"Promises, Promises"
Jesus' Birth through the Eyes of Isaiah and the Prophets
Computer Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activity:
A Computer Workshop lesson plan about the Old Testament hope and promise of a Messiah.
Software: Fluffy and God's Amazing Christmas Adventure (Sunday Software)
Note: The Fluffy software is FREE for our Supporting Members. Learn more here!
Scripture Reference: Isaiah 9
Software Notes:
Fluffy is a sheep led by God through the whole Advent story. God has a sense of humor and quite a bit to say. Interactive questions and activities are strewn throughout the story screens.
Fluffy software has six learning areas to explore. Lesson #1 on the road to Bethlehem is titled: "Promises, Promises" and teaches about Prophets, the meaning of "Messiah," explores why God wants to be our King, has your kids working with Isaiah 9 "wonderful counselor" (what to expect out of the Messiah), and looks at the family tree of Jesus.
It should take your kids about 30-35 minutes to complete this lesson, especially if you take your time with each section and discuss the results. There is content throughout that is there for the teacher to latch onto!
You can use this software with two or three students at each computer workstation, or work as a class on one computer projected onto a tv screen or wall. Read more about using computers in Sunday school here.

Greet the children and introduce yourself. Explain to them what you hope they will learn today and how they will be learning it!
Ask the kids to tell you what they know about Isaiah and the "promise of a Messiah" as they might remember from other lessons and past Christmas seasons. Share some information with them; in particular, see my "Thoughts on Isaiah" below, as they will jive with ideas in the software.
Post the Question for the Day: "What does God want to be to us?" and "What does God want us to be to him?"
Dive into the Software
Working in groups at the computer(s), take your time going through Fluffy's "Promises Promises" section. Pause after the Kings game, the Jesse Tree activity, and after the Isaiah 9 Fluffimation to discuss the meaning of those activities, aka "what did we learn?"
Print the Promises, Promises Student & Teacher Handout. It has a worksheet for the kids, a copy of the Fluffimation Isaiah 9 questions they'll be filling in, and some things for the teacher. This handout is also available at the Fluffy software webpage.
If you have extra time after finishing "Promises, Promises", do a scripture memory game with Isaiah 9's "wonderful counselor, prince of peace" verse.
A detailed Fluffy teaching guide can be printed from the Fluffy resource page here at Rotation.org.
Start the program and after the opening, select "Promises, Promises" on the main menu map.
1. Listen to the opening Narration by God.
2. About Some of My Kings --God describes the people's demand for a king. Play the Good Kings/Bad Kings matching game.
Prophets Section:
3. Prophet 101 -Interactive questions about what a prophet does.
4. Prophet 201 -Materials to read and discuss --mostly for older students, although teachers may want to relate some of these ideas to their younger students.
5. About "Prophecy and Foretelling the Future" --mostly for older students and those who are spending a lot of time on the concept.
Narration, then...
Messiah Section:
6. More about the meaning of "Messiah."
7. "I am" your Messiah.
8. Prophets Fluffimation Reflection Activity (this is a big interactive activity filled with lots of discussion potential). Kids will be working with Isaiah 9. Note: this can be printed for further discussion.
9. Jesus Family Tree activity. How all these people and you are related. Fill out onscreen and print. Or print and fill out!
Tip: Have some printed copies. The tree graphic has some questions on it.
Ask groups to answer the Questions for the Day that you posted at the beginning of the lesson. Discuss a "best" answer.
If you have time, continue on with the suggested memory verse activity, or, go play the musical "DJ Fluffy Jam" activity in the Fluffy software.
Some Thoughts on Isaiah:
This background is echoed in the software's content.
It is God's greatest desire to be the ruler of our hearts --to have us obediently and lovingly follow him, and him alone. "You shall have no other gods beside me." "Hear O Israel." "I am the Way."
God wants to be our King. But the people want a human king, so he begrudgingly gives Israel a long line of them, each one falling short except David, "a man after God's own heart." So God promises a "second David" through his prophets. A Messiah King, only this time it will be God himself, for God alone can save the people. God alone wants to be our ruler.
But when? A thousand years go by between David and Jesus. But "a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday." (Psalm 46) God is nothing if he is not patient, and timing is one of God's strong suits.
Remember him waiting until the evening breeze in the Garden? Remember him plodding through the wilderness for 40 years? He put up with bad kings and faithless people. Then he waits even longer. And when Israel is humbled, conquered, and occupied, the time is right. For the first time in HISTORY, the world of the Middle East is ready for God's message to explode out of Palestine across the Roman Empire and its network of roads. "Prepare the way," John says, echoing Isaiah 40, for the Word to come in flesh and dwell among us, and then spread like wildfire across the world.
Isaiah prophesies "a virgin shall give birth," and 700 years later, when the time was finally right, God sent Gabriel to a virgin named Mary at the crossroads of the world to give her some startling news. "I'm coming to save."
God patiently waited for the world. What is God patiently waiting and working for YOU to become?
The answer is in the story: Prophet, Angel, Shepherd. They all do the same thing in the story of Jesus' Birth. They all spread the Good News that God is here to save. They become "agents of change," maybe even wonderful counselors, and princes of peace in the image and name of Jesus.