
This thread is for posting Computer Workshop and Bible Skills and Games Workshop lessons, ideas and resources for teaching "About" the Bible.

Software Ideas KNOW I'm going to mention software. Computers are a great way to promote content memorization in a fun way and teachers can immediately see how well the kids are doing.

If you own the LIfe of Christ CD there are several New Testament book games on the "Professor's Bookshelf."  Learn more in rhonda's lesson below.

If you own the Fall of Jericho CD quiz making program it allows you to create multiple choice questions about various books, and "which one comes next" kinds of questions. I've used it many times to test for Bible Book order and content.

In 2006 I finally MADE a computer game that includes a Books of the Bible in it. It's called Bongo Loves the Bible.

Don't forget "key verses" kids should know.  Another game I made specifically for this purpose is Cal & Marty's Scripture Memory Game CD allows kids to type in key verses and play a 'scramble/unscramble' game with them.  They can also input 3 questions and answers.
Hot Tip: Did you know Cal & Marty can be used to create lists of books which students can scramble and then unscramble. Instead of typing in words from a verse, just type in the books in order.

2020 Update: Neil has donated several of his Sunday Software programs to be downloaded free-of-charge by our supporting members. They include the above Bongo Loves the Bible and Cal and Marty's Scripture Memory Game, also Sonsoft donated Fall of Jericho, as well.  Learn more and get the software.

Neil the software guy

Please post your computer lessons and ideas below on teaching "About" the Bible...

Last edited by Luanne Payne
Original Post

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Neil took the words out of my mouth. We just started Life of Christ yesterday. As predicted, the biggest problem was gettin the kids out of the computer lab when it was time to quit. Entrance to "the Castle" requires putting the New Testament books in order (EVERY time you go in!!!)--but I don't think our kids got that far yet. My son told me he passed the test on the part that he read (Zacheus). So many ways to use this one!

Peggy Sorensen

"About" the Gospels

Computer workshop

Summary of Lesson Activities:

Uses the Life of Christ CD

The Gospel share the good news of Jesus and his life and ministry. Some of the gospel stories begin with the birth of Jesus (Matthew & Luke), Mark begins with his baptism and wilderness story. John takes a know view completely showing us how God and Jesus are one in the same with the Word becoming flesh.

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Know that the Gospels are the first 4 books of the New Testament
  2. Understand that Gospel means “Good News”
  3. Recognize who Jesus is in each Gospel
  4. Know who the original readers were of each Gospel
  5. Know the significant themes of each Gospel
  6. Know the emphasis in each Gospel
  7. Know the person who wrote each Gospel

Materials List:

  • Software: Life of Christ

Advance Preparation:

  1. Review the Lessons and Answer the questions to the quiz that follows the lesson on the CD.
  2. Make sure you can locate the study of the key concepts of the Gospels.
  3. Review the Lesson Text for each of the 5 Lessons (included below)

Lesson Plan


Greet the children and introduce yourself.

Open with a prayer.


Learning with the Life of Christ CD
1. Click on Start
2. Click on Program
3. Click on Discovery Interactive
4. Click on Life of Christ
5. Click on New Exploration
6. Type in Name(s)
7. Click on Start
8. Go to the box with the paper on it near the window
9. Click on Getting to Know Who’s Who
10. Begin with the Lesson “Getting to know Jesus”
11. Listen to the story
12. Take the Quiz YES
13. After the Quiz, Click on 'Return to the Lesson Index'
14. Do this for Lesson 2, 3, 4 & 5

15. When you have completed all 5 lessons you will receive a clue to place in the Clue book.
IF you would like to fill in the clue book and get the printed certificate, do the following steps. Otherwise, skip them.

1. *To find the clue book go to the left side of the screen with your mouse
2. Click on the magnifying glass
3. Insert the clue in the appropriate number spot in the clue book
4 Click on Back twice
5. You will also be asked if you want a certificate printed- Yes print the certificate if your computer is hooked up to a printer.

Click on Books on the shelf next to the desk
1. Click on the 'Practice Book'
2. Go to the heading 'Matching'
3. Click on 'Gettting to Know Who’s Who'
4. Drag each item in the first column to the correct answer.
5. Again you will get a clue to place in the clue book*.

After Completely the Matching, Close the clue.
1. Click on 'back'
2. Go to the heading 'General'
3. Click on the 'Gospels Compared'.


Students should answer the follow questions by viewing this Gospel Compared chart:

A. Who is Jesus….

For Matthew?

For Mark?

For Luke?

For John?

B. Who were the gospels written for (the original readers)?

For Matthew?

For Mark?

For Luke?

For John?

Background Notes:

Matthew is the first gospel in the New Testament although it was probably not the first gospel that was written. Matthew was written in approximately 60-65 A. D. This gospel was written by Matthew (Levi the tax collector) who wrote specifically to the Jews. This is noted by the messianic language of Matthew (“Son of David” is used throughout) and Old Testament references (53 quotes and 76 other references). The purpose of the gospel was to present clear evidence to the Jews (and others) that Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the prophecies and was the true Messiah.

So why was Matthew writing to the Jews?
The Jews had waited for a leader who had been promised centuries before by the prophets. The believe this leader- the Messiah- would rescue them from their Roman oppressors and establish a new kingdom. As their king, they believed he would rule the world with justice. Many Jews, however, overlooked the prophecies that spoke of Jesus being a suffering servant such as in Issaiah 53, who would be refect and killed. So few recognized him as the Messiah.

Keys Verses and Themes:
Matthew 4:23 “The Kingdom of Heaven”
Matthew 4:17 “Repentance”
Matthew 17:20 “Faith”

Mark is the second gospel of the new testament, believed to be written in 55 to 65 AD. Mark is believed to be written before the other gospels as the authors of the other gospels quote all but 31 verses of Mark. The author John Mark purposes was simple; he was interested in present the person, work and teachings of Jesus to the Christians in Rome. Although John Mark was not one of the 12 disciples, he accompanied Paul on his first missionary journey.

So what’s important in Mark?
That Christians at times may be in deep contrast to the world in Jesus time and even the world today. Jesus reminds us in Mark that to be first one must be the slave of all. The reason that Jesus is the greatest is because he humbled him self as the form of servant.

Why was Mark writing to the Rome Christians?
To encourage Roman Christians and to prove beyond a doubt that Jesus is the Messiah. Mark presents a a rapid succession of vivid pictures of Jesus in action—his true identity revealed by what identity revealed by what he does, not necessarily by what he says.

Key Verses and Themes
Mark 10:43-45 “Servanthood”
Mark 8:34-35 “Discipleship”
Mark 8:31 “Jesus Death and Resurrection”

The third gospel of the New Testament written in approximate 60 A.D. Luke we know from Colossians 4:14 is a doctor, he is Greek and a gentile Christian. He is the only known Gentile author in the New Testament. Luke was a close friend and companion of Paul. He also wrote the book of Acts and the two books go together.

What was Luke’s purpose?
Luke want to present an accurate account of the life of Christ and to present Christ as the perfect human and Savior. Luke stresses Jesus’ relationships with people, emphasizes prayer, miracles and angels. Kyje also gives a prominent place to women in the gospel stories.

Luke affirms Jesus’ divinity, but the real emphasis of his book in on Jesus’ humanity- Jesus the Son of God (with a divine Father) is also the Son of Man (birth of a human mother). As a doctor, Luke was a man of science, and as Greek, he was a man of detail. It is not surprising, than that he begins his extensive research and explains that he is presenting the facts. His Gospel and Acts are reliable historical documents.

Key Verses & Themes
Luke 7:47 “Forgiveness”
Luke 19:10 “Saving the Lost”
Luke 5:16 “Prayer”

John, the apostle, son of Zebedee, brother of James, called a “Son of Thunder”. John is writing to New Christians and searching Non Christians in approximately 85-90 A.D.

What was John’s purpose?
John was desiring to prove conclusively that Jesus in the Son of God and that all who believe in him will have eternal life.

John tells us that when God spoke, and the galaxies where whirled into place, stars burned the heaves, and planet began orbiting their suns- words of awesome, unlimited, unleashed power. He spoke again, and the waters and lands were filled with plants and creatures, running, swimming, growing and multiplying- words of animating, breathing, pulsing life. Again he spoke, and man wand woman were formed, thinking, speaking and loving - words of personal and creative glory. Eternal, infinate, unlimited- he was, is and always will be the Maker and Lord of all that exists.

And then God came in the flesh to a speck in the universe called plant Earth. The mighty Creator became a part of the creation. Limited by time and space and susceptible to aging, sickness, and death. But love propelled him, and so he came to rescue and saved those who were lost and to give them the gift of eternity. He is the Word; He is Jesus, the Messiah.

John’s Gospel is not a life of Christ; it is a powerful argument for the incarnation, a conclusive demonstration that Jesus was, and is the very heaven - sent Son of God and the only source of eternal life.

Key Verses and Themes
John 20:30-31 “Belief”
John 3:16 “Eternal Life”
John 12:49-50 “Jesus Submission to the Father”

A lesson originally posted by member Rhondab

A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Bongo Loves the Bible software (Sunday Software)

has a fun "Books of the Bible" game in it, and a game about "How the Bible Came to Be," and a game about "Bible Basics" for kids.
Check out my Bongo’s “About the Bible” Lesson Set -A printable 4 to 6 Week Unit “About the Bible” here.  Here's a pdf of the lesson sets.  UPDATE: The website that hosted the Bible Timeline Card Game is no longer active. Fortunately, we saved the free pdf here!

Bongo Loves the Bible software is now available for free
to the supporting members of Learn more.

Suggestions for decorating your "Computer Lab" when using Bongo

by member Luanne Payne

Decorate your computers as we did for our Books of the Bible rotation!

Details: The monkey on the yellow banana was from a bulletin board set called "Monkey Mischief," check party stores or school supplies sites for themes, such as: palm trees, jungle, or monkey.  I also purchased inexpensive Hula Skirts from my local dollar store and cut the band on each so they could be hung from top shelf on our computer desks with thumb tacks. One of my desks did not have a shelf above the monitor, so I used a cardboard box to create one, by sitting my monitor inside the box. The back of the box was cut away, but I left a piece across the top, front side, to attach the Hula Skirt to, and sat some monkeys on top, do a search for "Religious Long Arm Stuffed Gorillas" (Oriental Trading)  to find them.

See more photos below.

Computer 2008 Bongo 5


Images (3)
  • Computer 2008 Bongo 2
  • Computer 2008 Bongo 5
  • Computer 2008 Bongo 6
Last edited by Neil MacQueen

The SunScool Bible App for Kids has a lesson presentation for older kids "About the Bible."

It is found when you select Level 4 in the app, and go to the Christian Life menu:

  • A8-2 : Learning about the Bible
    2 Timothy 3:14-17; Psalm 1:1-6; Acts 17:10-14; 18:24-28; 1 Peter

The App is free, ecumenical, and can be downloaded for use on tablets, smartphones, Windows, and Mac!    Get the download link and look up the story you need in our Outline of all 170+ stories in SunScool. That page also includes app helps.

SunScool Bible App for Kids

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