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Computer and Game Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Jesus and the Man Let Down Through the Roof

Post your Sunday School computer and game lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for Jesus and the Man Let Down Through the Roof

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Jesus and the Man Let Down Through the Roof - The story of the paralytic being brought by four friends and healed by Jesus can be found in three of the four Gospels: Matthew 9:2-8, Mark 2:1-22 and Luke 5:17-26, etc.

Bible lessons and ideas about Jesus and the Man Let Down Through the Roof -with Computer, software, interactive stories, games, Games, Bible memory, Games that teach the Bible, Bible Activities, Bible Books, etc.

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The Man Let Down Through the Roof

Computer Workshop Lesson Plan


Mark 2:1-12


Faith Through the Roof from Sunday Software
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In this program, your kids sail to Capernaum with Peter and become of the four who help carry the paralyzed man to see Jesus. After the miracle, Jesus speaks with your kids.

The program can be installed in a "lab" or on a teacher's computer for display on a larger screen, or shared with church members for in-home use.


Comments on the Importance of the Story

Mark places this story at the very beginning of Jesus' ministry, and it doesn't take long to figure out WHY.

The story reveals four important things:

  • Jesus is the great teacher
  • Jesus has compassion for others
  • Jesus has healing power
  • And most importantly: Jesus really is The Chosen One!  (Jesus calls himself "The Son of Man" in the story, which is to say, he's the One.)

As if we needed more reasons to love this story:

  • The man believed in Jesus before he was healed.
  • And four people went out of their way to help the man see Jesus and receive Jesus' healing forgiveness. ==> Sounds like ministry to me.

In summary, The Man Let Down Through the Roof may be the most complete and important miracle story in the Gospels.

It's also one of the FEW miracle stories repeated in detail in all three synoptic GOSPELS, and is very similar to John 5, another paralytic with a mat.

And then there is the image of the four people HACKING THROUGH THE ROOF, the sticks and dried mud plaster falling down onto the gathered, and Jesus looking up in astonishment as the man was lowered down to him.

Now you know why I devoted an entire software program's budget to this ONE story. It deserved it. (Or rather, I owed it to the story.)

I chose Mark 2's version of this important story for two reasons:

1) Mark has the most story detail to work with.
2) The story takes place in Capernaum, --> Peter's House, and Jesus' early base of operations. The hole was cut in Peter's roof. Wonder what his mom thought?

Supplies List:

Leader Preparation:

  • Install and preview the software.
  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Print the Game Guide and extra copies of the Student guide (on the last page of the game guide)

Lesson Plan


The software is the second part of your Lesson Plan. Here's the first:

1. Begin your lesson by asking the kids how much they know of the story.

2. Look it up in Mark 2, and for older children, have them compare it to Matthew and Luke's versions. The point is to create familiarity!

3. Tell your students that the story reveals four important things about Jesus (and list them where they can see them):

  • Jesus is the great teacher
  • Jesus has compassion for others
  • Jesus has healing power
  • Jesus really is the Son of God, or as he refers to himself, "The Son of Man" -- which means the one chosen by God to deliver salvation.

Share that the word for "miracle" used in the Gospels is the Greek word for "SIGN" (message).  Ask students for examples of "signs" and what message they are trying to tell us.  Miracles in the Gospels are almost always "signs" Jesus performs to reveal who he truly is and why he has come.

Jesus performs miracles to give the people signs/messages about WHO HE IS.  Let those with eyes truly see!

Tell them that AFTER they have played the software game you'll be asking them to give examples from the story for each of those four points.

The FOURTH POINT bears special attention, especially for your older children. How do we really know Jesus is the Son of God? Jesus claims the authority to forgive sins, and only God is allowed to do that. Right here in the beginning of Mark, we see an answer to atheists and critics. Jesus himself sends the signal. The crowd may say "who is this man?" But Jesus has already told them. The only question then, is DO WE BELIEVE HIM?"

Regarding the Divinity of Christ, this is the way I put it to youth:

Jesus told us who he was, and showed us who he was.
So the question isn't just "who is Jesus?"
The question is "who are YOU" and "what are you going to do" now that you know Jesus is the Son of God come to save and forgive?


Faith Through the Roof (from Sunday Software) plays like an adventure game. Your students hop a boat with Peter who's on his way back home to Capernaum. Peter talks to your student here and at other times during the game.

Once in the village, your students are approached by one of the man's friends to help him find and carry the stretcher. Stand outside the window and you can hear Jesus teaching. Climb the roof and you can hack a hole in the roof and lower the man down through it.

See Jesus heal him, then jump down through the hole to hear Jesus deliver your students a personal message. Then go back to the boat. Meet the man's friend once more to hear about how his life is changed. Now go fishing out on the lake for answers to a five question quiz and discussion starter. Copies of the quiz panels are found in the Game Guide.



Stop at the end of the quiz in the software until everyone has caught up, then invite everyone to gather TOGETHER to watch and listen to the sea-themed music video "We'll Follow the Son."  Discuss the meaning of the song. What did the song say the followers of Jesus should be doing?

Option: Look at the supplemental graphic found in the Guide which has life application reflection questions printed on it.


An extra set of life application discussion questions:



Other Software:

  • Life of Christ CD ... this very popular 'broad spectrum' bunch of presentations on the life of Christ has "man down through the roof" in about a 6 minute slideshow, followed by a six question quiz. For years, this was the software we all used to show the story, but next to Faith Through the Roof it doesn't compare on this story.

  • Kid Pix 4 or the newer "3D" version? Write it up and illustrate it in Kid Pix 4... the program I call "powerpoint for kids."
    • Kid Pix 4’s creative writing and drawing tools let your students create their own multimedia pictures and slideshows about any subject.
    • Kid Pix 4 can speak out-loud over the computer speakers whatever is typed on the screen using the text tool.
    • You can import graphics, including photographs, illustrate them and add captions.


Images (1)
  • faith-logo
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Man Let Down Through the Roof - "Mat and Stretcher" games

And some ideas on how to make a stretcher game work.

Each of the suggested "Mat and Stretcher games" helps reinforce a key point in the story.

Mark 2's word for "mat" is "krabbatos" -- which in Greek can mean a variety of things that a person can lay on, including, "pallet, couch, bed, bedroll." In church art and teaching, we've also imagined it as a "stretcher." In the games, we suggest using a BLANKET which is in keeping with the idea behind "krabbatos."

If you don't have blankets that you want dragged around the classroom, go get six foot lengths of BURLAP or cheap muslin at the fabric store. Please note that kids can tumble from the blanket as it is being pulled, so have them wear BIKE HELMETS.

Here are the basic game ideas. Detail and improve them to suit your needs.

Stretcher Game #1: What Paralyzes Us and Blocks Our Way to Jesus
Students pull a teammate sitting on a blanket through an obstacle course (tables, chairs, brooms). As prep, discuss and label the obstacles with names of "things which get in the way of us helping others", and "things which keep us from believing Jesus", and "problems we have that Jesus can help us with." Decide how many teammates need to be pulled through the obstacle course (maybe everyone gets a turn), then after playing, return to each station for some talk.

Stretcher Game #2:  Guiding Others to Christ
This time the blanket stretcher is over the student's head, and their friends are behind them verbally guiding them through the obstacles. Through discussion ahead of time, have the students label the obstacles with ideas, such as: "navigating through temptations",  "navigating through our busy schedules to get to church", "making Jesus important in your life", "finding time to pray for forgiveness", "forgiving others".   The point is that our FRIENDS can help bring us to Jesus.

Stretcher Game #3:  "I've Got Some Good News!"
In this game, students use the blanket to skid across the floor to their "family" (team) standing at the finish line. To skid the mat, they quickly scoot it with their feet while keeping their feet on the mat. If they touch the floor, they have to go back. When they get to their family, they pop up on their own two feet and speak the Good News about Jesus.  What is that Good News?  This is something the class decides and you write on the board for all to see and say.  Perhaps, "I've got some good news: Jesus is here to forgive and heal us." a couple of demonstrations or skits to illustrate key points in the lesson.

  • We want to find Jesus, but get the wrong directions to find him.
  • We come up to Jesus, but other people are trying to "block" us away (label them greed, selfishness, doubt)
  • We claim to want to follow Jesus, but give up when it gets hard. (You can do these as SKITS too).  
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Jesus and the Man Let Down Through the Roof
Games Workshop


The children will play a game to explore the level of faith and commitment of the friends who carried the paralyzed man to see Jesus. They will also consider ways in which they can bring the needs of others to Jesus, and close with a special "Locking Arms to Look for Jesus" prayer.

Scripture Reference:

Mark 2:1-12, also Matthew 9:2-8 and Luke 5:17-26

Memory Verse:

“Let us stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions.” 1 John 3:18 (NLV)

Lesson Objectives
At the end of the session, the students will

  • know that it was not easy for the four friends to carry their friend to Jesus but they had faith and found a way.

Teacher preparation in advance:

  • Read the scripture passages and lesson plan and attend the Bible Study, ...
  • Prepare a closing prayer.
  • Learn the memory verse.
  • To our teachers at RCC: The design of this workshop is very intentional. The activities and discussion questions for this workshop were designed to meet the goals of the entire rotation and the educational objectives of the Rotation Model (tm) at River Community Church. While we feel it is important to follow the serendipitous leading of the Holy Spirit, please do not change the lesson plan without consulting a Curriculum Planning and Writing Team member.
  • Check out the room before your first Sunday workshop so that you know where everything is located.
  • The cabinet with supplies is located in the big Sunday School room. Purchase or request additional supplies from --by October 3.
  • Make the stretchers.
  • Send a notice home suggesting that girls wear shorts or pants on the day they attend this games workshop. (sample above)
  • Write the memory verse on a poster and on index cards for the memory verse game.

Room set-up:
Set-up a path for the children to follow (outside, weather permitting).

Supply List:

  • Bibles
  • "Stretchers" (see instructions below)
  • cones or chairs or flowerpots or something to mark the path
  • Memory verse words on individual index cards (2 or 3 sets, so that you will have about 4 children per set)
  • Memory verse written on posterboard or a flipchart
  • Consider having shorts or pajama pants or something for girls who wear dresses to cover up with
  • Memento: consider having some sort of sticker to reward cooperative participation in the games
  • Shepherd Time: whiteboard or flipchart with markers; plain paper and markers and pens and pencils

    Supplies for optional games:
  • Caring Carriers: beach towels (1 for each group of 4) and inflated balloons (1 for each group plus a few extra in case of “accidents") – you can draw faces on them so they look like friends.
  • Nimble Limbo: long stick (such as a yardstick or broomstick)

  • For each stretcher, you need:
    • 2 poles, each 6 or 7 feet long (small tree trunks and 2 x 2 lumber are good options)
    • A piece of heavy fabric, 5 to 6 feet long (leftover upholstery fabric, old blankets or bedspreads are good sources)
    • Large safety pins
    • Duck tape
    • Upholstery thread or other heavy thread
    • A sewing machine

If you have enough of a "mat" or blanket, then kids can pull their teammate who is sitting on it. To make the "mat" or "stretchers" for the game you can either use old wool "army" blankets, or likewise size pieces of burlap or cheap muslin cloth. A canvas paint tarp or blue tarp works too!  (They make one that's long and skinny and can be cut into "mats" that your kids can pull).

If you want to make it a little more fun like a "stretcher," try this:  STAPLE your canvas drop cloth, blue tarp, or blanket to two 2x4's, and have the player lay down on the mat while their teammates pick up ONE END of the 2x4 and drag them across the floor. Note: Do not let them pick up all four corners of the 2x4s as that can create a tipping/fall problem.

TIP: We recommend a bike helmet for the person being dragged on the mat or the stretcher.


Greet the children and introduce yourself. Explain what they'll be doing and learning about today.

Study the Story:

Read the scripture: Luke 5:17-26. Explain that this story is told in three of the Gospels – we are reading from Luke today. Have the children locate the story passage in their Bibles. Review the organization of the Bible: The Bible is divided into two big parts, the Old and New Testaments. Each part is a collection of books. Each book is divided into chapters and verses. Show them that if they open their Bible in the middle, they will usually land in the book of Psalms in the OT. Point out that the book name is at the top of each page. Tell them that Luke is the third book of the New Testament and it comes after Matthew and Mark. After they have found Luke tell them to find Luke 5:17-26. Some of the children may confuse chapters and verses. Show them that chapter numbers are the big ones, and also are at the top of every page (in most editions).

For classes composed primarily of pre-readers, show the children how to find the passage in the Bible and then have them do it. After everyone has found the passage, have them close their Bibles and listen while you read.

Divide the class into groups of five or six children. (Try to have groups where the children are all about the same size.) Have them practice carrying each other on the stretcher the way the paralyzed man’s friends carried him to Jesus. (See stretcher-making instructions in the supply list.)

SAFETY: Emphasize that the man’s friends cared very much about him so they carried him carefully and worked together. Everybody should pick up and put down their poles at the same time. If one person sets his pole down before the others, their friend will get dumped onto the ground. If anyone finds his load too heavy, he should tell the others so they can all set down the stretcher together.

Go outside where you have created a course for each team, marked into several equal legs. The courses can be triangles, squares, or straight lines marked into sections. The distances should be long enough to require a little effort, but not so long as to be discouraging.

Give each group a stretcher. One child is to lie on the stretcher, while four children carry it the first leg of the course. They then switch positions so that a different child is carried for the next leg. If you have more than five children in a group, rotate the participants so they all have a turn as spectators. Repeat until everybody has had a ride. If needed, remind the children that speed is not the object. They are to carry the friend on the stretcher carefully. NO RACING!

Alternative for younger children or if you are concerned that the children can’t carry each other: Use weights or 40 lbs of rice, etc., double wrapped to prevent spillage. If you use this alternative for older children, use more weight.

If the weather prevents you from going outside, let the children carry each other around the room on the stretchers. Use tables, chairs, or whatever is available to make a course, or just clear out a space and let them take 2 or 3 minute turns carrying and riding.

FIELD TEST NOTE: This was great fun, and I, the great worrier (Amy Roll Eyes) was skeptical, but I helped out one Sunday and no one was hurt and everyone was careful and respectful -- even the 2nd grade boys who occasionally are a bit more rough and rambunctious than I care for. This was easier for the smaller children. For the older/bigger/heavier children, you will want at least one adult to assist with the carrying.

Encourage pairs to decide how they will go under the stick before their turn to try.

As each pair makes it under the stick successfully, applaud.
"You did a really good job helping each other and leaning on one another. In fact, sometimes the only way to get under the stick is with the help of a friend."


Pulling it all together (closing discussion):

  • Was it hard work to carry your friends?
  • I wonder why the friends in the Bible story would work that hard (carry the man to the house, up the stairs to the roof, dig a hole in the thatch, tie ropes to the mat, and lower him down) to get their friend to Jesus?
  • What did the man in the story need from Jesus?
  • I wonder what things your friends need that you could ask Jesus for?
  • I wonder how you can bring your friends to Jesus? (Let them know you are praying for them. Invite them to church. Talk to them about God. Think of things you can do to help them.)

Review the memory verse.
Read the memory verse from a poster together. Divide the class into groups of about 4 children. Give each group a set of index cards with one word of the verse written on each card. Have them put the words in order. Encourage them to help their friends get the job done.

A Locking Arms to Look for Jesus Closing:

Write this prayer on the board and then play it:
Begin in a circle and have the teacher go lock arms with a student as you both say this prayer together: “Thank you God for ____ (name everyone you are locked with). Help us to help each other and other people to see you more clearly and follow you more closely. Amen.”  Now the two of you go lock arms with a third student and everyone repeats the prayer. Then the three of you locks arms with a fourth person, ...and so on.

Additional Suggestions:
Be sensitive to children who are noticeably different size than the majority of the class (both bigger and smaller). Try to match teams of like-sized children rather than friends.

You will need to decide how best to adjust the lesson for older and younger students. Keep the children active and involved in activity. Do what works for you and the children. In addition to the suggestions included in the lesson plan, for younger children:

  • For classes composed primarily of pre-readers, show the children how to find the passage in the Bible (for example, “To find the Gospels, open the Bible in the middle and then open the second half in the middle - you should end up in Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. Our passage is in Luke.") and then have them do it. After everyone has found the passage, have them close their Bibles and listen while you read.
  • In the stretcher game, make the course shorter.
  • In the limbo game, the Workshop Leader and the Shepherd should hold the stick.

This lesson was written by Jamie Senyard for River Community Church, Prairieville, Louisiana.


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Last edited by Neil MacQueen

Here is our Game lesson from First Presbyterian in Jackson, TN.

Game: Bringing our Friends to Jesus!

Children will move through an obstacle course while carrying their friends on a "stretcher (blanket)," bringing their friends to Jesus.



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Last edited by Luanne Payne


“Caring Carriers”

based on an idea from Bible Story Games for Preschoolers

Students place a round "balloon friend" on a stretched beach towel towel that they must keep stretched flat as the team runs with the balloon across the room to meet Jesus without putting their hands on the balloon.

Divide the children into groups of four at one end of the play area. Give each group a large bath towel or beach towel and direct the children to each hold a different corner of the towel. Introduce them to their new balloon friend, who can’t walk by himself. Place a balloon on each towel.

Have the shepherd pretend to be Jesus at the other end of the play area. Tell the children they are to carry their “friend” to the other side of the room without letting “the friend” fall off the towel. Praise each group as it accomplishes its goal.

See how many "balloon friends" they can race across the room and leave with Jesus in under 1 minute.

After playing a first round of the game, stop and discuss "WHO" are the people we should want to "bring to church," "forgive," be especially helpful towards (think family and friends and kids at school). Have the kids write these names on the various balloons and then REPLAY the "carrying" game.


Images (1)
  • Balloon-friends

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