
Cooking Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for the Prodigal Son

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Sunday School lessons about the Parable of the Prodigal Son, Luke 15
7 creative lessons for Supporting Members, including Art, Games,
News Broadcast, Music and Movement, and a "Turnover" Workshop
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The Prodigal Son

Cooking Workshop


Summary of Lesson Activities:

Uses Carob Pods (Pig Food)


Lesson Objective:

For the children to learn about food that is part of the Prodigal Son story. 


God wants us to know that no matter what we do, we cannot be separated from the love that God has for us in Jesus Christ. God wants us to love others this way, with lots of understanding, and lots of forgiveness, no matter what other people think of us for acting/loving this way. 

Leader Preparation:

  • Read the story ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.

Supplies List:

  • Cornbread muffin ingredients.




Opening - Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet the children and introduce yourself.


Opening Prayer: Loving God, thank you for allowing us to learn about you through cooking. Help us to remember that we are lucky to have food to share in this way, and help us to remember all who are hungry today. Amen. 


Dig - Main Content and Reflection:

Gather the children together around the cooking table. Start them off immediately with preparing the cornbread/carob muffins. Once the muffins are in the oven talk with the children about the part of the story where the Prodigal Son eats with the pigs. The older children can look this up in their Bibles and the younger children can look at it in a children’s Bible. Talk to the children about how it feels to be hungry and to be willing to eat anything you can get to, and how we usually eat what we like, not what we need. Show the children the carob pods and talk with them about how they were used in pig feed and what a carob plant is (see handouts). Talk to them about how pigs also eat corn. Look with them on the globe at the different areas of the world where carob grows and let them taste the carob. Have the children help clean up and wash dishes while the muffins are in the stove. When the muffins come out let the children eat them and use honey as a dip. There is juice in the kitchen and/or water for them to drink. Bag up extra muffins in ziploc bags for the children to take home. 


Thank you God for helping us to learn about you. Thank you for the food we eat and all of the abundance around us. Help us to be your servants. Amen. 

Check your local Whole Foods or Organic Food store for carob pods. Or you can purchased carob pods at an online organic store like 

There are tons of carob recipes online, but I found after lots of time with Google, that they all take a great deal of time, and in 45 minutes, the muffins were about all I had time for. Carob chips can be ordered online as well, but if you have a local health food store, it's a lot easier to just go there to get them, but they are fairly expensive compared to chocolate chips, our health food store charges about $5 a package.

We thought this was a great way to introduce the kids to thinking about what it would be like to eat with the pigs and highlight a usually glossed over part of this Parable (put it in context!)

Have the kids look at a globe/Bible maps to see/find the part of the world that the carob tree grows. We did this at Christmas too to find the frankensince and myrrh plants, they like finding things on the globe and seeing how that might fit into the biblical story. The adults learn too, most of them have no idea about these things and it helps them to appreciate the teaching you do with their children of these somewhat esoteric facts!

More follow up from the actual hands-on

)....the kids had mixed reactions to the carobs (typical!), and so perhaps to not let them try them until they are cooked in the muffins and they have honey on hand. Before cooking we got lots of scrunched up noses and "ewhhhh" commments, after cooking, they liked them. Of course, the carob chips look sort of like chocolate chips and so that throws them off a bit.

Originally posted by member RevShannon.


A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.


Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

Prodigal Turnovers

All four of these are types of turnovers that the kids can easily make to represent parts of the story. After baking, they taste their way through the story again as the teacher asks questions.

Turning over a new leaf in your own life by returning to God, just like in the parable, isn't a bad metaphor either!

1. Marshmallow Turnover (aka the old "empty tomb" turnover recipe) Wasted money = Something that disappears when cooked just like the Prodigal's money!  Many recipes, here's one.

2. Bacon turnovers to represent the pigs. Dip them in hot mustard or sour sauce because sin doesn't taste good. Recipe link

3. Humble pie turnover = confession, turn around, with a hidden surprise filling -- the surprise in the parable is that the father was anxious to welcome back the prodigal and throw him a party.

4. Sticky Sweet Cinnamon Turnover -- representing the joy and unconditional love of God. Add a sour patch candy on top to represent the older brother.

All four turnovers use the same dough, which you can make or buy pre-made. The kids make all four kinds, at least one for every two students. You explain their significance after they are baked -- as you pass them out during your study and follow up.

During the baking time, study the story.

Turnovers to share because the Good News of God's unconditional love in this parable is meant to be shared.


Images (1)
  • Prodigal Son Turnovers
Last edited by Wormy the Helpful Worm

We took a cooking idea from a lesson set already here on (

and made some adaptations.  Here are the changes we made:


The Prodigal Son

Cooking Workshop


Summary of Lesson Activities:

Kids will make a fruit salad, using the rinds to create a pig slop to help learn more about the Bible story in focus.  Conversation will vary based on age of students so that learning matches intellectual/spiritual development.  Younger children will learn simple story details and basic application while older children will discuss more in depth the love of God and the consequences of life apart from our Heavenly Father. 


Scripture Reference:

Luke 15.


Leader Preparation:
  • Read the scripture ahead of time.
  • Gather the materials.

Supplies List:

  • ice cream
  • jello
  • bucket
  • spoon
  • fruit



Opening - Welcome and Lesson Introduction:

Greet your students warmly. Introduce yourself and any other adults. 


Say: Today we’ll be learning about the parable of the Prodigal Son and how God loves us always, no matter what we do. 


Let’s begin with prayer:

Ask for any prayer requests. Ask if anyone would like to lead the group in prayer. Be prepared to say a prayer yourself, working in prayer requests. Use the Lord’s Prayer as the ending. A suggestion: “Dear Jesus, Thank you for giving us the story about the prodigal son who made bad choices but was forgiven by his father. Help us to see your love for us in this story. Forgive us when we make mistakes. (End with the Lord’s Prayer) Amen.


Play Money:

Pass out handfuls of fake money to each child.  Have them imagine it is real money and they are planning how they are going to spend it.  Tell children that they can decide how they want to spend their money - they can pick anything they want.  


As kids give their answers, take back the money until they have nothing left.


Ask: Now what are you going to do? You have no money and can’t get any more!
How will you pay for you food and living?

Maybe some children took that into consideration?!


Ask: Who can tell me what the word “prodigal” means? (wasteful, or reckless)
[You might get kids that start to tell you the whole story. This is ok, but get them back on track by telling them the word prodigal describes how the son acted while he had money to spend.]


It was fun to imagine what we could spend our money on - and maybe if you had known that you would have needed money to eat or have shelter you would have spent your money a little differently!  Today, we’re going to learn a parable from the Bible that tells us a story about a boy that was pretty reckless and wasteful with his money.


Age adaptation: 

Young children may not have an idea about the actual cost of items.  You can take a bill from them for each item they list or take several bills if you think that item is very expensive!

Dig - Main Content and Reflection:
You will be making a fruit salad while telling the story of the prodigal son.  Midway through the story children will have an opportunity to make pig slop.  After making the pig slop younger children will wash their hands before hearing the rest of the story.  Older students will sit with dirty hands to hear the remainder of the story.  Their hands will get increasingly sticky and the “slop” will begin drying.  This process will help to make an interesting illustration about life without our heavenly father.    


Note about jello: this ingredient is used for effect to create a cooler slop making experience and also added to make a very sticky mess on the hands as an illustration for the older students.


Say: This parable about the prodigal son is a parable that Jesus told.
Ask: Who can tell me what a parable is? (a story told by Jesus to teach his listeners something) 



  • Where in the Bible would we read about our story? (in the New Testament)
  • What are the first four books of the New Testament?
  • What do we call those first four books? (the Gospels)
  • The word Gospel means “good news.” 


  • What is the good news of the Gospels? (accept a few answers) 

Say: Today, we find our story in the Gospel of Luke.  



The Story from Luke 15:

Feel free to elaborate and paraphrase in your own words with younger children.  It may help to even make up conversations of the characters so that children stay engaged. 


Then Jesus said, “There was a man who had two sons. The younger son said to his father, ‘Give me now the part of your property that I am supposed to receive someday.’ So the father divided his wealth between his two sons.


Younger children explanation (Preschool/K): The son had been taken care of by his dad but now he wanted to live by himself and do what he wanted to do.  He asked his dad for some money.


Older children explanation: Under the Jewish inheritance laws, the younger son would be entitled to 1/3 of his father’s property; the older son would get 2/3. The property would be mostly in the form of land, not money, so the father might have had to split up the family farm in order to give the younger son his share. This might have caused hardship for the family.


A few days later the younger son gathered up all that he had and left. He traveled far away to another country, and there he wasted his money living like a fool. After he spent everything he had, there was a terrible famine throughout the country. He was hungry and needed money.  So he went and got a job with one of the people who lived there. The man sent him into the fields to feed pigs. He was so hungry that he wanted to eat the food the pigs were eating. But no one gave him anything.


Slop Activity:


Say: When the son left his home he thought that life was going to be a ton of fun!  But after he ran out of money it didn’t turn out so fun - he ended up needing to work with pigs - and he even wished he could eat pig slop!!  Can you imagine what it might be like to eat pig slop?


I think we should try and make some pig slop to see what it might be like!



  1. Hand out an ice cream pail (with pre-made jello inside) to every 3-4 students
  2. Have them roll up their sleeves
  3. Explain that they need to get their hands into the bucket to mix up the pig slop REALLY well - no spoons allowed!
  4. Bring out the ingredients for the pig slop (scraps from your fruit salad,  - all ingredients must be shared but kids can add any combination they would like to their slop
  5. The only rules are - all food must stay in their slop buckets, they must mix it up really well, the slop can’t overflow and it must be very yummy for a pig!
  6. Walk around and visit slop making stations and encourage children as they have fun making a gross concoction

Older children explanation/discussion: Pigs were considered unclean under Jewish law, so feeding pigs would be the lowest, most despicable job for a Jew.  How clean was the job of making your slop today?  What do you think it might have been like to actually work with pigs like the son in the story?  Why did he end up having to do such a dirty job?  How desperate would you have to be to take a bite of the slop you made?  The prodigal son must have been in a very bad spot if he was considering eating pig slop!  Let’s find out what happens next.



Back to the Story:


The son realized that he had been very foolish. He thought, ‘All my father’s hired workers have plenty of food. But here I am, almost dead because I have nothing to eat. I will leave and go to my father. I will say to him: Father, I have sinned against God and have done wrong to you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son. But let me be like one of your hired workers.’ So he left and went to his father.


Younger children explanation (Preschool/K): The son would never have to eat something as yucky as pig slop if he was still at home with his Dad!  His Dad takes very good care of Him just like God takes very good care of us! 


Older children discussion:  The prodigal son is starting to realize that maybe life without his Dad isn’t quite what he thought it would be!  He thought that it would be a LOT of fun, but it ended up being a little bit more trouble than he imagined.  What did you think when I first told you we were going to make pig slop today?  Maybe you thought it would be lots of fun - and it probably was at the beginning!  



Grade 1-3: How much fun would it have been to eat it?!  Maybe funny to watch someone try to eat it but probably not too fun once it got into our stomachs.  Well - this story can help remind of something very important.  Let’s imagine that the activity of making pig slop is like sin in our lives.   At the beginning, sin can look pretty harmless - and sometimes even fun.  Sort of like the prodigal son when he left his father.  Maybe we choose to stay home from church to play a video game, or tell a little white lie to get out of trouble.   Maybe we even make fun of someone who is wearing silly clothes or spend our tithe money on a new toy for ourselves instead of giving it to God.  Sin in our lives separates us from God, our Heavenly Father.  The prodigal son learned that life without his Dad was pretty difficult and life without our Heavenly Dad would be pretty difficult too.   God wants to take good care of us and help us stay away from the sloppy consequences of sin!



Grade 4-6: How much fun is pig slop now?  How are your hands/arms feeling?  Are they getting sticky?  Are they smelly or itchy?  How might they feel in an hour from now or maybe even a day from now?  How fun might that be?!


Well - this story can help remind of something very important.  Let’s imagine that the activity of making pig slop is like sin in our lives.   At the beginning, sin can look pretty harmless - and sometimes even fun.  Sort of like the prodigal son when he left his father.  Maybe we choose to stay home from church to play a video game, or tell a little white lie to get out of trouble.   Maybe we even make fun of someone who is wearing silly clothes or spend our tithe money on a new toy for ourselves instead of giving it to God.  Sin in our lives separates us from God, our Heavenly Father.  The prodigal son learned that life without his Dad was pretty difficult and life without our Heavenly Dad would be pretty difficult too.   God wants to take good care of us and help us stay away from the sloppy consequences of sin!



Take a look at your hands - you can see the consequences of making slop on them can’t you!  Well, life without God would have a ton of consequences too - consequences that would stick to you all the time.  God doesn’t want that for us!  He wants us to be loved, well cared for and washed clean from sin.  (Have students continue to wait before washing their hands.  If there are students who are very bothered by the experience allow them to wash their hands.)



While the son was still a long way off, his father saw him coming and felt sorry for him. So he ran to him and hugged and kissed him.  The son said, ‘Father, I have sinned against God and have done wrong to you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’


But the father said to his servants, ‘Hurry! Bring the best clothes and put them on him. Also, put a ring on his finger and good sandals on his feet. And bring our best calf and kill it so that we can celebrate with plenty to eat. My son was dead, but now he is alive again! He was lost, but now he is found!’ So they began to have a party.


Younger children explanation (Preschool/K):  The dad was so very excited to see his son again! He loved his son so very much!  That’s how much God loves us!  When we choose to love God there is a big party in heaven celebrating our decision to follow Him.  Even when we do something wrong, God will always forgive us and love us - just like the dad in this story.


Older children discussion:  What were the consequences for the son when he returned home?  There weren’t any!  The Dad completely forgave him and showered love on him!  What would that have felt like for the son?  (At this time, allow older students to go and wash their hands.  Once they have returned ask them how they feel now and how that might relate to the feeling of forgiveness and receiving the love of our Heavenly Father).  


A note of interest: The robe was symbol of honor. The ring was a symbol of power of attorney. Wearing his father’s ring, the son could act legally in his father’s name.



For Younger Students (Preschool/K)


The Dad in the story had a huge celebration and feast when his son came home.  He loved his Son so very much.  God loves us just the same way.  He wants to take care of us.  Let’s celebrate God’s good love together with a special feast I prepared!


Enjoy some fruit salad together.



For Older Students 


This parable teaches us a lot about the love of God our Father.  It teaches us that God wants to care for us and he wants us to enjoy the richness of his blessings.  It also teaches us that His love is ALWAYS available to us.  Even when we sin, or decide to live for ourselves and not for God - we can ALWAYS come back and he will forgive us and accept us.  God can take our sins and toss them far away.  He can save us from the pig slop of sin and transform our lives so they are fit for a heavenly feast.


Remember that pig slop we made earlier....well, some of the ingredients for the pig slop came from something much more beautiful and delicious.  Fruit! (Pull out your fruit salad).  I made this delicious fruit salad for us to eat as way to celebrate the feast the father threw for his son in the story we heard today.  Some of the ingredients in here wouldn’t have tasted too good if I hadn’t taken out the seeds or removed the peels.  Our life is like that too - without our Heavenly father’s love and forgiveness - we’d have sin in our lives that wouldn’t look to good.


Because of God’s great love for us - we can toss away the sloppy parts of our life.  When we ask for God’s forgiveness we get to be part of God’s family - His sons and daughters. 
We get to inherit his kingdom and his rich blessings - just like the prodigal son when he returns home.   Let’s celebrate!!



End with a prayer.


Enjoy some fruit salad together.


A lesson posted by Andrea Anderst from: Zion Baptist Community Church, 

Alberta, Canada


A representative of reformatted this post to improve readability.


Last edited by Lesson Forma-teer

Cooking Workshop

Prodigal Son Pig Slop and Party Cookies Lesson

Making and tasting pig slop and decorating "Prodigal Party Cookies" with the image of the smiling father to illustrate the lesson.

Lesson Objective:
The students will gain a deeper understanding of the hard decision that the Prodigal Son had to make to confess his sins, and his father's reaction, and see it as an invitation and continuing promise that they are always a welcome member of their Father's family.

Scripture Reference:
Luke 15: 11 – 32


  • Bible or Storybook with the Prodigal Son in them
  • Sugar Cookies in a heart shape
  • White icing to spread on cookies
  • Food coloring and extra white icing (or icing in a tube) to draw with
  • Plastic sandwich bags to "pipe" icing onto cookies
  • Party Decorations
  • Napkins
  • Pig Slop Ingredients
      --Dry chocolate pudding mix
      --1/2 cup or more of water
      --Canned corn and/or beans
      --Dark food coloring
      --Hot sauce
      --Clear bowl to mix in
      --Mixing spoon

Lesson Plan


Welcome the students and ask them what they know about the Prodigal Son. List it on the board and fill in as needed.

Explain that today we are going to focus on the decision the son made to return to his father, and the father's reaction.

Begin to assemble your "PIG SLOP" in a clear bag or bowl (so they can see it) as you share the following insights:

Tip: Don't tell the kids that the dry powder is chocolate pudding. Let that be a surprise.

According to Moses’ law, pigs were unclean animals.  (Leviticus 11:2-8 and/or Deuteronomy 14:8.)  This meant that pigs could not be eaten or used as sacrificial animals in the Temple. That meant NO BACON!  AND NO PORK CHOPS!

You could not even TOUCH a pig -- and if you did, you became ritually "unclean" -- meaning you couldn't go to the Temple or to worship in a synagogue.  If you did touch one or eat its meat, even accidently, you had wash your clothes and your whole body and STAY AWAY from others and worship until the evening. So for a Jew to stoop to feeding pigs was a great humiliation, and for this young man to eat food that the pigs had touched was to be degraded and made lowly beyond belief.

Who wants to taste this pig slop?! Invite as many who want to do so and make sure you take a taste yourself. It's supposed to be gross -- which makes the point memorable. The hot sauce is "for show" as a little bit of it will be hard to taste with the chocolate pudding.  Hold off on explaining the meaning of pig slop (a sign of just how bad his sins had made his life) until after the story is read.

Read the Luke 15:11-32 story together or share it from your favorite Bible storybook.

  1. Who does the FATHER in the story represent?  (God)
  2. What does the "PIG SLOP" or "PODS" as the Bible calls them, represent in this story? What does it symbolize? (our sins). They are sign of just how bad his sins had made his life.
  3. What was his FIRST "bad decision"?    (leaving, rejecting God)
  4. What was his SECOND "bad decision"?  (living wildly, sinfully, and wasting what God had given him)
  5. Do you think there is ANY sin God won't forgive? (God's love is complete, unconditional)
  6. What makes a person realize they NEED God and return to God to confess their sins?
  7. When was the last time YOU confessed your sins? (We confess our sins when we pray and when we worship.)
  8. What is GOD'S RESPONSE to our being lost -- living a sinful life?  God keeps watch and welcomes us home.
  9. Does God PUNISH us or throw a party when we confess our sins?

God welcomes sinners!  Let's Decorate and Celebrate!

Quickly decorate for the next activity by putting some streamers above the table.

Now Decorate "The Father's Face ~ Reaction" Cookies!

  1. Wash hands
  2. Demonstrate spreading icing on the cookie (not too much)
  3. Demonstrate drawing "the Father's reaction/joy/forgiveness" as a "face" on the cookies using extra colored icing squeezed out of a bag or piped.

As you decorate the cookies with God/the Father's/Jesus' smiling/welcoming face, continue to ask questions and reinforcement insights.

Ask: So what do you think is "wrong" with the Older Brother in the parable?  Do you think he came to his senses too and went into the party?  Do you know anyone like the Older Brother? -- someone who thinks forgiveness should be hard to get? 

Say: One of the things we need to be careful of as Christians is to not act like the Older Brother when new people come to our community, or when people around us do wrong and need forgiveness. We need to act like the Father who is ready to welcome everyone back into his house.


How good does Jesus' parable of the Prodigal Son taste to you?  Some people think following God "tastes" terrible. They think its hard and full of punishment if they don't please God. Our cookies remind us that our Father in Heaven is always ready to hear our confession and forgive, and does so with joy, not anger. Let's close with prayer.

Lesson plan by member Cathy L with an update by a member of the Content Team

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