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Post your computer lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for teaching about Samuel in Sunday School
A Game and Skit Workshop Lesson
Ask: Has God ever spoken to you? What do you think God's "voice" sounds like? (Have students try their best.)
Split into two teams and explain that after you read I Samuel 3: 1-21, each team will write down as much of the story as they remember and we'll see who remembered the most details.
Dramatize these stories about how some people "hear" God's voice:
Split into groups and give them one of these short script to read aloud as they are acted out. Tell them that they can add to the story if they want to, but that at the end of the telling, they have to explain how they think God "spoke" in the story.
-A lady in our church was worrying about a very serious illness she had. For the longest time she had been praying God to heal her disease. Then one Sunday as she was sitting in the sanctuary during prayers, her worried feelings turned peaceful and confident, and she realized God was healing her heart, and was telling her that he would be with her no matter what happened.
-In the middle of the night I woke up thinking about my son who was having trouble with his family, so I decided to call him in the morning to see how he was doing. When he answered, he just wanted to talk about the weather, but then I told him about waking up with my worries and he finally admitted he was having trouble with his job and thought he might lose it.
-One week at church Aileen saw a young girl who looked sad sitting with her father in worship. Aileen felt the urge to go over to the girl after worship and introduce herself. Aileen learned that the girl's mother had recently passed away. A few Sundays later, the girl stopped coming to church. When the pastor told Aileen that the girl and her father had moved away, the pastor gave Aileen the name of someone else who could use a friend.