
This is a misc ideas thread for teaching "about the Bible" using your Cooking Workshop.

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Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer
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Two ideas

originally posted by Neil MacQueen

1. I wonder.... what does each commandment TASTE like?
What flavors could be associated with each one?
Come up with 10 things to taste.
Spicy hot= Tart= Dry= Sour= Bitter=

Disguise the items (the excitement of not knowing will be fun).
Give each child 3 or 4 commandments on slips of paper and have them secretly put their commandment slip by the flavor/item they think best represents that commandment (in essence: voting)

Then go through each Taste/Commandment:
After one is tasted again by all, the commandment it relates to could be taught.
"Coveting will make you bitter towards others."
"Joe, why did you choose "hot" for stealing?" Etc etc etc.

[The usual assumption is that the cooking workshop must COOK. But how about "eat" first, then maybe if you have time make something?]

2. But what should God's word taste like?

Accding to the Bible it should taste sweet.
Go back over each commandment, passing out a different good tasting item as each is read. "It is good that we observe the sabbath because it gives us rest and time with God and family."

It's like a scroll/sweet wafer you eat.
This could be the finish.... either pass out vanilla wafers (the kind that look like rectangular waffles with creme inside)
Or... make the crunchy cinnamon twists like they have at Taco Bell.
Only cut them in the size of scrolls and don't twist them.

Editor's note: The linked recipe for cinnamon twists went dead, need to search elsewhere. Here's another one, but note one of the reviewers said they only needed to cook for 10 minutes, so watch them.

I like this lesson because it connects a SENSORY EXPERIENCE to the material.
And the connection is biblical.

Ezekiel 3:1-3
"Then he said to me, 'Son of man, eat what you find; eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel.' So I opened my mouth, and He fed me this scroll. And He said to me, 'Son of man, feed your stomach, and fill your body with this scroll which I am giving you.' Then I ate it, and it was sweet as honey in my mouth."

Jeremiah 15:16
"Thy words were found and I ate them, and Thy words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; For I have been called by Thy name, O Lord God of hosts."

O Taste and See that the Lord is Good.

<>< Chef Neil

Posted in Response by Lisa M.

Ooh, I like your idea, Neil! Something different. I'll have to work that through! Hot sauce, soy sauce, unsweetened chocolate, lemon juice, cornstarch, instant coffee crystals -- what fun! Maybe end with puff pastry cut to look like scrolls and cinnamon sugar on top. It puffs up with air -- filled with the Spirit??

Last edited by Luanne Payne

Bible Cake

1 cup Psalms 55:21 (butter)
2 cups Jeremiah 6:20 (sugar)
3 tsp. Proverbs 25:27 (honey)
6 Jeremiah 17:11 (eggs)
2 cups 2 Samuel 16:1 (raisins)
2 cups Jeremiah 24:5 (figs)
2 cups Numbers 17:8 (almonds)
4 ½ cup I Samuel 28:24 (flour)
1 pinch Ezekiel 43:24 (salt)
Add to taste John 19:40 (spices)
3 tsp. Matthew 16:6 (baking powder)
½ cup Hebrews 5:13 (milk)

Mix according to Proverbs 23:14. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

Note: Don't print the ingredients - have the kids look up each verse to see what to add. The only 2 that are a bit of a stretch are eggs and baking powder, but they can easily be explained.

Because it takes so long to bake, you may want to instead have the kids each layer the dry ingredients in a jar (like sand art), include the full recipe noting the "wet" ingredients that still need to be added and then take it home to make it with their family. Or make it for gifts for someone.

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer
Just one more note on the Bible Cake/Bars. I have a chart of the recipe with its corresponding Bible verses. I also have simple colorful cutouts of ingredient shapes which are taped on the appropriate places on the chart as they are found. It makes the experience more concrete if they see and eat the results of their scripture hunt. I have a cooled cake/bars for the kids to eat after we put the cake in the oven. Otherwise there is not enough time.


We did a rotation a on THE BIBLE and made "scrolls" out of canned biscuits and pretzel sticks. Flatten out one biscuit to make a long, thin rectangle. Spread with a small amount of butter or margarine and springle with cinnamon sugar. Place pretzel sticks at each end and roll toward the center. Then bake according to the directions on the biscuit can. While they were baking we talked about the scrolls that were used in the early days of the Bible.
I got the idea from old curriculum (maybe Bible Zone, but I'm not sure.)

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

Bible Brownies

Today we made Bible Brownies, very similar to the cake from Jan FPC Napa. Because they only take 20 min to bake, we could eat them during our ss session. The kids loved it! While the brownies baked we did the OT books song and a game with putting the books in order.

1 1/3 c I Sam 28:24 (flour)
2 c Jer 6:20 (sugar)
3/4 c I Kings 10:1,2 (cocoa)
1 t. Matt 16:6 (baking powder)
1/2 t. Ezek 43:24 (salt)
1/2 c Gen 43:11 (nuts)
2/3 c II Kings 4:4 (oil)
4 Jer 17:11 (eggs)
2 t. II Kings 20:13 (vanilla)

Combine all ingredients. Mix well. (by hand is fine) Spread in 9x13 pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 min.

I listed the ingredients on a poster with a blank box before each ingredient and a blank line after. One child looked up the reference, one child wrote the ingredient name on the line after the reference, one child put the ingredient in the bowl, and one checked off the ingredient in the box. We took turns stirring. This way many kids stayed involved.
Also, the NKJV translates better than the NIV for the ingredients of sugar and "leavening"

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer
To help save time and cut down on the measuring of the recipe, I pre-measured each ingredient, then put it in an opaque (so as not to give it away) container, such as butter tubs, etc., then labeled each tub with the scripture. After the kids looked up the scripture, they guessed what the ingredient was, then opened the container to see if they were correct. Then simply poured the container into the bowl, each child getting a turn at looking up the scripture, adding the ingredient, and mixing like Betty said.

I like the idea of doing a jar mix for the cake recipe that Jan suggested, too...nice gift idea to extend the learning into the children's homes!

Here's an alternative recipe for spicy cookies that make use of many of the same ingredients and, therefore, the same Bible passages. However, they take only 10-12 minutes to bake! I'll have our kids clean up the kitchen while the cookies are in the oven.


Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Beat until soft:
1/2 cup butter (Psalms 55:21)
Add gradually:
1 cup packed brown sugar (Exodus 30:22-24)
Blend in until light and creamy. Beat in:
1 egg (5 Isaiah 10:14)
1/2 cup sour cream or buttermilk (Genesis 18:8)
Sift together:
1 1/3 cup flour (Leviticus 24:5)
1 tsp cinnamon (Jeremiah 6:20)
1/2 tsp cloves
1/2 tsp baking soda (Leviticus 7:13)
Add sifted ingredients to butter mixture and beat until smooth. Stir in:

1/2 cup raisins (2 Samuel 16:1)
1/2 cup chopped nuts (Genesis 43:11)

Drop batter by teaspoon onto greased cookie sheet or parchment paper. Bake 10-12 minutes.

Note: Be sure to check the Bible your children will use for this exercise as translations don't always work. Some interpretation on your part will be needed. For instance, the Bible refers to sugar as "sweet cane." Also, Genesis 43:11 refers to a number of ingredients but it is nuts that you're after.

Good luck!

Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

I have taken other recipes and baked them in different sized pans than what is called for. You might try looking for similar recipes online for ones baked as cupcakes , etc., so that you have an idea of how many the recipe would make and how long to bake  them. And you will certainly want to try the recipe as adjusted at home before class. 

But I think making these recipes as single serving size (to spread the word, so to speak) is a great idea!

Please come back and post what you have discovered to help future lesson bakers! 

I have a cooking workshop lesson as part of my free "Bongo's About the Bible" lesson set posted here at  (Just posted an updated PDF version of it too.)

It focuses on the Bible's self-description as "sweet" and "manna." The lesson set also has other workshops, worship songs, and game options.

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