
Cooking Lessons, Ideas, Activities, and Resources for Teaching The Anointing of David in Sunday School.

Post your Cooking lessons, ideas, activities, and resources for teaching the Anointing of David in Sunday School. Anointing of David, 1 Samuel 16, etc., using Cooking, Food, Bible Foods, Recipes, Baking, Preparation, etc.

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Be sure to see our Writing Team's "Anointing of David" lesson set. It has two great Cooking Workshop lesson plans in it. Everyone can see the lesson summaries and Bible Background for that special set.
Last edited by Neil MacQueen
Original Post
Anointing of David
Cooking Workshop
Summary of Lesson Activities: 
"Getting the ingredients right/wrong in a batch of brownies"
In this workshop, the learners will be placed in 2 groups. Each group will bake seemingly identical brownies; the two batches will bake up and taste very differently due to the leaving out of a necessary ingredient. The children will relate this to characteristics that are seen and those that are unseen.

Scripture Reference:
1 Samuel.

Supplies List:
  • The Children’s Bible in 365 Stories
  • aprons or long t-shirts
  • brownie mix, divided in half, that requires oil as a separate ingredient
  • copy instructions for the brownies onto two note cards, one for each cooking station, but leave out the oil in the first station's instructions
  • ingredients called for in the mixes
  • measuring cups for each cooking station, mixing bowls and utensils for each cooking station
  • greased pans (throwaway loaf pans work well)
  • pot holders
  • napkins
  • paper plates
  • pencils
  • newsprint
  • marker.
Teacher preparation:
  • Read the Bible passage.
  • Read over the background material included in your teacher packet as you become familiar with the Bible story and the lesson plan.
  • Tell any adult helpers in the first cooking group that the oil was intentionally left out of the instructions. Preheat ovens as directed on the mix.
  • The cooking stations should be set up by CE as follows: Set up two stations for cooking and one for discussion. The first cooking area should be labeled "Abinadab" and the other "David." It would be best if the stations were somewhat private, so the groups can't notice that one group has slightly different instructions.


Opening-Welcome and introductions:
Greet the children and introduce yourself. Remember that you are interacting with a different group of students each week—some may not know you. Wear your nametag and make sure that the children are wearing theirs.
Dig-Main Content and Reflection:
Lesson Plan:

Note: Steps 1-4 of the lesson plan need to be done in the first 5 minutes of class so there will be baking and cooling time for the brownies.
  1. Review any safety rules for your kitchen workshop. Divide the children into two groups based on something visible, like colors they are wearing. The first group will be the "Abinadab" group; the second will be the "David" group. Try not to call attention to sensitive subjects like wearing braces or having glasses when organizing the groups. Explain that these visible differences are examples of what God meant when Samuel explained "mortals look on the outward appearance."
  2. Say: “Today, we are going to see how making brownies can help us understand what God meant when God told Samuel "for the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart."
  3. After the children are divided, move them to the cooking stations and help them get busy with the mixes. If you provide aprons or long t-shirts to protect clothing, now is the time to put them on! Younger children may require more help with cracking eggs and measuring ingredients. When both groups are ready to pour their mixes into the pans, have each group show their batter to the entire group. Say: “Can anyone see any differences in the two mixes?” Most likely, the difference will not be evident. Acknowledge any comments and tell them that we will see if what happens when the brownies are baked.
  4. Proceed with baking the mixes, either setting the timers or making note of the time.
  5. While waiting for the brownies to bake, move to the discussion area and hand out Bible storybooks. Have the children turn to page 138 and look at the picture. Have them state what they learn about David from the picture.
  6. Read the first column through the paragraph that begins “There was great excitement” and stop before that paragraph. State that there was good reason for Samuel to be afraid of Saul because prior to today’s story, (in chapter 15 verse 28 of 1 Samuel) Samuel had said to King Saul, “ The Lord has torn the kingdom of Israel from you today and has given it to one of your neighbors – to one better than you.” Discuss how that would make a king feel.
  7.  Ask, “Why do you think God told Samuel to invite Jesse’s family?” They will probably say, “so David would be there.” Point out that the members of David’s family were witnesses to the anointing and would still keep it quiet.
  8. Read the next paragraph in the story and discuss how the family may have felt when invited to the feast, then when they found out the reason Samuel was there. Ask, “Which son do you think that the family thought Samuel would choose?” Accept any answer but ask reasons for that choice.
  9. Read the next paragraph and talk about how the family felt when one after another of the sons was not chosen.
  10. Read the rest of the story and talk about how the family felt about David’s being chosen. Ask, “How do you think David felt?”
  11. With Primary and Junior Classes: Give out the journals and have the children divide their paper into two columns. Label one column “David” and one column “Me.” With Beginner Class: Have the class discuss the following orally and make a chart in the classroom of their responses, divided into the two columns. Tell them to fill in the given information about David and then have them fill in comparable information about themselves. For example:
David Me
David was the youngest in his family. I am the . . .
David’s family responsibility My family responsibilities
was to care for the family sheep are . . .
David liked to practice with his slingshot. I like to . . .
David wrote songs about God. I . . .
God chose David for work he was to do for God. I think God wants me to . . .
12. When the brownies are done, remove them from the ovens and place them side by side to cool. Ask the children if they notice a difference in the brownies. They should notice the difference between the two batches. If not there should be an obvious difference when the two are cut. 
13. Say: “Before we put them in the oven, could you see any difference in the "Abinadab" brownies and the "David" brownies? Now that we have baked them, can you see a difference? What do you think might have caused the difference? Tell the children that there was a secret ingredient in the "David" brownies. Ask one volunteer from each cooking group to read the instructions (Abinadab’s first). Do the children notice what was different? There was also nothing special about David's outside appearance, but God knew that David was the one to be Israel's king. No one thought that the youngest child in the family would be chosen for such an important job.

Say: “ In verse 13 of our story, what did Saul use to anoint David? (Oil) The oil was a special way that God showed that David was the chosen one and that God's spirit would be with him. Just like God's spirit being present inside David helped him to be the king that the Lord wanted him to be, the oil inside our brownies helped them to be the kind of brownies we wanted to eat.
Enjoy the brownies!
Additional Question Possibilities:
  • What ingredients would God list to make someone a faithful person?
  • How do we prepare/mix our lives to become what God wants us to become?
  • How is God like a baker?  How are we like "food" that God prepares and gives to other people?

Closing prayer:
Close the class with a prayer of your own, or use the following:
Dear God, thank you for this day and for stories we learn in Sunday school. Help us to be like David and prepare ourselves for whatever jobs you have for us. Amen.

  • writing team lesson “David: God’s Chosen King” Cooking Workshop.
  • Wehrheim, Carol A., editor, The Storyteller Series: The Shepherd King, Age-Level Leaders’ Guide, 1997, Christian Board of Publication, St. Louis, MO.


A lesson written by Jan Marshall from: Brenthaven Cumberland Pres.
Brentwood, TN

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