaoh’s dreams meant there would be seven good years followed by seven years when no crops would grow. Joseph made sure that food was stored during the good years so that there was enough for everyone to eat when no crops grew. During these good years Joseph was married and had two children.
Say: We've gone forward to the point in the story were there is drought.
Ask: Does everyone know what drought means? (a time of no rain)
Say: No rain and thus, no crops to harvest. In those days, if you couldn’t grow crops then you didn’t have any food. All the grain that Joseph stored during the seven good years is now being sold to the people. People are coming from all over to buy food.


POINT OUT (but don’t stop video) Joseph (because he looks different) and Joseph’s wife.
POINT OUT (but don’t stop video) Joseph’s brothers.

PAUSE after Joseph looks into the prison cell for the second time (after he tells his wife about his brothers and says “no, not everything").

Ask: How does Joseph feel about seeing his brothers?
What would have been YOUR reaction to your brothers showing up in Egypt? Would you have been still mad at them for what they had done?

SKIP FORWARD to when Joseph looks out the curtain and sees that his brothers have returned.

Say: Let’s watch and see what happens when the brothers come back.

STOP when video is finished.

Say: Joseph didn’t fully discover God’s plan for his life until his brothers reappeared and he forgave them. Now Joseph understood that those hard times had been God’s plan. Joseph was able to save his family from starving.


(if you have time)
Ask students what they thought of the movie, what part they liked best, etc.

Alternate idea: share from your personal experience a time when you were feeling “forgotten” but then understood God’s love and presence; the children will be enriched.


  • Klusmeyer, Steve and Brenda. “Joseph, From Slave to Ruler.” October 2001. (Lesson is no longer at this site.)
  • MacQueen, Neil. “Extra Teaching Resources” in “Teachers Guide to Joseph Story”. 2003 found here at this site.
  • MacQueen, Neil. "A Manual for the Video - A/V Workshop".

    There is about 25 minutes of video to watch. You’ll have to keep things moving in order to have time to include discussion along the way.

    (Note: Below is a chart of DVD preview breakdown.)
    Portion Viewed

A lesson from First United Methodist Church
Ann Arbor, MI
Copyright 2003 First United Methodist Church, Ann Arbor, MI.
Permission to copy materials granted for non-commercial use provided credit is given and all cited references remain with this material

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.


Images (2)
  • Portion Viewed
  • Joseph-King-Of-Dreams-Dreamworks
Last edited by Luanne Payne

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