This forum is for posting Cooking, Kitchen Workshop lesson plans and ideas pertaining to Road to Emmaus. Luke 24: 13-35
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Originally posted by member "Grace"
Trail Mix
We are doing the Emmaus Road lessons now. One the kids really love is making Emmaus Road Trail mix where each item represents an insight into the story.
Our lesson plan:
Introduce yourself.
Open with the responsive statement “The Lord is Risen..The Lord is Risen Indeed!”
Remind the children that we just celebrated Easter. Ask them what Easter means to them.
Jesus is Resurrected
Jesus is Alive
Jesus is with us
Ask them how we know that He is Risen...
we have first hand accounts by witnesses
we feel and see his Spirit moving in us, the Church, the world
Have the children find the Emmaus Road story in their Bibles
Luke 24: 13 -35
Read the story (or have them read it...age appropriate)
Talk about what it must have been like walking between Jerusalem and Emmaus...7 miles.
Would you get tired?
Would you get thirsty?
How far is Seven Miles?
What were the disciples expecting along the road?
How were they feeling about the events they were leaving behind?
How does Jesus "sneak up" on us today? Editor's Note:
The Bible study here needs some more discussion questions and life application.
Tell the children that today we are going to make a snack to remind us about Walking to Emmaus. It will remind us that Jesus is always with us...even when it seems like we are on an impossible journey.
Get out the Big Bowl, Baggies and Ingredients;
Let the children help assemble the ingredients. As you do, ask them to find or tell you the part of the story that the ingredient reminds us of.
Trail Mix...Walking with Jesus
coordinated ingredients with lessons about Jesus
- Granola ...for Road Dust............v: 13
- Dried Papaya...for something unrecognizable..........v:16
- 1 tsp salt....for tears of sorrow................v:17b
- raisins ...for something dried and dead..........v20
- White Coconut Sheds.........for angel wings........v:23
- Bagel chips or Wheat Cereal ..... for Bread.........v:30
- Chocolate Chips...... for sweet recognition ........v:31
- Cinnamon Candies...... for Hearts Burning .........v:32
When you have finished adding all of the ingredients, let the kids take turns helping to mix them all together. Tell the kids that there is one more important part of the story. Talk to them about what the two Disciples did after their eyes were opened. They went to share the Good News. How can WE do that?
How does our Trail Mix give us an opportunity now to "tell the story"?
Then divide the trail mix into baggies; two for each child; one to be enjoyed by the child, one to be shared with someone else (parent, sibling, friend).
Have them practice by taking out one item at time and saying something about it. Have them reach into the bag with their eyes closed to make it a little more fun.
Emphasize that they should explain the story to the friend using the ingredients in their trail mix.
That is the final part of the story: Sharing the Good News..........v:35
Clean up the Kitchen and take the kids to the garden to enjoy their snack and discuss the points of the story that they like best.
Close with a prayer of Thanksgiving for Jesus allowing us to share Him with others.
A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.