Computer software, tech, apps and related resources for teaching the Story of Joseph in Sunday School
Post your computer software, sites, apps, and other tech related resources for teaching Sunday School lessons about the story of Joseph.
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Post your computer software, sites, apps, and other tech related resources for teaching Sunday School lessons about the story of Joseph.
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2020 Update: Neil has donated several of his Sunday Software programs to be
downloaded free-of-charge by our supporting members. They include Joseph's Story, Cal and Marty's Scripture Memory Game, and also Sonsoft donated Fall of Jericho, as well, all listed below. Learn more and get the software.
Software Choices for Teaching Joseph's Story
1. Joseph's Story
I wrote this game program to take students through the entire story of Joseph. It's called Joseph's Story and it's now free to the supporting members of
Premise: This game functions in your lesson AS your Bible Study. Students navigate a teenage archaeologist through the ruins of Joseph's "lost palace" and discover that Joseph has left his story behind for others to find.
See my lesson outline and details in this post below.
2. Cal and Marty's Scripture Memory Game CD
Gotta love the Reformer cut-ups in this CD: John "Cal" Calvin and Marty Luther and it's also now free to the supporting members of
Ann Wright's lesson BELOW in this forum is a good example of using Cal and Marty to follow up on your Joseph Bible Study with some fun interactive software, in her case the kids will input the lesson's memory verse.
When using "Cal and Marty" software I particularly like the idea of having the students SEARCH FOR KEY VERSES on their own from their Bibles, and then edit them into the Cal game (it has an easy to use verse editor), then playing the verse scramble/unscramble games with their verses.
I also really like the idea of kids INVENTING KEY VERSES of their own! ...a sentence that summarizes an idea in the story.
3. Quiz Software - "Fall of Jericho"
Joseph is a huge story with many characters and episodes. Quiz software such as, Fall of Jericho quiz making software gives you the option to TEST and REINFORCE your student's knowledge of previously taught content. It's also now free to the supporting members of
The other nice thing about creating 30 questions about Joseph in a quiz program, is that six months or a year later you can have your kids GO BACK to REFRESH their memories of your content, and that's an essential step to forming long term memory.
4. Kid Pix 4 or the newer "3D" version ..."PowerPoint for kids"
This creative illustrating program can be used to create illustrations of KEY SCENES in the Bible story. If you have multiple computers, you can assign key episodes/scenes to different workstations. Work with the kids to do a good illustration, don't just stand back. Add text to the scenes that summarize the point of the scene. Print then discuss.
This program is out of print but there's a Kid Pix 3D version out there, and many Sunday Schools that use computer software already have Kid Pix 4.
See Anne Wright's Joseph computer lesson using Kid Pix 4 in this post below.
Joseph in Canaan
Computer Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities:
The children will learn the story of Joseph through a presentation using Lego characters. They will then use Kid Pix 4 or the newer "3D" version to decorate Joseph’s coat. 4th through 5th grade will also write a poem to remind them of Joseph’s story. Add Romans 8:28 to Cal & Marty software, free to Supporting Members, if time permits.
Scripture Reference: Genesis 37:1-36; 39:1-6b
Memory Verse: Romans 8:28a
Key Concepts and Life Application:
The children will:
Preparation and Supplies:
Greet the children and introduce yourself. Distribute Bibles to each child or every two children.
Say: Today we are learning about Joseph and his coat of many colors.
This week we are going to view the story in a little different way. First I’ve got a slideshow for you from The Brick Testament. This is a website that shows different Bible stories using Legos. Then we will go into our software.
[Turn on the projector and start the slide show. You will need to click to make the slide show progress.]
Say: Before we view the slideshow, let’s review where the story is found in the Bible.
Ask: Can anyone tell me whether this is in the Old or New Testament? [Old]
What about the book? [Genesis]
Say: Genesis is the first book in the Bible. Let’s turn to Genesis, chapter 37, to see where the story is located.
View Brick Testament Slideshow
Now, let’s watch the slide show while I read selected verses.
Tell the 4th and 5th graders the verse you will be reading and encourage them to find the verse, even though you are reading excerpts of the verses.
Show the Brick Testament version of the story. [This can be downloaded to your computer. I modified it to make it more Biblically correct but that is up to you. You do need to send a note to the website owner to request usage so he knows it is being used. ]
At this time, the class will use Kid Pix 4 to decorate Joseph’s coat. Walk the class through the following steps and then let them have fun.
Note for 4th and 5th grade: In addition to decorating the coat, have them write a poem about Joseph and add it to their picture. Give them the handout describing four simple poem types so they can be thinking as they decorate (found at end of lesson).
Use Cal & Marty to practice the memory verse, Romans 8:28. (Use the translation of your choice). Rotation editor provided below screenshot of Cal & Marty where they used "The Voice" translation.
Here are also some adaptations by Neil MacQeen, as noted in an above post.
When using "Cal and Marty" software I particularly like the idea of having the students SEARCH FOR KEY VERSES on their own from their Bibles, and then edit them into the Cal game (it has an easy to use verse editor), then playing the verse scramble/unscramble games with their verses.
I also really like the idea of kids INVENTING KEY VERSES of their own! ...a sentence that summarizes an idea in the story.
End with a prayer.
The visuals for the Bible story were obtained from:
Types of Poems:
Choose one of the following poem formats and write a poem about Joseph. Add this to your picture of the beautiful coat.
Acrostic:The first letters of each line are aligned vertically to form a word. Use JOSEPH for your word. An example is below:
Great and powerful
Over all the earth
Doing wonderful thingsCinquain:
Five line poems with the following format with an example below it.
Line 1: Title (noun) - 1 word
Line 2: Description - 2 words
Line 3: Action - 3 words
Line 4: Feeling - 4 words
Line 5: Title - 1 wordGod
Loving, forgiving
Listens to me
Makes me feel safe
There are three lines with five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second, and five syllables in the third. An example is below:
God is always near
He listens to my prayers
He forgives my sins.Color:
Pick your favorite color from Joseph’s coat. Write about how that color makes you feel. An example is shown below.
Yellow is the color of the sun on a summer day.
Yellow is the sound of a busy bumblebee
Yellow is the taste of a big glass of lemonade
Yellow is the smell of a daisy
Yellow is the feeling of my puppy’s fur
Yellow is a color of energy!
A lesson written by Ann Wright from: St. Andrews Presbyterian Church.
Raleigh, NC
A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.
This software program is now free-of-charge to the supporting members of Learn more and download it here!
You can install it on one or more PCs, or show it to a group via LCD project or computer hooked up to a big screen. If you have more than 3 students and only one computer, invite them to come up and help you "play" (navigate) the game, stopping at various parts of the story to learn and discuss more as you wish.
Students navigate "Robin" a young teenage archaeologist through the ruins which mysteriously begin to treat Robin as if she is Joseph, causing her to experience the main events and people found in Joseph's story.
The underground is a bit of a maze with story-puzzles and actions to perform in order to advance (consult the guide for details and solutions). 40-45 minutes to play. "Save Game" and "Jump Ahead" options.
Joseph's Story uses the same two main characters as Exodus Adventures software: Robin (whom your students navigate) and "Grandpa Dabs" (who provides navigational guidance, story content, and questions).
Age Range: Primarily for older children, 1st and 2nd graders will enjoy the story and visuals but will need lots of help navigating. The program can be projected to a group where the teacher or a player completes an area of the program followed by discussion before continuing on.
System: Windows 7, 8, and 10 -only.
Students will play through Joseph's Story software (as far as you want them to), and complete a worksheet to help record what they've learned along the way (optional). See it attached to this lesson.
Be sure to preview your installation and become familiar with the game. Use the guide!
Decide how much time, and if you will use the software for one or two lesson times, and thus, what to skip or move quickly through (use the guide to help students quickly bypass/jump through areas of the game if needed).
Be sure to print the Teacher's Guide. It has all the solutions to the various levels and challenges, and can help students keep moving. Print the worksheet too, if not for the kids then for the teacher's use,
Welcome students and tell them what you hope they will learn today, and what they will be doing to learn it!
Jump into the opening of Joseph's Story. Be sure to explore some of the "explanatory" and "premise" content in the Dig Tent (see the Guide).
The game guide has a number of things which the teacher can "add" to the lesson, including additional questions to ask and points to make.
Closing Prayer
Ask student "what would Joseph pray for?" "What has he discovered are the most important things in his life?" "Who would Joseph pray for?"
The SunScool Bible App for Kids has quite a few interactive lessons that cover the story of Joseph. The story titles available and narration and activities change depending on the age level you select when you first enter the program.
Pictured: The story menu for Level 3. See details below.
In the Joseph section of the app's menu, Levels 1, 2, and 3 all have the following stories ((Level 3 is grades 2/3-5th):
Level 4 for older kids and young teens has these four Joseph lessons (which you could easily supplement with Level 3 lessons as well).
The App is free, ecumenical, and can be downloaded for use on tablets, smartphones, Windows, and Mac! Get the download link and look up the story you need in our Outline of all 170+ stories in SunScool. That page also includes app helps.
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