This topic is for posting your cooking/food related Workshop lessons and ideas for teaching the story of Daniel and the Lions Den.
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This topic is for posting your cooking/food related Workshop lessons and ideas for teaching the story of Daniel and the Lions Den.
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Corncake Lions
From "Crafts & More for Children's Ministry" by Karyn Henley & Lois Keffer, published by Group:
1 egg
1 tsp sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup flour
1 cup milk
Mix egg, sugar, baking powder & salt in a bowl. Add flour and milk. Add cornmeal until batter is as thick as pancake batter. Pour several circles of batter into the skillet. With a spoon gently draw out the batter from the center of each circle to make "spikes" to be like a lion's mane. Put raisins on the corncakes for eyes and nose before you turn them over. This recipe makes about eight 3 or 4 inch corncakes.
Lion Chow
The recipe for Lion Chow is out of the book, Incredible Edible Bible Fun by Group Publishing (ISBN 0-7644-2001-1) and the recipe is as follows.
chex or crispix cereal (rice cereal in square shapes)
caramel syrup
powdered sugar
resealable plastic bag
1/4 measuring cup.
Pour a 1/4 of cereal into bag. Add a teaspoon of syrup. seal and shake the bag until syrup coats the cereal then open and add 2 tsp. of powdered sugar. Seal the bag and shake again until all is coated with sugar. then eat.
Exchange Volunteer has modified post to clarify book info.
Science Idea
thanks - my first Sunday is this week (yes, I always wait until the last minute) we'll make lion chow - and probably pancakes for the 3-5th grade.
I found this neat example on some web site---
It works, I tried it and I hope our kids will think it's neat. Only takes about five minutes. Thanks for all your help. Mary
Lion Chow
7 cups rice chex
1 cup peanut butter
1 bag butterscotch chips
mini m&m's
mix pb and chips in large bowl, microwave 1 min at a time 50% power untill melted, stir in chex, add more to coat, last add m&m's for garnish(daniel's faith) chill and eat yummy!
Overview of the Workshop: Children will make and eat Daniel’s Cheesy Lion snacks. (This activity was adapted from Lion Bites by Sarah Keith.)
Advanced Preparation and Room Set Up:
Photo of a cheesy lion from First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, TN:
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