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Post your computer lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for teaching about Samuel in Sunday School


A Game and Skit Workshop Lesson

Scripture Reference:
I Samuel 3: 1-21
Ask: Has God ever spoken to you? What do you think God's "voice" sounds like? (Have students try their best.)
Do you hear God's voice with your ears or with your heart? What would it feel like to hear God's voice?
Name some "actions" such as guiding or helping that might be God's way of speaking to you?
Read and Discuss:

Split into two teams and explain that after you read I Samuel 3: 1-21, each team will write down as much of the story as they remember and we'll see who remembered the most details.
As the teams reveal their lists, write them on the board. After the two teams have revealed what they remember, quiz each team about the meaning of certain details -- awarding them 'bonus points' for understanding what they heard and remembered.

Dramatize these stories about how some people "hear" God's voice:

Split into groups and give them one of these short script to read aloud as they are acted out. Tell them that they can add to the story if they want to, but that at the end of the telling, they have to explain how they think God "spoke" in the story.

-A lady in our church was worrying about a very serious illness she had. For the longest time she had been praying God to heal her disease. Then one Sunday as she was sitting in the sanctuary during prayers, her worried feelings turned peaceful and confident, and she realized God was healing her heart, and was telling her that he would be with her no matter what happened.

-In the middle of the night I woke up thinking about my son who was having trouble with his family, so I decided to call him in the morning to see how he was doing. When he answered, he just wanted to talk about the weather, but then I told him about waking up with my worries and he finally admitted he was having trouble with his job and thought he might lose it.

-One week at church Aileen saw a young girl who looked sad sitting with her father in worship. Aileen felt the urge to go over to the girl after worship and introduce herself. Aileen learned that the girl's mother had recently passed away. A few Sundays later, the girl stopped coming to church. When the pastor told Aileen that the girl and her father had moved away, the pastor gave Aileen the name of someone else who could use a friend.

-Rob was acting out the story of the Prodigal Son in Sunday School when suddenly he realized that HE had not being a very good son his own parents. He had taken his parents' money and spent it on a junk food and finally was feeling guilty and ashamed about it. Rob felt convicted by the story and resolved to ask his parents forgiveness. When he approached his dad and told him the truth, he thought he would get punished, but instead, his father hugged him.
-Jess prayed every night that she would make friends at her new school. But every day she shied away from talking to people. She heard announcements about teams and clubs every morning at school, but ignored them, and every night she kept asking God to give her friends. Then one day Sam walked up to her at the end of class and invited her come to a youth group event at her church. Jess said no, but every night kept praying to God to bring her friends. Then one Sunday Jess' mom took her to a new church, and when she walked in the door, she saw Sam standing there smiling. That night, Jess thanked God for being persistent.
Last edited by Neil MacQueen
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Ideas from Neil MacQueen

Use Cal and Marty’s Scripture Memory Game to work on 1 Sam 3’s several memorable and provocative memory verses (the story of God’s call to Sam). There’s several of them so your kids could hunt and decide, then tell you why they think it’s an important verse by adding a note or quiz with the verse in Cal and Marty.

If you’re doing Eli and Samuel (1 Sam 3) try re-scripting the intriguing dialog of the verses using Let’s Talk. Let’s Talk is perfect for recasting stories, letting the kids come up with more explanatory dialog, and having them respond through their talking character to your questions.

"Cal & Marty" and "Let's Talk" software programs are now free to the supporting members of!

Learn more

You can also use Kid Pix 4 or the newer "3D" version to illustrate the funny/amazing line from God in 1 Sam 3 where he says, “See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make both ears of anyone who hears of it tingle.”

Using Let’s Talk or Kid Pix 4 have the kids put words or images to the questions: What does a spiritual “tingle” feel, look, sound like?  How ELSE does a person know that God is doing something special to them or around them besides a “tingling” feeling? A person? A sense of confirmation and confidence, etc. Note that Samuel shared God’s message Eli, and Eli confirmed it was true.

*The Life of David (Kid's Interactive Series)

Samuel is briefly introduced in the following sections:

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Several stories about Samuel are found in the SunScool Bible App for Kids.

Samuel stories in SunScool Bible App

When you select Levels 1 or 2, "God Calls Samuel" is one of the story presentations that appears under the "Ruth and Samuel" section of the app's menu.

If you select Level 3 or 4 (grades 2/3 thru 5 approx) under the Ruth and Samuel menu, you'll find FOUR stories about Samuel:

  • C6-1 : Praying to God, Hannah dedicates Samuel to God
    1 Samuel 1:1-28;
  • C6-2 : Growing before God  (Samuel the boy with his parents and Eli)
    1 Samuel 2:1-36; 4:11
  • C6-3 : Listening to God (Samuel called by God in the Temple)
  • 1 Samuel 3:1-21
    C6-4 : Working for God (Samuel finds a king for Israel)
    1 Samuel 8:1-10; 9:1-27; 10:1; 11:1-13;

The App is free, ecumenical, and can be downloaded for use on tablets, smartphones, Windows, and Mac!    Get the download link and look up the story you need in our Outline of all 170+ stories in SunScool. That page also includes app helps.

SunScool Bible App for Kids


Images (1)
  • Samuel stories

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