
Jesus in Gethsemane, Annie VallottonThis Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane Sunday School lesson and resource forum is part of's Palm Sunday to Good Friday, to Easter Morning forum of resources.

Computer Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Teaching Jesus in The Garden of Gethsemane.

Post your Sunday School computer lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for Jesus in The Garden of Gethsemane.

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  • Photos are much appreciated!  Click "attachments" and upload to your post.
  • Please be careful not to post copyrighted materials. Excerpting and paraphrasing is okay. Include attribution.

Including: Luke 22:39-51, Mark 14:36, Jesus, take this cup away, pray, not my will, thy will be done, disciples asleep, arrest, betrayal, etc.

Bible lessons for Jesus in The Garden of Gethsemane -with Computer, software, interactive stories, games, etc.

Software Suggestions for Teaching About Jesus in Gethsemane

I do not know of a software program that specifically covers the story of Jesus praying in Gethsemane. Life of Christ CD for your older children and youth only briefly mentions it in Lesson 32. Arrested, Tried, and Tortured (Luke 22:47-23:45) Jesus, the crowds, the priests, the soldiers, and Pilate. Have you ever been accused of something you didn’t do?   But as always in the computer workshop, we have "utility" software to help us.

Supporting Members can access the Writing Team's Gethsemane Lesson Set and see the computer lesson there.

In fairness to the WT and Board, I dont' want to duplicate that lesson here. My WT lesson after studying the passage, students will create a multimedia reflection using Kid Pix 4 (or 3D) software that focuses on the meaning of Jesus' prayerful response in Mark 14:36, "not what I want, but what you want."

Jesus in Gethsemane


"They are Sleeping, Jesus is Awake" using Let's Talk

"Let's Talk" software program is now free to the supporting members of!  Learn more

The entire Gethsemane episode can be boiled lets-talk-main-screendown to just a few words. "Disciples asleep, Jesus awake", and "My Will or Thy Will?" As a teacher, I love it when we take a seemingly complex story and boil it down to the memorable essentials. These two statements not only condense the story, they illustrate the essential difference and issues between us and God: Asleep vs Awake, My vs Thy.

I have a really good computer teaching technique for "boiling down" passages like this to their essentials. See my Let's Talk for a technique I call "How Few Can You Do" or "How Low Can You Go".

How do we 'stay awake' as Christians? What things make us go to sleep as followers of Jesus? It's a dichotomy and metaphor most kids can relate to.

Start a two column list titled "Awake" and "Asleep." What attitudes and peer pressures try to get us to shut our eyes?  And...I always found it interesting that Jesus was rather compassionate about their sleeping. What does that say about Jesus' understanding of what was about to happen? (it's need, its inevitability, our weakness, he need to go it alone)

Additionally, you can turn the verse into a scripture memory verse using Cal and Marty's Scripture Memory Game.

Jesus in Gethsemane


"Thy Will - My Will" Talk Bubbles using Kid's Pix 4 (or 3D)

We can safely assume that conversations in the Gospels, including the words of Jesus were more detailed in their original occurrence, and have been shaped and pared down by the gospel authors to their essential elements. Thus, it's often productive to IMAGINE the dialog that got left out. Such is the case in Jesus' Gethsemane struggle.

talkbubblesLet's imagine that there was indeed a LONG PAUSE IN THE MIDDLE of Jesus prayer of anguish. A pause between "take this cup away from me," and "nevertheless, thy will...."   That Jesus' prayer that night was more extensive. That like most prayers, there is "the long pause of listening."

Working at the board, walk through this possible conversation. Then students will turn on Kid Pix and illustrate what they think God might have said, using "talk bubble" graphics.

Here's a set of questions to work through before turning to the software:

  • On that night, what was Jesus afraid of?  What was God hoping for?
  • What were Jesus' options? What were God's options?
  • What would Jesus' life had looked like if he had refused to allow himself to be arrested?  How would God have continued with Jesus if Jesus had chosen to leave the Garden and not be arrested that night?
  • What did God say to Jesus in that prayer that helped change Jesus' mind, or bolster Jesus' confidence?  

Your students may be startled by the idea that Jesus had a choice, that he COULD have chosen to leave the Garden. This is a good time to discuss the fact that Jesus was both human and God in the flesh. It is certainly mysterious exactly HOW that worked, but this story gives us a glimpse of God's heart in the matter, Jesus was not a puppet. Jesus had a choice. Humans are not puppets. Humans have a choice. God does not force his desire on us. That's not what love does. Love finds a way. God's plan will find a way.

Disclosure: Neil MacQueen is the author of  "Let's Talk" software. The Board has encouraged Neil to post his lesson plans and to create new lesson plans for this site. Often those lessons will make use of software that Neil sells. Neil’s work with computers in Christian Education grew out of his work in developing the Workshop Rotation Model.


Images (2)
  • talkbubbles
  • lets-talk-main-screen
Last edited by Luanne Payne
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Jesus in Gethsemane


"Thy Will - My Will" Scripture Memory
using Cal & Marty Scripture Memory Game

This one uses Cal and Marty's Scripture Memory Game software and focus on the profound meaning of "not my will, but thy will be done."

The story of Gethsemane, like the chapters before and after it, has some memorable and important words on the lips of Jesus. This lesson activity cements them into your students' memories.

The Computer Activity:

Cal & Marty's Scripture Memory GameUsing Cal and Marty's Scripture Memory Game (Sunday Software), have the kids enter the verses into the software's verse editor so that they begin to learn them during the input phase (they like that). Have kids add a 'teaching comment' to their verse, and a 3 question quiz (Cal and Marty CD gives those options). Then they play an unscramble game with them.

"Not my will, but thy will be done." (the version for the younger kids).

"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." (the longer complete version)

The Bible Study:

"Not my will, but thy will be done," may be the most succinct summary of the Bible ever uttered, right up there with "For God so loved the world...."

Every story, from Genesis to Revelation, and every teaching, from the Ten Commandments to the Parables of Jesus, is about choosing God's Way, instead of trying to go our own.

My Will vs Thy Will is the problem at the heart of the Creation and Exodus stories, the struggle with the Kings, and what the prophets railed about. So it's really no surprise that we find this same fundamental issue on the lips of Jesus HIMSELF in his moment of truth and decision in the Garden. Jesus momentarily asks for that the cup be taken away (my will) and then become obedient (thy will). You could say that Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane brings us back full circle to Adam and Eve's choice in the Garden of Eden, only this time, the Messiah also referred to as the "Second Adam," makes the right choice.

Write these phrases on the board and ask students for examples of each.

My Will vs Thy Will

  • Self or God
  • Selfishness or sacrifice
  • My Way or God's Way
  • What I want vs. What I need
  • What feels good vs. What's good for me

What options did Jesus have?

Point out that Jesus had the option to go his own way. He wasn't a puppet. What could he have done differently? How do you think would God have responded if Jesus had escaped the Garden to avoid being captured?

What helped Jesus make the right choice?

Let's also keep in mind that we are not Jesus. We cannot always make the right choice. That's why Jesus' decision is all the more important. We are forgiven by his sacrifice.

Conclude by memorizing the scriptures using Cal and Marty's Scripture Memory Game software.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

The story of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane is one of the terrific presentations found in the SunScool Bible App for Kids.

It can be found in the app's menu in the "Death of Christ" section as part of the story of the Last Supper:

  • C4-1: Judas (Levels 1 and 2) (Judas' betrayal, Last Supper, Gethsemane)
    Matthew 26:14-50
  • C4-1: The Betrayer's Kiss (Levels 3 and 4) (Judas, "this very night," Gethsemane)
    Matthew 26:30-55

The App is free, ecumenical, and can be downloaded for use on tablets, smartphones, Windows, and Mac!    Get the download link and look up the story you need in our Outline of all 170+ stories in SunScool. That page also includes app helps.

SunScool Bible App for Kids

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