Cooking Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for the Raising of Lazarus
Post your Sunday School cooking lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for the Raising of Lazarus
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Raising of Lazarus - John 11. Jesus wept. Lazarus, Mary, Martha, Bethany, Lazarus come out!, etc
Bible lessons and ideas about the Raising of Lazarus -with Cooking, Food, Bible Foods, Recipes, Baking, Preparation, etc
Lazarus Cooking Ideas
We're getting ready to teach this Rotation -- Lazarus -- wanting to come up with some new ideas for a cooking workshop... here are some ideas we've tossed around. Will report back with our final decision...
Lazarus Wraps - wrap a hot dog with crescent roll dough, add closed eyes and bake. Or if you don't want to bake, use strips of tortilla. (this idea can be seen on lots of Halloween sites as "mummy wraps.")
Lazarus Lotion - use a variety of oils and essential oils/herbs to create an anointing oil similar to what have been used for burial customs in biblical times.
Lazarus Snack Collages - Have children use candy or other snack foods to create "collages" that explore the emotions in the story -- (Mary and Martha's fear when Lazarus fell ill, the disciples' confusion about Jesus waiting to head to Bethany, Martha's disappointment when Jesus arrives after Lazarus has died and her confession that Jesus is the Christ, Jesus wept, Jesus raises Lazarus, God's glory is revealed.)
Pudding Paintings - (we may actually use this!) Have kids make shaken pudding (in jars), then use pudding to "illustrate" several of scenes/emotions from the story (similar to above idea). To show the "glory of God" (which is a goal of ours in this Rotation), maybe the final scene could add edible glitter or other colorful sprinkles.