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The Fiery Furnace

Computer Workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Uses the "Let's Talk" (Sunday Software)

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Leader Preparation:

  • Gather the materials.
  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Explore the software.

Supplies List:

  • "Let's Talk" (Sunday Software)


Opening- Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.

Open with a prayer.

Dig-Main Content and Reflection:

Here's how I have done Fiery Furnace in my labs: with Let's Talk CD (Sunday Software)

The teacher will "stand and deliver" a series of questions which the kids will respond to using the "Talk Now" module in Let's Talk. Whatever the kids type, the computer will speak out-loud.

This "stand and deliver" question/response method is a popular technique in Let's Talk CD and is described in greater detail at the CD's website.

In this particular lesson, we'll be asking the kids 5 questions about the FRIENDS, FURNACES, ANGEL, FAITH  and KINGS in our lives.

After each question, the kids play their responses. Each response is an opportunity for the teacher to elaborate!  Follow up questions are very appropriate.


How strong is YOUR FAITH on a scale of 1 to 10.... ten being "I'd go in a furnace for my faith".


On a scale of 1 to 10, ten being really hard....How hard is it to OBEY God's law and being a good Christian these days?  

What one rule change could YOU make to spend more time with God?


What do you think is the #1 reason why people lack faith these days?

What is the biggest temptation/heat young people face today that keeps them away from church and learning about God?


Name three things God sends us to strengthen our faith and protect us.


Name 3 people (of any age) who you know will help you grow in faith and help you with tough decisions, and/or help you resist temptations.

How do we "demonstrate" our faith to others?


End with a prayer.

Additional Notes:

My Bible/Lesson Notes:

Story Summary: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego won’t worship false gods. They are condemned to death in a furnace for their faith, yet saved by God's angel. This demonstration convinces the King to rescind his law.

  • Bullies.  Is the King a Bully?  or is the King being bullied by his advisors into doing something he didn’t want to do?
  • FRIENDS:   Notice that the three friends faced the trial TOGETHER. Their friendship is a great metaphor for why we join a church.... for strength.

Where are the furnaces in a 4th graders’ life?

  • A parent or sibling that makes fun of going to church?
  • A coach that makes a law that if you go to church instead of ball practice, you’ll have playing time taken away?
  • People who look down on you because of the church you go to.

Who is the King?

  • Bullies, people who make fun of us, parents?, pastors? governments?
  • The "King and his Laws" COULD BE EACH OF US. We in the church often exert PRESSURE TO CONFORM/BEHAVE/ATTEND that is a furnace of sorts.   Looking down on non-believers or judging them for NOT going to church is a form of "being the King."

Fact of the matter is, most of us DO get burned by the furnaces we find ourselves in. It's tough being a Christian. Jesus didn't avoid the torment of the cross. This is important to say to our kids. God doesn't promise us a rose garden when things get tough.  What DOES God promise us?  This is another great question to ask your kids to articulate with Let's Talk CD.

A lesson written by Neil MacQueen from: Venice FL

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Photo Aug 21, 10 32 23 AMPotters Publishing Fiery Furnace Computer Game Adaptation.

Our computer lesson calls for students to answer questions and tape or staple a crepe paper streamer onto a black plate for each correct answer.

We adapted this and used candy corn, plastic spoons, a windowed bakery bag, and four chocolate teddy grahams. Each time the child was instructed to add a flame(s) for correct responses, he/she added a scoop of the candy corn flames to their bag.

At the conclusion of the game, they added 4 chocolate teddy grahams for the 3 men and the angel in the furnace. We cut the bottoms off of plastic cups to use as a funnel into the bag to prevent mess.

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

Moderator Notes: Potter's Publishing was an online small company, they closed down their site after many years on January 1, 2020.


Images (1)
  • Photo Aug 21, 10 32 23 AM: Fiery Furnace Bags
Last edited by Luanne Payne

The SunScool Bible App for Kids has many Daniel stories in it, including the story of the Fiery Furnace.

Below is a comprehensive listing of all the stories and their various titles from all four age levels available in the app. Some stories have different titles depending on the age level you are in.  Level 3 is approximately grades 2/3 thru 5th. Story length, narration, and activities age-adjust depending on the level you select.

  • C1-1 : Strange Country (L1, L2, L3), Serving God, Training (L4)
    Daniel 1:1-7 & 2:1-19 & 2:24-49
  • C1-2: Nebuchadnezzar's Idol (Level 1 only)
    Daniel 2:48-49, 3:1-30
  • C1-2 : Fiery Furnace (L1, 2, and L3), Titled: Standing for God (L4)
    Daniel 3:1-30
  • C1-3 : Mysterious Hand (L3), Speaking for God (L4), Writing on the Wall
    Daniel 5:1-31
  • C1-3: The open window (Levels 1 and 2 only)  Daniel is found praying at an open window and arrested
    Daniel 6:1-16
  • C1-4 : Den of Lions (Levels 1, 2, 3)
    Daniel 6:1-28
  • C1-4: Suffering for God (Level 4) Daniel elevated, Fiery Furnace, Lion's Den
    Daniel 2:48-49; 3:13-25,30; 6:1-28

The App is free, ecumenical, and can be downloaded for use on tablets, smartphones, Windows, and Mac!    Get the download link and look up the story you need in our Outline of all 170+ stories in SunScool. That page also includes app helps.

SunScool Bible App for Kids

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