This topic is for posting your Cooking Workshop lessons and ideas for teaching about the Fiery Furnace.
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Cooking Idea - Fried Ice Cream
Another idea would be fried ice cream. Roll a scoop of vanilla ice cream in corn flakes mixed with powdered sugar & cinnimon. Then dip it in very hot oil (we will be using a fondue pot) for 10 seconds.
Cooking Idea - Mini Cherry Tarts with Mini-Teddy Grahams
This is a variation on the s'mores idea listed above. I like the I used a mini cherry tart topped with new "Mini" grahams in my lesson plan because the "red" of the tart reminded us more of "fire" and was a nice change of recipe pace for us.
- Take prepared pie crust that is rolled up.
- Unroll and cut out 4 inch circles (makes 7 with scraps left over) place cup cake liners in a muffin pan and put the crust in the liners, smoothing around the sides.
- Put a tablespoon (or so) of canned cherry pie filling in the tart.Make sure the filling does not cover the edges.
- Then I put three chocolate Mini-Teddy Grahams on the top to represent S-M & A. I then put a fourth mini- teddy graham- (honey golden)to represent the angel in the furnace.
- For taste I sprinkles sugar on the top.
- Bake for 20-25 min in a 350 oven.
The clean up is not bad and the kids really got the idea of the red hot furnace with three(four) kids in the middle.
The computer lesson game idea from Jennifer McCrae's computer lesson could be adapted to be a Fiery Furnace Snack Mix.
She wrote:
We adapted this [review question game] and used candy corn, plastic spoons, a windowed bakery bag, and four chocolate teddy grahams. Each time the child was instructed to add a flame(s) for correct responses, he/she added a scoop of the candy corn flames to their bag.
At the conclusion of the game, they added 4 chocolate teddy grahams for the 3 men and the angel in the furnace. (We cut the bottoms off of plastic cups to use as a funnel into the bag to prevent mess.)
Other things that could be added to a snack mix: